What has to be abolished for socdem to work up to your standards?

What has to be abolished for socdem to work up to your standards?

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Wage labour, money, markets, private property.

Private ownership of corporations, and private ownership of multiple residences

This is good. But what constitutes as a residence? What stops people from calling their residential properties for offices and businesses?

Do you want to abolish stocks too? How are people supposed to start up businesses without trading stocks for funds?

How are building companies supposed to build new houses if they don't get to own them. Do they have to auction out the homes before they start building?




That sounds like a good idea actually. If an apartment has to be bought before it's built, there wouldn't be so many empty luxury flats and they'd be forced to build affordable housing while lobbying to keep wages up

You can call them space stations, theyre residences, and you can see it. Not mentioning those are set zones.

What part of "no private ownership" you dont understand?.

He thinks that massive enterprises have to spring into existence from nothing overnight.

The reality would be much more mundane.
Boom. Plumbing cooperative. It can grow to be a massive regional plumbing cooperative or it can stay a few guys. Depends on what they vote for.

Both stocks and cooperates are private ownership. There's really not much difference between stocks and cooperates when you think about it.

Unrelated but should government institutions also be turned into cooperates?

But how do you turn existing corporations into cooperates? They're not going to do it voluntarily

I'll bite. They have to bring back Rosa
They have to want to change Capitalism into Socialism. Not Capitalism into 'nicer' Capitalism.

Oh boy. No. No they decidedly are not.
Private ownership means that you are not putting your property to productive use yourself, and you are denying others the ability to put it to productive use (or, at the very least, using your ability to deny it's use as a way to extract surplus value from those who do use it)

A worker cooperative is collective property, since the workers themselves both possess and put to productive use the assets of the cooperative.

You're just making shit up as you go


explain to me how workers democratically splitting up a share of the profit is capitalistic.
this is something tribes did
this is something pirates did
this has never been something feudalists or capitalists did.

stocks and cooperative ownership are basically the same thing

Because they're still producing commodities for exchange value. Commodity production is specific to capitalism. Co-ops aren't socialism.

I suppose you're going to call every socialist state that has ever existed state capitalist. It's impossible to abolish capitalism without conquering the world and it's impossible to conquer the world without producing commodities for exchange

Because that's what they were. Prove me wrong.

Not sure how you managed to mistake internationalism for imperialism hereā€¦

dude what lmao

In some sense this is technically true, but it's not like you'd have to topple every world government at the same time. The burgers were afraid of the Soviets for a reason: subverting their farce of a country would be doing the rest of the world a favor.



Is nobody going to answer op's question?




Next you'll be telling us capitalism is simply a part of human nature because humans have always exchanged goods.

As long as you can own private property capital will accumulate. You can wildly lash out at that inevitable process with taxes and tariffs etc and perhaps make things slightly better for some people or in one area, but this will only twist and distort the process, instead of cutting it off all together.

it is though


Private money creation