Name literally one thing that is wrong with hierarchy

Name literally one thing that is wrong with hierarchy.

Other urls found in this thread:, Gilles-Nietzsche and Philosophy.pdf

i'm not in charge right now.

I'm not on top.

There's the whole thing where if someone is abusive towards you, you can't make them stop, because they are your hierarchical superiors


It is antithetical to liberty which gives room for the cultivation of virtue.

Name one thing right about hierarchy.

It's necessarily static and life denying, founded on responsibility and refusal of difference. Hierarchy is always representation of power, recognition, the supposed master here wants his power recognized - it is how the slave conceives power.

You know, I feel this is actually the main motivation behind libertarianism of any kind, be it right or left. The feeling of not being in charge does not lead to the desire to rise to power but to do away with it. Imo this attitute is very hurtful to the cause of the left.

So you're saying hierarchies set in stone are bad while exerting power over one another isn't? Please elaborate. I find that train of thought intriguing.

Nothing if it's justified and not built on exploitation

Please lick all of the mud off of my boots.

Anti-hierarchy is at the base of any kind of leftism. Marxism is also based on anti-hierarchy.

It's stupifying. I could name very many other wrong things opee

We always exert power over (not dominate) each other, and power is always exerted within us and makes us into subjects. The question is where to go from here - do we affirm the active forces and "enjoy our difference" - do we make ourselves obeyed and negate others or simply affirm our struggle? Drown in resentment negating other foces or flourish in passionate play?

Marxism isn't actually based on anti-hierarchy. The anarchist adoption of anti-capitalism (and sometimes materialism) is based on anti-hierarchy.

People at the top typically give in to conflict of interest. Like politicians taking bribes or CEO's crashing companies so they could benefit from insider trading and golden chutes.

It's often imposed needlessly, and when it is needed, the wrong people for the job usually wind up in charge because power attracts pathological assclowns like horseshit attracts flies.

That's interesting. I'm surprised to see a black flag poster who actually has theory. Could you point me to some literature exploring what you mentioned?

It displeases my ego.

really makes one ponder


wtf I love hierarchy now




I do not trust elites to make decisions on my behalf. Why would you?, Gilles-Nietzsche and Philosophy.pdf

I don't like it. :^)

itt: buttblasted anarkiddies

Must not be reading the same thread. I see a lot of good replies without responses.

Nothing wrong about hierarchy as long as it based on a sharing of power and responsibilities and does not treat those below as worthless slaves.

The king that rides in front of a battle is the hierarchy all men respect.

The king who hides behind and lets others do his work for him, is a pathetic parasite.

there's no real way around hierarchies, they tend to happen in groups automatically when problems occur and there's nothing wrong with them per se. to reach a common goal together hierarchies are needed in order to organize resources and efforts efficiently not least because all individuals have different strenghts and weaknesses which need to be taken into account. however, hierarchies bear the risk of getting abused. that is called oppression and literally everything is wrong with oppression/tyranny, because nobody except the oppressors/tyrants themselves benefit from it by taking advantage of others and harming them.

Unnecessary hierarchy can be oppressive and inefficient, hence we are opposed to them

I don't think you know the difference between hierarchy and authority

It's not scientific

If the people are weak and/or naive enough to tolerate "bad hierarchy", what's wrong with it? In the end you're making moral condemnations based on some abstract conception of justice just like people rejecting all forms of hierarchy. Lamenting the unfairness of such hierarchy just leads to people wallowing in self-victimization and passiveness instead of asserting their power and actually rising up against the "pathetic parasite" or the tyrant.

because placing them under hierarchy prevents them from living up to their full potential. I don't want to live in a community of docile retards.

And by making them parrot moral blanket statements about ebul hierarchy you're emancipating them to live up to their full potential? Maybe you should actually read Stirner.

actually i think you don't know the difference.

because it's not just.
i recommend reading kant's "methaphysik der sitten" .
if there's no injustice in the first place there are no victims and there is no need for individuals to "rise up against".
see and here's the main difference between us leftists and you right wingers: you don't want justice because essentially you desire to be oppressors in order to take advantage of victims.
opposed to that literally every leftist wants a society based on justice, i.e. a society that is free of victims and in the self-interest of all individuals. that's basically how marx defined communism too.

Says who.?

Ah, the mighty Chinaman of Königsberg. Literally read any critique of Kant's ethics. I suggest Hegel. The categorical imperative completely fails its aim of making formal moral judgements.

There is no "need" either way, but if the victims feel like it is in their power to better their position they might as well, right?

Not subscribing to your arbitrary personal conception of justice doesn't make me a rightwinger

After you're done with Hegel you should try actually reading Marx.

Keep in mind that Hegel still has an ethics. Just one which is in conflict with Kant's.

Stirner very explicitly argued that all hierarchies were inherently antagonistic to individuality. Maybe you should read stirner

Maybe the Americanized version. The Japanese original is hardcore as fuck.