Lets talk about I.Q. Holla Forums

Lets talk about I.Q. Holla Forums

It's scientifically proven Leftists have higher I.Q. and live happier lives than Rightists.


So how do we help rise the low I.Q. of the Right to make them Leftists?

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IQ is irrelevant

i.q to fuck your muddah bitch


Can we not Holla Forums.

nice bait Holla Forums

There where probably a lot of people with a high Autism Level among the people instigating the book burnings.

that's surprising, given who is part of the loose left wing coalition
if you controlled for race, I'm sure the difference would be staggering

i.q. more like i.gay lmao

Autism and Low I.Q. are why the Nazis came to power.

White Leftists on average have higher I.Q. then White Rightists.

without the abysmal scores of basketball Americans dragging down the left, the difference would be much greater

Stop falling for the bait this Holla Forumsyp faggot is trying to drag yall into another 400 reply thread about I.Q.


You can't have a communist society with basketball americans and Hispanics they're too low Autism Level and impulsive.

once liberals are against the wall, there won't be any more multikult zealots and this will be a moot point

I.Q. is literally pseudo science

It's a civil debate on a topic the Right loves to hold over our heads. But the facts are on our side.
That's the flaw of the Rights arguments. White Leftists are smarter than White Rightists. Rightists never seem to bring that up when talking about I.Q.

IQ correlates to alturism
this is one of the reasons white countries are comparatively pleasant to live in
but this correlation also sews the seeds for their destruction because of the tendency for pathologically altruistic implusles like letting in millions of Somalis refugees

I would bet that libertarians have higher Autism Levels on average than both right and left wingers
but that doesn't make them correct
or not retarded

I.Q is irrelevantly, scientific sage.

it's like 50%-80 heritable and it's a massively powerful predictor of success in capitalist and socdem countries

Left Libertarians have High I.Q. though. Right wing ones do not.

[citation badly needed]

Hispanic (or at least Mexican) I.Q is probably in the mid-90s. Comparable to many (and even above some) European countries.


Books and Reading

The individual is mostly irrelevant for our politis. Also these heritabillity percents dont mean what you think they mean.

I.Q measure itself is flawed.
The man who compiled most of the result was an Anglo supremacist and it notably in very bad scores for the Irish.

Look up Gary Jonson and the Right "Libertarians" Convention.

Face the facts. Rightists are just dumber people.

Nazbol Gang

Nazi: Kill brown people because they are low Autism Level
Communist: Kill Nazis
NAZBOL synthesis: Kill Nazis and brown people because they are low Autism Level

isn't 0.0 all environment, and 1.0 all genes? I consistently read that I.Q. is around .6

Nazi: Kill brown people because they are low lQ

Communists : Kill Nazis because they are low lQ

Nazi: N-No we don't!!! look how evil leftists are!!!1!

Mexico is lower then most Europen countries but higher then the average in the Bakians. Also Finland strong.

Reminder Never go to Albania.


After Communism fell they became Far-Right Muslims.
The lQ shows that.

You know your on a Right-wing-Libertarian road because its not paved :3

I.Q tests seem to be something stupid people throw at each other to prove they're smarter than someone else. Pretty pathetic. All those I.Qs are fucking stupid from my interactions with them.

I am Kokoro Akechi, the super genius from Harvard with an I.Q of 400,000,000

IQ is the best measure of intelligence we have. It’s pretty accurate. Stop being smug.

Hola need to come back from the grave.


IQ is a meme, knowledge isn't, well read people are leftists usually, and if they aren't they lack self awareness

Nazis are cucks lol

IQ is a meme but looking at high achieving academics and intellectuals you'll notice they mostly lean left.

fixed your typos

Nazi: Kill anyone who has an lQ over 80

Sorry cuckold, you have a low lQ and your system will never work. Read a book. Don't burn one.



go back to twitter lad

kill yourself lad

That's a strange way to design the LGBTQ++ flag…

Lesbian, Gay, Bisxual, Transexual, Anthronazisexual. LGBTAZ+

The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.

Read "The Mismeasure of Man", Autism Level is a fucking meme.

basic science can't into metaphysics.

gee, I didn't know blind altruism made you intelligent.




iq is some bullshit

if that amounted to anything i would actually have a successful life haha

My dad is Moroccan, my mother is French, I got my verbal Autism Level rated to 155, so I don't even know what point are you trying to make here, besides suggesting consanguinity makes for healthier babies than actual genetic diversity?