The "red" party in norway wants everyone to recieve equal wages...

The "red" party in norway wants everyone to recieve equal wages. this is retarded sjw economy right here that rightists make fun of when they talk about leftist economics.

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thats unsustainable in current systems

>everyone to recieve equal wages
I don't believe they are this retarded, though. Maybe you are misrepresenting them? What's their full claim?

Is this real?

gonna need a source

from top to bottom

from Rødt on facebook


Doing this shit is practically the same as completely eliminating wages in the first place.

Google translate just gives this "Yes for equal pay"
One has to wonder if this is about gender politics (i.e. equal pay between men and women, muh wage gap.) as opposed to literally "pay every single person the same wage", unless there's some nuance to the norwegian that i don't understand here.

(I mean, a small party with no parliamentary representation being absolutely fucking nuts isn't unheard of, but still.)

This sounds more likely.

I'll bet on that one, just out of pure benefit of the doubt. The latter one seems like a product of severe mental illness.

Equal wages like in women making the same wage as men in the same work,
and also raising the wages in some traditional female occupations that are underpaid, like nurses.

"likelønn" only implies "equal wages". if it had something to do with gender it would be "lik lønn for begge (alle if they were retarded) kjønn"

Norwegian former member of Rødt. Can confirm, it's gender politics.

no, it's common political jargon, it means equal pay for equal work.

Don't take my word for it. read Rødt's own page about it

No som eg googla det står det visst at likeløn og bokstaveleg talt lik løn er forskjellig. No kjenner eg meg dum.

Hehe, i det minste var det på et anonymt web-forum og ikke i valgboden til rødt du oppdaget det.

Thanks for confirming. Are Rødt into bernie/corbyn at very least or are they hilldawgs?

Happy to help. Rødt is at least Corbyn/Bernie tier, they brought in one of Bernies internet strategists (Claire Sandberg), to help with this years elections.
On paper Rødt is a revolutionary communist party, but in reality they are dem-soc. Not that I blame them, they don't have a single seat in stortinget(parliament), so armed revolution is probably not the way to go in Norway right now. The problem with that approach is of course that you attract people that are closer and closer to the center until the party rots from the inside out.
Thankfully some of the more cancerous idpolers recently split in to the party "Feminist Initiative". I really like that development, but there seems to be a reluctance among the Rødt members in calling them out on the inter-sectional dipshits they are. Undoubtedly some sort of Stockholm syndrome from letting feminism take up more room than it deserved for so many years.
It looks like Rødt could take one seat in Stortinget this Autumn, which would be really good.

They actually seem good for me. I have to admit that demsoc is my current ideology too, since my personal favourite is not so much reading into theory, but rather to specialise in collecting facts, talking points and information to fight internet fascism so I can debunk or subvert the alt-right groups. It's nothing too serious, it's a side gig where I get my laughs watching how some tactics never fail to work (hint: suspect anybody on the alt right being jewish and quote some BS source, guaranteed +300 replies on Holla Forums).

I like the development where the more idpol lefties split from them. I am not the one to actively countersignal left-wing idpol, feminism or even trans rights, but when they start throwing the word "brocialist" around and calling anti-capitalist initiatives as "problematic" then they can go fuck themselves.

I hope that Rødt could hold on until Corbyn (potentially) becomes the PM and normalizes non-idpol left-wing for other western countries so that other kinds of left-wing besides tankies and neolibs become an option. Are you with the Rødt still, by the way?

It's the best party in Norway at current time, but I'm not with them any more. I was with Red Youth in my teens and quit some time after the merger in 2007 to do other stuff, but I still have some contact with some of them.

I consider myself a feminist, but I never liked the radical feminists, they are almost always disruptive and hostile towards men, always stuck in categorical thinking, not managing to see the person or individual. It's been a constant source of conflict in all leftist political organizations I've been in.
I was really pissed when they split, because their voter base will primarily be the feminists that previously voted for Rødt, and Rødt is already so marginalized that a few votes in the election is what separates them from getting a seat or not, but in the long run I think it's a very good development if it ends up breaking Rødt free from identity politics.

Oh, I see. Well, I wish you luck!

If Rødt manages to set a good example for the other leftist organizations to follow in Norway, it might really overweight the lost votes. It's necessary right now to keep infighting any further, that's for sure. With a core base like that, it can be hopeful.