I am a rightwinger and I have always been curious about this...

I am a rightwinger and I have always been curious about this. Why do leftists go out of their way to look like degenerates? Surely they have to know how they come across to regular people right?

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hi, I'm an centrist and came here to ask the same question

i am a leftwing fascist, I would also like to know why modern leftists conduct themselves like this.

are sub 90 Autism Level skinhead biker gangs also representative of "rightists"?

we see these leftists everywhere, right wing people look normal

You wouldn't recognise the normal-looking leftists as leftists from just looking at them, you dumb fuck.

That's like me asking this about nazi punk girls "Why do rightist women do this to their hair?"

I cherry picked two pictures instead of one. Did we win the meme war?

Confirmation bias. You only notice those who look like degenerates, just like we only notice right wingers who look like inbred trash.

Euro neonazis look just like the people in your picture btw.

I have only seen like 5 conservatives with dyed hair. If you got to any left wing meetup, you will see lots of dyed hair. Also, black lipstick. This is what leftists also have fallen in love with recently.

Nothing wrong with that tbqh

How many leftist meetings have you been in?
I have been in literally hundreds, and I can tell you dyed hair is not that common. Most leftists actually look like normal people.

Also there are literally zero things wrong with dyed hair.

This is not a thing at all. What are you even talking about?

You probably are american. The dyed hair and black lipstick really isnt as prevelent outside of america.
Yes, dyed hair is something the left wing does more than the right wing. But here in europe lots of neonazis look degenrate as fuck, they look like junks (and often are junks). You know the movie trainspotters? Thats how skinheads look like in europe.

It is in europe. You illusions of "all right wing girls are pretty and proper" is a false one. In europe the skins are the most degenerate looking of them all and its hot af tbh.

Someone isn't part of the punk scene and had skinheads infiltrate i guess :\. I forgot Holla Forums was full of nerds who don't leave the house

Not a lifestylist, but the kind of people who find leftism or even pseudoleftism while living in the US south or somewhere else super uptight and conservative go hog wild throwing off their earlier repression and going in the opposite direction.

Dude youre going to need to rephrase that, because that sentence made no sense.

Imogen Poots in Green Room looks really fucking hot with that gross haircut and I hate myself for thinking that

I think he's saying that if you were an uptight cunt before, you're likely to indulge in some degenewacy when you turn left.

And when they turn right?

When people turn right they don't visibly cry for attention. They audibly do which is about 10x more annoying

I don't know nigga. This isn't the norm anyway, it's pretty LARPy to change your appearance when you change political ideology, imo.

people will do anything to find meaning in their life even if it requires them to butcher their flesh with piercing and ink to find social acceptance in a subculture

What makes someone do this, honestly?

Karltural Marxism with hair dye characteristics.


Feminism, basically.
It tells women, among other things, that their appearance should not matter, since it is mostly kept to please men. As such, it is seen as a sacrifice they make towards men, instead of something they want to do for themselves. This causes a reaction where they start looking like what they want to look like (which, in pratice, is nothing more than fitting in with the other feminists).
Feminism doesn't imply that you have to do this, but it happens sometimes. It is still a better way to deal with gender hatred than /r9k/, because at least they outright stop caring about and doing things for men, whereas /r9k/ hates and worships women simultaneously.

Just fuck my shit up fam


Feminism has its very own "nice guy" thing, such as saying "I am beautifull" or "fatshaming" or ragging on healthy people for taking care of themselves. They are the exact same and blame men for "being pigs" and not wanting them, just like r9k blames women for "being stacies" and not wanting them.

Id rather have soviet enforced gender norms than the hell we have now tbqh

Yeah, you are right. I mostly only have contact with radical feminists who do seem to stop caring about men completely, but a lot of them are lesbians so it makes sense. I didn't even remember shit like the "if you reject me (a transperson) you are transphobic".

I read on a popular jezebel article after trumps presidency that they intentionally try to look as ugly as possible because fuck men.

Aesthetics are political. What you call 'looking degenerate' is just politically antagonistic to you.

Why so, my nazi dude?
With enforced gender norms, these deviants would simply have to go undercover. You wouldn't be able to notice if they are truly decent or not.
At least nowadays you do get to notice right away, and can avoid them based on that.

Forgot to post the after lol.


Is that the best (worst) she can do to make herself ugly?

3/10 even for a trap

You homos are fucking spooked by "regularity". (nomies?) Whatever the fuck that means. Even y superficial bullshit that doesn't even matter.

I am filled with regret now

I obviously was talking about the modern day "feminist" movement, not the totality of the historic feminist movement.

At no point was there a rupture separating contemporary feminism from feminism historically. If you oppose feminism today, you would likely have opposed it historically as well. The comparison between an imageboard and a political movement is facile.

It's a kind of statement or reflection of their political views and general inclination to avoid anything suggestive of objectivity. They dye and fuck up their hair and wear clothes that don't go together becuase they are expressing beliefs such as their is no difference, or there is no real reason why hair cannot go like this, or like with fat people the whole "beauty is a social construct" thing. It happens in art and literature which has also been taken over by lefties. Thats why its filled with artists like Andy Warhol and Tracy Emmens who just take pictures of soup cans or a bed and label art to announce some sort of statement on what art is, instead of music or art being created as an objective presentation of excellence and beauty, leftists make horrible music and terrible art as a presentation of something very relatively or abstractly beautiful.

I actually like a lot of "degenerate art" as the Nazis dubbed it. Painters like Edvard Mucnh for instance and early works in expressionalism but now its all taken too far. There is no class in it, it is so self-indulgent and low-effort with a twisted kind of wit put into it.

Graduality doesnt mean I have to accept the totallity. I can say I like early feminism and dislike later feminism without having to give you a cutoff date or person, because life is full of nuance and you dont fill your bag of ideas with pre-packaged ideologies from a shelf. I have a certain worldview, I agree with most of earlier feminism, disagree with some of its, disagree with most of late feminism, agree with some of it.

What you are doing is a childish attempt at painting everyone who disagrees with you as the enemy by making falacious claims about ideas and the development of a movement that is nothing more than a name for a broad collection of ideas and ideals.


Of course you can disagree with much of feminism, historical or contemporary; feminism is extremely heterogenous and disagreements, critiques, and polemics are common - it's a question of where you are disagreeing with it from. Feminism, especially contemporary feminism, disagrees with itself, it is indeed not a totality.

This is completely useless and circular meandering around a meaningless point.

So you say I cant disagree with modern feminism without disagreeing with the historic movement of feminism but at the same time I can?

That image screams liberal. Pick related is socialism.

every single time

No. I'm saying that you can disagree with feminisms, either contemporary or historical, and that this disagreement is what makes up much of feminist discourse. It's a question of whether you disagree with it from within or from without.

Pretty much this. The leftists who look like gutter punks don't dress that way because they are leftist. It's the other way round, they got introduced to leftism through punk.

That doesnt make sense at all.

do you go outside at all?

is this a joke? Who the fuck would want to look like this?
Seriously, I don't get it. If I were a girl I'd want to dress like a cute bitch not some weird ass skinhead.

Not everyone has the same conventional petit bourgeois tastes as you.

Do you actually listen to music?


So you're saying it's normal to want to look like that? Because she looks like an ugly freak to me.

So everyone else is just full of confirmation bias because you have the arrogance enough to announce your own? This is such a retarded doublethink post typical of the new left.

Mah man. Commies should dress sharp.

Its not doublethink you dumbfuck. The image of right wingers is inbred trash, the image of leftwingers is dyed haired hippies. We both know this isnt true, because most left and right wingers dress like normal people.

Thinking that your worldview isnt influenced by confirmation bias while everyone elses is, is doublethink.

Tbf normal is to subscribe to a consumerist culture that dictates largely what is and is not beautiful. I personally hate the fact that people are judged by what commodities they use

Sharps are aids


Its funny how you interpret such a clearly generalised statement, especially when I am talking on a specific point, and translate PART of a sentence to "ALL leftists make horrible music". Yes - of course - that was exactly what I was saying, that every single musician with the slightest inkling read towards the political left never made anything other than horrible music.

You could of engaged in an actual discussion, instead you cherry picked 4 words from my entire post and announced it as wrong or stupid because Satie exists. Why don't you take your head out of your ass and listen to what is actually being said instead of making up bullshit to yourself.

Yeah, I do get that it's subjective but I meant hair style and clothing really. Like, you don't need super expensive clothes to look good either. Just it's weird how people can WANT to look like that. But I usually just judge people on how they act rather than what they wear.
Skinhead women are just fucking odd to look at.

Yeah… thats doublethink. Nice washed brain. This is like a cookie-cut example of doublethink.

No… thats not what doublethink is. Come back when you actually have read 1984

The picture in OP is a fucking anarchist at g20, not a liberal.

That litterally the opposite of what I said. When I think of a right winger I still think of inbred trash, even though I know that this isnt true and anyone i pass on the street could be secretly a nazi

I did read 1984.

Wow, that sure is some great examples of doublethink, even more amazingly you have read 1984, pretend to have understood it, then make doublethink statements about doublethink.

Sorry about your irony

lifestylists and liberals =/= actual leftists


A left-winger is more likely to dress in a way that is considered less acceptable by the current establishment, because right-wingers are inherently conservative and pro-establishment (even if they think they're edgy and anti-establishment). What is aesthetically acceptable and normal is obviously culturally subjective. Left-wingers are more radical, they are more likely to challenge not only the politics and economics of the establishment, but also the aesthetic of the establishment.

That being said, I dress like a fucking normie, so clearly it doesn't apply to all left-wingers.

Yeah it's normal to be ugly you spooked retard.
Ugly freaks > superficial semen spills

Leftism is all about lowering standards so that everyone can feel included. It's a race to the bottom, but as long as everyone agrees that nothing is wrong then they will be comfortable. At least until they finally crash into the ground at the bottom.

Hello where is da proofs to all these claims you retarded faggot?

I said this in the other post but I meant hairstyle and clothing.

History speaks for itself. Certainly art and aesthetics make a good case.

You realise that left-wingers are the driving force behind history, right?

The right-wing attempts to preserve the existing status-quo. The left-wingers urge for a change. And so goes the story of history. The left-wing always wins; nothing ever stays the same.

Surely a man as wise as you would not have any problems finding examples of this in order to enlighten the rest of us ignorant leftists who have, aparently, misinterpreted the ideology we follow. Surely you, a non-leftist, know more about the left than we do.

So there is a lot more hipsters on the left than right?
I always got the feeling that some of them are only left wing because they are hipsters, especially them liberals. Infact i'd say a majority of liberals are only so for their own ego. Explains the state of liberals.
Non liberal communists seem to be the only genuine communists, thats how you can tell if they really are serious.

Honestly there is nothing more embarrassing than teenagers and young 20 somethings in suits and fedoras thinking they look manly when they look like a tryhard.

My galpal literally mistook a bunch of young Conservative campaigners here last election for being mormons lol.

Maybe in the last 200 years since 1789 the angry mob has largely driven the piece-by-piece dismantling of civilization, sure. I'll give you credit for that. But before, it was great men who rose above the herd who built things and made things happen.


Man does thing. Others imitate. Those who can't imitate successfully whine. It's this third category who tend to be leftists. Failures and rejects that want to reap the fruits of others endeavors.

Hot alternative people thread now.


Here, you dropped your flag.

Oh, so capitalists then. Got it.

There are more people willing to challenge the aesthetics of the establishment on the left than the right. As "hipster"ism becomes more acceptable, right-wingers will choose this aesthetic too.

I don't know what you mean by a "non liberal communist" but if you are implying that the only genuine communists are sexist or homophobic or racist then you are wrong. Genuine communists are none of those things. That does not make them liberals.

Whether the left-wing is "the mob" or a particular class in society, they have driven society. Those "great men rising about the herd" are just a class without power, seizing power. How to you think feudalism ended? The capitalists were the left-wing at one point, the monarchists the right-wing. Then that left-wing, when it wins, becomes the establishment, becomes the ruling class, and a new era of society is born. And so history goes on. And a new left-wing forms. And this will go on and on and on until there is only one class in human society, and no new classes to rise - this is communism.


Dreadlocks are cultural appropriation of third world populations who lack shampoo. That makes her (and you) racist.


I dont think kpop is alternative.


If you hate capitalism then chrony-capitalism and corporatism is essentially what you're advocating for, in which case you should be happy with megacorporations and governments merging. But you're too stupid to realize that. Keep up the Revolution sponsored by Levi's and Coca-Cola you delusional fuckwit.

Anybody with dyed hair is apparently alternative leftist degenerate according to Holla Forums puritans.


The end result of Socialism is government acting as a monopoly.


It is popular amongst the leftists so that's why everyone think they are leftists. You can blame on the leftists for looking weird. Nobody force them to be weirdos, did they?

why are you pretending to be against capitalism and then being the biggest target fodder of megacorporations

I'm not sure about THE driving force but sure one nonetheless, also I don't think the left-wing always wins and I don't think they are typefied so easily into one group wanting change.

The points have already been made, you are aware of artistic and literary trends of the the 19th and early 20th century yes? You are aware of artists such as Edvard Munch and Andy Warhol yes? You do understand what post-modernism is and how the philosophy of thinkers like Neitzche has done to society, and therefore its art, through its nihilistic argumentation? I mean correct me if I am wrong, but the philosophy behind these foundations behind socialism and lefty ideologies is this contarian and dismissive stance to objective being. That is why they do LOWER standards arbitrarily to even make statements in of themselves on those standards.

Couple that what it has done to architecture across the world and the regimes responsible for the old worlds destruction I think yes, History speaks for itself. Though of course History means nothing to moral relativists and those shying away from any objective potrayal of reality. It seems also you think that because I raise these things up I must be a right-winger but its interesting to me how you don't see these things as good if you take a lefty stand-point. Shows how much this part of the dichotomy has changed over the years when you see these things raised and assume it is an attack on you rather than taking them as praised accolades.


The correct term is misappropriation and commodification.

s-sorry what?

Human organization will always result in a hierarchical structure. There will always be some authority that acts as a state. This is why socialism always ends in totalitarian dictatorship, mass starvation, forced labor, and mass executions. Better to adapt to reality than to try to change things that aren't broken.

women in soviet russia looked great. Or was that just state capitalism acting up lmfao


its a stage, by the time they hit like 30, they get over themselves and dress like normal people

I actually know a lot of former punk kids in my local IWW.

Yes, I do understand what post-modernism is, and I also understand that most of what you are saying is wrong.
First of all, post-modernism is not a necessary component of socialist thought. It was invented much later than socialism, and it represents a deviation from the orthodox socialist philosophy, which is materialism. In fact, post-modernism directly contradicts materialism.

This is the ideology of the post-modernist, who, as I have said, is an ideological deviant. Materialism specificaly believes in objective stuff, and denies any subjectivity.

Who does this? In what situation?

Yeah, you're pretty ignorant about the left. You know your shit about post-modernism, but you don't know much at all about the left. Otherwise, you would know that they are different things instead of believing the brainwashing that Holla Forums does by telling everyone that the left is sjws and post-modernism, instead of socialism and materialism.
At most, you can argue that the left has been infiltrated by post-modernists, but to say that the left IS post-modernist is historically and ideologically inaccurate.

Is she confirmed socialist or is she anarchist?

If I go pick some bananas for myself, why would you think yourself entitled to my bananas? Go and pick some yourself. And if you can't or are unable to, then offer me something in exchange. And if you can't or are unable to, then there's a good chance you are a product of over-population in which case hey, tough luck, but life is cruel. Now pelase let me eat my bananas in peace you statist-in-denial useful idiot commie fuck.

At least you admit it.

from within you critique something to improve it, from without you critique it to destroy it

It's not an organization, it's a group of friends. We're also all pro-feminism, we're not legit reactionaries.


why is it always the "you yourself are made of carbon" "argument"

Because you don't practice what you preach but expect others to. Go start your little commune somewhere, fine, good luck to you, but don't drag the rest of us into another failed socialist experiment using deceit and coercion and intimidation and other evil leftist tricks.

Put pic related on your door.

So did you

You cant start a commune if you dont own anything.
And we dont want a commune.

Why dont you start your little aryan commune somewhere and leave us alone?

How is dressing like you're out of the 1950's revolutionary

This. Other than the very bare essentials I don't spend my money on nothing. Yet, these anti-capitalists are the least ascetic people I've ever seen. Maybe the problem isn't capitalism per se, but that you have so little control of yourself and need someone to put you in your place. You're basically women. Bet you get off on being dominated too don't you cuckbois

Do you really think that nigger is close to the other two?

Lol lefty women are so ugly that liberal men disavow, but they have no options so in real life they gotta tell her how hot and revolutionary she is to get some

Sounds a lot like capitalism to me, fam.
Under socialism, everyone would be picking bananas based on society's need, no one would sit in their villa drinking cocktails while getting rich off of our banana picking.

We produce 1.2 times the amount of food we need to feed everyone on earth, that number could probably increase if we made things more efficient.

It is, but it doesn't have to be.

Communism is stateless, capitalism is not.

So earn some capital. If you haven't noticed, we had that, but the Leftist states bussed in others who would vote for their parties in order to win elections. Passive-aggression is still aggresion, and Leftists are passive-aggressive. YOU leave us alone in our nations, and we'll leave you alone in yours.

Nice fanfiction fam

Yes, communism is when people vote for hillary. And you wonder why everyone thinks burgers are retarded

moron, the point is that you don't know what you're talking about
the "practice what you preach" is a clear proof of that
you can't "practice" socialism or communism on a person-by-person basis, it describes a community
you can't live and consume in a socialist manner if you live in a global capitalist society
these are very simple things that should be clear to anyone

Well some people need more bananas than others, so you'd be forcing some people to work for other peoples bananas. This is slavery. All leftism results in this slavery. I will collect as few or as many bananas as I need, thanks. And you're free to gather as many or as few as you need, too. But if you try to take the last banana, naturally I'll fight you for it. It's survival.

What are you talking about? I never said that.


Sure you can. You're free to live how you want on your own land. Oh, wait, no, Leftist policies have started dictating how you can live on your land. Also they raise the cost of living with burdensome regulation and high taxes which makes it hard to live independent of the system. Nevermind. Well, until a short while ago before Leftists got into power you could live how you wanted on your own property.

A lot of the hipster style is directly out of the american 1950s. Big thick glasses. conservative dressing. Just go look at 1950s style on google. Only real difference is the tattoos and beards.

We live in the same nations as you do. My parents, their parents and their parents too, and so forth.

Then why the hell would you want to be a leftist? Why would you want to destroy your own nation? Are you stupid?

Could you stop being an obnoxious memelord and read a book for a change? Not necessarily a leftist one.

Its not my nation. The nation doesnt care about us, we have no power over it, it only cares about the rich. It is not my "nation", but my tyrant.

Ah yes, because it's normal, healthy hierarchy when the top 1% owns as much wealth as the rest of the world.

Well obviously you have to live in such a way that's compatible with reality and nature. So are you admitting it's reality you're and your little revolutionaries at war with?

Nation = people. Governments and nation-states are not people. Leftists don't get this though. They're the idiots protesting for more government while demanding no government.

This only really applies to anarkiddies and rebellious college types.

If you really think everyone on the left has shaved half their hair off and dyed the rest green you need to spend less time on your aut-right sites.

Did you know that over 50% of the top 1% are jewish?

And working for a boss is not? Why?

No, he's saying you're an illiterate dimwit. The most basic of books on political theory would refute your entire woldview

This is how I can tell you're a fucking dumbass

You are completely right. I can't tell the difference


Because working for a boss you get paid fairly according to your duty. Well, because of Leftists your wage has been artificially inflated and subsidized by the consumer causing cost of living to go up and up and up at accelerating rates. It's unsustainable.

He's pretty obviously talking about nation states. Why does socialism necessitate destroying your own nation?

Tankies are protesting for a powerful government which will """"wither away""", anarchists want to abolish the state immediately. Have you amalgamated the views of everyone who has disagreed with you and labelled it "the left"?

Leftists always project.

Lol no

Not an argument. You couldn't explain a single page from wealth of nations if you tried.

Well then, my "nation", which you dont define as anything, never did anything for me. I dont know what this "nation" is supposed to be. People? Everybody is people.
Stop being a braindead righttard and define your terms properly. Governments and nationstates are people, they are the rulers.

the answer is to lower the wages and cost of living will, of course, fall, in accordance
I mean, of course it will, that's the way it works in basic economics, right?

a little bit of pure and true communism like we had in eastern europe for ~60 years and all the leftpigs will go where the bigcorp tell them to do anything but Stalin :>>>>1849372

Leftists want to destroy nations. They say it openly. Because according to the Left we are all equal, therefore we must all be made equal. Nations are completely antithetical to the equality uber alles ideology.

You get paid part of what you're worth, you cuck. Read le Marx man, or google social credit if you can't get past your mental blocks about the former.

Austrians pls go. You can live in the third world if you want the authentic ""paid what you're worth"" industrial misery experience.

Damn son, thats not what "leftists" say at all.

Yes that's right. Competition is what drives cost down, and cost of living goes down with lower cost of goods. But a Leftist will not understand this basic principle. For them, printing money is always the solution because in practice they are a mafia and want to take a slice out of as many pies as possible.

Marx whole work is a mental block

Can you stop projecting to everyone how much of a dumbfuck americunt you are?

lmao dude

Social credit? That sounds like a scam to me. No thanks.

Right enough with the men though. Both pictures would be considered hipster.

those people are extremely grateful for this employment you dumb westernized fuck

So I should be paid even less than I already am?

People over there are grateful for those jobs. And as more capital gets pumped into their economy standards will rise. It takes time.

Rightists are always afraid to read Marx while leftists have no trouble reading Hayek, Rothbard, Mises, etc. I wonder why you're so scared of engaging with opposing worldviews?

You will be paid a smaller money, but because the value of the dollar will be worth more, you will, in fact, be earning more with less.

It's not that we're afraid to read Marx. It's that we recognize he's an idiot.

Do you have any proof to back that up?

How would may pay going down, which means more money for my boss, result in a drop in prices higher than my drop in wage so that my real wage increases?

You can't make this shit up.

true but same goes for the leftists reading Marx, something that they clearly don't understand, using it like a vehicle for their very different ideologies that are anything but found in his works

"Everybody is equal, so we must, like, destroy nations, my dudes"
- Carolus Marcus

If you've seen any fucking doco on Sweatshops you would know this is not the case. They know they are being exploited as fuck, they do it often, under serious threat of violence.

This is like saying in the industrial revolution, workers were perfectly fine working awful conditions because they didn't have to work on farms. It's just absurd ahistorical nonsense.

I don't care what someone says. I can say 'the only true goal of socialism is interstellar travel', and It'll be wrong. Why does socialism necessitate destroying your own nation?
Think about it, look at your own posts. Would you move your family to China for +5% of your wage? Would you for +50%? +150%? People don't usually want to move half way across the world, they only do it if there's some large incentive, like a big economic imbalance.

It depends what you mean by 'made equal'. Equal treatment does not mean identical outcome.
I think you have a distorted image of our ideas.

I bet they'd be even more grateful if they got paid a fair wage, you westernized cucks.


factory jobs pay much much more than anything else in those countries and all of this thanks to both globalization and high poverty levels, it makes no sense to swing this pay argument with this one

this guy must be a troll, he's hitting that sweet spot of arrogance + outrageousness

It's called inflation. I'm in Communist Canada and the value of my dollar sinks more and more every week. Having 20 million dollars is no good if bread costs 19 million dollars, as it was in Weimer Germany, and soon in Socialist Paradise Venezeula.

This is just argumentum ad macdonalds in reverse, though.

Without reading him. Strange. As I said, if you're so confident his ideas are wrong you would read him to at least familiarize yourself with his arguments and formulate a proper argument.

Austrians please go.


And richtists want to murder 1.3 billion people for being different.

I mean, if we're going to generalize, then both can play that game.

The state needs to be limited and the free exchange of ideas should in a democratic way decide on the policy, while the basic rights need to be protected above the state and the people as well

Of course the conditions suck. But what were they doing before? Swimming in the sewage to salvage garbage? Standards are rising. Slowly. Because you can't just dump money on a thing and expect it to magically turn into a functional developed modern economy.

The soviet union had no inflation.
Inflation is literally institutionalised by all capitalist nations.
An actual socialist nation wouldnt have inflation, youre thinking of Keynesian. You should have paid attention during your basic economics classed in highschool, buddy.

It doesn't. There's always Not Socialism :^)


Also both the weimar republic and present day venezuela have Keynesian economies. So does all of europe and most of the world.

No they don't.

Also people still don't like working 14 hour days 7 days a week, don't like being threatened by violence etc.

People are being forced to take those jobs because of the declining value of rural farming, not because they love selling their entire fucking lives to still live in abject poverty.

Again, look at the Industrial Revolution, show me all those sweat shop workers and coal miners sucking the dick of their bosses?


This workers song from the gilded age sure sounds like "WE LOVE OUR BOSSES, THANKS FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO LET US BOOTSTRAP OURSELVES"

The Soviet Union didn't have a lot of things. Contruction workers who lacked mortar would be ordered to stack bricks to look busy for the supervisors. Truck drivers would run the tired on their vehicles to make the meter read the right number of miles because they had to live by what their rational system dictated. What a horrible existence. No wonder the place fell apart.

I think you are rather referring to Adam Smith.

If they quit their awful jobs someone else would be willing to take it. I'm not defending these conditions, just saying it really does offer some people opportunity they might not otherwise have had.


Legit like 80% of work in the world today is just ritual to keep the system going.

But not socialism really was not socialism. We have the grainy jpgs to prove it.

Yes, you are.

They can't quit, once they go into sweatshops, they often become victims of bonded labour and actually go into debt.

Go read about the gilded age and how bosses fucked over workers. Literally all that shit happens in Bangladesh, India, China etc.

It's insane isn't it. Keep in mind The System is the result of Leftist policies.

Because the other option is starvation. This is coercion.

It's funny because it's obvious you've never had a real job under capitalism either

Libertarianism isn't anarchism you dunce, it's small government.


Terrible argument, and one you couldn't demonstrate if you tried

Now you have to ask yourself, would you rather work for a corrupt and amoral Chinese company, or a company owned by a suicidally altruistic whitey? White supremacy doesn't sound so bad all of a sudden, huh?

It's just as "relevant" as the argument he gave me, dipshit. That's the point

80h/week proved to increase productivity levels it is not as many believe to lower the time one works for wage purely to make people happy, also declining value of rural farming is a basic economical concept that has nothing to do with the poverty, state, system, policy it will happen no matter what as a nation transforms from developing into developed country, those people will have lower wages in rural farming, have higher wages in basic manufacturing, have even higher wages in larger production, and will lose their jobs to automated machines (not to take for AI) and this happens and will happen in every single country on Earth that uses monetary means to distribute wealth among its units

Leftists always project

Altruistic people dont run large corporations.

It was ideology first, logic second.

Mostly it's the unions, which are leftist, making all these crazy rules.

Wow you've really sold me. Wtf I hate leftism now

I think you might be mentally retarded.

I make more money than you almost guaranteed.

There is almost no chance I'm not significantly smarter than you are.

Do you feel guilty about that? Is that why you want to impose your communist dictatorship on the rest of us poor downtrodden proles who just want to be left alone?

Im giving up, OP is too retarded.

No. If I made no money I'd be "immoral" for wanting free stuff and because I make money I'm "immoral" for imposing my values. Just admit you don't want your masters questioned no matter what

I have no masters.

Leftists always project.

Bull-fucking-shit. You live under hierarchies and you know it.

Then why so offended when people question the ruling class in the west?

Sometimes you lose a battle. Every moment is an other moment of battle. All time is opportunity to force eternal life.

What is the ratio of success to loss of the gal of the pic?


I am actually active in far right activism and I can say it's a facts that the majority of degenerates are on the left.

The only degenerates we get are White Trash, who just dress poor and the occasional ex-leftist, who dresses like the people in OP's picture.

At least i'm free to choose a hierarchy that's right for me in a totally organic fashion. I would have no such choice in a Leftist system. It would be obey or get shot or sent to work to death.

Look at working conditions after the industrial revolution. Whites are perfectly capable of forcing whites into terrible situations.

Because I look at the alternatives to the western model and see only death and savage barbarism. I believe thoroughly that The West is good.

I am actually active in far left activism and I can say it's a facts that the majority of degenerates are on the right.

Anarchists are socialists.

What the fuck are you blabbering about? Stop watching fox news. The funniest thing is when liberals complain that "right wing = hitler" you probably roll your eyes (correctly). But someone on TV says "literally stalin" and you lap it up.


You don't need masters to live in the west. People not in the west have masters so that's clearly not the deciding factor for how "good" it is.



Leftism is normcore. Anyone who says otherwise is a LARPing liberal.

All leftism results in Stalinism because Leftism is based around conforming to the lowest common denominator. It's rule by the crowd enforced by equality ideology instead of rule by the most capable based on eternal values like truth justice honor beauty goodness and inequality as part of life. It's not the same thing.

Alright, prove it.

Why are you so bad at reasoning? You can't move on to the next statement without demonstrating this to be true first. Is this your first attempt at logics?

The point is you can't prove it you fucking dipshit.

That's the fault of their government

I wouldn't get in someones boat I didn't know.

Leftists always project.

Which is why we are against states.


Do you really believe this?

Yeah and predatory capitalists.

Another non argument.

If a toaster burns your toast are you going to be against toasters? Or do you go and buy a new toaster to replace your old broken one?

I did, I made an observation based on reality, the majority of people present at right-wing demo's look normal, with some of them being White trash and the alt-looking types usually being ex-lefties. (yes we get a few of them occasionally)

While there is always a small, though not always dominant amount of punkish and alternative looking people at lefty rallies.

Imagine this as an argument for why slave masters aren't actually bad

If every toaster you ever owned burns your toast are you still going to buy a new toaster and hope it is different this time?

Your anecdotal evidence isn't proof.

In complete an total fairness, I can't think of any group in the Netherlands that would allow the kind of people in OP's picture to join a rally, even the NVU would see that as going to far.

Do you have any sort of valid data to back up this claim? No? Then that was the point.

Your anecdotes are not an argument, snowflake.

The rest of his post is trying to prove his first statement.

Somehow this leads to Stalinism. The USSR was famous for shooting all rocket scientists on the spot because they made the proles feel bad about their average intelligence.

I believe that the less the ruling class is forced to concern themselves with insane Leftist demands the better since they can get on with the duties that the ruling class are supposed to deal with like you know governing and diplomatting and whatever it is they do.

It is though, it's based on direction observations and can be checked using news footage, for example.

Someone has to keep the plantation in order while the others are picking the cotton.

Yes, every news broadcast will show this to be true, look at the hamburg riots, there are people there that would never enter a right-wing group.


When the Bolsheviks got into power, they did force the skilled laborers to teach the proles their skills. They were then executed. So yes. You're right. They did.

How are you this much of a brainlet?

which you will be fully compensate for or provide contradictory evidence


Sure thing, champ.

Alright, explain why I am wrong and let me remind you I said news and not state-funded news.

Yes, that is literally the definition of emperical data, drawing conclusions from observations.

Still not offering me evidence to the contrary.

Any news reporting (state-funded or otherwise) wouldn't be a good data set for the claim you're making. What do you think would happen if you tried to publish your "results" based on what you saw on a news program? Valid test, do you think?

Did a ruling class author tell you that in flowery language?

If I say:

Would you wonder if a conflict of interest was colouring my judgement?

Well we all already knew that rightists hold a disdain for academia so it's not like we're learning anything new here


I think they are completely valid data sets, as long as you make the right selection of data, for example broad panoramic shot of a crowd.

But then again, there isn't really an issue, since the number of freaks in the left vastly outnumber the amount of freaks on the right.

But seriously why does this board still exist? I can't tell if it's ironic or not. Anyways, if it's not ironic, kill yourselves.

What gives you the idea that there isn't a mutual benefit to organic social hierarchies? Even amongst your group of friends there is likely a hierarchy. Oh wait. You're a dirty commie and have no friends. Sorry.


That is the natural attitude of freethinkers, to question institution with clear ideological motives.

That's the worse you could find, doesn't look nearly as weird as the people in OP's picture.



Incorrect. You would at best only draw conclusions about that single crowd. One crowd could have too many confounding variables to draw an accurate conclusion from
Back to an anecdote. Bad argument. Disregarded

They do if you dont live in bumfuck inbreedistan.

People like this simply make a small but very visible minority in leftist circles, not many of them in rightist groups.

Unless you're goal is questioning the basis for the scientific method here then you're not questioning the power structures you think you are.

Yes, so we would need many crowds.

No, those anecdotes are based on direct observations, which how one conducts science. To deny one can draw conclusions from observing reality, is to fall into the trap of rationalism.

You can question the power structure, because our entire world is one giant power structure, it's just fighting things that are a fact of life.

Well I'm out of this autistic thread. Let's just hope that Stalin comes for you and your children one day for this leftist cancerous shit.

I have no reason to trust your claims about your observations.

You CAN'T question…

Only cringe in that is the faggot with the no homophobia sign and the klans men with tattoos.

Boy I wish Stalin came to us.

That is fine by me, but if you ever visit lefty rallies, you will find me correct.


Anecdotal evidence can be gathered through direct observation.


By that reasoning, monarchism would never have been overthrown. The current existence of a certain power dynamic says nothing about the inevitability of that dynamic.

The hierarchies aren't organic, that's the point. If some serf's son would be a better baron than the baron's son, the serf child doesn't get to be baron.

It's like I'm really in an American high school movie.
Actually I'm pretty spergy, we don't form the social hierarchy thing.

Alright, gotta experience it for yourself I guess.

No, you just replaced one type of power with another. Power is the fundamental force in this world, kill all government and you get power on the local level, small bands.

That isn't particulairy bizar, except the last one, which are a bunch of cosplayers.

Even in the case of anarchism, the prescription isn't "no government institutions whatsoever".

Implying the band structure isn't practically egalitarian.
If we were in a band society you could actually argue that the limited hierarchies were organic. No social conditioning, and so on.

This isn't about government, but about power, power is simply always there, it's a part of physics, of nature, of human society.

This discussion is a powergame.

ITT: Right-wingers display their complete inability to differentiate between is and ought

That's not what I am arguing, I am arquing that power is every where and can not be escaped.


Ok, so what is the conclusion you are coming to here exactly? That power dynamics cannot be mitigated because they exist?

The entirety of right wing though is a gigantic struggle with the is-ought dilemma

Alright, explain why this is worse then the one of the left we posted.

Yes…. though I am not sure what exact meaning you attribute to the concepts you just used. So maybe no.

I mean the only thing proven by this thread is that americans are fat and ugly.

I don't deny that some hierarchical structures are useful and/or necessary, and I don't claim that no power dynamics should exist. The claim is that currently there are too many unnecessary hierarchies that are detrimental to societal function, rather than the reverse.



Actually, we need a change of hierarchy, towards ethnonationalism, so that science and the white man can prosper better.

The left is both american and european style liberals.

You're dumb. Women do what is popular and dress to appeal to men. Their political beliefs are shaped entirely by the authority figure in their life, which is usually one man but may be their group collective. If they dress like this it's to appeal to leftist men. Clearly this shows that there is something wrong with leftist men.

Having recognized that we need a change in hierarchy, can you reason to that position? Humor me please for why this is your conclusion.

Yes, I am White and follow certain values, like the family, the Gods and pride in my nation, thus I want White people and those values to reign supreme.

Ok you're being civil so I don't want to just say "not an argument", but surely you at least recognize that stating that you hold these values isn't actually an argument for them, nor does it rationally convince anyone of your position. Why are your conventions and customs inherently worth fighting for and building civilization around?

That is very simple, I value them and so do the people I associate with, therefor I will defend those values and attack anyone who tries to deny me those values.

Absolute bullshit.
There was a clear break in the '60/'70s, when the feminism my mother espoused stopped being a positive force for women and became angry and self-serving. By the '90s it became a monster, feeding on destruction, and that's where it's stayed.

th sould ex plain

But you haven't actually argued for your values. You've just told me that your values are your values.

Most feminists support the system, they just want to get a mandatory place on the board.

How would you know the need of bananas in a society if not with the most effective way: prices that result as a reflection of scarcity?
You'd need managers for determining banana quotas.
And since everyone is picking bananas due to the manager's estimations and needs. Not societies'.
They don't know the true price becouse there isn't one. Even if there was, the price of bananas would be probably worthless since everyone is picking bananas and no one is picking mangoes.

This presents two problems:
1. They are not following the needs of society since they have no means or wishes to do so. They make big mistakes that destroys "according to the society's need" meme.
2. These managers are all powerful becouse they completely control the production quotas and distribution of bananas. As we know power corrupts absolutely and they can just give themselves and their families 1/4 of all bananas while the others starve. No one is keeping checks on them. In a classless society where there are no differences you give absolute power to individuals that have no credentials becouse they didn't get the job due to their excellence but their connections withing the party. You destroy the no class meme.

Which brings us to the conclusion that socialism/communism will always be a FAILURE due to:
A.) ignoring reality and with it scarcity of resources
B.) ignoring human nature

Which means that the ones pushing this know it and are doing it to get power. Then function as a mafia state from then onwards, robbing people of their work far greater than any capitalist would do and treating humans as disposable slaves. Far more horrific than a capitalist would do.

Your system would work if two things were met:
1. No scarcity as in transmutation of resources. Or no need for resources due to ascension into higher planes or whatever.
2. All humans became enlightened and completely altruistic
3.You had an uncorruptable independent computer AI that distributed resources.

tl;dr Communism is just porky's meme to get complete control over you with no obligation to pay wages or to keep you alive.

Nope, why would I? They are mine, not yours, I have no intention to convert you, you either agree with them, which makes you one of my group, or you do not.

I hold no belief in absolute truth, or universalism.

Unless you believe your goals can be achieved with the people who currently hold your values then this is clearly not the case. Otherwise, why bother proselytizing your position at all?

Very simple, most people do share my values, they just pretend otherwise, to keep up social appearance.

Why would keeping up social appearance be important if most people agreed with each other?


Fear of losing ones job, friends, family, health and life.

Most people are natural conformists, they conform to whoever is in power, but they rarely share the believes of those who are in power.

You misunderstand. Why would those social conventions be in place if everyone agreed with you? Why would everyone be holding everyone else to standards so far deviated from their own beliefs?

I never said everyone agrees with each other.

You said most people share your values. A majority is more than enough for your values to be the dominant ones in society. If the majority shared your values we'd already be living under a society as you envision it.

See any blue hair?

No, a country is usually not ruled by a majority, but by the group best adapt at having and maintaining power.

What? Where are the punk and goth chicks at? I thought they died almost a decade ago.


I think thats a scarf but looking again i do see someone with green hair a row or two behind her, not very alt looking though.

You mean her hat?

And which group is that?


Well, the group you belong to my good sir.

Not an answer. If I already held the power in the society I wished to live in, I would have no use to be proseletyzing my own position (which unlike you, I am realistic about how many people hold genuine leftist beliefs irl) in some obscure web forum.

In any case, this stance is entirely contradictory to your initial stance against challenging established power dynamics. If power dynamics are a fact of nature and it's silly to fight them, then who are you to challenge this one with your own system?

You are proselytizing your cult, as a way to maintain the vigour of the ideology you belong too.

No, there is no point in challenging power itself, there is a point in challenging the type of power being used.

Noticed I never actually used terms like power dynamics.

a mystery for the ages, op.

this board needs a purge

Clearly untrue. Most of the world doesn't operate under socialist principles and you know this as much as I do.
And yet you're only plan for doing so is hope everyone already secretly agrees with you.

I never said the group you belong too is socialism, or that socialists are the ones ruling us.

Socialism can be rightwing or leftwing.

No, there is no plan, because outside forces (muslims, immigrants, blacks, jews) are forcing us to come together.

I never said the group you belong too is socialism, or that socialists are the ones ruling us.

Socialism can be rightwing or leftwing.

No, there is no plan, because outside forces (muslims, immigrants, blacks, jews) are forcing us to come together.

And yet you cannot logically defend any of your beliefs or positions. It's strange you're so certain that people will rally behind beliefs you're not even confident enough in to articulate

Of course not, my believes are organic and natural, not manmade and artificial, there is not need to defend them, they stand on their own.

No children and harmonous society without the family, no blessings without worshipping the Gods, no strenght, without self-sacrifice.

These stand on their own like truisms, they can not be logicall defended, only logically attacked.

We need a Stalin to mod this board, theory threads are dying for this shit

You're literally a cultist. Honestly indistinguishable from an ISIS member.

We already have a Stalin modding this board. Unfortunately, like the real Stalin, toeing the ideological line is more important than facilitating useful discussion of theory

This has to be bait

I agree, I am different from ISIS in that I am a polytheist and would never allow most people to join my religion, since they are beneath me.

*tips fedora*

I am actually not an atheist, so much for you reading skills.

Trust me, we got that part loud and clear. It doesn't make your post any less cringy

Well, this is leftypol afteral, the place where cringe goes to die.

Said the schizo pagan LARPer

I'm a radical leftist and looking super plain.

Yes, I am somewhat schizotypical, since I can occasional hear the voices of the Gods.

Yes, I am a pagan in the sense that I worship the old Gods.

No, I have no LARPed yet, but I have no problem with LARPing, since it shows you take your religion serious enough.

Would you please actually read his books.

Nobody cares how you describe your experience while watching fox news.


How do you know it's not just everyone lying to you about them not believing what you believe?

What do they tell you?

Looks like a hairband tbh

google bookchin

That's a skinhead look, you idiot.

Right-wing delusion truly knows no bounds.

I suddenly now realize that Holla Forums has become the exact same cringeworthy embarrassment as Chanology was.

Actually, as laborers, we're paid less than we deserve given the profit we generate for the company. You seem to be conflating the push for higher minimum wage as a leftist, rather than liberal, position.

That's why communism is delusional. Socialism is the best we will achieve.

I pity you. I can't even comprehend what it must be like being so retarded you actually think porky wants leftism to gain power, or that Marxism-Leninism is the only form of leftism.

You need to read a big ass book, my friend.

Specifically, this one.

You mean like capitalist banana producers and super market managers?
The price of a banana within socialism is either the total labour time it took to get a banana to the consumer and in communism there isnt a price

There things called computers, you know. And public records and double checking

See point above, its the same "problem" that is turned into two points.

Yea because people would let this happen and they really need several tons of bananas for their families.

Also non-argument, nobody keeps check on capitalists either, but we will in socialism/communism.

Yea because we need to have infinite resources, right? Oh wait, you dont, you can only eat so much food and live in one house at the time. You just dont give people solid gold dildos
You build a control and checks system into the planning structure

I wouldn't be surprised if he purge them along with the jews (yes that happened) again if he come back. He would be absolutely shocked at his ugly granddaughter (do not look her up).

Unfortunately, most leftists nowadays are children who don't read the literature of the ideology they preach, buy into postmodern idpol bullshit that has nothing to do with leftism and sometimes contradicts it, and are overall special snowflakes who desperately want to be "unique". They're the reason the left isn't taken seriously anymore and purge of them is necessary. Maybe you Holla Forumsyps can help with that.

I don't want to sound like a defeat but they would, however they know the society is beyond the repairs so the societal collapse is the only way to make everything better again.



There are strange people everywhere, no matter the political affiliation


Stereotyping eh? Well here's one for you.

shit drawing and shit meme, unfunny crap with a wall of text.

Form an argument or GTFO.

No, ayy lmaos.

Which is…price in currency, aka capital?

There's always a fucking price if there's scarcity.

Did you even read the reply? You didn't answer the question and just dismissed with a vague point.
Public records of what? Prices that don't exist? You're a goddamn retard.

They did in every socialist country. Especially since the army was on the state's side.

Why isn't it an argument?
Capitalists don't directly run the country. And in the case of worker-capitalist relation, they've got the market that checks them. They go bankrupt otherwise.
It's as if the last 50 years never happened.

What I thought all along. You communists are barely literate and have the Autism Level of a rock.

the argument is in the book

Join the winning side. Become a market socialist or mutualist. Idelogies that bypass every criticism you have.

This is why we need gulags.

Can't make this shit up man.

Can we get pictures of your cum-stained Odin shrine?

It's literally just freedom, OP. Why do you hate freedom?

A lot of this stuff isn't my cup of tea, but I'm not a control freak who whines about how others live their lives.

source for the audio

/r/the_donald doesn't count


kys, this is the definition of choice supportive bias

If it's so memorable and compelling then recite it already. "Go find an argument" is the shittiest type of debating around, it's on the same level as linking someone to a Wikipedia page.

The thing is that 70% of left wingers look like faggots, whereas it's only like 5% of right-wingers.

[citation needed]

Dreads are gulag worthy imho. Fucking skanks

Not surprising tbh.

Jesus fuck that shit is cringy as fuck

Art isn't reactionary. That's literally an idpol school of resentment spook no serious student of literature believes

At this point the right wingers who will still bother to go to rallies are almost all cosplayers and people who think they're going to make money youtubing.

but leftist make better art in every field.



Is that list of reactionary artists supposed to convince me that art isn't reactionary?


Blake and Proust are reactionaries now? Have you read any of these people, or anything about them?

I'm sorry, but you're not qualified to make an assessment on what is "normal" (if such a state even exists) until you've read The Frustration of Bourgeois Capital by Jean-Paul Baguette. After that you can graduate to The Feminine Penis by Goldberga Steinerwitz and then maybe we can have a rational argument.

Not all of them are reactionary but a good number of them are. My favorite is
Seriously nigger? Even Stalin recognized that reactionaries can make great art which is why he let Bulgakov write.

Name a single reactionary fucking fag

There are a few great reactionary artists but they're in the minority, and the proposition 'art is reactionary' is false.

All of the religious writers. Also dozens of 20th century writers like Celine for example.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Art can only be progressive to a point. Every serious left wing artist knows it.

Celine wasn't reactionary. He was even a fascist for while.

you're now using reactionary to mean something entirely different than political reaction. Yes, artists draw from tradition; no that does not make them 'reactionary' in any political sense.

nope. Milton was anti-monarchist 300 years before the French Revolution. Tolstoy was eco-anarchist.

I am a leftwinger and I have always been curious about this. Why does Holla Forums go out of their way to look like degenerates? Surely they have to know how they come across to regular people right?

Tolstoy was also a rapist.

It's not that simple. We have people like that on our side as well. Larpers, neets and ideological purists. Pretty embarrassing both ways.
I am curious if we have the equivalent of pic related because if we don't then we're on the right side of history.

You are right. There are two separate questions here, one is whether the art is reactionary, and the other is whether the artist is reactionary. I do believe that an artist that isn't reactionary politically can nonetheless make reactionary art.

You see, KEK is the god of chaos. One must therefore dress chaotically (ie, like a fucking retard) in order to harness the sexual symbolic meme magic ley lines they have embedded in their bodies with countless cum splatters and dorito spills. You muggles just don't get it!

Fringe ideologies will attract fringe people, plus we only tend to record the people that stand out/look weird, and as a result it's difficult to establish a correlation between ideological standing and "being weird" that doesn't solely rely on anecdotal evidence.

Although explains a possible causality. Of course, understand that the bourgeois feminism user is referring to isn't leftism as a whole, and so it would by a poor choice to suppose that they're "the left".

Did it hurt, comrades?

There are less cringy communists than fascists as a whole tbh. Like this isn't even up for debate, it's a line Holla Forums also totes when it's appropriate for them in argument.



It's this kind of cognitive dissonance that also attracts extremely mentally disturbed people who can't notice when they're arguing and not lashing out on the internet. This is what lead to the creation of kek bullshit and all their ideological contradiction, and most importantly r/thedonald

One of you got stabbed the other day in LA because you were stupid enough to step through the gang territory of the Armenians who scared off fucking MS13 because you never leave your house or your comfort zone to know shit you should that's offline

These are middle class whites who are angry at dad.

I should add however that this honestly isn't a discussion of much value. Freaks are everywhere, and flinging around "nuh uh, ur the weirdo!" posts back and fourth does nothing about the actual validity of the ideologies either side represents.

Of course, the question could be framed constructively "We have a problem, leftists look like complete wackos [supporting evidence here] and its hurting our image. How can we fix this problem?" however as said in my top post, there really isn't a way to factually determine if leftists really are that "degenerate" or if the public image is the result of "rational skeptic"/anti-sjw/GG cherry picking through the years atop the already monumental amount of cold war propaganda that has seriously tarnished the "left"s image.

I'd ask you the same question.


well do still have to catch up to our 200 million deaths, and we still control society via cultural marism so…its good

Did it hurt porky?


What's a better self own, that, the guy getting stabbed because they just wandered aimlessly into gang territory, or the guy who had a heart attack from walking at the Anti-Sharia march in New York

Nah, getting stabbed is just ignorance and getting a heart attack is unfortunate. Shooting yourself in the foot? Now that is just plain stupidity especially if you are trying to present yourself as experienced and safe gun owners.


You're looking a little pudgy there yourself comrade

Dear god, where to begin…
Currency and capital are two different things, although currency can be used as capital. Currency is only a tool to facilitate the exchange of goods. It reflects the exchange value of a given commodity when it is exchanged for that commodity; it is not the measure of any intrinsic value that the commodity possesses, exchange value being subjective to the individuals who are making the exchange.

When that other guy said that the price of a given item in a socialist system is the sum of the labor power spent to create the item, he was explaining its price to the society that produced it, not the value of the currency that a consumer would pay for it. That is where socialism diverges from capitalism: production is done for use, not exchange. We are talking about an entirely different economic system, not a varient of the existing mode of production.

There is no scarcity in communism. It is a prerequesit of the establishment of communism. inb4 "communism was the USSR"

LEL How did you get so fucking blind? Oh my god, how much more obvious does it have to be? They own every politician, every major political party serves capitalist interests, every significant media outlet is corporate-controlled, the militaries of the imperialist powers always find themselves in places where there are lucrative resources to be extracted. The prisons are full of the poor. The education system is geared toward producing effective workers. Every single facet of every government serves capitalist interests. Even the social programs are sufficient to prevent significant unrest. How does this blatant reality elude you?



Appropriating intellectual property for public use is the pinnacle of communist activity on the internet.

Wow you got us tbh.

For a progressive ideology you seem to really obsess over the later half of the last century. Don't know what to tell ya, It ain't the 90s anymore faggot (but if it were we'd steal those aesthetics).

You mean his thick skull?


you're in dire need of an anatomy lesson

Make America Great Again! Irony.

Haven't seen that one before. I like my quote better.


Say what you want about the slogan, at least it's a movement gaining ground in this century. And it's resonating with the average American working class it seemsthough I'm not a burger, which is more then what can be said about Communism.

All we need to do now is deal with the Kekistan tripfags and after that we can start planning Ethnostates.

How's those means of production coming, lads?


No it really isn't, Trump is now more unpopular than both George W Bush and Bill Clinton in record time since this shit has even been recorded in the early 20th century, might be since the 19th century someone crashed and burned this hard this fast with their constituency.

Nobody who works for a living actually likes this fucking asshole

Not in a red state or a blue state, everyone thinks his shit is bogus

"""Normal""" is a spook and desirable is subjectively determined.

Why do you so badly want to be the fashion police? Are you a little faggot?

They're not nazis, they're fursuiting at a holocaust museum.

You wanted a detailed explanation of how a future socialist system would work without a market system.

That is Towards a New Socialism in a nutshell. It is basically the answer to your question in book form.

I realize that you don't actually give a shit about having a real answer, don't want to read anything longer than a meme, and are just here to shitpost, but I thought you still deserved the benefit of the doubt and gave you want you, at least on the surface, seemed to be asking for.

Now, please, you need to go back.

These exist? I didn't know you could profit off of the death of allegedly 6 million people