Before I talk, I want to say...

Before I talk, I want to say, I don't believe any of this and this isn't some social justice warrior thread I'm just trying to get a feel on Holla Forums's internal logic with its identity politics, it's a contradiction that I don't see brought up enough.

If whites created Capitalism, and Holla Forums loves Capitalism but hates Muslims for creating a system of inequity. How can Holla Forums not hate whites for creating capitalism? Let me explain

But Capitalism is collapsing, the rate of profit has been in freefall for years, the climate is getting worse to the point of future dustbowl and acid rain events, poverty and income inequality in 50 years will be worse than it ever has been in 200 years

If Holla Forums judges other societies and races on their short comings wouldn't it be logical for Holla Forums to blame whites for creating capitalism in their identity game? I mean if you get down to it if you blame people on their identities for what power structures they created, wouldn't it also be logical to say whites fucked up? Why isn't Holla Forums acknowledging this? I mean they can say "BUT CAPITALISM IS WORKING", but you can just point out it really isn't, and their system of blaming entire races on guilt based on what systems rule them, I find it entirely hypocritical their political game doesn't hold whites accountable for damages against whites.

Other urls found in this thread:ölfli art&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjkkMf84qrVAhUE7CYKHdFyBEwQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=867 gehry&hl=en&site=imghp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRqbiP0azVAhUB0IMKHY9HBhsQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=867

theyll claim real capitalism isn't the problem, only jewish capitalism

Hitler tried to bring about global social democracy, which would have saved the environment. But he failed. We don't live in a world where we won, we live in YOUR project right now.

You had it coming, you violated the NAP.

More accurately, they will say that capitalism and communism are 'two sides of a jewish coin' and present fascism as a 'third alternative' instead

This. For all their smugness Ancaps and Fascists pull the whole "not real capitalism" all the time.

I'm listening to you but all I'm seeing is the logic of someone who's 86 with dementia


How hard is it to understand? Hitler tried to save capitalism with social democracy. That was the ideal, but he was killed and the Soviet Socialist States won. This is their world.

I'm really trying to understand you but you type like you're drooling on your keyboard from a stroke

Holla Forums is just filled with retards who represent the far right of capital but are just truthful about how they want to kill off all the Gays and Muslims instead of the Bible Thumping CEOs who are more reserved in what they say about it

Imagine actually trying to save capitalism. Like Hitler ripped his shirt of and revealed a big C on his chest or some shit. "Today I will save Capitalism".

So do they not even teach the most basic ideas of the cold war in whatever shithole you grew up in?

Maybe Capitalism has fundamental structural problems

You've failed. capitalism isn't collapsing, it's being disassembled. You can't jump on your sand castle and blame the sand castle for breaking. Government control and intervention destroy the economy.

The climate isn't getting worse or better.

Poverty is decreasing at an alarming rate. 200 years ago 90% of the world was in extreme poverty. Today that number is about 8%. This is entirely due to capitalism. Income equality doesn't mean anything and you're a retard to think it does.

Maybe he shouldn't have gotten himself killed by going into war against fucking everyone.

They believe that both communism and capitalism are materialistic and divide the national community. Frances Parker Yockey and Spengler wrote about it quite a bit.


How else are you supposed to deal with counter-revolutionary nations? If some nations are hellbent on destroying the environment, don't you think military force should be used on them so they don't fuck us all?


Yeah those evil czechs had it coming. Always plotting behind your back




t. EU propaganda

Buddy by the time this is over there won't be any more nations in the conventional meaning of the term

Êtes-vous sûr?

That's not Hitler's fault

What does this have to do with the topic though?

Like I said, I'm really trying to understand you, I really am, but you type like you're drooling on your keyboard from a stroke

post ritsu

Everything Hitler did was his responsibility = his fault. And you're giving him a fuckload of responsibility.

We have two solutions.

1) The actual solution, he didn't mean what he said and his ideology was incoherent enough to support basically anything

2) Hitler was a mad genius who didn't do shit despite being Paul Mua'dib

Your logic just fucking sucks dude

This thread is a monument to the right's inability to confront its own internal contradictions


The last sentence of this thread is

And you're not holding that fact at all. You're supposed to be for the protection of all but the only people your mind can concieve be against the safety and well being of the white race, are leftists and people who don't agree with you who are white.

This may seem a bit too much to handle, but what system of logic, do you use, to hold others accountable, with your own beliefs if they fuck up? Why aren't you holding people accountable? Your lack of sectarianism isn't a strength it's a weakness, you're just stupid as fuck.

You have no accountability for yourselves whatsoever, even in your own belief system

When you get down to it, Holla Forums is an adult child who doesn't really understand the concept of responsibility for yourself and your actions, and this is why they have to keep shifting the blame for their failures onto other outside parties, to the point of it really not making any sense anymore.

Nothing that happens is our fault because our representative, A. Hitler was defeated in war. So we're just pawns in your world right now.

Everything bad that happens is on you.

Look mom, I said it again.

I see

nazi butthurt is best butthurt
bump for best girl

What does that have to do with this thread you asbestos gorging Mongo


No one has said anything along the lines of this in this thread. You should try to up your reading comprehension.

I mean that's the working anthropological working logic on our existence for a majority of it. Civilization is only a recent phenomenon and judging it on the idea that private ownership and capitalism is utterly absurd. But let's not focus on old history, shall we?

Capitalism as you understand it was created in Europe and the United States. That's just the way it is.

Quit worming your way out of it in your game of identity politics to say "B-B-BUT IT'S OK BECAUSE OTHER PEOPLE DO PRIVATE PROPERTY ;_;" I mean that's not really the point, I'm talking about Capitalism as we understand it, today, and the consequences for it.

You literally can't hold Europe accountable in your identity politics game. It's impossible that the system you support MIGHT hurt Europeans.

You have to keep shifting the blame in this identity politics bubble you made for yourself where it somehow emotionally hurts you to even think about. Which is bizarre

It's that simple. Not that i would use that to justify hate against whites, that would be retarded.

So what you're saying is, in your political world view, European nations under Capitalism today are entirely without responsibility for their actions or inactions because other people used to do it?

Isn't that a bit of a childish line of logic entirely lining up with >>1899303 these anons observations? That you literally cannot understand the idea of responsibility or accountability in your own view of what you believe is right? That it couldn't possibly fail you?

How does that work on your life personally even? That's gotta be a world view that just fucks your shit up, right? Isn't it?

I understand capitalism to mean private ownership, which has existed since at least the development of agriculture.

inventing industrial production =/= inventing capitalism

No one here agrees with you on your definition. Capitalism is an economic system distinguished by widespread wage labor and production for exchange rather than use.

So what you're saying is you don't know shit, haven't read shit, haven't gone to college, and predictably post some old art to seem sophisticated even though your fat

Disregard shitposting flag

Market economies have existed under many forms of government, in many different times, places, and cultures. The development of capitalist societies, however, marked by a universalization of money-based social relations, a consistently large and system-wide class of workers who must work for wages, and a capitalist class which dominates control of wealth and political power, developed in Western Europe in a process that led to the Industrial Revolution.
Literally disproven by wikipedia, try harder little man

Are you trying to claim that we have had capitalism since 10,000BC?
Maybe try reading the post you replied to next time.

Here dude I'll save you some trouble on your next beautiful piece of artwork that proves your point about the nature of man

reactionary ideologies are inherently anti logical, op. when your autism is triggered by different face shapes liking capitalism when your guys do it isn't much of a stretch.

Someone needs to update this

None of this was invented by Europeans.



Why do you keep posting 19th century art that could be on the cover of a conan the barbarian book

good job reading the rest of my post you fucking retard

Can I ask, was it the lead in America's water system that made you like this?

Wait so your attempt to again shift the blame of your internal contradictions to someone else

You just pointed out that Europeans didn't invent the very system you fight to support? Or do you support it? So you're finally admitting Europeans aren't special and going Tumblr?

What the fuck is going on in your head

why are you all so triggered by art?

The world as it is today is very much the result of Industrial Revolution and prior circumstance. I'm sorry. The world does not resemble a painting you think is pretty that resembles an antiquated picture of a long time ago

I'm much smarter than you and I'm just here to troll.

Because it makes you look like the very dorks we constantly mock? I mean it's fucking funny I'll give you that

You could use some art from the more contemporary period if you want to win some hearts

that painting triggers me.


I don't know.


These people fucked kids do you support pederasty too now Holla Forums

jk we all know from the amount of cp you occasionally spam us with

Address OP's real point that you can't understand your own ideology might not be in Europe's best interest

you forgot production for exchange.


The true fundamental nature of human economic interaction is too complex for the typical Holla Forumsack to comprehend, though if you are truly interested in understanding, I might give it a shot.

That has nothing to do with OP. Focus ADHD

You're responding to OP

These pictures are just reminding me of…. something

at last I see why aryans are at the apex of genetics.

Also a good opportunity to post this classic.

Go right ahead, please.

I'm almost positive you're underage

Jesus what the hell is wrong with Stefan's body

No wonder he has such a hard time getting laid, poor guy

Middle age

Those legs aren't a product of aging fam

Those are some fucked up legs

Riddle me this

What happens when the rate of profit hits 0

This graph is as fake and gay as any one of Holla Forums' infographs. You're going to still be posting that when you're forty wondering wtf is going on as africa industrializes.

But you are wrong

TRPF is one of Marx's most accurate observations of Capital's tendencies


Holla Forums can be critical of capitalism. Especially the global kind which they think's Jewish and violates national sovereignty. They'd prefer if it stayed local like the Nazis wanted it to be.

Why do you come into an argument not knowing what you're actually arguing against

And in the next breath praise Pinochet. They're histrionic and their parents needed to whip them with the belt more often.

Before the advent of agriculture, human cognitive traits were homogeneously distributed, as intelligence beyond a certain minimum threshold produces diminishing returns among hunter-gatherers. After the advent of agriculture, cognitive traits which emphasize management and long-term planning became highly adaptive. This gave rise to elite endogamous social castes which posses higher genetic intelligence. All capital is downstream of genetic capital. The means of production cannot be redistributed through conventional economic policies, as the genes for intelligence are the fundamental limiting factor in all production. Wealth inequality between individuals and societies is largely a reflection of the heterogeneous distribution of genetic capital.

I think them praising Pinoshit's just a meme they cooked up to stick it to the commies in their words. A lotta them know they're losing at capitalism on a global scale next to Jews so they prefer it on a national level.

Another case of human nature, you could have just simplified your argument to "Fuck dude I don't know, rich people fuck have babies and the babies get money"

Which once again, does not negate OP's point of your utter incabibility of being self critical about your politics. It's always set in stone, you can never possibly have responsibility for your actions because it's nature or it's forces beyond your control

This doesn't hold up under scrutiny and never has. Spouting phrenology to derail a thread about how your ideology is schizoid isn't going to work.

You also sound under age or mentally ill

You just explained something every fucking Holla Forumsyp believes congratulations you're dumb as fuck and you think you're cultured

There's about a million citable sources that call bullshit

How did those genes help the Kulaks?

fuck, guess i'm fascist now
read kropotkin

laugh at this pea brained motherfucker

This is the dumbest thing I've ever read by someone pretending to be smart from Holla Forums

You get an award for reaching the hardest to jack me off

Why do you type like a Metal Gear villain



They did fine until a foreign competitor group with higher genetic capital seized the state and exterminated them.

Genetic Capital really does bring the best genes of men forward and the worst backward, wouldn't you say?

It's actually because they were hording grain but thanks for the analysis liquid snake


Have you ever had sex


This is your mind on Richard Dawkins and Ayn Rand's bastard love child

t. IMF

TLDR - poverty has been on the rise and the IMF, World Bank and friends have continuously redefined what constitutes poverty every time it looked like it was on the rise in order to justify their neoliberal austerity programs.


Buddy, when did you read Dune

That’s where your wrong kido.

By that logic, doesn't that mean that the Jews are actually genetically superior

You never answered OP's question

You understand that saying somenthing like "All capital is downstream of genetic capital." is like saying "The king is the king because God choose him", right? All of what you said is just some kind of retarded idealistic idiocy you can use for justificate our contemporary status quo, but has no true scientific meaning. So please stop spamming low-tier 1800 paintings.

Everyone in that picture looks inbred

Nature determines superiority through survival. It is far from obvious that Ashkenazim will survive their conflict with Europeans. They are a tiny high-I.Q. merchant clan which may have bitten off more than they can chew by waging war against a major continental population.

OP's question is irrelevant. Capitalism isn't a system which can be created or destroyed, it is merely a natural outgrowth of the laws of the cosmos.

It's pretty relevant since it's pointing out an internal contradiction in your thinking, about how you can't accurately run anything because of bias about your political beliefs and not enough critique

There is no future point in time user give it a rest

Seems like nature is selecting Capitalism for extinction

Is that why women were in more STEM positions in the Eastern Bloc and USSR than their capitalist competitors who relied on the male breadwinner model from which we're still suffering under.

Stop posting ugly ass art faggot

Answer OP's question

Evolution has no end game, what works survives.

Tons of that good old """Genetic Capitalist Success""" in the powers that be in the fucking United States

The idea that capitalism is biological is an opinion of someone who is attempting animal behaviorism where he hasn't even started reading fucking biology. Try again


Stop posting mediocre 19th century landscape art as political praxis

What contradiction? Europeans are among the most economically productive populations on the planet, it is not in the interest of Europeans to prohibit private economic activity.

The problem is that foreign tribes have infiltrated the leadership castes of European societies and no longer run those societies for the interests of the indigenous populations. It is true that every policy implemented by modern Western governments is against the interests of European people, but outlawing private commerce will do nothing to alleviate these problems. The Soviet Union abolished private commerce without any positive effect on the long-term well-being of Russians, quite the contrary, as subversive foreign merchant clans used the state to snuff out much of their rival indigenous genetic capital. Economic policies cannot be used to resolve what are fundamentally racial internal conflicts.

How so?

There are a lot of confusing contradictory ideas here. Why is encouraging women to participate in waged economic activity over child-rearing an objectively good thing?

Why are you triggered by European art?

Why are you obsessed with art as a "thing that looks pretty and conforms to my political beliefs"

It's obvious you have a small penis

So much for the genius Autism Level

Source: your ass.

You also fail to understand when you're being taken advantage of people who believe the same thing you do, that's OP's point

If you weren't through the middle of God Emperor of Dune you would fucking realize that critique is vital to safety.

You have no internal safety, you're only to be taken advantage of believing you're helping some higher cause or genetic magic that does nothing for you besides give you a serotonin high.

There is nothing in your ideology that makes you above the people you are criticizing. You are still human, you are still meat, you are still able to be manipulated by people you call your friend. A white man.

That is OP's point and apparently for a genius you can't figure it fucking out

The climate it's producing will also be its end simolteneously when the rate of profit hits near zero, income inequality will be as terrible as it was in centuries, poverty will be extreme.

And the rich will die. And all the art you're posting will be burned,

It's poetic.

Ah, the genius mind has an understanding of all things economic except for the fact that capitalism allows even your conspiracy theories to exist.

Give me an explanation that doesn't reek of the Knight's Templar or David Icke, fucking Rain Man

Then why did women in Russia and the Eastern Bloc constantly out perform women in the West at "STEM" degrees? Like programming, mathematics?

It seems like there's evidence of a structural problem at play

Stop being triggered by European Art

I'm still not understanding what it is that you are trying to say. Please spell it out slowly for me.

OP says that white people have only themselves to blame for the hostile policies of their states. I just don't see that many ethnic Europeans pushing the worst of these policies. This seems primarily like a straight-forward ethnic conflict, a conflict which continues regardless of economic policy.

What do you mean by "climate" Satan? How is "high poverty" i.e. "lots of people with very low genetic capital", a threat of high-I.Q. elites? Elites could just shut off their welfare to the overpopulated 80 I.Q. underclass and starve 90% of them to death.

There are Human Biodiversity explanations for this phenomenon. Eastern European women are simply more cognitively developed than Western European women, who are more child-like and emotional. This was always recognized by law, as Western Europe practiced Coverture, while Eastern European women were deemed competent and mature enough to own property. Even today, Eastern European women are in no rush to import kebabs and watermelons, while Western European women are driven to self-destructive emotional anguish over the plight of hostile military-aged foreign men.
TL;DR: Eastern Europeans appear to have a different genetic distribution of sexually dimorphic traits than do Western Europeans. That is not to say that Eastern European women are equal in intelligence to their men. Men have greater average intelligence than women in every known human population.

That's not what OP is saying. OP is saying you should believe that by your own logic if you were consistent.

No there's not

Also the idea that the rich are high Autism Level is just well


Stop posting terrible art

I thought you were smart, why do you need all this shit spelled out for you where everyone else got it fine?

I'm pretty sure you have autism

Most Europeans find this type of art aesthetically pleasing. If you don't like it, go post on a board that isn't majority European. I understand that it is the custom of Semites to prohibit the depiction of the human form, but I believe that you have no right to force your abstract artistic styles on Europeans.

You mean Holla Forums?

Try posting some serious art instead of uninspired derivative crap from the dying days of the French academic style. Compare the portrayal of the water in this painting to that in "The Goldfish Bowl." It is by far superior.

Art to these people are just pretty pictures you put in your restroom

The Ansel Adams taste


I mean sure he's over rated but the point is art isn't supposed to be pretty.

Also the Giger was part of Surrealism, not Realism.

Why are you talking shit about HR Giger

All European cultural output peaked in the late 19th century. Since then, internecine wars and welfare state induced dysgenics have destroyed much of Europe's genetic capital, leading to a substantial decrease in average I.Q.

This style of painting is a product of the bourgeoisie complacency fascists claim to hate so much.

The industrial fucking revolution?



I'd look at this while I shit tbh

Nice bathroom piece, pleasant to look at inoffensive, wholesome

It's great material to look at while having a good shit

You have very exacting standards. Perhaps you could demonstrate to us what sort of art earns the right to be placed in your living areas.

A Nigerian or an Indian looks at a landscape and sees the exact same thing you do. There is nothing culturally distinctive about painting this subject.

The bathroom is a living area.

Something abrasive and sexual. Intricate and appealing. Fashionable, and exotic.

I don't think you know the names of half the art you fucking post, you're basic as hell and pretending to be cultured by selling us on European superiority in once painting beautiful pieces of art that can be sold at Michael's or some shit for $15 on a bathroom wall

If Indians and Nigerians do see the world as Europeans do, they certainly haven't indicated so through their artwork.

Europeans tend to forget too, wonder why that is, must be the Genetic Bad Ones

Not art progressing onto the human body and mind in more sophistication than just fucking landscape after landscape after landscape

You're cultured as a fucking soccer mom get out of here with your pretensions

Indians and Nigerians probably have better taste in art and fashion than you do

You take everything for granted in the past century

Your criteria sound base and childish. European art strives to capture the transcendent essence of beauty, not mere exotic fashion and abrasive titillation.

Look, wow, indian artists can paint boring landscapes too!

Sex is base and childish?

Oh wait you're from Holla Forums, of course you would conflate the two

There's more beauty in sex than that. Photography is a field you might be more interested in, not art.

Sex is a part of life how can it not be reproduced in art and what makes abrasion somehow negative To be honest you sound more like a child. All you want to do is stare at pretty pictures

Looks quite shitty tbh.

Looks quite shitty tbh.

That's right Timmy, stare at the pretty landscapes

One day the world will know how cultured you are


Are you even trying?

Do you know what's the difference between Ertre and Victor Gabriel?

Erte was actually in something useful called "design". There's nothing useful or erotic about what you posted that couldn't be captured in Gustav Klimt.

You have the taste of an 8 year old.

It's a shame, I guess my mind is just too simple to understand your art. It just looks like a bunch of shit-tier doodles to me.

It is what it is supposed to evoke, an energy. Something for life. Sex, love, mystique,

It is not style over substance it is both style and substance. And that is why it is in so many art galleries, and used in so many films be it east or west.

And on the topic of film, you think cultural rot destroyed your precious landscape but it was photography. The art of photography. That is what largely made landscapes a thing of the past while art looked at more interesting places within the human soul. Within the human body. Be it nightmarish and grotesque or stylistic or evocative.

And you find that "degenerative" or insincere or simple.

These paintings you post were meant for another time when one could not take photographs of these moments in time.

There is now a new frontier and domain which cannot be photographed, and that is the soul.

And you not understanding that and thinking it's rotten is why you have shitty taste in art.

Nah, Jews just suppressed traditional European art and culture, as all conquering cultures do. Europeans still love representational art.

No I'm pretty sure it was the innovation of photography-as-an-art

Innovation does not equate suppression and your view of things outside the human body rather than within is surprisingly shallow, especially considering these landscapes you post were looking at the same things. The good ones at least, the others were just capturing moments in time.

But what am I to feel for moments in time drawn, their content? Sometimes there is no content for what you're posting. I do not deny the beauty in some of these works but they are magic of their time.

They're not magical like they used to be. Photography as an art is magical.

The human body is more magical than the Earth, because it is what we know more than it. That is what art is now. And has been, if that's a conspiracy it was a damn good conspiracy

Modern Russia has attained partial independence from the Semitic zeitgeist, and has revived some of the European aesthetic tradition. Clearly, the death of Western European art is not the result of impersonal historical forces.

No mate.

This is the actual reason.

You talk of transcendence and yet you refuse to appreciate anything that transcends representation. Your mind has been stunted by the most childish ideology there is. You talk of Jew's supressing traditional art and culture? Did you know that many people in the Frankfurt School saw their work as an attempt to preserve high culture against the easy cheap culture that late Capitalism creates? Adorno himself knew great chunks of German Romantic Poetry off by heart, was a great lover of Classical Music and considered Jazz not to be art. You literally have no idea what you speak of, there has always been people like you, people who would have considered the art that you like to be degenerate. Progress is unstoppable, human beings change and no setting back of the clock will ever solve the ennui you feel, the second you get used to this, the more content you will be. It also takes the least amount of effort to retun to the art of a previous time, as critics have already done the work for you, you do not actually have to exercise your own judgement, you can simply bask in what has been selected as pleasing without challenging yourself with more difficult, new and controversial work.

Oh? Or is it the government cracking down on certain kinds of art?

I've heard that Russia has great art sales, I don't think this Landscape-Revivalism is real.

You still refuse to acknowledge my point

Degenerate art has been shoved down our throats from every social institution, European art has been ruthlessly suppressed as "oppressive and supremacist". This is an open Jewish conspiracy going back at least a century.

How do you explain a major Russian artistic revival coinciding exactly with a massive out-migration of Jews after the collapse of the Soviet Union?

I like your genetic determinism btw
you can justify anything with it

revolution happens and bourgs get collectivized?

you win a vacation trip to gulag?

very convenient and useful indeed

Factors other than it? One doesn't lead to the other, and black market sales of art you think the Jews took with them still take place, as well as regular sales of art

This is full of shit.

Also landscape painting is needed in things like concept art, most of these people want to get into. It's a business choice, getting a resume, something you probably wouldn't know

Buddy everything that has been posted you hate has been produced by a European

This looks like fantasy movie concept art garbage

All lies, sorry. The particular avant-garde you decry began in Europe, by Europeans. Max Nordeau, a Jew, was the first to write a text decrying so called 'degenerate' art: referring to the same art you dislike. You're a moron who needs to stop posting on Holla Forums for a few months.
Try actually picking up a book on art history. Or do you not read books through fear of being influenced by Jewish culture?

Most Europeans favor Hollywood blockbusters and dance-pop music over "this type of art".

I know, the most you'd get out of the average person is 'Oh, that's nice', before they move back to candy crush.


Of all European landscape paintings, this edgelord managed to pick the most boring. Very sad!

Are you even European? Because if you were you'd know publicly-funded national museums in Europe boast expansive collections of carefully-conserved pre-modern art and permanently exhibit the works of old masters for everyone to see at little cost. In Belgium, you can't possibly take an art history class and expect not to be told Renaissance painter Peter Bruegel the Elder is basically the greatest artist of all time (which he kind of is, by the way).

Fun Fact: Did you know the guy who came up with the whole "degeneräte art" thing was Max Nordau, a German Jew and Zionist to boot? He even associated anti-semitism with that very degeneration. Food for thought!

Who actually started capitalism? I've heard everything ranging from the Jews to the Assyrians.

The eternal anglo.

The Industrial Revolution got its start in England.

No one really "started it." It's a historical process made up of innumerable contributing factors. Thomas More's Utopia was complaining about (among other things) what could be considered proto capitalist trends in his own day.

… And how, exactly, did Jews "suppress" traditional European art and culture

Post-impressionism, Expressionism or Surrealism all are both modern and figurative.



Finally, validation for what we all already knew, straight from horse's mouth.

You're not answering my question. How, exactly, did Jews "suppress" traditional European art and culture?

I don't know if it's the shape or what of that arm/leg fused together thing but I am unironically aroused.

Fuck you H.R.

The recent paintings are all produced by Russians.

1. Migrate into a new host country.
2. Surreptitiously seize control of media, academia, the government bureaucracy and the financial system.
3. Begin a multi-generational campaign of mocking and belittling the culture of the host population.
4. Infiltrate and dismantle traditional European art-schools.
5. Promote Semitic abstract art forms as well as the primitive art-forms of lower races.
6. Use Freudian penis-centered arguments against Europeans who complain, as such:

> Because if you were you'd know publicly-funded national museums in Europe boast expansive collections of carefully-conserved pre-modern art and permanently exhibit the works of old masters for everyone to see at little cost.
Where is the government funding for young European men to create new art? Where are the major public works which utilize the European aesthetic tradition? Why is all new art funded by the state restricted to Semitic abstract fun?

Early Zionists believed that Jews should attempt an independent national existence rather than existing as parasites of other peoples. It makes perfect sense for an early Zionist to criticize the Jewish war on the host population, Nordau proved to be quite prophetic.


You're mentally ill and are trying to imagine not being wrong without just admitting "Oops I didn't read shit, I'm dumb as shit, I'm sorry"

Landscape painting is needed in things like concept art, most of these people want to get into. It's a business choice, getting a resume, something you probably wouldn't know

That's your "Stronk European Tradition is"

Sucking up to video game studios, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley, and Seattle.

This isn't anything to do with the elegance of the art

Most of these artists would say what we're saying, and tell us their art is corncob bullshit trying to find labor, to appease people with little minds who think it looks nice like you.

Damn, those jews must've been really well organized to do this multi-generationally. Where is their manifesto about them wanting to do all this? I'd like to read it.

Some of these are just ripped straight from the fucking adaptation of the story of Moses Hollywood made in whatever was it, 50's, 60's? That just tops this all the fuck off

Yeah if only we had more people Peter Jackson could hire from Russia to do brainless concept art for the Hobbit prequels


There is no such thing, and sanctimonious e-autists simply enjoy harking back to the past because they aren't equipped to handle the present. Reaction, in art as well, is little more than a confluence of outsider shame and an inferiority complex. It should not be a wonder then, that Russian revivalism was a movement developed during the greatest period of Russian geopolitical and domestic decline, and only the people's revolutions of 1917 allowed Russian artists to enter the modern world, as leaders rather than followers.

You want to live in a world where art is censored. I appreciate your banal attempts at appearing intelligent but talent usually skips a generation and you're a fucking dipshit.

Art shouldn't be censored. It should be as disgusting and provocative and fucking John Waters-esque as it wants.

It should have the freedom, of anyone, who wants to put themselves forward no matter how disturbing, or elegant, or divisive.

The creation of art is more sacred than fucking speech.

You want to a world where HR Giger never designed anything and Psychic TV never made music and I got to say buddy, I'm sorry but fuck that world


It is actually quite ancient and unique, beginning with the Aurignacians some 40,000 years ago. It involves highly detailed depictions and sophisticated use of perspective. No other race has a tradition this old and distinct.

i like that you choose this word
still bullshit though

kek what disgusting rehashed paitings. If an artist doesn't have anything to add and simply copies what other have done centuries before nonetheless might as well do nothing.
Waste of resources and oxygen.

I guess you are right. 40,000 years of artistic continuity is clearly a figment of my imagination. That you for explaining, you are truly my greatest ally.

No he's right. There's no such thing as "European tradition". I don't know what that is. Are you saying i'm the same as a russian just because we both are europeans? i can a sure i have nothing in common with russians.
What does exists, is French tradition, Italien tradition, Spanish tradition so on and so forth.
Also…wrong again…what is destroying the various european cultures and traditions is american globalism of mental retardation, hollywood garbage and shitty pop music.
USA as a cultureless country that it is has a massive inferiority complex and so they will not rest until they force their "culture" on everyone else.
You can talk about jews all you want…look where those jews born and live. All in USA, all! no exception and they all shill for american globalism.


Do you have a source that isn't fabricated?

Ah yes, of course.

How was European culture "mocked" and "belittled"…? Avant-garde artists rarely were dismissive of old masters, they often learned from their technical command. Picasso, Dalí and Bacon (and even Michel Foucault) were all fans of Velázquez, for example. Heck, your potential arch-nemesis Kazimir Malevitch who founded Suprematism and is therefore pretty much the poster-boy for visual abstraction was also a devout Christian, and so were Yves Klein and Andy Warhol! In fact, the only artists to mindlessly reject tradition and hysterically embrace modernity for its own sake were the Italian Futurists who supported Fascism such as Filippo Tommaso Marinetti.

What "traditional European" school was dismantled? I really can't think of one. You do realize European art history classes cover more than Surrealism, right?

Why the hell are you so triggered by abstract art? You can't seem to shut the fuck up about it.

I'm not sure what you're hinting at. There are many public art schools and cultural centers in Europe.

… Everywhere already? If you mean new public works, then the answer is quite simple: Pre-modernist architecture is insanely expensive to build, operate and maintain. The eclectic neo-classical building for the gigantic Law Courts of Brussels has been undergoing a $10,000,000+ renovation for years now and it's nowhere near completion.

Because if would make little sense to fund the imitation of an already existing tradition in visual arts. The point of financial incentives is to encourage creativity and innovation, not mediocrity and derivativeness.

That's not what early Zionists believed. Founder of modern Zionism Theodor Herzl was initially an ardent supporter of liberal assimilationism but he eventually abandoned the idea because of increasingly virulent European antisemitism he assumed could never be properly addressed.
Again, Nordau — who co-founded the World Zionist Organization with Herzl — associated "degeneräcy" with antisemitism. His cultural conservatism was based on a rigid understanding of Enlightenment values and certainly not on antisemitic conspiracy theories.

All in all, it seems you're simply incapable of grasping one simple fact: Art doesn't exist in a vacuum, it is historically-located. It makes no sense to expect 21st-century, globalization-era designers to all produce the same type of artworks as 17th-century, aristocracy-sponsored painters.
Shifts in artistic styles are easily explained by changes in material conditions: Realistic landscape and portrait painting was a big thing back then because photography didn't yet exist and it started to decline when the mass production and distribution of cameras became possible, most notably. Similarly, heroic depictions of battling armies who served a clear political purpose declined along with the traditional military class… though you could argue their legacy survives to this day through DoD-approved Hollywood war films.

There is no real difference between Russian culture and English culture. Social and artistic norms are remarkably consistent across the continent, a reflection of the high level of genetic uniformity among European peoples.

Look out of your window.

You know that the Paleolithic was not at all what you expected it to be, and it was far more alien to what you think Europe is/was.

In fact you would probably call it degenerate, communist, and feminist.

Mhm, okay sweetheart.

The cultures of Greece were an assimilation of Cyclades cultures, the Near East, and Egypt. The Orientalizing period revolutionized art. All of this wasn't made whole cloth.

Indeed, paleolithic Europe was expansive, stretching far and wide. But anthropologists have long concluded it wasn't the social darwinist nightmare people in the 19th and 20th century thought it was. However, it was unrelated entirely to the Greeks as you just posted them.

You're confusing Cyclades culture, Pre-Orientalizing Greek Art, Orientalizing Greek Art, and the vast periods of time between them. They shared very little actually, compared to what was borrowed and exchanged elsewhere.

The Gauls who took over much of West Europe were looked down upon as savages and were erecting stone calenders while the rest of the world was making breakthrough in architecture and culture, including Greece, the Mediterranean, Egypt, and Asia.

There is no core western canon you're trying to weave together, it's very much a mishmash of different cultural contacts.

You, once again, have fuck of a clue about art history contemporary and historic and prehistoric.

So why are you talking about art? Call it "The Jewwwws" all you want, we've understood this shit for a long ass time now.

What's funny is that you're just posting more evidence art shouldn't be censored.

But that's bullshit fam.

The Neolothic, around 11,000 BC in Turkey, were already building fucking temples were nomadic people's would meet together, far beyond simple cave drawings of their European contemporaries.

Your understanding of history is severely fucking lacking

There's nothing out of my window. What are you implying?

Yes all these different art movements through history were somehow connected, came out of nowhere, and defend your fetish for landscapes despite the fact none of this started that trend in art.

You're a fucking retard please stop talking about art

ah yes of course


This thread is full of Semites mocking and belittle European art and culture.

All of them. Every single one was infiltrated and dismantled, ending a previously unbroken line of artistic transmission. Take for example the school which rejected Hitler, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, which now specializes in teaching "gender studies".

Because it is a symbol of Semitic cultural imperialism, it has no precedent within the European tradition.

The two are closely associated, one is a reaction to the other.

lol, nice meme schlomo. I'm sure that you would have fit right in with the ancient European mammoth hunters, just as soon as you did something to correct their excellent art.

These cultures were all part of greater Europe.

Yes, anthropologists have concluded that they were feminist vegetarian homosexuals.

This is a foolish line of argument. The agricultural technologies of the time could not support high population densities in Northwestern Europe. Besides, modern genetics has determined that ancient Gauls and Egyptians shared over 50% of their ancestry, both were largely descended from the same expansion of neolithic farmers from the fertile crescent, a line which is now only preserved among Europeans.

All of the peoples of ancient western Eurasia were closely related, as were their aesthetic traditions. Nothing comparable exists elsewhere.

Those people were genetically Europeans.

Laughter, but also vicarious embarrassment.

No one here is seriously doing this. I love early Christian illustrations and the Flemish Renaissance just like I love post-impressionism or video installations.

The surely you should have no trouble to cite the name of one of those…?

This was an embarrassingly stupid claim to make. Hitler was rejected because the portfolio he submitted to the entrance exam of the Academy of Fine Arts of Vienna was unsatisfactory, not because of a grand conspiracy to personally bar Hitler from attending its courses.

Neither did proper perspective before the Renaissance. Besides, this is just plain wrong; abstraction already existed to a certain degree in pre-19th century European art — were not the geometric ornamentation patterns of ancient craftsmanship a form of abstraction?

He associated degeneräcy with antisemitism, as in: he thought antisemites were degenerätes just like post-impressionist painters or decadent writers. He feared the irrational hatred of the Jews as exemplified by the likes of Wagner was a sign that German civilization might be reverting back to pre-Enlightenment values.

'National community' was a myth to begin with, don't you think? :^]


how can a dialectical materialist not believe in genetic determinism (or other forms of determinism for that matter)

lol typical tankie is a dumbass who hasnt read his marx :O

I will quote the founder of the Art Renewal Foundation:

"For over 90 years, there has been a concerted and relentless effort to disparage, denigrate and obliterate the reputations, names, and brilliance of the academic artistic masters of the late 19th Century. Fueled by a cooperative press, the ruling powers have held the global art establishment in an iron grip. Equally, there was a successful effort to remove from our institutions of higher learning all the methods, techniques and knowledge of how to train skilled artists. Five centuries of critical data was nearly thrown into the trash. It is incredible how close Modernist theory, backed by an enormous network of powerful and influential art dealers, came to acquiring complete control over thousands of museums, university art departments and journalistic art criticism. We at the Art Renewal Center have fully and fairly analyzed their theories and have found them wanting in every respect, devoid of substance and built on a labyrinth of easily disproved fallacies, suppositions and hypotheses."

He was pretty good for a prole kid with no formal training. As an artist, Hitler was at ground zero of Semitic cultural subversion, it is no surprise that European artist became their greatest opponent.

We should have listened, he was our greatest ally. Nazis were the REAL Jews.

dialectical logic is bullshit fam
post factum justification of anything, no predictive power
go read Foucault about epistemological break in Marx's writings

I don't deny that genes influence development and behavior
I only have my doubts as to what extent they influence
with all epigenetics and DNA methylation, RNA exchange between cells and amount of errors in DNA replication this whole matter becomes really complicated

also I have philosophical problems with genetic determinism
genetic reductionists are basically modern fatalists
and I always despised fatalism as a philosophical current

plus I in general view humans as universal programmable machines, some minor genetic differences aside
genetic determinists deny any form of feedback mechanism between genes and organism except for Fertilization process

I accept determinism in a sense that environment determines mind
but genes are only one aspect of environment and I'm not sure that it is even the main factor

lol typical anarchoshit sperg go smash some windows :^)

This positively oozes petty resentment. Anyway, I highly doubt the tree other artists presented such works at their entrance exam — modernists-to-be typically had advanced technical command and could effortlessly fill their portfolio with whatever examinators wanted it to contain (see attached pics, all artists under 25).
Also, Egon Schiele never graduated; he left school because he found its courses unstimulating and dogmatic. Funnily enough, the very same teacher Schiele hated for his conservatism, Christian Griepenkerl, was also responsible for rejecting Hitler's application!

Fred Ross is a New Jersey businessman who knows jack shit about the history and philosophy of art. I couldn't care less about the opinion of an obvious dilettante with a backward fixation on academicism.

His scenery watercolors were decent postcard material and did show he had some talent, but that's pretty much it. I'm not surprised he was rejected from art school; he showed very little interest in human figures, and that's why one of the instructors told him he should give a try to the school's architecture department instead. He didn't because he dropped out of high-school and therefore didn't have the certification required to attend it.

The entrance exam involved reproducing a Biblical scene. If that's "Semitic cultural subversion" then I don't know what isn't. Actually, avant-garde artists often found it hard back then to go on with their life and work unmolested by authorities; Schiele, him again, did prison time for producing and exhibiting "pornography".

Oops, slight correction: all artists actually under 18 except Cézanne (25) and Grosz (40).

I don't think that being from New Jersey and engaging in financially remunerative activity invalidates his observations.

If you remember, we were discussing the subversion and suppression of European art. Here we have an apolitical, racially naive art collector who sees a massive multi-generational coordinated international conspiracy by media, academia and financial interests to destroy the European artistic tradition. He founded an organization to facilitate the transmission of the European artistic tradition because art-schools can no longer serve this role. I'd love to hear your Talmudic rationalization of this coincidence.

He was literally an insane child-molester, and would be locked up for life under contemporary laws.

At least they all did well financially. Which was a pure coincidence, of course.

I'm not interested in re-litigating Hitler's school admission process, or determining just exactly how far the rot had progressed by the time of his application. My point was that the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna no longer serves as a means of transmitting the European artistic tradition.

And Hitler did meth and amphetamines recreationally but you don't bitch about his poor pretty pictures being romanticized because he broke the law and was an "open degenerate".

The problem is you still refuse to admit any evidence to the contrary we've discovered over a century as "THE JEWS SAID THAT NOT PEOPLE IN THE FIELD, IT'S THE JEWS, THE JEWS, THE JEWWWS"

You're so blinded by identity politics you literally cannot understand being wrong without creating a global conspiracy to win an argument on the internet

But all you're doing is repeating yourself.

The cesnoring of art is the censoring of the human spirtit. It does not matter what art actually is, be it exploratory of the human soul, human sexuality, or something divine or emotional.

With the advent of photography-as-art landscapes no longer held the magic they had.

There is no great Western Canon that wasn't birthed during the Orientalizing period. We know this not because the "Jews" just said so, but because of artifacts that shift over time to mirror their contemporary cultures they just began contacting.

The art of the Gauls and their architecture vastly differ from the Greek's Bronze, and Rome's Marble that copied Greek. The idealization of form came from Egypt, Greece decided instead of royalty having such busts of themselves, all men should.

And as for your previous accusation that anthropology is pushing an "agenda" is complete bullshit because when it comes to paleolithic art we only have educated guesses. We know they idealized the feminine form, and there was an extreme lack of masculine figures. Only animal.

I would say, the Near East at the time and Egypt combined with Greece invented stereotypical 'Western Canon" but even then after the fall of Rome it evolved dramtically. First it decayed into simplicity, then it went all over the place. The Baroque etc

You really just have no fucking clue about art and how we got here.

You're just upset about landscapes.

Because he's not an artist, historian, philosopher or anything — he's just a clueless bourgeois with too much money on his hands who somehow cannot understand why contemporary artists aren't interested in mimicking a style that was already stale more than a century ago.

Pretty much all your arguments boil down to "it's a conspiracy" and "the Jews". It's sad, really.

What the fuck are you talking about? He was once accused of entertaining a relationship with an underage girl but it was never proved and the charges were dropped.

Not at all. Many avant-garde artists of the era had a modest (if bohemian) lifestyle. They usually relied on the generosity of family or friends and the occasional client for subsistence. Van Gogh was supported by his brother and never sold more than one painting. Gustav Klimt grew up poor and lived in squalor while he was a student. Joan Miró survived on a diet of dried figs and chewing gum for years. Egon Schiele died aged 28, almost as soon as he came back from the front. Adolf Wölfli spent most of his life in a madhouse, selling his art to visitors for pencils.

Yeah, the idea this dumbshit thinks art ever pays is absolutely ludicrous. Art comes mostly from a passion to create, everyone understands they probably won't get money, and that really doesn't matter to them.

The anti-sjw's hate islam.

Holla Forums hates muslims

They don't really care that they made a system of inequality, they hate that they are invading white countries and blowing them up. Its not hard to realize that.

The Holla Forums you know is so firmly imprisoned in tinfoil hattery land, with a coconut layer of feels b4 reals around it, that it is pointless to even argue with them about basic definitions.

This distinction is irrelevant. There was no "Orient", all ancient near Eastern and Southern European civilizations were descended from the same neolithic racial stock. The race which first developed agriculture 10,000 years ago proceeded to expand across Europe and the Mediterranean.

Ancient Egyptians were the descendants of the same neolithic migration as Southern Europeans. They degenerated into a lower race only recently. The same is true to the entire near east.

The Gauls were a small and diffuse population of subsistence farmers. The agricultural technology of the time could not produce large surpluses in most of Europe, thereby making specialized urban artistic classes impossible. Once a European population achieves a certain population density, its artistic output converges on shared European norms.

I have a lot of "feminine forms" stored on my hard-drive, what's your point?

This decay was the result of a massive population collapse from which Europe did not recover until the middle ages.

Nuh-uh, I'm doing fine for myself
Da Joowz are rich, so WRONG
Climate change is a Jewish conspiracy, it [doesn't exist]/[is overblown hysteria]
Haha only minorities are poor, which they should be!

you vastly underestimate how stupid Holla Forums is

Appeal to authority.

To be fair, all of this art exists to meet demand among clueless bourgeois. This particular bourgeois is simply upset that no art is being produced in the European tradition, to meet the demands of European collectors. After some digging, he uncovered a massive anti-European conspiracy in the arts and realized that he would have to create an entire parallel artistic establishment to meet the demand of collectors who want new art in the European style.

Yeah, it seems that's what nearly every problem boils down to after only a modest amount of investigation by any reasonable and intelligent person. It's really sad for you, who has to spend all of this time and effort in rationalizing and apologizing for a single malevolent foreign tribe.

He has also accused of raping his little sister.

He truly was a mentally ill hobo, but he died in 1890, well before these subversive processes were in full swing. If van Gogh had lived only a few more decades, who would have become one of the wealthiest artists in Europe.

Why do you keep lumping in Klimt? He is a perfectly ordinary European painter.

Ok. What do this hobo's pretty doodles have to do the topic at hand?

Why don't you stick to the list of actual degenerate artists, instead of lumping in ordinary eccentrics with Jew funded perverts.

And ended up extremely rich, designing art for the ((World Trade Center)).

He died of the Spanish flu outbreak, he definitely wasn't poor.

It's not much of a conspiracy if he uncovered it.
Also, since nobody's stopped him, it's a rather toothless conspiracy as well.

Also, most modern art is used to launder drug money, so no wonder the artists aren't bothered to spend time on their art.

What does this even mean? Capitalism can't collapse, it isn't a rigid ideological system, but an outgrowth of evolved human economic behavior. A couple of Bantus in the jungle exchanging bushmeat for bananas isn't a system which can collapse. Now if you mean the current system of international trade and finance rooted in debt and fiat currency, then there are many radical libertarian capitalists waiting for its collapse at this very moment. The collapse of the current system of international finance has no negative implications for capitalism, as the most radical capitalists have been denouncing our system as a scam for decades.

Isn't this just a result of China entering the global economy and engaging in price competition with Western enterprises? Decreasing profits just mean increasing economic competition. Massively increasing global participation in the system of international trade is the opposite of the collapse of capitalism.

Who cares? This is the tragedy of the commons. The world belongs to no one, so nobody gives a shit. If current trends continue, Europeans will be a vanishingly small minority of the planet's population in the near future, why should we worry the future climate of a planet dominated by Africans, Arabs and Chinese?

This is just a reflection of rapid breeding among low I.Q. groups. Do you suggest that we exterminate economically unproductive people? Because this is the only plausible way to decrease economic inequality.

Jews have worked hard to make it nearly impossible for Europeans to call out their conspiracies. They can now operate completely out in the open and no one dares say a word, as that would surely reveal one's membership in a certain defunct 80 year old German worker's party, as well as one's fanatical loyalty to a certain deceased former Wehrmacht corporal with an inclination towards the arts.

Should they send a squad of Rabbinical assassins to kill him? He is just one man, he will die eventually. The Ashkenazi group evolutionary strategy will outlive him.

Not drug money, it is used to avoid taxes. If some Jew gets another Jew to appraise an ugly scribble to be worth 5 billion dollars, than resells it to a third Jew for a nickel, the first Jew can report a 5 billion dollar financial loss and avoid paying taxes, then trade back later that night at shul, and repeat again next year.

be discerning, the same could be told of the left wing if ones honest

So reserving your trust for people who are actually educated and knowledgeable over those who are uninformed philistines is "appeal to authority" now?

You don't say…

Where did he find it? On Google? Or maybe he uncovered a cache of damning documents signed and stamped by the Modern Art World Domination Committee?

You really don't care about history, material conditions or anything, you simply explain everything by referring to your favorite eternal boogeyman. This is the childish.

Wrong. It's true he had incestuous feelings for her, but he was never accused of raping her by anyone. He once spent the night in a hotel with here, but that's it.

So why exactly did the Jews wait until the early 20th century to corrupt Europe? They're an all-powerful malevolent tribe, surely they could have destroyed European culture before?

You really have no clue what you are talking about, do you? He was massively influenced by Van Gogh and acted as a mentor to Schiele. The Vienna Secession he helped found was created in opposition to the conservatism of Historicism and Academicism. He was even accused of obscenity for his Great Hall of the University of Vienna paintings. Klimt is the epitome of modernism in art.

You implied avant-garde artists were all wealthy shills sponsored by agents of cultural degradation. Wölfi is but one of many instances of an avant-garde artist who was not affluent at all.

So I have to stick to your very historically specific standards of what is officially degeneräte now? Do you seriously believe the Nazis would not have branded the works of Wölfi degeneräte had the got the chance?
But fine. Did you know Max Beckmann was a specialist of Rembrand and Rubens, Bosch and Grünewald? That Wassily Kandinsky was an Orthodox Christian who included biblical themes in his works? That Ernst Barlach was a fervent patriot before he actually witnessed the horrors of war? So much for Semitic subversion!

That chin tho

That's probably because spencerian alt-right is literally funded by 80+ year old porky geezer with delusions of anuddah shoah

Notice how sidetracked we have to get by Art in a discussion about politics by a Holla Forumstard

Yes. You are appealing to the authority of the very institutions deemed to be subverted and hostile by admirers of the European tradition.

How does one uncover any conspiracy? Through repeated close contact with the conspirators.

I care very much about the historical and material conditions which have allowed a clique of malevolent foreigners to establish their rule over us.

They began doing so just as soon as they were given the opportunity.

He just made ordinary European paintings with some gold trim. The biggest exhibition of his work was held in Nazi Germany in 1943, stop lumping him in with Jews.

We was not affluent because his work was pretty, and therefore not useful for corrupting the European aesthetic tradition.

Yes, that would be nice. If the highly motivated and extremely thorough Germany Ministry of Art found no reason to sanction a contemporary artist, then creating your own list of degeneräte artists is a form of strawman argumentation.

What is your point in randomly quoting the wikipedia pages of those jew-funded canvas shit-posters?

"The academic establishment is part of the conspiracy, therefore I don't have to stick to any intellectual standards whatsoever!" … And so that's why you get to cite complete nobodies as authorities, of course. Nice try.

Sounds more like he was assblasted by the lack of interest that actually relevant and educated people had in reviving a tradition that has no reason for existing in the 21st century.

So you refuse to acknowledge the most essential tenets of art history but suddenly care about the study of "material conditions" when it consists of pseudoscientific evo-pysch supporting your preconceived delusions. Huge surprise.

So it took French Jews more than one century to destroy civilization but less than a decade for Russian Jews to do the same? I know France tends to have shorter working hours but that's pushing it.

… Are you blind? Klimt's works have more to do with Post-Impressionism or even Expressionism than any sort of "European tradition" as you seem to understand it. If there is any "national" tradition Klimt truly drew from, it's not German Academicism but Japanese woodblock printing.

Many of Klimt's patron and models were Jewish, including the husband of Adele Bloch-Bauer who commissioned her now famous portrait.

How was Wölfli's work "pretty" in any conventional aesthetic sense, especially the one you adhere to? His oeuvre consists mostly of inscrutable fractals inspired by his psychotic hallucinations. His work was even promoted by Jean Dubuffet, the very incarnation of what you call "Semitism subversion". I don't see how Wölfli differs from Bauer, Metzinger or Schwitters in that respect.

Because you apparently cannot be bothered to do the most basic of research.

He's not the one that believes the institutions have been corrupted by the jews you dumb, dumb idiot.

It's actually incredibly relevant because it created Greek Art as you know it in Bronze.

Without tri-contact between Egypt, the Near East, and Greece, what you know and love as Western Art wouldn't even exist

Except art history and anthropology actually has evidence, physical evidence to back it up, that this other does not have. So even if that was true, it doesn't negate that fact.

I know, but he's using his claims as evidence of a modernist plot to destroy European tradition. So calm your tits.

My bad, I got confused trying to follow this conversation.

This is a silly argument. The entire art establishment on both sides of the Atlantic is almost entirely Ashkenazi. The gallery and museum directors, the school directors and the art reviewers are all Ashkenazim. There aren't any goyim in the industry left to cite.

That's definitely one way of looking at it. The establishment certainly has absolutely no interest in traditional European art, at least on this we can agree.

What tenets of art history? The history is that Europeans have a 40,000 year old tradition of representative art. Semites are forbidden by their tribal cult, to produce or display any representative art. The near complete erasure of the European artistic tradition coincided perfectly with the rise of a high I.Q. Semitic merchant clan to prominence in all formerly European artistic, academic and media institutions.

To be fair, France was a rotting husk of its former self by 1871. Paris was so riven by intractable internal conflict, that the Prussian army had declined to conquer it.

Russia of course had far more Jews, and a weak state which failed to adequately suppress this foreign element. Jews were the main force behind the 1917 revolution, and they were operating politically without the legal right to do so. Just the fact that Jews felt brazen enough to openly interfere in the politics of a foreign country which explicitly forbade their political activities, reveals the lax enforcement of the ailing czarist regime towards this existential threat.

You are nuts. Klimt's work is perfectly ordinary. If I would fault him for anything, it would be excessive gilded aristocratic decadence.

If this proves anything, it is that degeneräte art was largely identified using objective aesthetic criteria, rather than personal and political association.

Nah. They are just more elaborate versions of the pretty fractal doodles that most kids draw in the margins of their notebooks.ölfli art&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjkkMf84qrVAhUE7CYKHdFyBEwQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=867

Wölfli never desecrated the human form and he never had any Jew instigated pretensions about his doodles superseding the European tradition.

Thanks man. I really need screenies to show people who batshit insane Holla Forums is and you've FILLED this thread with them. Keep blaming everything on the Jews man. It doesn't make you look paranoid or obsessive at all.

Then why do European states spend millions on the conservation and promotion of pre-modernist artworks? The art history course that was part of my multimedia art studies covered the Flemish Renaissance for much longer than it did modern or post-modern trends.

The fact that art styles are defined by the historical context in which they exist, which explains the decline of realistic portrait and landscape painting for instance.

This is the dumbest thing you've said so far, which is quite a feat. Were Moritz Daniel Oppenheim or Isaac Levitan rogue Jews or undercover Aryans?

You really have no clue what you're talking about, do you? Your only standard in determining whether something is part of the so-called "European tradition" is the presence of realistic figures. Guess what, that's not how it works.

Neither did artists who similarly concerned themselves mostly with abstraction, duh.

Art Brut had much more impact and influence on the modern development of art than stale Academicism, that's for sure.

State museums are contractually obligated to maintain artworks which have been placed in their stewardship. There is precisely zero state funding for the creation of traditional European art, which even you must admit is quite remarkable.

I suppose these are the same mysterious and impersonal historical forces which have transformed traditional European music into atonal gibberish, and European architecture into freakish deformity. Pure coincidence.

They were clear heretics. Judaism is an fundamentalist iconoclastic cult. Not only are Jews forbidden from creating a depiction of the human form, they are commanded to mock and destroy all graven images, much like their Islamic cousins. Are you an actual goy? How do you not know this?

Putting some decadent gilding on traditional European figures does not qualify in my mind, or in that of the Not Socialists, as degeneräte art. Degeneräte art must serve to mock, desecrate and pervert the European aesthetic tradition. Perhaps you could explain your novel theory on the nature of degeneräte art, and how Klimt falls within this category.

Find me one officially degeneräte artist who, like Wölfli, focused entirely on drawing abstract doodles, and avoided freakishly distorting the human form.

Yes, this is a fascinating fact. It is truly a wonder of impersonal historical forces that the scribblings of the mentally ill comprise the heart of the contemporary artistic establishment, while the aesthetic and technical epitome of European art is completely unknown, even to students of art.

you just have shit taste fam

Now that's what I call a circular argument

God, you Holla Forumsyps are such aesthetic children.

Hans fucking Zimmer has more out-there shit in his Nolan soundtracks

What a moronic thread, stop letting Holla Forumstards distract you into arguing about nothing. They're autistic, they would rather be pedantic than argue about things that matter.

Do leftists really struggly this hard to understand the concept of in-group loyalty?

It doesn't matter how "good" islam is, converting to it is not an option to someone who is loyal to their tribe.

It's like you lack basic human qualities and substitute them with pretentious overthinking.


In-group loyalty has no value.

Great point, I'm sure the multiple billions of completely spooked people with in group loyalty are totally gonna change their mind now.

You're stuck up your own ass, and you will never achieve anything.

You can be as mad as you like about it but it doesn't make it any less spooky or any less worthless.

This turned into nice art thread tbh, a lot of paintings here are beautiful

Most of the world will never be unspooked.
Spooks are not inherently bad for an egoist. It's up to personal preference what spooks you choose to ignore.

You literal retards can't even comprehend that basic point Stirner makes.

Blah blah blah, keep babbling you spooked babby retard.

so artfags in this thread I need your service

I forgot a name of the early medieval french icon painting where monk writes something in a book and apparently he is receiving a revelation
it has unusual for an icon dynamism and power, you really feel like he is in a hurry to write every word before he forgets it

They don't simply maintain them, they actively promote them. Heck, the Romantic artist Antoine Wiertz even has a museum entirely dedicated to his oeuvre in Brussels just like Surrealiste René Magritte.

"Atonality" wasn't born with the Second Viennese School, you know. It was already present in Beethoven's late string quartets or in non-European traditions like Nogaku in Japan.

I'm not even sure what "deformity" you're talking about. If there is any unifying trend in modernist architecture then it's functionality and sobriety — Baroque or Neo-Gothic edifices arguably are more "deformed" than Bauhaus or Brutalist buildings.

Yeah, it's almost like Jews aren't actually a hivemind.

Whose ass do you actually pull these assertions from?

The very notion of "degeneräte art" is void of any substance, I don't care much for it. It's just that Klimt had much more to do artistically with artists you and your Nazi predecessors called "degeneräte" (Van Gogh, Kokoschka, Schiele, etc) than with the conservative "European tradition" he actively sought to distance himself from.

Do you even know who Mondrian and Kandinsky are…? Bauer, Baumeister, Bayer, Dexel, Freundlich, Itten, Lissitzky, Moholy-Nagy, Muche, Nay, Schwitters, Vordemberge-Gildewart, etc similarly concerned themselves mostly with abstraction. Some like Baluschek and Corinth even painted in a relatively realistic style.

Well, they were more interesting than endlessly rehashed historical scenes or pretty landscapes for sure.

This is bullshit, all art history studies deal at length with pre-modernist art. In fact, many courses follow a chronological fashion starting with cave paintings, early ceramics and whatnot.

Did it look like something like this?

no, there was one monk sitting in this pose but it was dynamic his facial expression was alive not like these indifferent stone faces
it was almost in expressionist style

What about this?

Found it!
Ebbo Gospels
it was produced in the ninth century
just fucking compare it to all the shit stale iconography of the following centuries

Almost looks like a primitive version of El Greco!

this thread mutated into /art/

me when only 5 minutes are left of the math exam and i couldn't finish a single exercise

The fact that museums with traditional European paintings still solicit visitors does not mean that the European aesthetic tradition is alive. Museums are graveyards, completely irrelevant to an active and healthy aesthetic tradition. The art schools, private galleries, art dealerships and art journalism are completely in the hands of the enemy. Though I will give most museum directors some credit for resisting the iconoclastic Semitic zeitgeist by not torching the buildings. The European museums probably won't be burned until Semites become the majorities in European nations.

So it is Beethoven's fault that the death of the European musical tradition coincided with the death of the European painting tradition.

Iconoclasm is a central aspect of the Jewish cult, rooted in a fundamentalist interpretation of the 2nd commandment. This is an uncontroversial fact which has been recognized for millenia. All Jews are commanded to desecrate and destroy the graven images of the goyim, even the most theologically lax of Jews implicitly adhere to this directive as a means of distinguishing themselves from the host population. Are you pretending to be completely ignorant of Judaism, or are you really an utterly clueless goy? gehry&hl=en&site=imghp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjRqbiP0azVAhUB0IMKHY9HBhsQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=867

Yes, even Jews occasionally experience heresies. The 19th century Jewish enlightenment movements which sought to reconcile Judaism with European culture were one such failed heresy.

So you have your own notion of degeneräte art which eschews aesthetics and is based entirely on personal association. This is fine, just don't pretend that anyone other than you has ever labeled Klimt's work as degeneräte.

All of these oven dodgers created hideously distorted human figures, of the sort prized by Semites.

Corinth produced a lot of freakish shit. Baluschek's inclusion does appear to have been largely political, a result of his demoralizing war paintings.

I'm sure that insane asylums can be very interesting places, but when they suddenly spill out and replace thousands of years of traditional culture, then you know something strange is going on.

Then why are you conditioned to endlessly sing the praises of subversive shit-posters, while never having heard of most of the painters which I have posted?

Do any of the art nerds in this thread know anything about Jacques Callot? Pics related

They could have attacked at any moment! It was just a pre-emptive strike!

Callot is part of what I like to call the "Grotesque Renaissance" — 16th century Western European artists who approached humanism in a satirical and playful fashion, contrasting with the grandiloquent seriousness of much of the Renaissance.

Think painters like Peter Bruegel the Elder, writers like François Rabelais, songwriters like Clemens Non Papa.


Currency (and therefore capitalism) was invented by the ancient Egyptians while whitey was still living in caves eating mud.

Neither are the Neo-Impressionist or Orphist traditions. It would make absolutely no sense to revive historically-located artistic currents for the sake of it.

"Destroy the museums, the libraries, every type of academy!" That's Mussolini fanboy Filippo Tommaso Marinetti in 1909.

Not only Beethoven's actually, but also Lizst's and Bartók's. Fucking Magyars, man.

Ethnic Jews are one of the most secular demographics in the world. Only around half of world Jewry actually cares about the Old Testament, the other half would rather watch Seinfeld.

… Recognized by whom exactly?

I've never liked Gehry's work, it just feels gimmicky and attention-starved. Many modernist and post-modernist architects share my views, which is why there are so many pics of him flipping the bird, actually. Gehry is an anomaly among contemporary architecture, really.

… How did the Jewish Enlightenment "fail" exactly?

I don't have any definition of "degeneräte art", this concept is bunk. What I said about Klimt has little to do with personal associations and everything to do with real artistic connections. Gustav Klimt was massively influenced by "degeneräte" Van Gogh and enthusiastically mentored "degeneräte" Schiele. He has everything to do with the avant-garde and very little to do with the "European tradition" whose conservatism he hated.

… They didn't. Did you even bother to take a cursory look? They focused on pure abstraction. Not that there is actually anything wrong with "hideous human figures", by the way.

They haven't "replaced" anything, Art Brut remains an obscure if influential art style. Who do you think people in the streets are more likely to know about? Rubens and Rembrandt who are celebrated throughout Europe or some weird Swiss psychotic whose work barely ever gets exhibited at all?

Because the painters you've posted are uninteresting and irrelevant — their entire body of work consists of doing the exact same thing over and over again, making sure they adhere to the very precise guidelines of Academicism in the process. And also because I haven't been conditioned by edgy Blogspots and negationist literature, I actually have an education (both academic and self-taught) in art history that goes beyond collecting pretty landscape found on Google Images. By the way, the last thing I did in school revolved around the grotesque in 16th-century Western European Renaissance — a subject of my own choosing that teachers enthusiastically supported.

Taking a wide view of our unfortunate situation, it is Jew-backed schizophrenic shitposting which is an extremely localized artistic current, while the European struggle to express the essence of beauty through art is a truly ancient tradition.

You keep trying to conflate Europeans who made beautiful art with degeneräcy, while ignoring the Jews who openly call for the destruction of European art.

"Adorno, a trained classical pianist, wrote The Philosophy of Modern Music (1949), in which he, in essence, polemicizes against music ― because it has become part of the ideology of advanced capitalist society and the false consciousness that contributes to social domination. He argued that radical art and music may preserve the truth by capturing the reality of human suffering."

"This view of modern art as producing truth only through the negation of traditional aesthetic form and traditional norms of beauty because they have become ideological is characteristic of Adorno and of the Frankfurt School generally."

Ashkenazim has lived in close proximity to Europeans for a millennium. Any Ashkenazi with an aesthetic and cultural affinity for Europeans could convert to Christianity and blend into the European population. And so they did, a double digit percentage of Ashkenazim boiled off into the European population in every generation for one thousand years. Those that remained within the Ashkenazim breeding-pool possessed distilled characteristics which were intrinsically incompatible with Europeans, an example of gene-culture co-evolution. This is why irreligious Ashkenazim do not exhibit a reduced hostility towards European people and culture.

You are being disingenuous. Semitic iconoclasm is universally known. Traditional Ashkenazi iconoclasm is comparable to that of contemporary Sunni fundamentalists. Ashkenazim forbade representational art in their houses of worship, in their religious texts and in their homes.

An anomaly, as in, the most prominent and influential.

Those who attempted to reconcile Ashkenazim with European civilization eventually gave up and converted to Christianity, they realized that it was an impossible task.

So your attempt to classify Klimt as a degeneräte artist is just groundless sophistry.

I looked at the doodles of every single one, all had produced highly distorted human forms.

There is no such thing as "Art Brut". There is European art, and there is schizophrenic shitposting. The latter has is completely dominant in all formerly European artistic institutions.

That may be, though it may also be the case that you are a racial foreigner with a fundamentally different sense of aesthetics. Once Ashkenazim are deprived of political and economic rights within our countries, the artistic currents which you find "interesting and relevant" will be confined to Tel-Aviv.

Which is why almost all of the paintings you post are from the 19th century, I suppose.

You whined about atonality. I cited artists who dabbled in atonality before the evil Second Viennese School did. That's all.

"Aesthetic affinity" is not the reason most Jews converted and/or assimilated.

Such as…?

You keep telling me it's obvious without providing any sort of evidence. Could it be that you actually made this up? Mmhhh…

He isn't. In fact, he even said not so long ago that he thought most of what was getting built today is shit. He is a midget compared to Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright or Ludwig Mies van der Rohe — none of which are Jewish, by the way.

The outcome of the Jewish Enlightenment was much more complex than that. Again, you're making shit up.

No, all I'm saying is that deciding this or that artist is "degeneräte" and this or that other artist isn't even though he's part of a similar trend is disingenuous. I have no interest in attempting to classify Klimt as "degeneräte", I'm merely pointing out the double standards of not doing so when you sincerely believe in degeneräcy theory.

Care to share? They're very likely minor elements that rarely if ever get to appear in public exhibitions. What's wrong with distorted human forms anyway?

I'm of white Belgian descent with some Spanish ancestors. I'm guessing you're white, too. Woah, could this mean that aesthetic tastes actually have nothing to do with race!?

Talk about wishful thinking… Whether you want to admit it or not, the vast majority of Europeans engaging in "Semitic subversion" aren't Jewish. In fact, the vast majority of artists exhibited in the 1937 "degeneräte art" exhibition weren't Jewish either. You could murder every last Jew in Europe right now and that would change very little in how the arts develop.

As the classical Greeks had perfected the art of sculpture, 19th century Europeans had perfected the art of painting. By the early 20th century, almost every European nation had a catalog of its own masters, who collectively produced in a century, more art than had been produced in the previous millennium. It was truly a golden age.

Those Jews who were innately repulsed by European aesthetics, culture and social norms, had no possibility of integrating into European society.

Pretty much every characteristic which is considered stereotypical of the Ashkenazi race. If you wish, I can post in great detail on the physiological and psychological peculiarities of the Ashkenazi merchant clan.

I was sure that you were just a dissembling Semite rather than a clueless goy.

There is nothing in Klimt's work which represents a radical departure from the European aesthetic tradition, neither in terms of style or subject matter.

Europeans are a beautiful race with beautiful art. Distorted forms appeal to troll-like Ashkenazim for personal and cultural reasons. Grotesque distortion of the human form is an excellent rule of thumb for identifying art which is influenced by Ashkenazi aesthetics.

Perhaps you are just experiencing the early symptoms of schizophrenia. Or perhaps you are pretending to like their art because otherwise you would have to admit that you were utterly fooled and intellectually humiliated by a bunch of Semitic shysters who conditioned you into accepting that schizophrenic aesthetic diarrhea has superseded the artistic tradition of your forefathers.

Most goyish degeneräte artists are just lazy morons who follow the money. Perhaps the dimmer among them actually believe that their art has aesthetic significance. None of them would be relevant without a massive financial and media apparatus at their backs.

If the guy you are responding to can't say nothing besides "joos did it" they might just be too nazicucked to live

This isn't exactly a prowess considering the point of Academicism was to churn out as many uninventive, virtually identical paintings as possible.

What are the European aesthetics, culture and social norms you're talking about? Why would Jews be innately repulsed by it? I'm fairly sure a lower-class French Catholic and a lower-class French Jew had more in common with each other than with the French aristocracy or bourgeoisie.

Like what? A hooked nose and money-grubbing?

That was centuries ago and observant Jews actually did produce visual art including depictions of human figures. They were simply forbidden from portraying God or creating religious statues for the most part.
Hey, early Protestants were also iconoclasts who objected to the use of religious images as idolatry. Why do you not speak of "Lutheran subversion" then? Are you secretly on a mission for the Orange Order?

You are nuts. The only thing that might seem like a real continuation of the "European tradition" in Klimt's paintings are his relatively realistic and somewhat mythology-inspired depiction of human figures — other than that, his work has got much more to do with "Semitic subversion" as found in the unnatural colors of Post-Impressionism, the stylized distortions of Expressionism or even the early abstractions of the Blaue Reiter. Again, he founded the Viennese Secession as a reaction against Historicism.

Are you seriously trying to imply that Jews supposedly like distorted human figures because "they are ugly lol"…? Are you 13?

Yes, it couldn't possibly be that we simply disagree about art — it just has to be about the Jews, right?

Do the paintings that I post look identical to you? The point of painting is to capture a moment of idealized beauty. I encounter unique moments of beauty everyday, the subject matter for painting is inexhaustible.

Alright, we can play the tactical nihilism game. European aesthetics is what Europeans find beautiful and non-European do not find beautiful. European culture is the distillation of the traditions and biological inclinations of the races of hunters, herders, warriors, farmers and craftsmen who populated the Western part of the Eurasian landmass over the last 40,000 years, and coalesced into a single continental culture 3,000 years ago. European social norms consist of the behaviors which Europeans have developed for in-group interaction. Among European behavioral inclinations are; the highest levels of honesty found in any human population, the most highly developed sense of altruism of any human population, and a strong sense of martial honor, a characteristic shared with a few other warrior races. These behavioral norms are almost entirely absent among Ashkenazim and other Semitic desert tribesmen.

I imagine for the same reason that the vast majority of Europeans are repulsed by the contemporary artistic establishment. It is powerfully alien and stimulates a bio-cultural immune-response.

French aristocrats and French peasants are of the same racial stock, and differ significantly only in genetic intelligence. Aristocrats possess the same sense of aesthetics as the population from which they derive, they are distinguished only in their cognitive capacity to express their aesthetic inclinations.

Also, I've never heard of this oxymoronic imaginary demographic called "lower-class French Jew". Ashkenazim are a high I.Q. merchant clan. Among Ashkenazim, becoming "lower-class" essentially means ceasing to be part of the tribe. Can you give an example of such an individual? Mizrahi Jewish Arabs don't count, as they have little genetic relationship to Ashkenazim.

Dishonesty, manipulativeness, entitlement, sexual perversion, neuroticism, aversion to physical labor and an aversion physical combat, among other traits.

Yet here we are.

Those are now considered heretics by the rabbinical mainstream.

Since humans are created in the image of god, realistic human figures are also forbidden.

Early protestants tried to be Jews for a time, eventually they reverted to traditional European norms.


I guess Klimt was a genius of such caliber that he was able to produce degeneräte art so subtle that you are the only one to noticed. To me, it looks like he just made pretty pictures in a somewhat stylized manner, reminiscent of comics and animation.

Ideology aside, if I was a short, rat-faced Semite, I'd probably feel physically inadequate with a beautiful human form hanging on my mantle.

In a perfect world, we could just have a laugh about your apparently schizophrenic sense of aesthetics. Unfortunately, vast sums of Semitic money have been used to distort European art, recruiting madmen and opportunists from within our own tribe as mercenaries in their campaign of iconoclasm. We are in a state of culture-war, a war which Europeans have been losing for 70 years. I'm sorry if I don't take the time to distinguish whether you are a rare genuine madman or one the the endless legions of mind-warped golems. I would like you to at least admit this much; that it is not through a groundswell of popular support among the European populace that modern art achieved its total cultural dominance, but through a coordinated intellectual campaign at the highest echelons of institutional power.

source on that image?

You arent talking commie, you are typing. Leftpol is delusional as fuck
