Guys, how do we win the next european elections ?

Guys, how do we win the next european elections ?
In this poll, we've doubled our score since 2014, but how can we make the EPP go to gulag ?
Tell me, guys, what we should do to win.

the poll: https:[email protected]/* */[email protected]/* */oday

wrong pic, sorry .

Well you're getting rid of us Brits so, that'll probably help I guess. I voted Green but what can ya do.

The European parliament doesn't have any real power. North Korean Supreme People's Assembly has more power than the fucking EU Parliament.

the head of list of the groups with the most seat is de facto the chief of the european commission. So If we are first on this election, our kid become to prez of the EU

European election don't matter shit. We should focus on winning every political election tho. Like having a single communist party ruling every country in the eu. That would be simple as fuck too

European parliament decides the EU leaders so yeah.

What do you mean by "we"?

Btw GUE/NGL are 100% /ourguys/. La France Insoumise, Podemos, Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, and the AKEL.

the european far left ?

Amerifat. Who's /ourguys/

They are succdems. Parties like Podemos and Syriza are jokes, they are retarded populists who want to preserve capitalism.



Consult a doctor asap

this is your daily show of "not enough pure communist for me :DDD"

But the eu exists to preserve capital though

It's the daily show of "I don't trust social democratic parties, that have sold out the working class countless times". Were those parties elected it would be a disaster for the working class. They completely co-opt and destroy resistance. Look at Greece for example (where I live). A new memorandum passed a few months ago, yet nothing happened: no big protests, riots or strikes. Syriza has been the most succesful government for porky: full neoliberal reforms, no popular unrest at all



That's what I was talking about. All these parties want capitalism with a human face and they aren't even denying it.