Why is there so much fash on YT?

Why is there so much fash on YT?

All the videos of false 'race realism' stats are so heavily liked and those debunking their bullshit have massive dislike/like ratio

People seem to be heavily in favour of fascist and Nazi revolutions on YouTube, and there are so many 'classical liberals' (Sargon and gang) rushing to the defense of these subhumans in claiming to 'give them a platform', while the only bastions the left have are SuccDems like Kyle Kulinski or Jimmy Dore

Is there anything we can do to dismantle and oust the fashies from YouTube and take it for ourselves using their strategies (upvote/sub lefty channels, downvote/ flag neo-nazi and alt-right videos)

Also, I think it would be a massive boost if we could create a network of lefty YouTubers among us, but start off slow, then move onto theory

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I have been pondering about this for the longest time.

In my opinion, the only thing we can do is to wait few months or even years until they pull some stupid shit in real life, outside internet. Something of the magnitude of Anders Breivik, Dylan Roof or even Spencer's "Heil Trump" shit. After that, we can push that and assure that this is what believing nazi bullshit does to people, and how their views are less about "loving your people" and more about "killing degenerates and shitskins".

I know it sounds bad, and if I knew a better way, I would be doing this right away, but I think that these people won't rest until they see some real-life consequences of their beliefs. Their problem is that they think all they do is "just fun", "trolling", "memeing", they need to be shown that nazi bullshit is far from "having fun" and gets innocent people killed when brought to real life.


Well we have Bat'ko and Socialism or Barbarism memeing around the tube.

We also have Xexizy and BadMouse for more serious stuff.

Marxist media for vidya.

You also have libertarian socialist rant (a bit too IdPol as far as I'm concerned) and the finnish bolshevick (as the name suggest hyper-tankie, but aside for that a good lad).

I'm sure there are others, I don't have the list, maybe someone bring it out.

(and yes Reddit spacing, it takes a while to detoxify yourself ok?)

all those people combined have less than 100k subs. Fucking the Golden One has more subs alone than the hard left does combined.

The presence of reactionaries on Youtube (as in the viewers) creates a climate which allows for the easy monetization of reactionary Youtube channels, which itself feeds back into making Youtube a more reactionary website. It's a much larger social problem, with roots that aren't just in Youtube.

Leftist leaning but not commulists you have also HBomberGuy, Shaun and Jen and ContraPoints

True, but I don't know what we could actually do, honestly.

it's a waste of time

that's called quality niche content
the Golden One is a bodybuilder, not a thinker
these supposedly 'political' persons like Varg and Golden One are entertainers/artists first of all, with little or no understanding of any serious subject, that's why they appeal to wider audience of content consumers.

Gamerghazi unleashed a can of worms on the whole internet. Especially YouTube.

Answer: Not unless a tidal wave of *real* leftists washes over the platform. Right now all YouTube's got is a buncha lackluster left-leaning skeptics who're at least *trying* to be fair and balanced like that Nightmare Fuel guy, but he's only got like 5000 subscribers.

There’s leftist YouTube youtube.com/channel/UC9ayqfGfRdAZmPpRfY4BEyw

I feel dirty everytime I'm forced to watch a Shaun & Jen/ContraPoints video cuz nobody else on YouTube calls out the never-ending flow of bullshit that the right spews on the site. Their content makes me feel like a fucking succdem…


better than nothing. At the very least they are not disgusted by leftist ideology, it's more than the average Youtube comment section cna say.


and assure that this is what believing nazi bullshit does to people, and how their views are less about "worker's rights" and more about "killing bourgeoisie and capitalists".

I think that these people won't rest until they see some real-life consequences of their beliefs. Their problem is that they think all they do is "just fun", "trolling", "memeing", they need to be shown that nazi bullshit is far from "having fun" and gets innocent people killed when brought to real life.>>1862016

ContraPoints is a bastardisation of the left's ideals. Looking at him reminds me of just how much havoc can be inflicted upon a political spectrum when you let in idpol.

For real, I took offense to that assertion too.

(sorry, am hungry.)
and assure that this is what believing commie bullshit does to people, and how their views are less about "worker's rights" and more about "killing bourgeoisie and capitalists".
I think that these people won't rest until they see some real-life consequences of their beliefs. Their problem is that they think all they do is "revolutionary", "", they need to be shown that commie bullshit is far from "fighting against the socio-econonomic system" and gets innocent people killed when brought to real life.

What the fuck are you talking about? There are practically no tankies around, half of them are larping anyway.

How is CP idpol? Even fucking Blaire White is way more idpol.

The thing is I can accept ContraPoints IdPol because he is not a screeching aut-fem trying to shove their policies down the throat of their interlocutors. He at least tries to support his ideas and shows why his direct adversaries are a bunch of idiots.

I can take that.

Afroplasm just hates fags. After nazbols he's probably our most conservative regular poster.

lol I didn't know that pan-africanism is a version of tankism

You guys are really fucking out of touch with the outside world, I've been saying this since 2014 on this board.
It's not simply that there is too much fash on YT, is that there is too much fash in the fucking world, wake the fuck up. Most people are fucking stupid and agree with fashies on almost everything, so it's only obvious that YT would be filled with popular fash channels.

Idk a lot of American blacks hate fags. I've spoken to black people who will "defend" Obama by saying he didn't really support gay marriage/party forced him. They may be right since I'm skeptical politicians have any genuine convictions but it's hilarious that they think it's a good thing. They're spooked as hell

so THIS is the reason why the hard left in the west is more white than any of the right-wing movements, lol

many of the alt-righters are former obama/bernie voters, they freely admit this on 4/pol/ almost every week. This gives me hope that it's just a phase to them, because their lifestyle and attitude is probably more attuned to liberalism than conservatism.

Retards like to blow hot air so it's an easy transition from talking about bullshit to reading a "feminist's" words and fake laughing over it.




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Right wing ideas, especially far-right ideas have an eroticism and a dynamism that left wing ideas simply do not have. The left is incredibly grungy and impotent, these ideas are ultimately boring. Right wing ideas are interesting and transgressive. If you say "I am a communist", you will have your head patted and told that it is just a phase, or normal people will try to avoid talking to you politely. If you say "I am a fascist", then you're a demon, almost sub-human. The far-right today are in many ways what the far-left were in the 1920s in Capitalist countries, and this sort of illicit, hierarchical, ideology appeals to nature. The left say "well, just because it's natural doesn't make it good", which is true enough, but the fact these far-right ideas are so primal and natural gives them their power, and is why people are so willing to believe them. When people listen to an actually far-right orator, they are hearing the percussion of history which forms a primal echo in their unconscious. The far-right aren't concerned about "truth" or high theory, because 99% of the population don't care. And if you actually read the contemporary far-right, they are all essentially post-modern and existentialist…

Because these ideas are in ascendancy. The far-right is mentally erotic, dangerous, and unapologetic, whereas the left has become stale, harmless, and uninteresting, at least psycho-spiritually. The only people that care enough about, and have the mind with with to understand, Marxism are atypical to begin. Most on the left don't know their own ideology, and most "Marxists" are busily engaged in the preservation of Marx's many mistakes, rather than the development of his insights. YT is audio-visual, it's about the aesthetic. You cannot communicate high Marxist theory through YouTube any better than in a university lecture hall. The far-right, however; with their embrace of nature (they believe in a Heraclitean way that nature is sentient in man), and their desire to incarnate natural law as a principle of becoming; unconsciously communicate the power of the natural order though their symbols, aesthetic, and language…

Makes sense. It was Debord who said that nazism was just a kind of technologically equipped primitivism, right? BLOOD! RACE! LEADER!

So it's easy to spread fashy ideas on youtube because the ideology appeals to gut-feeling and young rage.

Perhaps the only way to counter this edgy tribalism of the far-right is with equal amounts of terrible anger, yet it has to be anger that is still anti-establishment and anti-mainstream media. Even when you're clearly anti-establishment, you also have to avoid sounding like a preachy trust-fund baby or a pompous academic. Telling unemployed white losers to check their pruvilege, at the height of the financial crisis, was probably a bad idea.

This is where Jimmy Dore comes in, I guess?

It's not "fash" so as much as it is half people being tired of the repeating content and half just thinking it's funny to piss off SJWs.

Fascists are just militant Liberals. If you wait long enough there system will collapse.

Words are fun.

The militant Leftist speaks like a scummy Commie…

This post is incorrect and silly.

Stop throwing around the term "fash". You sound like a faggot. God doesn't like faggot, your idea of self is being a homo. Stop it. The Irish revolution, and Michael Collins, weren't faggots. Fuck you.


Liberals are just moderate Conservatives. If you wait long enough there system will collapse.

there's a hard left chart


Unwarranted Self Importance

I wouldn't be too surprised if they bothered with dislike bots and the like

You gotta remember a lot of youtube traffic, specially on the comments and stat (likes etc) section, come from underage users, which, no surprise, have the most time to burn endlessly on the net. Couple this with the fact that most of the "race realism" snowflakeism is a form of twisted truth framed to an agenda (i.e. propaganda), then you have a vast space of gullible idiots who readily buy into the "arguments".

Truth is, reality is complex and requires thought and discernment. The average youtube user, with a click away from le-ebin-raction-video-xDDD and other trash, has an attention span too short and a critical thinking to thin to really parse through all the bullshit thrown at them.

nope, in some parts of america you could be physically assaulted and run out of town if anyone finds out your a communist, especially in the south


The reason for this is that the OECD nations, which have long been the heartlands of capitalism, are in economic, social, political, and cultural crisis. The US for instance has been 11 years without a single year of 3% growth which is pretty much unprecedented afaik:

OECD growth is hovering around 0-2% annual growth–about the same level that Japan was ridiculed for during its "lost decade". The UK, which is the world's oldest industrial capitalist country, is growing at about .2%.

This of course creates the cultural, social, and political crisis as it no longer becomes possible to stay a 90s centrist convinced that a rising tide will raise all boats unless you're already well-off and completely blind.

Fascism is a method that the capitalist bourgeoisie adopts to manage intractable crises. So, the bourgeoisie is pushing for a right-ward drift and gradually normalizing fascism (although it never really disappeared) in the West. The old generation that fought against fascism or died in its wars are dying off and with it a significant portion of the population that might be spontaneously and organically anti-fascist.

The neoliberal paradigm has worked hard to convince people after 1992 that the real threat to a perfect future is intolerance. And so, people rebelling against that paradigm come to think that fascism is for true rebels; but the truth is that there's always been a significant fascist-streak and right-wing element both within the bourgeoisie and the state for a long time. Unconsciously, an-caps tap into this with their worship of Pinochet who is praised for doing a great service to the world by putting Chilean capitalism back on track.

I think this has been brewing for sometime though, the cultural romance of capitalist "artists" with fascism has existed for sometime, various fascist-leaning elements like the intelligence agencies have been given free-reign for sometime. Inevitably, the democrats in their hunt for the Russia-connection will end up exposing the domestic hard right-wing that supported Trump. The brilliant political guru Oliver Stone and several tech icons along with Sheldon Adelson come to mind, but we will probably come to learn this was really just the tip of the iceberg.

*Roger Stone

Because Google shifted YouTube's focus away from community and independent video making into a more consumer-oriented model where "creators" could pay for views. The comments sections deteriorated as they marketed it to the lowest common denominator, community features were actively destroyed, and in a case or two Google actually ended up paying fascists to be fascist (see Tesak). The alt-right moved into a habitat which had turned into shitpost central for imbeciles who do nothing but read outrage porn all day, and they fit right in.

Because far right, fascist, reactionary, racist ideas fit in much better with the ideas we are raised to believe in our whole lifes: patriotism, capitalism, he authority of the state, the legitimacy of hierarchies, anti communism, to say nothing of overwhelmingly right wing media narratives.

This is on point. For most of the history of the West, capitalism promoted intolerance, racism, sexism etc. in order to divide the workers and prevent socialism. This made egalitarianism the natural position of resistance. However, with the fall of the global left, there was no longer a threat of socialism, so the capitalist powers decided to instead push back against prejudice in order to create a global capitalist world order in which culture was so universal that free exchange between any regions was possible. This had the unexpected side effect of making intolerance the primary mode of resistance; in a reversal of the 60's, racism is now much more effective at undermining the powers that be than anti-racism. We're effectively in the midst of a reverse 1960's, in which the radical right instead of the radical left is changing society.

Why are these so many liberals and communists on Facebook and Twitter?

Of course, this is not a problem.

Youtube is though, 4chan is though, Holla Forums is thought.

Only places with right wingers are gonna be targeted.


American white nationalism has been a part of the Internet the day it became publicly accessible. Stormfront is one of the oldest continuously run online communities of all time.

This is due largely to the fact that in real life these political groups are spearheaded by bourgeois sociopaths. When their views became extremely unpopular for most of the public, they experimented with this new Internet thing as a way to foster a global safe space for their ideology, and the rest is history.

seriously is somebody trying to figure out my browser config? this is like the 4th time I've posted this this week
-get firefox or firefox fork
-get greasmonkey add-on
-get block youtube users or youtube+ scripts for greasemonkey
-block the fash's incessant autistic screeching
-no longer have to look at 'Das Cockistani Reich ist Siegen Auf Alles Fronts' shit everywhere, which for me was a relief more significant than I'd have thought
-it blocks the unskippable, repetitious ads that play before everything you watch and the popup ads that block subtitles on Chinese little girl cartoons, which also iirc keeps you from giving adbux to the person whose vid you're watching
-it's also pretty nice to not have to look at Top 10 prefab music acts, Spiderman Elsa Hulk For Kids vids, 'professional' LPer brodouches, vloggers, women who have built careers around being walking pairs of tits, SJWs, cruise line adverts, televangelist parasites, unboxings, those pajeetspam bait-and-switch 'click the link to watch what we said was here' ones and the other retardation
-with this gone, you get to that weird part of youtube that much faster
-shill this on boards like I am with this post to get others to do the same, and if it spreads far enough, it may start to make the aut-right's clickels dry up
if it's coming up inordinately or for stuff completely unrelated to what you're watching, that may well be youtube trying to either entrap you or push either you/everybody in a certain direction, in which case the procedure is to
-not log in
-obviously don't accept cookies
-get a proxy, script blocker and a user agent spoofer and use them I'm not sure what of mine is blocking what atp, add-on setup I have now works but it's kind of a mess and probably has some redundancies

I've already done this on my computer but sadly can't do any YouTube blocking on my phone