Is Chris Hedges, dare I say it… "our guy"?

Is Chris Hedges, dare I say it… "our guy"?

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Maybe, if we managed not to screech like autists every time race is even brought up.

Hedges is kind of an enigma. His typical rhetoric suggests a socialist, but when he's cornered he sometimes falls back on "corporate capitalism" being the problem.

He's openly called himself a socialist. He's not as direct in his criticisms of capitalism as he could be, but he consistently does good journalism and knows his shit, plus he's a good gateway to the left for more liberal types.

He has repeatedly said that committing violence makes you the same as a fascist no matter what your politics and on Lee Camp's show even said "I'm not necessarily anti-capitalist"

Hedges is just a left-socdem who fetishizes the American labor movement of the late 19th and early 20th century without having the nuts to actually reach any of the conclusions they did. It's also hillarious because he gushes over Eugene Debs every five seconds than turns around and says Lenin was an opportunist despite Debs and virtually every American socialist who wasn't an anarchist of Debs's time supporting the Bolshevik Revolution

I hear Jimmy Dore quoting Hedges a fair bit lately so I think it's working.

Well that interview with the Party for Socialism and Liberation candidate this week which that clip was made from was socialist as fuck.

nice try putin bot

Of course. Chris Hedges is great. And I believe he is also a Christian.

he's a wimpy idpoler tard

I don't know exactly what you're referring to, but Chris Hedges has always struck me as a revolutionary in just about all of his talks. His last few books (I think) are strictly about rebellions and revolutions.

he is a Lutheran Minister

Maybe he's become more convinced of his convictions as of recently. He didn't feel the need to add an extra qualifier in front of "capitalism" this time.

Last year he was still a succdem but perhaps he's changed.

you must have cloth ears.
he only said using violence will backfire because the state and it's propaganda is too powerful
he didn't say it was morally wrong, in fact he said the opposite.
and he's advocated for communism plenty of times, pointing out it was a legit part of american culture till it was slowly and systematically destroyed from the late 1800s on

This thread made me start reading about him.

What a wonderful person; he's gotten in trouble so many times for speaking out against the prevailing institutions and yet said institutions can't properly discredit him or push him out of the mainstream discussion because of his enormous intellect and irrefutable credentials.

ya, kgb lutheran minsiters were always pretty awesome, so i like him.

this is one of the most depressing but fascinating discussions i've seen in a long time

Luther was Satan

t. Non practicing Catholic

naw he was just hiding his power level

Wow sounds like you're kind of a racist and sexist, fam.
Holy shit, not only is he a bigot, not only does he not take personal responsibility for the bigotry, but he throws an entire demographic under the bus so he can escape having to do any soul-searching and fix his shitty views and behavior. This nonsense really just boils down to "I'm too much of a special snowflake to have something wrong with me in particular; it must be something wrong with my group."


A little to all around old white cis male for me, perhaps if his children get diversified, I'll listen to him.