Is the EU potential framework for building post-nationalist ideological base against the reactionary right...

Is the EU potential framework for building post-nationalist ideological base against the reactionary right,tribalism and nationalism?


No. People are already tribalistic about a European/Western identity now.

the far right is only garnering support by positioning themselves as anti-EU.

How come?
At least can we agree that pan-continentalism is a step in a right direction form the spooks of race, ethnicity and nationalism?

And this is why we need to create federal union out of EU instead of keeping it as lose confederation.

kys fag

Read reform&revolution, you might then understand the underlining attempt here.

Ah yes, socialism in one bourgeois megastate, this is truly what marx wanted.

As a dutchie, and dare I say, a proud yuropean:


In fact, I am as EU-sceptic as ever. What you see is the liberal bourgeoisie shilling the EU so hard. It basically amounts to european nationalism, it is literally that. Except no one can call them nationalist, since the EU is a supranational framework, so the bourgie liberals appear to be these kinds of enlightened progressive internationalists, when in reality they are not at all.

The bourgie will pick the side which aligns best with his/her monetary gain, and the EU is doing a good job right now of guaranteeing monetary gain to the european bourgeoisie. Europeanism is going to be the new nationalist, mark my words. The bourgies will eventually create some sort of europesn wide ultranationalism/fascism to protect it in the oncoming times of crisis. Remember the #PulseOfEurope gatherings throughout germany after Brexit? That's just the beginning.

We're seeing a european proto-fascism in the works, folks. Beware of it.

neoliberal hegemony as embodied by the EU poses a far greater threat than muh nationalist bogeyman

Being for national states,identifying as member of nation or ethnicity sound kinda fascist "comrade".

Except I didn't say I am for nation-states.

Stop shilling

Revolution in 1 state vs revolution in nearly 200 states, pragmatically speaking it would be better + reactionary throwbacks who believe in race,ethnicity and all that bullcrap would not exist.

The EU is the main thing inspiring the identitarian movement in Europe.
That and them just being racist.

I know what you're up to, you rat.

The EU can be defended in the sense that further integration means, in the future, potential continent-wide labour, economic and environmental regulations, which beats similar reform on a national basis.

All me.

We left you for a reason, neoliberal shills.

I like this one more

It's even worse than that.

A cartel can be taken over by the workers. A super-state that acts as a facilitator for global finance capital is so abstract that it can't even be appropriated by socialists.

n o

the state's power is exerted through individual cops, soldiers, and the spooky constable in your head just the same though.

Reminder that Neoliberalism is hyper Capitalism and Internationalism/Globalism is hyper Imperialism and both are expansionist in nature

If you support one or the other or worse, both you should be icepicked to death or sent to the gulag

user, those are synonyms

I posted repeatedly about Marx under the cat flag to elucidate the relation between him and anarchist authors to try to undo the straw men of anarchism from Marxist authors over the years, not to have this happen. Stop.

this is just the natural journey of personal disillusionment, user. it's not like the ride will ever end.

It's just a meme. And I don't post Lenin.

if whatever your idea of leftism is would have areas controlled by the proletariat focus their resources on world liberation rather than improving domestic production and quality of life, it's imperialist, bub

Unlikely, european identity and europe-based tribalism is already starting to form. Have you looked at the refugee crisis? Before this happened there was no such thing as a pan-european nationalist movement, but now american concepts of "white unity" (which conveniently includes all the peoples of europe and nobody else) have started to grow and infest everything.

Had you tried to push this concept of a pan-european race 10 years ago, the neonazis would have burned your house down.

gee, I'd almost say you made an image with such low resolution so that we couldn't read the axis.