Stop larping

stop larping

Other urls found in this thread:

one job

stop reading gmil


Except that's not how that comic works at all.

This is tho.


It's my fucking OC you cunt.

This is where I posted it in the OC thread back in May. The comic has absolutely no presence on the internet before this.
As a matter of fact, this comic has been reposted for months whenever GMIL is brought up and yet you only notice it now.

Stop claiming that it's your, I made it and it belongs to everyone.

Newfag detected.


mad tankie

none of these are like the comic in OP lmao

Do you even know what a strawman is? Pro-tip: it's related to broad generalizations.


leftism is actually the catholic church during the black plague, i've learned so much from squiggly lines


Amazing. Are these fresh OC?

No, i believe you're the author


The recent GMiLs are a bit unimpressive, I can't use them to piss off people on Holla Forums who disagree with me

This is too autistic even for me. Delete this thread and we can pretend that this didnt happen.

isn't me, friend. Good shit either way.

Post higher res bls.

He's going after mainstream left-liberals like the Democraps rn so hardly anyone on Holla Forums is gonna get rustled at them (especially now that Sanders dicksucking died down).

more socdem gang memes please

That's the res I made it at. (It's the same comic all the way down, since evidentially the conversation did leak if the comic exists to transcribe it in part.)

Comics, or just general stuff?

Trying my hand at it too.

Looks small af. Make higher res in the future.

made me chuckle

GMiL was never good. And neither was leftypol.

Saved these a while ago.

Serious question: Where does Holla Forums draw the line between larping and actually doing something? You fucks talk about revolution but every time there's a protest about anything you guys call it "larping", especially if it fails and makes the "left" look bad.


You are opening it in a new tab, right?
(Unless you mean the .gif in which case, limited by source resolution. Which is actually a huge problem when dealing with care-bears.)

Holla Forums will dirckride anything that is labour-oriented, for example there was a bigger amount of shitting on recent Hamburg riots against g20 than on the riots related to the new French labour law.

I liked that first one very much
when will they learn

w-we'll redistribute height after the revolution, r-right?

I'm sorry comrade, we can't fix that. But we'll make sure through genetic engineering that future generations will only consist of big guys.

No, but you will be sissyfied and treated lovingly by your tall male comrades

It's the height on the inside that counts.
Alternatively in the spirit of pics-related, it's the height above sea level.

that 2nd one is cheeky as fuck
I didn't know you could make such a bland ideology look fun

this is good OC

Realized I made a stupid formatting error and cut a row of SocDem Concordes off.

Thanks guys.

Not SocDem Gang, but in the spirit of the thread.

This is probably aimed at anti-fa/black bloc heads so its not really a fair analogy. Scaring fascists physically is definitely a cure for the symptom of fascism that has worked in the past. It isn't some random self flagellation, they walk try to walk the streets, you block and disrupt it.

fucking when

The 20th century

you realise every time they pop up on the streets of Britain the only thing stopping them from being the victims of an angry mob is the police.

Without a doubt that will put many off marching with them and thus meeting up and socialising with others like them and getting more radicalised

I thought it was aimed far more generally than that, towards people who value activity for activity's sake.
(i.e. "As communists we must Boycott McDonalds" "I don't think that's going to bring down capitalism, or indeed even impact McDonalds" "Yeah well what are YOU doing?")

It's my OC now

well it doesn't seem to work in the 21st

That's a pretty rash statement considering we're only 17 years into the 21st century


well, i did concede on the bullshit statement that such a strategy worked in the 20th century.


Is that… Swedish Windows Vista with an XP skin? By god

what's the deal with krugman?


fucking libcoms

I don't think that's a libcom meme. Have you even read State and Revolution, Lenin dunks on oppoturnists like Kautsky and Plekhanov pretty hard.

That's my point. The armchair socialist in that comic is calling Lenin an opportunist, which he's not.

That's a stretch. Most leftcoms respect Lenin's contributions.

So this is supposed to be a satire of a leftcom comic? The first 3 panels on the left still paint a positive image of leftcoms.

He's a well-known Nobel-winning "Keynesian". (There are a huge number of libertarian memes for example that Krugman quotes to attack Keynesian ideas as a whole, for example.) But by that token is a relatively conventional modern economist (i.e. ignores a lot of what Keynes said.) He's actually written economics textbooks, which helps. (So "I studied economics at university!" neoliberals probably would fall into the comic's pattern of consulting what they've picked up from someone else, because almost nobody actually reads Keynes.)

Also he backed Hillary over Sanders.

I love how he just gets fatter and fatter.
