Stop saying "spook". When will Holla Forums ever learn?

Stop saying "spook". When will Holla Forums ever learn?

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I should expect this but I'm still disappointed.

Reddit makes me shudder, the left spaces, the right spaces, the centerist spaces.

Peoples attitude is just fucking awful

what the actual fuck

big-butts-no-lies giving idpolers a good ass whooping

Fuck, not the burger redditors! Those guys are fucking madmen!

Lmao, why are these people such easily cowed faggots?

Stirner brings some interesting points but he forgot to point out that these "spooks", as he call them, hold a tremendous power and you can't just say "haha that's not real" and be done with it.

big-butts-no-lies, please leave at least one person alive to tell the others when you're done.

And they call us "[class] reductionists"

fucking hell seriously the further I go down this the more I think reddit should be gulaged in its entirety and brutally censored and repressed.

We are not often calling each other miserable pieces of shit or "the worst human ever who is not actively a nazi" do we?

Jesus christ this spooky child faggots represent us.


fuggin idpol blacks are the worst idpol

Top kek, is the tide on reddit turning? The upboats are starting to go along the ways we would put them if we were filthy uncultured redditors.

I get the feeling boilerpunx is trying to troll the mod team into oppressing a poor PoC

I see, stirnerfags were the true nazis all along, not the nazbols

Holla Forums should just stop saying "spook" and say "nigger" instead. i mean they're both southern racial slurs and equally as bad right?
so for example, instead of saying "morality is a spook", just say "morality is a nigger".
everybody should do this from this point onward

Is it just me or does this seem to be predominant in anarchist communities?
I know this bullshit is also very common across the left but anarchists seem to suffer the worst infestation (Which is weird really, given their stereotype is more "edgy teenage male pyromaniacs")

I like "Words can never be used again because context doesn't exist" though.

can't we just change it to cunt?

Legit made me kek unexpectedly.

At least the anarchists are allowed to argue over it, look what the fucking Trots have done to r/suc

Fuck off nigger hater, let me keep my niggers. My niggers make me feel comfortable in a confusing world.

FFS, it's Turks, not Arabs. How could they get this wrong?

you sound cunted as fuck

It's more or less the most lib-friendly "radical" leftist ideology since it doesn't require much thought to grasp the superficial basics beyond "fuck the state and cops and racism and shit" and then that just gets twisted into "everything is oppressing me" and then we're full circle back to liberalism

most of them probably haven't even bothered reading the bread book or considered that marx might have useful things to say

Why do you guys hate reddit so much. We are all comrades being oppressed by porky.

What don't you understand about workers of the world unite? Do you really think you are better than them?
What are you elitists going to do when you are sharing the means of production with them?

What a spooked nigger.


But I own the niggers, they do not own me. I have them because it pleases me.

Mostly because your standard left-Redditor is a middle-class student who's basically bought into the commodified 21st century "left", which has little to no interest in either economic revolution or taking political power. It's the alternative pole of the sort of cultural anti-politics that Milo & his ilk espouse.

They're not workers, they're not even usually minorities, they're browbeaten student cultists who enjoy being subjected to guilt and misery.

Yes, because women won't mind at all. Don't change shit. Spook is too useful a word to give up.

They're comrades only in the sense of the general working class. In terms of any sort of active association or whatever to bring about collective ownership of the means of production, they are #notmycomrades.

(And ironically for the rose thing it's because they're not revolutionary enough, since anything they say is tempered with nonsense. "Kill the bourgeoisie, but don't call Theresa May a cunt!")


Your Head

They hate us. They ban anyone who claims to visit this place.
We hate them because they send us death threats, threatened to doxx a union leader and covered up a rape. They also ban and remove anyone who disagrees with the mods.

Wtf is this subreddit? Are they actually serious?

Can't we just use the original german word already? As a weabo I really hate when they translate terms like "kawai" and "onii-chan", so why do we have to translate geist?

Because it's funny and makes everyone mad.

doesn't quite have the same ring to it

Are you acting like the stereotype of a weeaboo on purpose?

Geist isn't amusing. Spook/Spooky is.

>TN note: geist means "spook"
fuck off retard

Geist and spook are proper translations. A spook is a geist.

It would be begeistered.

that's perfect tbh


Even so, "spook" positively pops from the palate

Wow. Im amazed there are some posts speaking against the madness that havent been deleted.

And as always the leftcoms/ultras are the only ones against this ridiculous shit, just like they were against thinking catgirls were a sexist existential threat to communism and other unmaterialist idpol nonsense:


I agree that renaming spook is retarded, but the only people who care about saying cunt are fat, ugly bulldykes and burgerhuffing yanks. Seriously, say cunt around an Australian, Irish, British, Scottish, or fuck, just a non American in general, and nobody gives a shit.

I’m going to get banned.

Wrong thread, buddy?

Steve you madman you actually went and did it!


It's something the guy in OP said.

how is that cringe?

I’m a nazbol what else can I say.

fucking hell it was funny until you linked them here.

Srsly tho. Does the fact the word did not originate as a slur count for anything? Surely spook has existed long before the 40's

It's the kind of childish autistic brigading shit that Holla Forums does. Just saying "spook" and posting ridiculous stuff about saying "nigger" instead of actually pointing out why the OP is being stupid just makes you look more retarded than the OP does.

yeah wasted opportunity.

In fact that trolling is even lamer than what Holla Forums attempts here

At least they actually masqurade as one of us but attempt to posit a question that will result in divisive agreement between us.

The literal child even posted the link here in the thread too.

What if we say Spuke now instead.

Also has the added benefit of having the word "puke" in it

m8, Stirner wrote the book over a hundred years ago.

There are a few anti idpol holdouts on r/anarchism

Spook is an old Germanic word. Dutch still uses it. Is means ghost or spirit, something that haunts in abandoned houses for example. The word is old as balls.

Now up vote my new thing on there subreddit.

threadly reminder- Stirner by his own definition was a spook.

I'm not a redditcuck though, so no.


*both definitions

as opposed to what?


I went to a niggery haunted house for halloween

Ironically it's probably become associated with some anime crap or other since Japan seems to love ornamental German and English almost as much as vapid boomers love pronouncing French loanwords with a French accent, although the former two are far less cancerous and more excusable since they need foreign-sounding crap for animus rather than trying to sound like they've bought an ounce of class, as is the case with the boomers.

post pix


I'm pretty sure that's what's going on in the subconscious here.

I think it's because anarchism is opposed to hierarchy in general as opposed to socialism focusing on class. The people who want to have shitfights over identities go to the people who want to live in a post-idpol world and they argue that because the table is tilted we need to tilt it back in the other direction to even things out. They have some success because they know how to browbeat people - "ur just a racist sexist white male" etc.

It's not hard to grasp the basics of most leftist ideologies. They can all be boiled down to something pretty simple. The thing with non-anarchist leftism is that it tends to have explicity organizational structures that are harder to work against. With anarchism the whole point is that it's a bottom-up affair, so it's easier for outsiders to insert themselves and subvert.

Like this one?

Spooky is already a meme. And Geist doesn't have the same ring to it. "Spook" and "spooky" inherently sound silly, which is good because spooks are silly and we should make them look silly.

I don't understand this subreddit. Is it run by Communists, or by people making fun of Communists?

From the sidebar,
what's wrong with this?

isn't Harvey?

I love that they are banning "spook" for being racist, but keep calling people colored which was a far more widespread and longer lived slur.

No, this one.

True. How could that be ameliorated, if at all?

I'd suggest by emphasising the primacy of class struggle, though how you do that without being called a class reductionist reactionary manarchist for not giving your undivided attention to identity issues at the expense of all else and subsequently shut out from discourse I don't know.

People need to be aware of how social manipulation works. That's not really anything new.

I don't think that really has much if anything to do with this particular problem, of bottom-up organization. I agree that class is central to all the other struggles, but I don't think it's connected to the issue of infiltration in that way, and like you said:
Making a big deal about focusing on class is going to cause more controversy. Maybe highlighting class could be a good exercise to sort the real leftists from the lifestylists and liberals. Controversy isn't necessarily bad and neither is separating from people who sidetrack a cause.

I don't know what point this person was trying to make but its most definitely not an argument. When and how did "muh feels" become an accepted rebuttal?

jesus fucking christ
uphold big-butts-no-lies thought

Everybody knows that saying a word, not meaning it to be racist, but having it interpreted by another person as a racist thing is a perfectly good justification for being murdered.

Hate the learned/lived experience meme.

Ironically this is pretty spooky.

Communists making fun of leftists.

Marxian/Marxist economics isn't a thing. Marx set out to critique economics and political economy as pseudo-sciences that can only give us myopic conclusions. Marxism is a complete and multi-faceted critique of society that is if anything first historically-oriented, and second materialist.

Harvey is a believer and practicer of what he calls "Marxian economics" and denies core concepts of Marxism like TPRF, distinction between value, money and price and overall advocates a politics that are nothing short of bourgeois reformism. PDF related, which is very short, and the section on Harvey should show in a little more detail the problems with Harvey.


It seems quite dubious to say Marxian economics aren't a thing. I mean, unless they literally aren't a coherent school of economics whatsoever.

"Marxian economics aren't Marxist", sure, but simply saying "It goes against Marx" isn't grounds to reject the fact it exists. New Keynesian economics aren't Keynesian, but the school does exist and does pinch one or two vague pieces of inspiration from Keynes, explaining the name.

There might be a thing that nominally fancies itself a Marxist economics, but it cannot actually be Marxism because Marxism for a large part includes what I just mentioned.

This, basically. What we have in the thing called Marxist economics is basically the bourgeois discipline economics is plus added moralizing and use of terms important in Marxism.

The whole point of mocking it as Marxists is thus basically just that. There will exist many things in the world that will consider themselves Marxist [thing] but by their very design cannot be and would likely be mocked by the actual Marx (Marx and Engels waged not just a strong war in their time against those who turned "Marxism" into something that has nothing to do with their premise, but also especially those who tried to economize Marxism, notably Kautsky and Bernstein). Marx's most (in)famous text constantly derides economics, economists and economism as "the science of the ruling ideology" and in the first manuscripts even calls it the necessary horseshit communists would need to understand their own predicament and what they are facing.

this is why we should call them spoogs or spukes or even spuuks

begone from this individual, phantasms!

It's ``kawaii'' you uncultured swine, there's a long vowel in there.

Well imagine my shock.

I think we've all learned that reddit is irredeemable and should be nuked.

How convenient that a maoist IDPolitician LARPing as an anarchist thinks a term pointing out his bullshit is racist


I guess I can't say that there are "chinks in armour" or ask my buddy to bum a fag.

It'd be interesting to hear a critique of Stirner's work from a Buddhist position

I remember when the original "ableism"/offensive language meltdown took place both /r/soc and /r/@ were filled to the brim with actual black people being banned by white as fuck mods after saying "nigger wtf is your problem" and then getting policed for using racial slurs against themselves.

It's just one autistic faggot (/u/brocialistslaughter) and a few alt accounts. He(she?) got BTFO out of /r/CTH so is pouting around the other leftist subs trying to destroy what's already fucked and still getting BTFO by /r/CA and /r/@

As someone who's dabbled in Buddhism, I don't think the case would be very strong; Buddhism proposes that the "self" cannot be found in any phenomena, and thus it is more like a sequence of events, impermanent, changing, and thus a bad idea psychologically to cling to it, or attempt to find it, or think you have found it (i.e delusion), and thus the correct way to avoid the suffering caused by these "wrong views" is to renonuce one's attachment to the idea of self, to extinguish it, by realising that we do not control what we think of as "self", our bodies being subject to birth, aging, death and decay and our minds being subject to anger, guilt, blame, suffering etc.

The idea that the "self" cannot be found is ultimately down to the idea that we can't control the things we take to be "self", so it is not "ours" in any meaningful sense. The reason why death (killing yourself) is not the solution to end suffering is, as far as I know, ultimately down to the idea of rebirth (which is taken on faith) in which one is continually born until one attains nibbana (enlightenment) which is free from impermanence. It's not well described what happens after nibbana, but it is taken to be the extinguishing of desire.

With regard to the question of "if there is no self, what's reborn?" the Buddhism subreddit has some good reads

Buddhism I think is a pragmatic philosophy, though I do not think that it stands up to philosophical investigation if I understand it correctly, in the same way that most religious philosophies do not, this is because of the element of faith required. There's a boatload of actual philosophy that's been carried for centuries in the Abhidhamma, though I haven't studied that, and I don't know how well that would stand up against Stirner.

fuggen sboogs :DDD

its not even spook in proper translation but "spirit"
even though spirit in German is Sinn, Stirner means this mostly, and only uses Geist to BTFO Volksgeist idpol in his time

Spook is funnier though

every time I start to feel a little more optimistic about the state of the left I glance at the leftist subreddits and I feel a part of myself die

I would love to bum a fag.

Identität ist ein geist

Du bist ein Geist.

I'm from the South as well and I've legit never heard it used like that. Is it an older term?

Alles ist ein Geist

Die Idee eines Geist ist ein Geist fuhr dich

sboogs is better


Yeah, like the word "gook" or "polack" or "honkey". It's so old that even if you know what it means, it's not really offensive.

I appreciate it. It was used as a slur in certain parts of America 80 years ago, so nobody in the whole world can say it. End or story. Argue and you will be banned.

Lol. My best friend is Korea and she thinks gook is hilarious. Apparently no one uses it except edgy faggots online and Korean war vets like my grandfather.

Why do liberals use that term ? White is a color too, and if we are excluding achromatic colors, black is one of these too. They should just say non-white people, but they are too scared to admit they are racist.

I think it's because Non-White defines them as not being something and in turn defines that something as the norm. You couldn't call a dog a "non-cat animal." (although I can't think of a PoC comparison and the analogy falls apart.)

In some ways you could always make an excuse to reclaim "coloured people" by that token, though. :^)
CoIntelPro or not ?

the irony is that "people of color" and "colored people" mean the exact same thing, just executed in different syntax; e.g. "color pencil" and "pencil of color," or "black cat" and "cat of black"

liberals have such fear and contempt for logic that even language must be perverted to conform to their delusional ideology

I mean I guess being pedantic, coloured still has some kind of implication of white as norm. (As to be coloured is to deviate from the norm, to have colouring applied.)
Though PoC is scarcely better in that regard, it just moves another degree away from the awkward implications of English syntax if you look at it too long. (Really I suppose no matter what syntax is in use, you can't really hide that the attempt is to find a way of saying "people who are not considered white, because whiteness is treated as the norm society" without simultaneously re-enforcing the idea that whiteness is the norm.)