Secret Lefty Societies

Are there any secret lefty societies like the right claims we have?
I really want to join one.
I would've tried the Freemasons, but they seem like a bunch of dorks. My Step-Brother-in-law is one, and all they do is drink and do lame hand symbol shit. Lodge meetings are boring af, too. It's mostly just boring rituals until everyone gets a chance to drink. Shit feels like Church.

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Have you really considered it properly? Sounds like you're fairly young and just want have likeminded people to talk to, you're probably not ready for these societies as of yet but I strongly urge you to keep talking about intelligent subjects with intelligent people.

You have to be a jew to join one of these.

Bakunin please go and stay gone

Was Bakunin part of a secret society or something?

This post isn't suspicious at all.

Why is it suspicious?
I'm just curious if something like this exist. No one has to give me specifics if they don't want to.

Freemasons were pretty leftist in the early 1900. now there just a bunch of drunk people that do some philosophie sessions, french orient on of the most active in yuropa.

yeah, pretty much true.
There's no one worth talking to about leftism where I live. Demsocs have a chapter nearby, but all of their platforms reek of idpol. Everyone else I meet gets hostile the minute you mention communism.

No, but he made some up that scared the Russian aristocracy.

Most of the lefty societies are larpers working for billionaires. There is no theory, you do what you're told and tell the boss it's great or you get fired. Anyone who gets glowing coverage in the news is probably corrupt.

They are. Freemasons are completely irrelevant today, and I'm fairly sure many realize it and keep coming to meetings solely for the LARPing and free drinks. Back when they held any sort of political relevance, they were derided by leftists as liberals or socdems at best who would never dare commit to revolutionary ideas and actions anyway.

Some masons even identify with esoteric strains of anti-modernism, notably followers of René Guénon. Let's not forget that the poster boy for the counter-Enlightenment Joseph de Maistre was a member of the Scottish Rite and that many neo-pagan masons in Italy like Arturo Reghini enthusiastically embraced Fascism until the Lateran treaties.

So how about pushing for a maxist freemasonry? I know in France most loges integrated marxist theory.

What's the point of a having communist lodge? What could it achieve that can't already be achieved by a party, an union, a library?

Freemasonry is religious, not leftist.

Anyway, from what I've read/know, masons are divided depending on their understanding of the occult and general insight into human behavior.

I do participate in my local anarchist library. On the other hand, less secretive groups typically are full of informants. Especially unions and 'antifa groups'.

By its very nature you can't join a secret society, you have to be invited

Secret societies are fundamentally anti-leftist.
Its an exclusionary groups that seeks to further the interests of that group at the detriment of others.
Its pure tribalism and often religious as fuck.

And yet you can't let the crowd decide. So what? Opt-in direct democracy sounds cool.

tho, it might have secreted itself into non-existence, last anyone heard of it there were only a dozen or so members in the 90s

This pleases Blanqui.

Masons,because if them,anarchist organizations in Mexico, are totally crippled and sabotaged from the inside, the main voices within these organizations are masons.
Fuck masonry and fuck you FBI.

my grandfather apparently was in one but I'm generally not a fan.

Surely a group that is reachable by a random Holla Forums shitposter could be secretive enough to be free of informants.

Maoists showing their true colors.

American Maoists are a meme.

I used to come as a guest to a Masonic lodge, I was told that it was at first real masonry turned symbolical over the centuries. It basically started in guilds of builders who had to keep their architectural blueprints and ideas safe, so you had to be accepted in by an oath and rituals, which makes sense, eventually it dropped the literal masonry part and turned to a fraternal order. They're so mundane that their "super sikrit club" secrets can be revealed to women because women can't be initiated in the first place, so their secrets' significance is nullified. The idea is essentially to build yourself spiritually and morally, although a lot of masons told me that once you get initiated you start seeing the world differently, which reminded me of hippies after a trip to a 3rd world shithole for a "spiritual experience". In conclusion, a really run-of-the-mill club if you ask me (and any ex-mason). And yes, there's plenty of alcohol, and occasionally they have some presentations on philosophy and history and stuff, sometimes even fun days for families of members and consistent guests.

Even though the requirements for Freemasonry is to believe in a Supreme Being (i.e. God(s)), I was told by some senior members that you don't have to, you can simply believe in an "idea that is bigger than you" like communism, one senior mason even told me that Lenin and co were in fact Freemasons. They told me egoism is frowned upon and altruism and community is more or less the ethos.

Grand Orient de France is an illegitimate "Masonic" order, it broke off with historically canonical masonry and is recognized by neither the York or Scottish rites. This is in fact the case with a lot of off-shoots of Freemasonry. Good man wants to LARP, goes to masonic lodge, gets initiated, finds out they're not the real masons; many such cases!

And there was this one time I spoke to another senior mason privately. He told me a completely different story on the origins of freemasonry. That it goes back to 13,000 BC when the kabbalah was given to the human race. By kabbalah he doesn't mean the Jewish thing, but a general knowledge that was bestowed to the human race and throughout the ages was corrupted and interpreted in different parts of the world by different cultures. Canonical Freemasonry, according to him, can be traced down from the 1700s, then to the Templars, the Greek mysteries and Pythagoreans, Solomon, and further down the line all the way to 13k BC. Imagine that, a fraternal order of cavemen. He tried very hard to avoid saying it bluntly, but he kept implying our evolution was interfered by ayy lmaos one way or another - "a species that evolved… separately from humans and was technologically advanced" he would say. I also asked if all the magic and alchemy stuff is symbolic in freemasonry - "yes… most of it. It's metaphorical, but when you get to the top levels you get to see some real shit". I tried to figure out what the fuck he was on about and as it turns out it's not magic(k) or metaphysics, but he was implying that it's advanced tech e.g. if you went with an iPhone 200 years ago people would think it's witchcraft.

tl;dr we're literally living in the Assassin's Creed timeline and the Bogdanoff rundown was right all along

I could tell you more about this.

please do

Learn about concepts like Dabrowski's positive desintegration. Then see how it relates to ancient medieval hermeticism/alchemy. Then get familiar with Jung's theories on alchemy/development of the self, then you'll see the parallels between this and the zohar, then you'll start walking a very long path. I'm only 23 but I "suddenly" figured it out by myself with no initiation whatsoever and I find some comfort in seeing others embark on the same endeavour.

Are you that guy who used to post about this shit under a black flag?

The French Grand Orient de France is Idpol to the max rather than really leftist. Even lodges with expressly Marxist references really only care about liberal issues.

No. It's a widely known concept. I never really used a black flag as a flair.


For example one of the better-known lodge of the Grand Orient is called "Ni Dieu ni Maître" (no god nor master, an explicit Blanquist anarchist reference) yet nowadays its members are people like the former "socialist" prime minister Emmanuel Valls who is anything but a leftist.


Could you give more details and advice on how to learn more?

"this kind of organisation [freemasonry] stands in contradiction to the development of the proletarian movement, since these societies, instead of educating the workers, submit them to authoritarian and mystical laws, which hinder their independence and direct their consciousness in a wrong direction" (Marx-Engels Werke Vol. 17, p655).

"The League of Human Rights and freemasonry are machines of the bourgeoisie which divert the consciousness of the representatives of the French proletariat. We declare pitiless war on these methods, since they constitute a secret and insidious weapon of the bourgeois arsenal (…) We must free the party of these elements" (La Voix de L'Iruernationale: "Le Mouvement Communiste en France").

All this shit is just ancient psychology/psychoanalysis with spoopy metaphysics thrown in. The Kabbalistic tree of life is literally just a map of the mind.

If you want to join the freemasons you have to be the one who asks, they can't invite you.


You can apply online for the freemasons these days, that's how desperate they are for new members.

Secret societies are tremendously fucking stupid. There's a Masonic temple in my hometown and I see it often when I go for a walk, so one day I looked into Masonry and secret societies in general. They are really fucking stupid. They're deliberately obscure for the sake of evoking a sense of mystery, sanctity, and ritual. It's supposed to take you years to "level up" and get deeper into it, where you learn more secret shit, but it's just ways to act secretive and interesting to outsiders or lower-level peons. It's all tradition and symbolism for its own sake. If it wasn't for Masons et. al. occasionally organizing community stuff, the whole thing would be exactly as pathetic as people who obsess over and jack off to anime and write fanfiction and fan theories about it.

The thing about "all religions are corruption of the truth, aliens gave us knowledge and tech over 10k years ago" is how the fuck does the "real story" get kept secret when basically the entire world knows a "distorted" version? And what makes the masons or whoever think that their version is the right one? It's really hard to believe that in 15,000 years nobody managed to leak the real story and use the magical artifacts to back it up. The natural inclination for most people hearing this shit would (I would think) be "I want to bust it wide open and be the hero the world deserves!" so if it's even a little true why has it not happened already?

I've been thinking of making my own.. You could call it 'Unbound Craftsmen' or something. I want to offer a way to provide housing and learn skills, outside of the shackles of society. I want to base it on the simple skeptic teaching of Daoism, but allow the community to create the commentaries and the rituals and the actual meaning.

Basically we need an alternative to class-structure feudalist king-worship and shit, substituting the church for authentic, open source spirituality. You can download the Vedas and Upanishads, there are websites where you can learn rites and mantras – in the stages of development of Human Knowledge – that's fucking wild. But it's potential is unharnessed and untapped. We spend most of our expanded infancy, then our early adulthood putting on the chains, and no one teaches us how to unlearn the garbage.

It's utterly valuable beyond description to subvert modern society. I'm not talking cargo/doomsday cult, but some basic relief. Like look at oldschool Ramakrishna Mission, oldschool YMCA.. Just basic relief work, bread, and housing. No monasticism, no guru (you're your own), everything open. But imagine if when you graduated college, there was a place you could stay for free for 6 years while your loan defaulted? All people need in their life is to wash dishes, move the broom across the floor, eat rice and milk for every meal… Just be extremely simple and efficient. Unleashing these hardened spiritual giants back out into the world is the way to subvert power now.

If you ever want to chat, I'm in this discord and you can feel free to at 'yu' @ on GNUsocial.

What is the point of the religious part though?

I'm a Mason.

We're not a super lefty org, but we do charity and the only things we really care about for joining is that (a) you're not a shitty person, and (b) you're not an atheist. The latter is objectionable to me, but they'll let in Buddhists, Daoists, "deist" agnostics, whatever……. and while political talk is banned in the lodge, Trump is not really too popular

found a skitzo

yeah. philosophy, drinking, some social events. and the "rituals" which are basically symbolic dramas. and yes – the idea that something greater than you exists is enough for entry, including the laws of nature, math, or humanism. you just cant say "i am an atheist" . the Scottish Rite and esp the York Rite have jewish/christian undertones, but a 32nd degree master mason is no more of a mason than a 3rd degree master mason. all the degrees after the 3rd are kinda arbitrary.

some of the spoiler text is correct in that Masonry has a pretty long timeline within the order but I don't think it's very reliable and think Kabbalah is dumb as hell. (i'm an analytic philosopher with positivist leanings)

Alchemy is dumb and ppl going "well bruh it's metaphorical" are playing sophists.

i like masonry because they have libraries, dinners, and people to talk philosophy / play chess with. and it's nice having another support system i suppose.

Explain to me what is america obsession with stuff like this when they go to college. Seriously, what the fuck? Literally LARPing as muh exclusive secret club like 5 years old. Grow up you fucking douchebags.

America was fucking founded by Masons and the establishment doesn't deny it. The only people who think there's a Mason "conspiracy" are either retards too dumb to see that its all out in the open or le rashunal scep-ticks and establishment liberals who like to get together and laugh at the idea that anyone ever planned to do anything. It's still a big think amongst the bourgeoisie, and even non-bourgeois still join the group because of muh tradishun.

*big thing