I can't decide which strand of Marxism to adhere to. Everyone seems to make good points, and I vacillate between MLism...

I can't decide which strand of Marxism to adhere to. Everyone seems to make good points, and I vacillate between MLism, Trotskyism and Left Communism depending on what I read.

How did you guys come to hold the strand of Marxism that you do? What were the sticking points?

I'm an anarchist.

You must be a master mental gymnast.

I don't hold to any and like any good anarchist loot the ideological supermarket as needed. That said council coms are the most interesting with MLM being the least.

1.Stop reading Marxists
2.Read Marx

The supermarket of ideology is only fit for looting.

read deleon

Read, learn and analyze more until you decide, don't listen to anything anyone here says
But I stll don't understand the point of adhering to a concrete ideology within Marxism, you can agree with one for some things, and with other for other things.
Dogamtism in any sense is retarded, as Marx pointed out himself by saying he was not a Marxist.

Nice pedantism kid.

there are only two choices: ML or Imperialism

Do leftcoms actually realize that Marx' work is unfinished?


there are only two choices: armchairs or opportunism


Do tankiddies realize that their petit bourgeois ideology contradicts Marx's work?

Just calling yourself a Marxist is fine. You don't need to adhere to any specific strand. I'm probably closest to being an ML but I never really care what the proper ML view on a specific question is, I just try to make up my own mind. This sounds like something an edgy joe rogan fan or something would say but it's good to not restrict yourself to one specific ideology.

I see way too many people who are kinda interested in Marxism-Leninism or something but when they start identifying themselves with that label, having the correct ML opinion becomes more important than your own ability to think.

like pottery

Remember that all strains of Marxism aiming to bring about socialism. So you should just look arround the conditions in your country and deduct from it what kind of revolutionary change is feasible at this point.

That being said, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism is probably the most advanced revolutionary praxis that we have today, as it is shaped and honed by experience. You should realize that every other tendency utterly failed, and when it comes to adhering to a marxist tendency, it is really just about praxis, because the endgoal is in theory always the same, and also, by Marx own words, we can't really cook up how a society looks like once capitalism is defeated.

Maoism and other turd-worldist tendencies are socialist only by an accident of history. Anti-colonialism and nationalism come before socialism for these deviations. This is why it was so easy for them to revert to full capitalism, as in Dengism, Doi Moi etc.

Do you know that you are a tool that regurgitates buzzwords he read on libcom.org?

I'm not going to be as asshole and say that Hohxaists are racists like some other Maoists, but the screeching about Chinese socialism has something to do with a paternalizing attitude towards different expressions of revolutionary struggle depended on the very different conditions of a specific country. Stalin understood that very well, with Hohxas critique I always get the feeling of some eurocentric cultural chauvinism.


who is the dreads girl? i like her

You have no idea what you are talking about. What you describe as an "accident of history" are the mere material conditions of global capitalism that neither you or me can change. Your statement is rich looking at your flag considering that both Lenins NEP and Mao's New Democracy actually worked as transitional periods while Titos market socialism collapsed due to internal and external debt. Yugoslavia never saw socialism.

Libcom is still a better source than video games, plebbit and Cold war propaganda from both sides.

Not surprising really.

Read enough by yourself is what I would suggest, otherwise you will make yourself a potential victim of revisionism.

Fucking reddit.

Cocky wannabe revolutionary who did some porn and fell for false marxism

Just become a radical centrist, and grow up already from larping as a commisar in the soviet surplus uniform you bought off amazon

the girl who got punched by some fash manlet a few months ago

well, if you believe Holla Forums, that is. otherwise she's just some porn star.

I just like porn

MLMs failed as well - look at the counter-revolution in China, look at how little military victory brought them in Nepal. My problem with MLs is that they don't really have an effective way to keep the vanguard party accountable to the people at large, which is why ML-led states fell prey to elite-led counter-revolutions.

Then again I lean leftcom and the armchair critique is spot-on; we haven't accomplished shit either.


The mere material conditions that turn the Maoist revolution into the biggest flagbearer of global capitalism. Great transitional period indeed.


Aren't you leftcoms almost proud of this? Whenever someone brings that up leftcoms usually reply with "ideologies don't make revolutions" or something like that.

There are only two ideologies: imperialism and anti-imperialism. Marx was a first-worldist and probably a rootless cosmopolitan as well :DDD

I was banned for posting that image to be fair I did forget to spoil the image but I don't think a ban was really necessary, at least it was short

Honestly, more than a few are, but all I can say is that I'm personally not one of them.


Marxist Leninist Honeckerism

Even better, if you read both Marx AND Lenin, you can actually see that Lenin understood Marx very well.


reposting Holla Forums memes about "degeneracy" is not a good look

That's why leftcoms are so unbearable imo. They're proud of being fucking useless, because obviously if you try to do anything in the real world you're just a LARPing utopian idealist who doesn't understand that real Marxists don't do stuff.

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."

Also aren't leftcoms utopian in their own way? When they criticise real socialist movements for not immediately abolishing commodity production, money, wage labour, etc, while completely ignoring the material conditions that shaped those movements, is that not viewing communism as "an ideal to which reality will have to adjust itself"?


Ditch Trotskyism and you can be an ML leftcom

The thing is that we cannot change adjust the material conditions to spur revolution wherever we want it to occur, but we can improve ourselves on being even more vigilant, even more anti-revisionist as we stand aside the proletariat of the developing world that wages the insurrection. However, since I'm not a dogmatic Third Worldist, MLM is just as applicable on the First World: Seizing economic zones and having a respectable parliamentarian representation of communists could lead to a coup; and even though a revolution in the First World would probably not be harassed by the pragmatism of previous Marxist-Leninist projects, such as restricted access to democratic decision-making, Marxist-Leninist policies would still required because most of the West is now a service economy that has been deliberately de-industrialized.

The Leftcom theory of communization collapses once you point out that access to productive forces and raw materials has been outsourced into what a Leftcom would call "Third World shitholes" at large. This applies both to the their theory of creating a gift-economy, as well as well as on the fact that the communist movement can only have the proletariat as its revolutionary agent, and a communist movement will not occur as long as it is in the proletarian self-interest to continue to be social fascists. I'm sorry but this is realty, the rate of profit will not hit zero anytime soon, nor will western capitalism collapse - unless we manage to cut off their supply from the Third World.

They have a very reductionist view of historical materialism. You can kill Leftcom thought by pointing out that the transition from feudalism to capitalism was fucking 300 years.

fuken this


My preference is AnCom but I'm really not that picky. Almost any form of Communism is better than the hell we live in today.

Have you tried the immortal science of fully automated gay space luxury Libertarian Leninist Anarcho-Bordigist-Marxism-Leninism with Cockshottist tendencies and Communalist characteristics?

We're not against doing anything, we just don't like advocating for capitalism like 75% of this board.


Market Socialism is the only realistic Socialist Ideology

Why do you feel the need to suscribe to any one form of Marxism?

Odds are, you aren't the next Leftist thought leader so it would be best to take a position of whatever seems to be working in your area.

This is the epitome of opportunism, have fun being a social democrat.

That's not what Marx meant.
He was replying to a specific Marxist group whose party line he disagreed with. "If this is Marxism then I know I'm not a Marxist" or something along those lines.