Bolivia's President Declares 'Total Independence' from World Bank and IMF

Morales: "These organizations dictated the economic fate of Bolivia and the world. Today we can say that we have total independence of them."

Thoughts about this? Is this socialist?

Other urls found in this thread:

Breaking news: Bolivian government jumps to #1 in human rights abuses

not really

Reminder that the lithium in your laptop/phone was likely mined by a Bolivian mining syndicate. Morales has done some great things for Bolivia. Increased literacy from ~80% to what is considered absolute literacy in 8 years.

Thanks for the information! We're gonna turn to work right now!


Yay, hail social democracy !!!

They paid off their debts. This means that the IMF no longer cares about what happens to them

Wronk. The worst thing for the IMF is if no one owed them money. Debt is control.

They're fucked now.
A guerrilla movement will appear, seemingly out of nowhere, and start sabotaging the infrastructure.

With this and the coca-cola ban, they're more like hipsters with power than socialists.

(the coca-cola ban wasn't actually done, but still)

sauce for anything he did?
(i think you're a false flagging faggot)

he might not be full socialist but he has been really good.

Prepare your Anus Morales the CIA are not going to like this one bit

I'm joking, retard. I don't think Evo Morales did anything wrong. I'm implying that independence from the IMF and world bank could lead to the USA manufacturing human rights abuses so they have a reason to intervene.

Is there even one single person who still believes America's human rights record isn't the worst on the planet? Nobody's going to buy that.

and yet it'll still work

People are cucked for big daddy America.


Americans don't.

Don't be one of those retarded faggots hiding behind greentext, the implication is that anyone that questions capitals rule instantly drops in the human rights index.


We can't.
We blew all our budget on Venezuela and Russian hackers.