I went to a party meeting and couldn't help but notice it was 95% males

I went to a party meeting and couldn't help but notice it was 95% males

Why are so many communists and actual leftists male compared to female? Why did radical leftism and not identity politics/liberalism tend to not take off with women in countries like america?


Because men are more radical than women percentage wise.

Because men are more violent.

you have yet to achieve the intellectual prowess of the radical centre

Weak wrap on your keffiyeh. 0/10. Would not welcome in guerilla militia

What was the party ideology? MLs seem to have the least women with trots having more and Maoists having the most.

but Trots are MLs?

Both good answers. Pls go watch Jason Unruhe's video "Ideas Week: Men Are Revolutionary" and despook ur selves.

MLs are Stalinists, Trots aren't that. Both are derivatives of Lenin.

Radical politics are a not place to pick up a date, do that at a bar, women in any event never contribute much besides idpol and hysterics and middle school tier power plays and intrigue, if you don't see many women in your leftist org's meetings consider yourself blessed.

hello roo

Lucky you. You should see the state of my local Labour branch.
Blairite females as far as the eye can see. And they say Venus is a hostile environment.

What kind of fucking idiot holds up Mao or Stalin as role models?
Che was alright, but fuck, have you ever actually talked to the people that lived in those places?
Secret police taking people away and making them "disappear" for having the wrong ideas isn't the kind of society I want.

holy shit like fam why are you even here smh

No thank you

Women in first world country has a tendency to adhere to the status quo with their husbands and all that crap.
Plus idpol has really deterriorated class consciousness with the sexes and ethnicities in the same places.
Now, what's the reason why so many women in Third world countries becom ing communist? I speculate it could be persecution by the actual patriarchy in those societies.

Bourgeois feminism won out and it inoculates passivity into women by design.

For instance liberal women tend to support the status quo passively. Even when they do protest, it tends to be in a non-confrontational form. (See the women's march as a response to Trump)

You can also see this personally, women tend to be the passive partner in a relationship this is more due to cultural doctrination rather than something inborn in women.

Bourgeois feminism ironically reformed women into a safe group for capital. Of course Marxist feminism has correctly refuted these norms and it stands as the best way to de-spook women in the first world

Please provide examples.

somebody hasn't read jack shit

stop basing your opinions on shit based on what you learned in highschool and on american television


Source on the chick?


there is no source, she's just my lefty gf.

also she got my name tattooed on her in arabic today