Holla Forums's thoughts on the recent flop of the Emoji movie?

Holla Forums's thoughts on the recent flop of the Emoji movie?
Personally I'm happy.
Also anyone want to go Pirate the movie?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody here cares.

Nullified by boss baby being a success. I hope the movie industry as a whole falls apart soon. It would be satisfying to watch.

I wish. There is gonna be a sequel.


Capitalism ruins art.

Somehow I don't think the studio cares about reviews, it will probably make money.

This is because retards are going the theaters ``ironically''.

Kids are gonna go watch a stupid movie, become even more stupid and the US becomes Idiocracy.


Reminder "cultural marxism" warned about things like this.

Literally what the Frankfurt School predicted

We were to BETA to see it!!!!

this is what happens when you abandon paternalistic social democratic modernism

You tried,

Social democracy produced dross like disaster movies though

I feel bad that Steven Wright has to settle for stuff like this instead of getting a better gig.

I wouldn't mind seeing it if, and only if, I sneak into the theater to see it.

these slide threads orchestrated by Holla Forums couldn't be more obvious

Why would you want to pirate such a terrible movie? I don't even want to see it out of curiosity, I'd probably want to kill myself before it was over.

Disaster Movies were good and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise. The Towering Volcanic Inferno of Mosqiutos at an Airport Adventure was the peak of cinema.

As well being as concurrent with quality cinema I can admit to loving without people laughing like Dog Day Afternoon, Network and The China Syndrome.



I'm going to go see it. People complained about Boss Baby and that was actually a very good animated film, its ideology aside.

At least pirate it fucktard

it's consumer accelerationism, obviously.
capitalism is idealistically seen as neolibs as a place where where you vote with your wallet, so by their logic socialists should vote for the shittiest option possible (i.e. pay only for poor products and steal good ones) until the products supplied by (our lord ) the market are so undesirable that people revolt against this insane method of governance.

Being this spooked!

But I did analyze the ideology user. Are you saying I can't still appreciate a film that I've concluded is excellent?

I can't wait for the edited version with the human scenes only and for shadman to draw this qtđź’•đź’•

You LOOK FORWARD to Shadman's art?

I think Shadman has a nice style personally, but it's more who is desperate for art of such a generic basic bitch.

I mean he's not that bad, it's just something about his art style

Feels like I'm gonna get VD just from looking at his drawings


The Emoji movie was an awful mutation of consumerism, which is bad enough on it’s own.


Everything wrong with the movie industry. It's shameless, soulless, exploitative and Genndy Tartakovsky got shafted so that Sony could make this shit. The passionate creators get pushed aside in favour of cash grabs. This could all be avoided if idiots didn't misrepresent 'cultural marxism'

Idiots will see it """ironically"""" and they're part of the problem, you're still giving them money, they don't care if you go to see it to make fun of it afterwards, they still have your money.

In summary: youtube.com/watch?v=HSWj5_-F9Q4

Why on Earth did anyone think that bad reviews would counteract a moronic moviegoing public hungry for dogshit?

Boss Baby actually wound up being an alright movie. I was really worried it'd be saturated with gross-out humor but it turned out an okay coming-of-age flick.

the emoji movie is peak irony and the most important piece of film in the past decade

the emoji movie is following the footsteps of Marcel Duchamp and u plens are too dumb too see the point

t. spain flag
t. marxist matey light
t. should have killed himself earlier

Hey pal, make some OC better than mine and you can tell me to kill myself. I'm not saying I'm great at all but unless you've made something yourself who are you to say that.

It's gultural marxism

Remember Jay Sherman's words:
"If the movie stinks, just don't go."


👩🏻‍🎤 I like this emoji, it's like a kick ass anime cocaine star

Adorno was right!

Did you seriously think you could get away with impersonating me like that? Sad. I wouldn't even use a flag like that anyway.

That being said, the only meme here more forced than myself here is this entire thread. Literally no other board on Holla Forums is discussing The Emoji Movie, not even Holla Forums or God forbid, Holla Forums. The only people on the internet actually discussing it right now, at the moment it's actually flopped, are liberal normies who are just now surprised to see that such an abomination of cinema would ever have a chance of failure to begin with, hence why there's so many clickbait articles of the film's massive failure.

Negative press is still press nonetheless. I thought we would be above giving any attention to this kind of mundane normie superficiality. All it amounts to is yet another bourgeois distraction. Any legitimate discussion around The Emoji Movie was put to a definitive end when several YouTubers predicted exactly, and I mean EXACTLY how the movie would turn out MONTHS in advance.

The Emoji Movie deserves Holla Forums's attention the least of all. And yet here we are, the only board on Holla Forums discussing it. Needless to say, I'm pretty disappointed. I thought you guys would be better than this.

It's cancer.

We'll make it up to you somehow.


Holla Forums is discussing it but got distracted by Sony's upcoming animated movie The Star.

There i s no way the emoji movie is MORE formulaic than, say, Wonder Woman.

Yes it is

The Emoji Movie was written by a highly advanced A.I. that mushes together what is popular in popular media.

Good post also dubs

Didn't mean to sage

Fuck you boss baby was a decent movie.

No it isn't.

No, that's Chris Nolan. What do you think is the plot of the Emoji Movie?

Even bourgeois film critics call it a bad rip-off Pixar's Inside Out while also stealing idea from the Lego Movie, all while having non-existence execution to point it make the average fan-fiction writer look like a professional.

It is literally more so. Watch a cam of it if you don't believe me

I hate capitalism.

Why are you defending this movie, there is a prominent character named Poop

I know critics are eager to dump on any movie that it's "okay" to hate, since they can't do it for any Superhero movies anymore (even DC is out now), and they will lynch you if you say a Pixar movie is bad.

But Emoji Movie cost 50 million dollars to make, and that's including marketing. Hollywood is heading in the right direction with this film. Smaller.

Because so what?

The fact the Poop character is voiced by Patrick Stewart is the crime against art.

Holla Forums is upset it no longer gets a 0% on Rotten Tomato.

Why tho

Actually in this case they probably really do. They did a whole bunch of selling other companies the right to product place their Apps, if it's a flop that they actively don't want to be associated with that's gonna dampen all future attempts at that by sony at the very least.

Marxist Matey if you don't get a trip I will start impersonating you in every thread. I have more than enough of your posts saved to emulate your writing style, as well as that dumb pirate flag to accompany them. I will also make fake OC and attribute it to you- believe me it will not be flattering. You have 24 hours to respond.

Let's try to talk this out like civil adults, shall we? And no, I'm not saying that in a pleading manner, as if I'm afraid of you impersonating me and shitting up the board in the process. That'll only direct more attention towards me in the process, even if that attention is negative. You'll essentially be helping me, in a way, pretty much shooting yourself in the foot, if your intent is to destroy me.

What I want to discuss is this: Why do you hate me so much? I'm talking about you specifically, not anyone else. What exactly have I done to make you sperg so hard over my very existence? Especially considering I haven't really done anything of much significance besides my introduction thread? What do you intend to gain from pushing me away? Why even think of pushing me away to begin with? Holla Forums is my home. I only want to do what I can to provide OC to this board; these responses don't count, necessarily. I do have actual videos on the way to be posted to vid.me very soon. It just takes a while for them to be completed.

Comrades shouldn't treat comrades like this. I'm with you guys every step of the way, no matter how much you scorn and jeer. It saddens me that I'm being met with so much needless, practically autistic hostility, primarily because I expected better from this board. But I still keep trust in it because of all the good it's produced, how much of a looming threat we are to Holla Forums, what a truly powerful force we're emerging to be in swinging the pendulum back to the left.

I want to help you, and this is how I'm met. You know what, so be it. Go ahead and try to shit up every thread in a pitiful attempt to impersonate me. You weren't very convincing the first time, I doubt you'll fool anyone else anytime soon.

This made it's money back, we're going to get one of these movies every year aren't we

MarxistMatey I don't think yoy understand chan culture that well. There's a lot of bitter people here, and als normal people who come to blow off some steam, shitpost a little. Don't waste that much time replying to people and arguing in good faith, just say "suck my dick" instead

Thank you for the advice, m8. I've been lurking Holla Forums since about January, but I guess I really am still a newfag. I guess I'll just focus on my OC exclusively and stay out of these meaningless squabbles in the meantime. I'd rather not incite that much agitation among comrades. "Suck my dick" is something I'd rather reserve for Holla Forumslacks or Porky. I have nothing but respect for this board, even if I'm not met with a lick of respect in return.

You have a wonderful day, comrade. I really appreciate the helpful words.

t. shill

This is what ironic memes get you. Dumb kids think it's terrible so they mock it relentlessly, giving it free exposure. Then enough people are aware of it and have a day with nothing better to do so they go put their ass in a seat.

Sounds like what happened with Trump too.

But it is terrible and what kind of fag pays for a movie just because they heard of it? Internet piracy has existed for more then two decades.


I thought I would feel angry watching that, or I would feel like it was cringy, but I just felt absolutly nothing watching that. No emotion at all.

I saw it, but paid for a different movie

It was a clipshow of a bunch of different apps, youtube, wechat, Just Dance, Candy Crush, spotify, Dropbox, instagram, and probably some other shit I forgot. Zero effort except for the visuals I assume the artists got really bored

That kind of the problem with the entire film, though the idea a animated emoji is deep is fucking retarded also interrupting the formatting a smart phone doesn't work that way.

holy shit, his fucking face, the guy looks like he's lost everything in his life.

It hasn't made its budget back, so far it earned $10 million yet cost $50 million to make. I do hope the Emoji Movie doesn't do any better then Rock Dog (the last major cartoon flop) since at least Rock Dog tried with good ideas buried in bad execution while the Emoji Movie obviously is a creation of Sony marketing.

It is literally /yourmovie/, it's about your social values, even according to the creators.

we're not liberals, dipshit

hi Holla Forums

Our animated movie is the 1963 The Shareholder (youtube.com/watch?v=8_fy_BQtHUo). Shit like the emoji movie would never have been made in the Comecon.


So like everybody else basically?

you're too dumb to understand anything discussed on this board

Since when everyone else is a SJW? The real world isn't reddit, fam.


SJWs are just narcissists with a egalitarian facade. Besides the Emoji movie just outright sucks thus it the law of the Internet that it must be mocked.

I went in expecting nothing and I got less

Haha, you gave your money to Sony for the Emoji Movie, you wasted $14.

See, at least this guy is honest. More like Holla Forums: The Movie

fuck forgot to take off my shitposting flag

What part of the Emoji Movie was inspired by Sergei Eisenstein? You idiots at Holla Forums know nothing of Soviet film history, the makers of the Emoji movie would end up in the gulags for wasting resources on such shit if they made the film in the USSR.

/leftySJWpol/ has fuckall to do with the Soviet Union tho. Also ( ( ( EISENSTEEEEEEIN) ) ) is not even the best the USSR film industry had to offer, he's overrated af. Tarkovsky was better.

Even Louise Mensch a former UK Conservative MP who shits on feminists, SJWs, "political correctness" and a big supporter of all the identity politics and culture war garbage that you and your ilk love so much, dislikes Trump.

What does that say about regular people who aren't as conservative or reactionary?

Get outside, many people might say "[NATION] first! Stop immigration" but that's not the same as saying one is a supporter of white supremacy.

She is a SJW neocon and literal drug-addicted warmongering nutjob. I love how leftists suddenly act like neocons are a paragon of morality.

What's wrong with white supremacy in white countries? I bet you have no problem with Chinese supremacy in China, Japanese supremacy in Japan, Black supremacy in Nigeria etc.
Just admit that you are a self-hating white redditor from the burgershart suburbs.

No she is beloved by rightwingers in the UK and says the typical dumbshit that rightwingers that espouse, she's considered a paragon of morality by your camp bucko, you lack reading comprehension too Mr High Intelligence Whitey.

Look I have work tomorrow, I don't want to waste what little time I have left today on schooling a malcontent such as yourself as to why the rest of us doesn't get your reactionary bullshit (video related it's you).

How is this an argument? I say I dislike bad things in my country, so yours is "uh huh, well I bet you like bad things in their country, HYPOCRITE!"

British working class (not that it's a virtue to work, it's a means to an end you Luddite prick) and card carrying union member here, take your bootlicking elsewhere.

But right-wing Britcuckolds ARE fucking retarded, I'll give you that. Case in point, the ( ( ( EDL ) ) ) aka the SODOMITE defense league.

Translation: "I have nor argument so I'll make a flimsy excuse"

You didn't answered why white supremacy is bad in a white majority nation. But at least you DO acknowledge you're a hypocrite. :^)

Bootlicking for the interests and values of corporations (even if they are progressive SJW poz) is still bootlicking. The fact that you're working class and yet shill against your own long-term interests is pathetic.

Ideological entrepreneur detected.



Fuck sorry. That was meant for

that's incredibly pathetic

The argument is that Holla Forums is so repulsive, it's compelling people to do the opposite of what they want.

Cause he has, he's the ultimate cuck. His life work was achieved by someone else and he was told to stay away because he'd put people off.


It's just a normie movie, what did you expect?

Basic competence, Sony cancelled the Popeye movie for this shit.

Shakespeare, Da Vinci, and Michaelangelo did what they did to get paid, son. Not for grorious sociarist uplising.

Fuck off, Ardy.

This meme needs to stop:


Sony was worried about market research feedback of Popeye but did no market research for the Emoji movie with the Emoji production being railroaded by Sony corporate to ensure any objection was a seen a challenge to the authority of the CEO.

My man
I can only assume based on your image that you're a fellow pirate so I have nothing but the utmost respect for your

Didn't even know they made an emoji movie.

The Emoji Movie is not a movie, it is a ad that got a feature release.

>implying you're not a troll

What the fuck is it about this damn movie that attracted so many bush league trolls to this thread?

Good, get this fucking shit out of unicode.

Kek this is so childish but it really cracked me up.

The movie industry only exists to make a profit now.
When i was growing up there was still a pretense of them pretending they were making art sometimes. In the 90's there was a big indie director and film movement.

Now its nothing but cape shit, remakes, reboots, expanded universes, franchises, the Chinese market, dumbed down even more for that Chinese market.

Any actual story with depth is being told on television or netflix.

Twin Peaks is the only good thing left

Western animation, not even once.

Old cartoons were so good.

Peak spectacle. A fabricated ideological representation that supplants reality through mass media about a group of symbols that supplant emotions in mass media, supplanting culture with retardation and product placement, watched only by retards that enjoy shit "ironically".

Imagine the despair of the animators working on that turdfest…

Dude, YES. Pirate posting is BEST shitposting.

Forgot my other memes…

You think they did what they did just because they got paid? The difference between genuine culture and commodified culture isn't whether or not the artist gets paid, it's about whether or not it's an expression of genuine ideas or emotion or something fake, manufactured just for the sake of selling tickets, books, records, etc

b-but muh karltural marxism!


Pooptrick Poowert.

I feel sorry for him, he went from playing Lenin to playing literal shit.


btw, They Live sucks, it's barely ironically enjoyable

Did that kid just shoplifted?

Do sony phones even come with a custom rom to support such shit?

No, the kid asked the store to reset his phone and he just grabbed it back without telling anyone at the store.

I love SV but jesus christ this guy.

Christ alive, may He have mercy upon our wretched souls.


To think Captain Jean-Luc Picard was his best role. I was sorely mistaken, apparently.

Dear God, seeing the soul of the great Sir Patrick Stewart crushed like this is soul-crushing enough for anyone witnessing it. He needs a hug and a Strongbow apple cider

what makes this feel so repulsive, so disgusting, is the fact that it is incredibly artificial. Nobody interacts like that in real life, swooning over shit like emoji's like that: it looks like a shitty advertisement for using emojis.

"In aesthetics, the uncanny valley is the hypothesis that human replicas which appear almost, but not exactly, like real human beings elicit feelings of eeriness and revulsion (or uncanniness) among some observers.[2] Valley denotes a dip in the human observer's affinity for the replica, a relation that otherwise increases with the replica's human likeness.[3]"-Wikipedia

You have that same uncanny valley here, but in interactions between people. It seems almost normal, but the fact remains, people don't normally act as if random bullshit like emojis is fucking magical and all that bullshit. So you feel natural revulsion. And so, you cringe.

not to mention the fact that the whole concept behind the movie was already fucking retarded to begin with.

Yup it was a BBC mini-series dealing with the death of European monarchs caused by WWI.

Are there any pictures to go with this score? I've only ever seen the odd meme or one with like 4 examples.

Hahaha, I see this shit posted so much. Yes, I really /do/ have a problem with that, just as much.

Take heed, don't trust the liberals.

I like how the music is a reference to Terry Gilliam's "Brazil". That movie the and the office theme is still the perfect shit.

This is a fucking goldmine of leftymemes.

Bat'ko, Pierre Tru-Dank, Socialism or Barbarism, one of you guys get on this shit. It's just asking for us to use it.

I do, because I'm not entirely ignorant. There are more than just "Chinese" or "Japanese" people in China and Japan.

I'm China the Han are the largest ethnic group, but there are hundreds of minorities of various sizes that exist within China. While the CCP makes a show of "respecting" or "preserving" these minorities, in reality there is real discrimination at work, including but not limited to outright Sinofication. And that's aside from the natural cultural erosion these cultures experience from economic and social forces that surround them.

Japan wasn't too different. Northern Japan and Hokkaido were home to native cultures distinct from the Japanese, and they too were oppressed, exploited, and "civilized" to the point of eradication.

So yeah, I have a problem with "supremacy" of any sort, because that dominance always comes at the expense of the minority, even if they are of the same "race." The French did it to the Bretons. The Norwegians did it to the Sami. It happens everywhere and everywhere it's bullshit.

So are you Chinese or Japanese?

I'm surprised you were allowed to say 'bastardised' in a kids cartoon…

The clip was from Duckman, a prime time cartoon that was the USA Network aimed at teenagers and adults in response to the run away success of Beavis and Butt-head on MTV.


Laotian, you hillbilly redneck.




It doesn't feel repulsive.

Come on, it is porno logic that a girl would get swoon over a fucking emoji.

Uhm… Kind of embarassed to ask, but where can I stream this movie? I don't find anything online. Just want to have a good laugh.

It just came out, there don't seem to be cams or torrents up yet

Look elsewhere. Not every bad movie is so bad it's good.

I always thought it was perverse that there is a poop emoji. Like is there some conspiracy to instill scat fetishish into the populous.

poop is funny

This thread is 5/5