The Communist Party of China argues that they'll have reached a sufficient level of development in 2050 to implement...

The Communist Party of China argues that they'll have reached a sufficient level of development in 2050 to implement full socialism.

Do you believe them?

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It was 2040 last time I checked.

Why would the party porkies just give up? They probably define socialism as free shit for everyone while maintaining the capitalist core of the system.

What one believes doesn't matter. At this moment, China does for socialism and civilisation in general more than anyone else.

Marxism is still taught in China, and ideologoes exist in the party.

Yeah, just like it's taught in Vietnam. Watered down garbage for the purpose of tradition and little else.

Yeah they are pushing Esperanto against English

What are they going to do about global warming?

I don't think that's true. They are arguing that capitalism has to develop the productive forces before you can have socialism, but this development is supposed to happen under the heel of the proletariat (= Communist Party in charge). They are also helping out communist parties all arround the world, helping developing productive forces arround the world, and they attend the IMCWP.

Even Posadism is more likely to overthrow capitalism than capitalism with chinese characteristics.

What makes you think that?

Never. That party succumbed to revisionism and the only possibility of Communism there is through another revolution which destroys that party.

They're going to continue to pretend it doesn't exist

Wew what a radical new development, I wonder how it will turn out.

Ummm, the fact that bourgeois reactionary states will never abandon capitalism?

But it is neither a bourgeois, nor a reactionary state. Read Marx, you need to have capitalist development before you can have socialism. Land isn't private property in China and almost all key industries are state-owned. That means they can turn the switch on the capitalists anytime they want to.

They will have reached suffcient development indeed but they won't implement it.

Why? Do you think all the comrades from the CPC are lying?

That's where you're wrong: you don't. China was actually constructing socialism, it didn't need to become the imperialist abomination it is now.

I think they're a bunch of petty-bourg revisionists in it for themselves.


I don't trust any only-in-name communist.
And on the other hand I don't trust the method of similar communist.

They'll have to prove it first.

So you weren't trolling. Holy shit.

They already have reached sufficient level of development. They reached it decades ago.

By most metrics, China is the biggest economy in the world. The Porky Party leadership just don't want to admit they like capitalism better.


Not an argument.

Trump is restricted through checks and balances, this isn't the case with China.

China is already socialist

Fuck off back to /marx/, Ismail.

Read this:

What do you mean by that?

Imperialism doesn't stop being imperialism just because some people like it, idiot.


The point is that it isn't just total extraction of wealth like western corporations do it. Chinas investments are infrastructure based and not exploitive, more like mutually beneficial trade.

So far the quality of life has only been increasing in China. I don't know, for some reason I get the feeling that you guys don't make any actual arguments, just spouting buzzwords.

China needs a second revolution to overthrow the Dengists in the CPC

I dunno.
I was mildly interested by the title of this book but I don't know if it's just propaganda and I'm too lazy to actually read about Chinese Aerospace engineering.

China is leading the world on renewable energy.

would be impressive if they weren't also leading the world in carbon emissions and population


No, you don't. Marx made it quite clear that capitalism was not a necessary historical stage outside of Europe.


Chinese emissions per capita are 1/3rd of America's. It's even less when you measure emissions by consumption rather than production (for export).

I asked what China plans to do about global warming because even if they completely eliminate their pollution, they'll still have flooding and droughts anyway, because of all the other countries polluting. So the question is, will they be able to use levees and dams, hydroponics, etc. to get through the crisis?

What the fuck is this bullshit. If china produces 1/3 per capita then that means for every 1 burger it takes 3 china men to equal that. So then by that measurement china produces in total roughly 1.4 times as much as the US when you take 1/3 of the china population and divide it by the us population.

So china is still net to producer in emissions.
You faggot

China has a billion fucking people you dunce. There is literally no point in comparing its net emissions to the USA, which has a third of the population, or to single countries in Europe.

They can fake a "color revolution" and turn into a burg state

I thought socialism was a stepping stone for communism, not the other way around

why is canada so high

There's been a sufficient level of "development" to achieve communism for fifty fucking years.

How are they planning on implementing socialism? They'll be the biggest capitalist country by then. What the hell does "socialism" even mean to the CPC?

heating and long roads probably

You need the bourgeoisie to overthrow the feudal lords, then the bourgeoisie have a revolution to bring about capitalism. This is the current stage of China, BUT there were no capitalists so the communist party had to be the capitalists. (Russia did the same thing).

Marx didn't think you could jump from feudal to socialism.

So, they are being non-revionist and pragmatic in bringing about socialism.


China has always been and always will be a Confucian Han ethnostate. A fucking hellhole, in other words.

That's just wrong, imperial China didn't even understood itself as a nation. That's like saying the Roman Empire understood itself as an ethno-state.


how is this relevant?

China has always been dominated by the Han ethnicity. They are the worst kind of provincial blowhards who considered themselves the master race.

the means of production were developed enough back in Marx' own day.

as a matter of fact, he did

This is just a racist perspective masquerading as an anti-racist one.

Spoken like a libtard cuckboi.

Chinamen are lacist. It's a fact.

Is that why they literally had non-Han ethnicities being emperor?

"Oh res res we emissions numbah #1! You want check? Hieeer shee govament factu sheet! It tell you #1 best in world! Nyuck nyuck"

They always manage to breed with the occupying non-Han and turn them into chinks.


For some reason people can understand the usefulness of per-capita statistics for everything until it has to do with China.

what the fuck are you talking about? China has nuclear plants.


Yes. That's right.

fuck off dengist

hello where is proofs

What China is doing is nowhere near imperialism. It can be called neo-imperialism, but even then it's far more benevolent than the West's.

5 yen have depositing in account. Continue correct in records.

oh no not an unsourced jaypeg infograph

Go disprove it then faggot.

what is asserted with no evidence can be dismissed by pix of animals defecating

With all my heart, I really do…

Sounds about right since socialism means social democracy in modern lingo.

Their logic is sound. Any socialist who understands dialectic understands that you need a certain level of capitalist development of the infrastructure before you can implement socialism.

No, that would be Germany.

On a scale of 1 to Pol Pot defense how tankie is it to call modern china socialist

at least one "Great Leap was a great success!" imo

several million sparrows and bars of pig iron

Stalinist industrialization showed that economic development can either be directed, or in case of capitalism be left to organically arise.

Given the fact that if any country were to start the socialist development early before all others, they would be quickly acquainted with shady methods of the american alphabet soup agencies, such as threats, assasinations, death squads, funding of bootlicker reactionary groups, and so on.

This has happened many times, and sticking to capitalism for development is a safer way to go, unless anyone wants to see their country bombed.


Feels good to be right.

fake "communists" are not our comrades

we will need a proper countermeasure against the fash. it is the one ideology that warrants an immediate death penalty even before bourg

Deng was closer to Leftcom thought than you guys want to admit

DotP is the proletariat surpresssing the capitalist class. I didn't say that. I say the capitalists develop the productive forces with the proletariat being in charge of the state, but not surpresssing the capitalists.

How you know they are fake? For that to prove you'd need to leak a document in which one of their main party ideologues admits that he's fake.

what the fuck trotsky was right?

Obvious demagogic garbage.


China has gradually weaned itself away from socialism. Today it is literally less of a socialist country than most of Western Europe. You don't even have free healthcare in China today.

I support this 100%. Capitalism is not ready for socialism but automatisation and robotics will change everything.

does communism always preceed socialism?

It can be done now