Can we all take a moment and dream of the red flags from every balcony, the hammer and sickle on every wall...

Can we all take a moment and dream of the red flags from every balcony, the hammer and sickle on every wall, and the constant hum of revolutionary hymns? We Anarchists can only dream now, they lived it.

inb4 tankies triggered cause Orwell

Homage to Catalonia is a masterpiece. All leftists should read Orwell, no matter your persuasion. He was a guy with Tory sympathies struggling with having to lose his illusions about merry Britain. He's a fascinating person even if his paranoia got to him in the end.

I had a dream once that it still existed and was basically a utopia. Was boarding a plane there as I woke up. Never wanted to go back into a dream more.

Pssh, nothing personnel anarkiddie


How dare Stalin and the Soviets give weapons, tanks, and bombers to your shitty Anarchist moment so you could only shit on them 80 years later.

Were their any individualist anarchists around during the Spanish civil war?

What must be understood is that the anarchists of the Civil War period were by no means entirely united under a single ideology like anarcho-syndicalism or others: various factions pulled more or less from different influences. "Proudhonists" were certainly among them, though they never held a significant organized foothold like the ansyns and ancoms did; Proudhon's support of federalism however was deeply influential to the formation and structure of the Republic though.
That being said, I still contend that "individualist anarchism" is redundant: anarchism at it's base is an embodiment of individualism regardless of the specific strategies employed.

He didnt send shit, he sent fucking milk

Actually the Soviets and their proxies in the PSUC deliberately withheld weapons from the CNT-FAI and POUM, which actually caused their militias to be unable to exploit a successful offensive that would have cut the fascist forces and territory in two. So congratulations, you dicks won the war for the fashies. The PSUC also collaborated with the porkies to roll back the revolutionary policies put in place by the anarchists and POUM, literally re-privatizing workplaces that had been seized by the proles.

And to think
If the Kaiserreich timeline took place this would already be commonplace

Remember the working people of Spain who valiantly fought off a fascist coup only to be stabbed in the back by liberals, communists, and socialists.


I desperately wish the Kaiserreich timeline was real


And lesson of the day is, tankies are not your friends. Anticapitalist or not, clearly that didn't matter to the Soviets

Good to know if I ever somehow find myself several decades into the past.

or several decades into the future.

Or on a contemporary imageboard.

Im cool with Trots for the most part, they just need to take the Syndicate Capsule. But literally Orwell was triggered soo hard by tankies that reading it I actually got in my feels hard. He had risked his life, others had willingly given up their citizenship in their home land to come fight for an idea, and as they fought in the trenches and died, the porky tankies were subverting his comrades into what he based fucking 1984 on, saying they were fascists in disguise. Literally seeing people fight for something so noble, and giving up their entire lively hoods for niggers that wanted fucking state power is a fucking shame and I know that even tho I was not there, I will never forget

I personally wish Rojava can become our new Catalonia
