Hey Holla Forums

hey Holla Forums
let's all move to a small country and make the revolution there!!
i havent seen this kind of thread in a long time, i kinda missed those retards. so i decided to make this thread
which country we should make class consious

Other urls found in this thread:


This reminds me of this small town in New Hampshire that a bunch of libertarians moved to, to take it over

Why not just choose a rural town with cheap land instead, order a bunch of soviet surplus uniforms, and old propaganda, then LARP for the rest of your life.


Dunno if it's practical, but sometimes I imagine a world where I'd unite all the tiny Caribbean islands with barely 200,000 people each into a single nation called "The Caribbean Union" with the promise of socialism and anti-American imperialism, build a strong navy to defend the vast oceans between the islands from imperialist threats and spread class consciousness to the other larger Caribbean island nations like Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago using the successful quasi-Marxist-Leninist model that made The Caribbean Union strong.

is that the famous ASMRtist Ephermeral Rift?

Get the fuck out of here, m8

Holy shit I would rather kill myself than have a discussion with you



It would be actually cool if we conquer australia and start our country there

WHY is this fact FUCK who accomplished literally NOTHING of note so admired by this board?

You answered your own question, opportunist

Yeah I heard of this place that's already got some kind of revolution going on and it's called Rojava

That's a good way to get yourself invaded by the US. Better idea to just pick a small town in Appalachia where everything is dirt cheap and make it a SocDem paradise.



they don't even answer emails


Sounds more attractive by the day tbh

Did it work?

plz come to la patagonia