Can we have a discussion about how out of touch the American middle class is from the rest of us shabby poorfucks?

Can we have a discussion about how out of touch the American middle class is from the rest of us shabby poorfucks?

I can't tell you how many times I've run into someone whose parents made over 50k a year and thought they were 'poor.'

Income doesn't dictate class, but it's still fair to insult them for being fags about it.

Even though it is mostly about American politics this book can tell you a lot about why they are that way. Basically they see the actually poor working class as subhuman losers who might as well belong to a different species.


Grow a brain first, before recommending literature to others

t. liberal

t. socdem

The democratic party abandon the worker to court yuppies and the petit bourgeois.
You see this in DNC who thinks that they can win again by courting moderate republicans while their base is becoming increasingly further left.
What the DNC doesn't realize is that rich republicans are the same as poor republicans, just as racist, they just dont like shouting indoors and think you should be polite about it.
The democrat party despises the working class, leftism, and proles.

As the other poster said, they see middle america as backwards hicks, deplorable, deserving of their exploitation by capitalism for being racist and every other ism.

The democratic party practices a toxic fusion of Identity politics and corporate malfeasance that tells the white worker you are evil and deserve to have your job outsourced for being born evil.

And all the republican has to do is come along and be all "hey, that guys a whacko, you are perfect the way you are, you arent evil, relax"

The white working class, dismayed, has responded to all this, and the lack of a truly pro-worker party, by either dropping out of the voting pool entirely or voting for Republicans who unlike the Democrats, are, refreshingly, nicer to them than they are to African-Americans, Hispanics, women, and LGBT people. Right-wing populist appeals, it is argued, have been the only truly populist appeals for decades. Consequently, white working class voters have swung right, in the direction of the only politicians that seem to acknowledge their pain—politicians who have, in fact, been deepening it even more than the liberal politicians who have ceased paying attention. The white working class, in short, has responded to the horrors neoliberalism has inflicted upon them by doing either nothing at all or voting for the more neoliberal party.
None of this, the Left says, was inevitable. Liberals have erred, they argue, in casting all working class whites as politically and perhaps morally irredeemable for the undeniable bigotry and xenophobia of some. And in pushing a narrative of the white working class’ exodus that centers their historical resistance to civil rights and identity politics, they say, liberals have ignored the class dynamics that have been the real driving forces behind their disillusionment—dynamics exacerbated by the Democratic Party’s decision to face right and commit itself deeply to neoliberal economics, as exemplified by the ascendancy of the centrist Democratic Leadership Council (DLC). It was their move to the center, coupled with their disdain for white workers they see as marked by a kind of original sin that finally pushed those voters away and continues to do so. Blue collar whites have abandoned the Democratic Party simply because the Democratic Party abandoned progressive policies that spoke to the needs of workers and came to loathe the working class itself.


There's no such thing as a "middle class" you liberal fuck, and if both parents together were only earning 50k (25k each), then yes, that would qualify as poor by western standards.

So close
but so far

Head back to your walled garden, /polyp/

He's right though, class is determined by your relation to the MoP, not income. Are surgeons and engineers not proletarians cause they are well off?
You're literally perpetuating the right-wing myth that "commies just hate people who earn more because they went through higher education"

How is he wrong? Depending on where you live 50k a year for a family isnt all that much money. I grew up on 30-40k a year between both my parents, we were on EBT and idk how much an extra 10k really would have helped.

tbh this
50k through most of the US is dirt poor

how about you three stooges try living with one parent who never made more than 14k a year

you three stooges make me understand why gulags are needed

In some parts of the US, that is poor. Fucking DC area, poor is anything up to 100k because it's so expensive to live. San Francisco too, I'm sure.

Do people have to pass a poverty purity test before they're considered proletarians? My condolences to you for having to grow up actually poor, but isn't the goal for nobody to have to go through it instead of punishing people who didn't?

Get out of the city then?

People in the city are all cry baby liberals who voted for $Hillary anyway.

If you advocate for Socialism I don't give a shit what your income level is. But all these middle class "My dad won't let me drive my own car he bought me this Saturday!" kids are pathetic. I wish I could make them live actual poverty for one day in their life. Every single one of them deserves a bullet.

I thought Bernie was the only one talking about economics ever?

well apparently people's lives aren't about economics, so

Yeah, that's what I said, as the first post in this thread.
What do you think the petit-bourgeois are, a myth?