The """Skeptic Community""" Is On The Brink Of War

Watch for context:

Racist Daria or as she's informally known, "RageAfterStorm" just went full Holla Forumstard, """The Skeptic Community""" just realised that half of their fans are actually white identitarians based off how they got #IStandWithRage trending and turned their YouTube comment sections into Holla Forums with cries of "Rage did nothing wrong!" and it's causing sort of a civil war amongst anti-SuhJuhWuhs who're more right than left and the ones who're more left than right.

Guess the feminism/regressive left lake's all dried up now…

Other urls found in this thread:

I reckon it's a good time to throw our oars in and try to recruit the liberal side, they oppose idpol and we can show them the light.


Even Meme Harris shows signs of communism.

The cultural pendulum is swinging slowly, the extreme sjw garbage of the obama years lost the second trump won.
Pretty much the gamergate dorks won that mini culture war.
These people who spent their college years telling you to shrek your muh privilege are entering the work force or having kids.
Looking back at it, the obama years were peak neoliberlism, peak sjw, peak identity politics.
If you want a snapshot of the obama years picture a trust fund kid with a multicolored skrillix cut screeching about how people who live paycheck to paycheck are muh privileged. I think the money is going to run out soon for the sjw ecelebs, they will have to choose a side, stay with the stagnate sjw's, embrace the sweet science of Marxism Leninism, or join the alt right.

In the end its about money, politics are built in audience. Just tell the idiots what they want to hear, get views and donations.

Nah, fuck that. Let's watch the Armoured Skeptic-tier anti-SJWs go head on against white nationalists that they pretended didn't exist for so long cuz "muh feminists".

Good, let it get worse. Face to bloodshed.

The skeptics wont turn their attention on the alt-right, in fact they will be subsumed by them because of a failing economy and crisis.

Holla Forums should make a move on YouTube after The Skeptic Civil War creates a power vacuum.

Seeing Sargon having to fight all these people will be entertaining. He can barely hold out against muke and muke is one man.

Honestly i think the cultural death of the sjw by the trump win benefits both the far left and far right

We already are starting to tbh: also someone defo should introduce Scientific socialism (á la Engles) to the Amazing atheist, his rant of SJWs vs literal nazis now being the discourse got me thinking that SciSoc is the perfect third way that he would accept.

Sargon ain't gonna call the alt-right out again. He knows they're like 1/2 of his subscriber count. He found that out after he tried to debate Millennial Woes back in 2015.

I think the alt right will cement themselves as the new normal, and the far left, class politics will become the new subversive, but that will take a few years.
We need kids screeching WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE, and not about safe spaces and micro aggression and other bourgeois idpol shit that doesnt improve material conditions

We are?

This had to happen eventually.

Progs really did deserve it though, the millennial cultural progressive who hated Evangelical Christians and thought the most important issues were pot legalization and gay marriage was a clown.

Angry college kids make the left look terrible. The best thing you can hope for is that socialism becomes a mostly anonymous movement.

oh, hi idpol, this isn't your place


Man, I remember those guys. The fedoras did to them what comets did to the dinosaurs back in 2008-2012…

Them cementing themselves as the new "normal" will be a portent to the fall of america. Any upheaval brought about by the right would be the dying breath of the US.

racism is idpol

No I mean Sargon fight the skeptic community because he has de facto become alt-right, will be top.

Stop whiteknighting for a nazi whore you noodle-dicked stormcuck.

Tbh that is starting, our main job is to separate liberalism from socialism: and put idpol firmly into the realm of liberalism.

oh calm down, trump cucking the center means the rise of the far left and the shafting of the neocons.
The only people who are fucked are bourgeois liberals

That's some boss battle shit. The most known skeptic VS the liberal anti-SJWs…

I don't see the alt-right becoming the new normal any time soon. Remember that these people have always existed, just not as openly as before and with a different label.

But if they do, it'll be the cringiest fucking thing imaginable.

What happened with RageAfterStorm?

Exactly, it will please me so much.

Yesterday the president of the united states tweeted a video of himself beating up a guy in a wrestling match with the cnn logo superimposed on his head.

This is the next 4 years

They're a lot more popular now that they've rebranded themselves with may-mays and feminist pwnage though. I remember just a few years ago the far-right was still sperging out by spamming that "ANTI-RACIST is a CODEWORD for deeply triggering and problematic!" bullshit in YouTube comment sections like a buncha fucking stormfags.

the early 10's were a mistake

Evangelicals actually elected trump. No one gives a shit about the alt-right but themselves, journalists trying to make money covering them, and us.

She make the skeptic torture chamber uncomfortable by spewing Holla Forums talking points bout black people with Daily Stormer sources. She was voted off the island for being too edgy and it's causing drama.

The trump win through the center, the sjw, the liberal into a crisis, so they are scattered in the wind looking for answers, some will move to marxism, some will take the mask off and take the nazi cock.
And it all happened because you feminist cunts just couldn't let those boys have their video games

Resistance to Muslim immigration will keep being a gateway drug to concern over demographic shifts and theories of race and intelligence. Even if feminists rebrand themselves in a more self aware way you will have heaps of immigration proponents.

There will be more and more hereditarians, and understanding a country through its demography naturally leads to something somewhat like fascism. Inegalitarianism demands a mechanism for selection, either through competition or the domestication of growth. The left (recognizable as the left) isn't willing to supply the latter, or even acknowledge any value associated with particular human qualities rather than humanness broadly.

did you mean threw?

Off topic: I know. I can't stand American Christians. They flip-flop on their principles way harder than any other group of religious people.

is it H A P P E N I N G? is the internet finally waking up to Holla Forums's bullshit?

Alison Pead is a disingenuous piece of shit, but it seems she and her family really do believe the shit she spews. Her mother posts like like that all the time.

too bad every identitarian party in Europe fell off a cliff after trump got elected and now you're reduced to smashing vans into crowds outside mosques and doing acid attacks like ISIS. Did you enjoy your moment in the sun?

What the fuck is the skeptic community? I can only find talk about them, but no definition of who or what they are
Is this an official name or just some random denomination for philosopher wannabes?

Am I not up to date with the latest internet drama? This is just more GG fallout, right?

Sargon doesn not identify with the autright, apparently?

But she actually does look like a racist Daria. Spino had it right on. Also, Spino looks like he could be convinced socialism is right.

why would someone do that to Daria, Daria is like my western Anime waifu

They're the "we're right because we're Rational Centrists (TM)"

Good thing we're not feminists or immigration proponents, then.

You know those pictures of fat guys with fedoras and neckbeards and they have like an atheist quote on them.
They are that

Well we are feminists, just not "Feminists". Pic related.

That video just said that millennial woes is an intellectual, god have mercy upon us

Except Rosa rejected the label "feminist" because it distracted from class struggle. We believe in women's rights, but that isn't feminism. Feminism is bourgeois ideology.

When im talking about groups rising and waning in popularity culturally i say thats just normal.
Extremist politics will always gain ears when the economy is shit, left wing and right.

You know, like a guy who got his job outsourced and is told to enjoy diversity every by some bourgeois liberal that lives in a gentrified area time a bomb goes off really really likes what the alt right is selling.

rights are literally bourgeois

Hope so.

Honestly? I'll tell you.

Most European countries will experience a rapid swell in their Muslim population, because of immigration and fertility. With the internet and the direction of Islam generally, young European Muslims will be attracted to radicalism at small but publicly concerning rates. You will hear about terrorist attacks all the time. Countries with Muslim populations will become increasingly like police states, and eventually political incentives for divisive rhetoric will be worth the risk (for some). Democratic politics, under the internet rather than the press, will get increasingly brutal. Three or four European countries will go to shit and will eject diaspora. Other European countries will respond by deporting people or, depending on the state of things, killing them.

You are horribly optimistic if you think this is more likely to produce communism than fascism or even Islamic theocracy.

You have the misfortune of being associated with progressives. Besides, many communists, especially those who organize in public, are Trots. Almost none would permit any sort of nationalism, and it may turn out that most people would prefer state capitalism if it keeps them safe from people across the Mediterranean.

Like it used to be you aspired to become like the rich, but thats not happening anymore, everyone lives with their parents, decaying material conditions that will continue to decay. The far left and far right are ready to gain followers from that shit.

I see.
But what's with the name? How did tens if not hundreds of random ecelebs become affiliated under one label?
Is the "Skeptic Community" an official thing you can get kicked out of, or all this is cloudy bullshit drama with literally no consequence other than more views?


Watch his live stream with Xexizy. He's already very left-leaning for a liberal.

Obviously we must purge the progressives, then.
t. Stalin

She's an odd one. She's a German that grew up in the UK. Also it's funny that she felt bad about being called a Nazi as a child when she is now an aspiring Nazi. It's almost like other children could tell she needed the gulag.

Yesterday i was reading these reports created by banks and financial groups and most of them think globalism is dead or dying and the three options for the future are that globalism continues in this stagnate state, we enter a multi polar world where the nations are divided into blocs and become more nationalist (what is happening), or ww3

Kinda yeah, they are the progression of the new atheist movement when it started getting political. They are hip centrists that don't lie your ideology but present none of their own. Now of these went to the alt-right (see Sargon of Akkad), others went Ancap (Molymeme) and others despair at the dichotomy of SJWs and Nazis (The Amazing Atheist). They see a duel between rationalism and liberalism, well lads we have officially become the third way. Nw is the time

Molymeme started out as an ancap though. That was his original shtick before he went white identitarian back in 2015 sometime.

I forgot to say, most of this will be second generation Muslims, and many will have full citizenship. The easy, relatively harmless political solution has a pretty short window. Neoliberal progs were shortsighted and optimistic to consider the defeat of right populist candidates a victory.

This depresses me.

this video is going to fuck up my youtube suggested videos :(

I feel your pain. I keep getting AIU's autistic bullshit in my sidebar must cuz I watched his Kurt Cobain Google hangout.

The third option will never come about in my opinion there's far too much to be lost to pork and palls in an increasingly economically globalised world, capital is far to intertwined. We will most likely just see the Iraq war played over and over again until everything from that country has been sucked dry and they move on to the next Middle Eastern nation.

Oddly enough, I remember another -gate, Elevatorgate, provoking that development.

Yeah that was basically when the New Atheist community split. Both sides got political, but the "rational skeptics" just weren't honest about it. Now they're the alt-right ones.

is this our time guys? can we swoop in?

Holy hell I just looked that up and it is autistic.


Got a link to these reports?

GG lost and won at the same time. All western games are now SJW bullshit and pretty girls are forbidden. But on the other hand , all unmoderated gaming community hate SJW with a passion and are Holla Forums lite.

Enlighted anti SJW existed over GG sperg will of being heard in rational debate. That never happened, so the Sargons pretented they were a "political movement" for continuous Patreon bucks.

But most people cannot lie to themselves that hard, and quietly joined the rank of alt right out of spite and despair. That whole anita bullshit was basically a last ditch attempt to be important.

The End of Globalization?

The Credit Suisse Research Institute's "Getting over Globalization" report suggests three possible scenarios resulting from the recent events:

Globalization continues along its well-trodden path,
The world becomes multipolar, or
Globalization comes to an end.

Michael O' Sullivan in his recent video points towards the second scenario – namely multipolarity: The rise of regions that are now distinct in terms of their economic size, political power, approaches to democracy and liberty, and their cultural norms.

We can observe changing dynamics of world order – steadily moving away from European-US hegemony to a more regional power-play story. Multipolarity is most visible in economic terms, with the steady shift eastward in the economic center of gravity of the world to an extent that some writers now describe a process of "easternization." The old political order in the developed world, on the other hand, is causing either apathy, rage or political entrepreneurship. In Europe, there has been a marked and apparently structural decline in trust in the European Union and growth in the EU pessimism.

The Structure of Multipolar World

Three significant and easily identifiable poles are emerging: the Americas, Europe and China-centric Asia. Though legacy power players such as the USA, the UK and Japan continue to dominate, scoring relatively higher on most indicators, we see Japan increasingly losing steam here, given that the country continues to be challenged by a massive and tough economic rebalancing effort. The performance of the small developed countries group is noteworthy, plausibly offering competition to larger powers. Larger growing emerging markets (Russia, India, Brazil, Chile and South Africa) are identified as poles that are significant but have yet to realize their full potential.

I love getting fucked daily by my bourgeois boyfriend

Honestly I would think that left leaning anti-idpollers of the Amazing Atheist type would be the prime candidates for our type of radicalization, that's more or less the group I came from.

You might not like them and to an extent I don't either but they're the people with big sub counts and viewership.

TJ is a great person to target too: large audience, already quite left leaning.

Sounds like the worst possible outcome. If SJWs had won, games would be ruined but the Nazis would fade into irrelevance. If GG had won, nazis would become stronger but games would be saved. Instead, games were ruined and nazis took over the internet.

No. Fuck off and die along the fatass.

Wasn't there a bunch of drama and in-fighting about Laci Green getting red-pilled too?

God, YouTubers are the worst.

Back to Holla Forums you go, klancuck.

I didn't say he isn't a dumbass right now, but he can be converted.

He's definitely reachable though. During the last UK election some "skeptic" had a spergout about how it's ridiculous he couldn't choose between "normal conservatives and communists" and he just said he'd choose communists easily.

Can't even stand up to muke tbh
He bitches out of every debate/discussion he invites him to

This video is hilarious LARPy bullshit

Blackpill master race.

That's what I meant, but muke is one man with a small (if decent) following. An entire community turning on him will break his ego.

Op is a giant shill faggot who has been shitting up multiple boards.
The """Skeptic Community""" Is On The Brink Of War
The "skeptic" community is in a civil war

You're just trying to stop a brotha' get ahead, cracker.

but he still says bullshit like "they have facts"
we need to get in there and get the """Skeptics""" to stop trusting fucking jpegs

Is there a more cancerous community on the internet?

It's misleading to say race exists (it's a social construct with a lot of general biological implications), but I'm fucking tired of people denying that any aspect of human intelligence is measurable.

I didnt say or imply the Autism Level part was what I had a problem with, its giving them the pedestal that they have """facts""" when we know most of it is faulty conclusions to data


Racism is idpol you goon

I warned them about allying with reactionaries back in late 2014, when GG was taking off. The enemy of enemy is my friend has never worked. A good example is how the "Atheist" community partnered with feminists to take down those Christian Republicans and look what happened. If you really want to see the shitstorm in its current form read these video's comments.

Oh no, not the skeptic community!

In case anybody want to see the video of RageAfterStorm all the fuzz is about:

(It has been deleted from her main channel) Basically she spouts a bunch of racist bullshit with no idea what haplogroups, nurture vs nature, etc are.


If they didn't, they wouldn't have been excluded from everywhere and would have surrendered without a fight.

They are fedoras, if anyone gonna support it they gonna take it. No one respectable ever gonna defend fedoras.

What are you even referring to?

Back to r/kotakuinaction


wonder what that easy harmless solution is, perhaps it involves something like removing citizenship of muslims and their ejection into the countries them or their parents came from?

Lol I remember when Coughlan666 got at it with TIJ and TJ made him cry for some reason, they doxxed coughlan and then TJ supported it.

Then TJ because bossom bodies with the most ludicrous man FakeSagan "whites are treated as a minority our world", and there was "OOOOOOOOOOOOOO controversy" over nothing. TJ tried to make an alternative to youtube (I'm not kidding) called 'Free Speech Vids", and failed miserably.

Then he went on ChannelAwesome where he did the fakest interpretation of Anthony Fantano I've ever seen to this day analyzing music videos. He subsequently was fired due to lack of an audience.

Then Banana up ass oil on hismicrodick happened and he shrugged it off but you know deep deep down he wants to lash out like he did. But it became infamous because at the time he said some rape victim "deserved to have cum in that hot sweet pussy, someone should have impregnated you"

He's recovered. But it takes one more absolutely shitty idea…TJ is not the smartest

All of it became tabloid internet youtube bullshit most forgot about,

These people will be at each other's throats at simple disagreements, like here. Which I cannot wait for personally. These people are unhinged

How long till they purge Carlgon of Brutananadilewski

Web War III

Thank God these opportunist assholes are finally going down

Harris recently had a bit where he talked about cleansing the country of muslims.

Growing violence by right-wing groups will accelerate, leaving them completely discredited in the eyes of the public. The far left will take power and completely withdraw European forces from the middle east. The Lion of Syria will defeat ISIS and immigration from the middle east to europe will slow and then reverse (like mexican immigration to the united states did in 2012). The concerns of identitarians will fade from the political landscape, and they will increasingly come to resemble museum curiosities.

You aren't giving any reason in that paragraph for why that would happen, you're just fantasizing. Same with ISIS being destroyed (it will be, but there will be more radicals and another boogeyman).

I think there will be more violence coming from everybody. Certainly, there will be counterproductive right wing terrorism, but you'd be amazed by how easily terrorism can be ignored when it has organizational momentum and widespread sympathy (see

You simply will not sell people on global solidarity in the face of demographic anxieties which are sharpened with terrorism and a religion with wholly alien values. A reasonable leftist can oppose immigration under certain circumstances, but you're not very reasonable.

Emma was a little idpol-pushing cunt.

Fuck you too bud.

Unlike Rosa, who actually had solid theory behind her ideas to a large extent, Emma was just an edgy anarkiddie with no real theory to speak of. Oh, sure she wrote a lot of stuff, but none of it fits with scientific socialism and empiricism. In other words, Emma is bad and you should feel bad for thinking she isn't.


Man, that lack of argument. I guess logic is too hierarchical for anarkiddies.

I doubt he would though. He's too selfish for that. I bet he only said that "4 teh lulz"

I'm having trouble understanding you over the large amount of dicks in your mouth.


just showing you how easy it is to create a fantastical story where your politics is predominant.

I guess you just can't stop not making arguments. I bet if you make an edgy enough quip you'll fool yourself into thinking you've made a point.

Yeah because
are such deep criticisms.


What I posted isn't remotely as fantastical.

But she was.

It's not, and the thing about socialism is that it is indeed a science. When Marx published theory, it was specifically on real theoretical grounds with real, testable predictions. Emma Goldman never did this. But correct me if I'm wrong.

Yes, it is a deep criticism. When your "theory" is not compatible with observable facts and empirical evidence, then it's not a theory at all. They're just the ramblings of a dumb cunt.

Being a cunt doesn't make you wrong. Debord was a cunt.
Yeah, a dogmatic immortal science :^)

Yeah, and he was also useless, just like Goldman, but at least Debord was a Marxist and based his opinions on solid theory. Goldman was just retarded and had nothing but feels to criticize capitalism with instead of actual facts.

Socialism is anything but dogmatic. Or do you think Marx was the last one to add to scientific socialism? Do you think there are no new analytical models for observing how capital works and how we might be able to shape the future? Of course there are. You just haven't read any of them because you're an arts major and can't do math.

It sure feels good knowing I don't subscribe to an ideology that is 100% to blame for everyone thinking communism = authoritarian capitalism.

Oh, I forgot you anarkiddies decide what theory you support, not based on what might actually be correct and observable, but on what others might think about it, no matter how uneducated they are on the subject. I guess you better become a liberal, then. Wouldn't want to subscribe to the ideology that regular Joe believes involves beating up trashcans.

ecks dee

You really think antifa doesn't look completely retarded to the general public? You really think anarchists are at all respected? Again, just be a liberal, being an anarkiddie with no solid theory to speak of, you're bound for that route anyway. Just rip off the bandage.


I never said that, but certainly average Joe doesn't think it's good, and since you're the one basing your """theory""" of choice from popular opinion, it only follows that you should reject anything to do with these people.
No, it makes anarchists look bad. The whole community isn't anarchist. In fact, I'm sure like all socialists, you're a minority.

Again, this applies to you because you're the one arguing that you shouldn't be a Marxist because it's got a bad name, no matter how uneducated people who hold those opinions are. I frankly don't care. Marxism is backed by empirical evidence, something you don't have or you'd be a Marxist and would be advocating for scientific socialism.

This is peak "Martin Luther King would be ashamed!" rhetoric right here.

Do you sincerely think I'm an anarchist-nihilist because I believe that appeals to popular opinion? How? I'm just saying, your theories all failed repeatedly and permanently damaged communism's reputation because of their hilarious failures.

It really is. These le rational skeptics really need to get the fuck over themselves. I swear to Christ, he even called Millennial "32-Year-Old NEET" Woes "an intellectual".

Except I'm not the one who said that I needed public approval to be a socialist. The other poster implied that I shouldn't follow Marxist theory and scientific socialism because the USSR gave it a bad name in the 20th century. He's an idiot and you should read, nigger.

No, but you're the one who brought that up. It only follows that you should take your own advice, as what you seemed to say is that I should drop Marxist theory because it has a "bad name".

Can you point out where exactly Marxist theory failed and not simply an organization of people doing whatever they wanted? I really want to know because this way we can revise the theory and fix it. See, that's how science works. Of course, you won't know because you're a dipshit that can't read.

Not so much that you should drop it, more that you should stop giving communism a bad name with your repeated failures.
But no the theory is infallible, the fact that nobody can properly implement isn't a failure of itself, that's unrelated to anything of course :^)

I wasn't part of any socialist government. Please do not blame me for things others have done.
Really, how? Please tell me where it went wrong.
You sound exactly like every anti-leftist only you're just an anti-Marxist.
I mean, there you go. You can't make specific criticisms because you do not understand what part of theory they did not implement, or simply that socialism must, by necessity happen in advanced economies, the ones we're currently building. Sure, it's possible to implement rudimentary forms of socialism, but this isn't a stable prospect. We need large amounts of analytical power to do this, this is what Chile was trying to do under Allende and it worked. Meanwhile, what have anarchists done? Oh, nothing. They have never put any theory into practice, mostly because they lack any, and have never contributed to economic or scientific thought. This is because you are intellectually bankrupt kiddies that will grow up to be typical liberals.

We need to get in on it before that. I'm going to start making videos in a couple of weeks. I'm too busy with other shit at the moment. Everyone should do it, even if it's just vlogging shit where you talk about the news. That kind of content can gain traction. A lot of big youtubers started with vlogging.


I haven't noticed any far left youtubers but I've noticed that there are more and more people calling Holla Forumstards out on their bullshit.

Most of them are neolibs such as hbomberguy. They have an advantage of having news media conglomerates backing them up. The only advantage Holla Forums has is internet astroturfing that makes monsanto blush.

With the 4th army of kekistan pushing forward, we can strategically retreat our front line to allow them to stretch their supply lines and then cut them of with a pincer maneuver.

What do you say fellow commands in the meme war?

I noticed this one channel called shaun and jen that does a pretty good job at making sargon look like a retard. The problem is that most of these channels are still in their infancy.

"Anarkiddies" invented the term scientific socialism and a big part of the reason for the break between Bakunin and Marx was that Bakunin was an empiricist where Marx was a critic.
Also, ignore the annil. He's retarded, albeit only as much as yourself. You both need to start reading books outside of your comfort zone.

Is it true that there's porn of Rage? I'd love to hatebate to her.

he made a video around the time of fuhrer jontron's debate that was basically sucking the WN's dicks so I'm surprised that he would even try to go after the aut-right

It will grow sooner or later. Likely filling the void of the "Skeptic" community.

uh, no.

Trust me man, the signs where so huge mr.magoo could spot them, but many of the """Skeptics""" just turned a blind eye to it
Sargon is the fucking worst offender and I say to blame for it, most of the "Fuckery's" comments are unfiltered Holla Forumsyp bile but he just ignores it

Nobody's saying that 4chan exists in a vacuum. Of course it was a result of 40 years of neoliberalism. It was still made possible by the spread of alternative means and codes of communication, the process 4chan was in the center of.

no it wasn't
this is like when a father picks up his 3 year old son so he can "dunk" a basketball and the kid say "I DID IT!"


It killed GG too. Most of the 8/v/ thread and twitter supporters consisted of anons that wanted to expose the supposed "corrupt vidya journalist clique". Their IRC of #burgersandfries mostly consisted of Holla Forumsacks
ranging from MTGOW to closet white nationalists that believed "SJWs/commies are using vidya to brainwash people, so we need to stop them". The former let the latter hang out with them which caused media outlets labeling GG as "misogynist racists". Add third-party trolls into the mix playing all sides including anti-GG
for the 'lulz' is what caused its downfall.

I forgot to add most of the tension between those two groups simmered over board control(/gg/, and /gamergate/) on this site. Shit finally hit the fan when the second GG board was vandalized allegedly by Trolls. After that both groups started cannibalizing each other over a 9 month period from April 2015 to March 2016.

Or at least anti-sex feminist tier.

Woops i meant 11 month.

The movement was accidental, most anons were laughing at the absurdity of it until janitors started pruning threads.

The threads getting deleted was why I came to this website, it felt like a dick move by the mods at the time. Still though, the spark was an /r9k/-tier reaction to corruption in video game journalism less for the corruption's sake itself and more for sympathy for her ex + a dislike of promiscuity as a whole.

Well you are right since the first thread about her appeared on /r9k/ before Holla Forums. Though outside of 4chan the first news appeared on SomethingAwful and Null's lolcow website. When janitors started deleting the first threads on Holla Forums, anons saw it as a censorship. Redditors that were still hanging out there due to the fallout of the fappening so happened to be on Holla Forums. This is where it transformed into "hey lets laugh at this whore" to "mods are trying to hide something, we need to expose the corruption in the vidya industry". More so 2014 was a year that many anons distrusted moot and his staff due to heavy moderation being implemented across the website.

The fuck's that? There's a difference between being a Marxist and following an ideology that's just flat out theoretical autism so which is it? I'm getting it's like Passadism or NAZBOL…

I heard there's a video of her shoving carrots up her bumhole on Pornhub.


Engels was not an anarkiddie and Marx promoted his ideas as scientific. Anarkiddies don't care about empiricism because they're fucking idiots.

Proudhon used the phrase first in his book "What is Property?"
See page 151

Oh, wow he uses a term once in a book, while Engels actually takes time to define what he means by this in a formal manner and comes to distinguish it from Utopian socialism. Guess whose mention matters more and actually counts as a true origin of the phrase? That's right, retard Engels. Anarkiddies can't into science.

This is the specific part of the post you're referring to, right?
This is the specific part of the post you're criticizing, right?
Do we need to define what constitutes as "inventing a term" also, or do you understand by now that you're utterly BTFO'd by "dose stoopid ediot anargiddies"?

No, actually. I was referring to the idea that anarkiddies used the term at all or adhered to it. So when you claim that they "invented the term" people might think you mean they are the true "scientific socialists", which they are not. The term was first popularized by Engels. Sorry I don't read trash literature for a single mention of the term "scientific socialism" where it remains undefined and unexplained.

I can agree that an anarchist "invented the term", but that remains irrelevant. Anarchists are not scientific socialists. Emma did not write anything of note and contributed nothing to socialist theory. So if you think you're wining a victory because a guy once mentioned the term, that shows us what the level of discourse anarchists will adopt. In other words, we can tell you're retarded because you keep pointing it out all by yourselves.

Proudhon actually calls for scientific socialism one year earlier in his essay: "The Celebration of Sunday".

between men, in order to determine their rights and sketch out some rules for them.
What complications! There is a science of quantities which forces assent, excludes
willful objections, and rejects every utopia; a science of physical phenomena, which
rests only on the observation of the facts; a grammar and a poetics based on the
essence of language, etc. There must also exist a science of society, absolute and
rigorous, based on the nature of man and his faculties, and on their relations, a
science that he will not invent, but discover.

That's great and all, but the fact remains that he made no advancements in scientific socialism like Marx and Engels did and anarchists have rejected scientific socialism. I get it, you very badly want to claim scientific socialism for your side, but we all know you've rejected it, else you'd be Marxists.

Proudhon, the anarkiddie that invented the term, used the term, and he adhered to it.
Yes, the term was popularized by Engels, but he did not make that point in
Proudhon and many other anarchists based their books around real world occurrences. This makes them empiricist.

And yes, Emma is not that interesting. She's not the only anarchist though, so taking her as the only example is not an honest way of characterizing anarchists.
Also this:

I understand you don't like the anarchists. You don't need to point it out all the time really. I understand you're obsessed with an enormous hate for them… Wait, actually, I don't.
I'd recommend his earlier advice: read some books that are outside of your comfort zone.
Really, this irrational hatred of everything anarchist is not helpful for talking about it in any shape or form.

Really, back up this claim before making it.

Marx and Engels additionally described Proudhon as one of the first scientific socialists, so I'm not entirely sure what he's going on about here.

The answer might surprise you. Not really. It's just that Marxists seem to want to lay claim to a lot of socialist ideas; i.e. "only Marxism is scientific socialism, socialism is communism since the terms were interchangeable to Marx, etc". I don't really care for the fetishism of "science" (I've never patted myself on the back for being scientific), just pointing out that Marx and Engels weren't the only ones pushing for that same idea. In fact, Proudhon called for it first - whether or not he made any headway.

Except when it came to economics, something that Marx heavily criticized him for. Instead of anarchists adopting Marxist economic theory, they decide that they'll just ignore it, because reasons.

No, just doing that doesn't make you an empiricist if you have the wrong form of analysis.

I'm not the one that brought her up. An anarchist did, and I told him she didn't mean shit and wasn't comparable to Rosa Luxemburg.

Not accepting Marxist theory is rejecting science. Anarchists do this, therefore they are not scientific socialists. It is one thing to critique Marx and refine the theory. It's another to claim that it's "authoritarian" and reject it outright.

The first is true, the second is not something I've ever seen anyone claim. Communism is far different from socialism and Marx never claimed anything but that. So maybe those "Marxists" need to read more Marx.

It's not about patting yourself on the back, but if we agree that materialism is true, and that we can rightfully arrive at correct conclusions through the scientific method, then it only follows that economic theory should also be based on science and nothing but in order to see what the right step is forward. Now, that is not to say that science compels us to be socialists, but rather that if we already have values that tend this way, then we must use science to build socialism. Failing to do this is meaningless and a waste of time.

Proudhon made a couple of mentions of it, and we don't know what he would have thought after Marx came to prominence. If he truly was a scientific socialist, he would have become a Marxist, since that's where the real meat and potatoes are as far as scientific theory is concerned. Now, maybe Proudhon would have written much about economics and made real-world testable predictions, but he did not do this, and using a term, does not a scientist make. Evolution was coined before Darwin, and yet Darwin is credited with the origin of the theory because instead of just wondering, he went out and did the work to build a working theory. Marx is the same way.

I suspect some heavy circular reasoning is going on here.

The issue is that I don't think you've read enough Proudhon to make that judgment. As far as I'm aware, you think Proudhon mentioned it twice because people here have given you two examples of where Proudhon called for it - two examples that are very early on his career. I don't think you are aware what Proudhon's social science is at all and therefore, your criticisms seem unfounded.

Marx was still in University when Proudhon wrote "The Celebration of Sunday" and "What is Property?". The young Marx was a fan of Proudhon and as far as PJ was concerned, the mature Marx was a late comer to socialism.

Recall that Proudhon remarked, in response to Marx's "Poverty of Philosophy": "what Marx’s book really means is that he is sorry that everywhere I have thought the way he does, and said so before he did. Any determined reader can see that it is Marx who, having read me, regrets thinking like me. What a man!”

can we stop with that pls?
the only skeptic i know was the elevator girl and the last time i'v heard about skeptic community it was full of raging feminists with flashy hair color.

so it was always trash i guess.

i know the Atheist community with TAA and the Science dude. i would be really really surprised and disappointed if any of em fell for idpol spook.
as crazy as the banana guy seem, he's always been pretty consistent and rational.

can somebody post the pic of the fat girls with the Aryan race t-shirts?

Sasuga, Holla Forums!

Hi Imkamfy, can you shut the fuck up and make me a taco you beaner bitch

and any american who isnt uppermiddleclassorabove

Hi Imkamfy
What's it like to be transwhite?
Did Rachel Dolezal inspire you?

Whose that?

now this is autism

nah afro is just has a bit of tism about youtube

Scientific racism has been around for decades before Muslim immigration and the refugee crisis was ever a thing. It's the same old reactionary, well off, petit bourgeois types like Richard Spencer that have defined fascism throughout its history and continue to do so. The same old middle class anxieties over racial decline, national stagnation and working class internationalism keep bubbling up in times of capitalist crisis. The alt-right is just the latest spin on that, no matter how much they claim to be against global capitalism.

This guy

Didn't know Something Awful was still a thing…




They all hate eachother

Fucking dumb anarkiddies just used the expression "invented the term" but glorious immortal scientist of Marxism (me) actually took time to define what he means by this in a formal matter and comes to distinguish it from utopian phrase-inventing.

nailed it, the science is truth, marxism is science'y words therefore marxism is truth
