What's your stance on Reddit communists, tumblr communists and GETchan?

What's your stance on Reddit communists, tumblr communists and GETchan?

As if any of those cunts would actually get up and do some shit.

As if anybody here would

There are intelligent ones, there are dumb ones, I'd be positively biased against them compared to a run-of-the-mill person. Sage for pointless thread.

They can go fuck themselves.

Pretty cool. Slow as fuck, though.

What do you think is wrong with Reddit and Tumblr comrades, aside from their preferred platform?

Mostly the rampant identity politics. There was also that thing with Reddit and Catgrill Drawfag.

Liberal faggots enemies of the working class.

Our lil' brothers.

But communist =/= liberal, I'm asking about the actual communist sides of the site

Cancer, but a tumor this big needs engaging with. A lot of people means a lot of workers, and Holla Forums needs to be the first to transcend the conservative and frankly spooked etiquette of chan-essentialism. I still think that anonimity is the superior form for discussion, but that means precisely going to those dumb motherfuckers, reprogramming them to be more like actual individuals there and redirect them to a place like this where anonimity is the pillar. This would have to be a large operation, one likely involving a lot of Holla Forums vols and the BO make sure that they are made to follow the code of anonimity as we know and love it, and we'd get more comrades out of it.

Irredeemable. Same with Twitter. These are the hives of left-liberal call-out culture and that's because they always have been since they one, and never will be more. It is impossible to make someone a ruthless critic on a platform that doesn't even let you send more than short, edgy quips.

ded, and from its corpse came we.

All in all, central point is that we have to intelligently recruit interpellated rebbitors and strengthen this place, both for disciplined discussion but also because the more the merrier (on the condition that they be properly conditioned). Think back at the early days of Holla Forums: our entire stand out point was anti-identity politics, but not just the pseudo anti-idpol found on lolbertarian subs like KotakuInAction and other GoodLittleConsumerGate zones, no; we had anti-capitalist anti-idpol, the one and only true anti-idpol. Many will forget, but I know for a fact that many of our original members were ex-GGfags who bled over from not just Holla Forums GamerGate but also reddit. Then we were small, and could self-regulate and enforce good anonymous ethics and bosting, but if we were to try to do this again today we would need the help of moderation (which has done eggcelent work as of late with the Holla Forumsyp raiders Re: flagwars).

Not in their current form.

I more hate the fact that they've been made to be cancerous, not as inviduals that were predestined to be cancerous. If you hate redditors because of their dedication and not because of their misguidedness, you're basically doing cultural politics as if they exist in a void and are a cunt.

If they actually developed as individuals as they can on here, yeah. I don't think cooperation would otherwise even be an option: they would side with the cuckservatives, neolibs or even the fash while shouting "human nature!" in unison.

I think you mean the liberals larping as communists.

disappointed to find they're mostly irritating idpol types because it was quite funny seeing (/r/FULLCOMMUNISM?) posing pictures like pic related / ignore / ignore.

The ones on r/FullCommunism are real comrades. They see cop killers like Micah "The Walking Slaughterhouse" Johnson and Gavin "Pigs In A Blanket" Long as martyrs. There's like 10 different "Christopher Dorner did nothing wrong" threads too. They ain't uneasy truce upholding liberals, that's for sure.


I don't think is possible to go to reddit to reprogram those faggots. It's not about the user himself but the platform. The way reddit and those upvote/downvote systems are constructed doesn't give a major incentive to anonymous or non personalist contribution, while it's rigged to encourage circlejerking and personality cult. To be honest, I would even encourage to avoid such sites to lessen the impact of that kind of positive reinforcement that IMO kills discourse.

It goes from actual Vanguardists to Hillary supporters, it's too heterogeneous to give a general judgement. As usual, the level of conversations is really low, and most people have not done their readings.
Avoid mostly.

A much more homogeneous group. They're untolerable, and 99% of the political contents that come out off that site are tainted by the worldview of clueless teenagers. Avoid.

Excessively slow. Don't bother.

Anyone aware of the instagram communists? They all seem to be edgy third-worldist tankies.

Absolutely terrible, people only enjoy the 'good' socialist boards because they're part of the circlejerk.
Fun fact: there are Tumblr accounts that almost solely repost Holla Forums shit, which may be a contributing factor in the random spikes of idpol we get. Intolerable, please gulag.

jejj, let's see, I want to see if it makes anyone butthurt

Do you know how disconcerting it is to see Max fucking Stirner on tumblr?

Everytime I read the word 'idpol' my brain automatically swaps it for 'empathy and basic human decency'

Every time I read a post like this my brain swaps it out to the sound of someone being throatfucked.




Most of them are actually fine: you can learn a lot on socialists and anarchy subreddits; plus, there's less shitposting than this board

I like tumblr, but it's quite obvious that most of "left-wing activists" on tumblr are young, clueless people that probably reflect more with liberals rather than socialists.
Still, i dont hate them, they are pretty much like 99% of the population: no class awarness, but socially speaking they have good intentions.


Name one you won't get banned on for saying retard or faggot.

i dont agree with banning people because of that; however keep in mind that reddit isn't 8ch.

What's getchan?

Invariably better than reactionaries or libs on those communities, but still pretty shit. Leftypol is the only truly good leftist community, but even we are marred by occasional reactionary sentiment.

Generally Trots or DemSocs very involved in idpol who arrive at anti-capitalism from the liberal perspective of intersectionality. None of them read books, and the format and moderation of lefty reddit prevents any real debate. Reddit SHOULD be a place for great radicalization, but I think the average redditor is not made welcome on lefty Reddit. Shit like the ban on "stupid" is amazingly counter-productive, and does little more than convince normal reddit libs that radicals are not rational.

>Tumblr communists
Honestly not as bad as you might think, there's been a shocking and amazing leftward turn on tumblr within the past couple years as tens of thousands of SJWs have become Marxists. Not only are they actually acknowledging class, but they're abandoning many of the toxic affectations of a racialist/radical liberal worldview. Tumblr is the most important site for leftists besides twitter, and is radicalizing a lot of people (particularly young women) very quickly. Something none of us have really acknowledged is that the future communist movement of the West must be accommodating of normie chicks who are often very radical.

I agree with the tumblr part, they're basically ripe for radicalization.

Perhaps we should try to expose them to communist ideas more, somehow?

Problem with Tumblr is that it's far more diffused than reddit or 4chan, leading to insular communities that grow in a very decentralized way. Only way for ideas to spread is if popular bloggers keep posting them.

What I noticed on tumblr was a slow push toward social democracy and then socialism, beginning during the primary when Tumblr girls turned against the prominent lib feminists who tried to paint Bernie as anti-women. Since then there's been a major turn toward left wing politics, not just from a feminist or anti-racist standpoint but from a broader working class perspective. Bourgeois feminist icons aren't very popular anymore, and an interest in socialism is slowly filling the gap.

Incompatible with idpol, if you try to understand others you are probably a mysogynist and support fascists

The biggest issue with Tumblr and Twitter 'comrades' to me is that the roots of their anti-capitalist stance stems from an identity crisis. They proudly adorn their pages in red, name themselves somewhere along the lines of Comrade [Faggot], and wear socialist ideologies as a core part of their identity; the very definition of idpol.
But the reason they do so is not because they sincerely believe in the abolishment of classes and worker equality, they wouldn't even be able to explain or recite what it is they actually stand for, only that capitalism = bad!

To them it's a matter of fitting in. Convinced that the obvious options are for retards, they seek the third way which must be the more reasonable option because of its relative obscurity. But they do not try to educate themselves, they do not try to read a fucking book. Because of them, forums about socialism tend to become a prime breeding ground for pseudo-intellectuals, much like how atheist communities were hijacked by teenagers trying to assert their own intelligence.

While social media 'comrades' are supporters to the cause, they are useful idiots at most, and shouldn't be condoned because of the example they set. If we don't hold ourselves – including them – to any standards, our imago will end up being damaged because of some bad apples nobody ever held accountable, as these 'comrades' will bail ship the moment they discover what they stood for didn't accurately represent what they wished for because they never fucking looked into it.


So what you're saying is that we are the vanguard?

I think we all knew this.

I think Reddit is where many liberals and socdems stay. However there are a few communist I see there. Sadly I made the mistake thinking may redditors can see how trot is shit and the USSR was socialist. So I got banned from a lot of "left" subs. Besides full communism and full discourse