Is everyone on the right a fascist?

I don't want to come off as one of those "anyone who doesn't agree with me is a fascist" but lately I can't help but see most right-wing ideologies as fascist, be it actual fascists or even "anarcho"-capitalists and libertarians in general, granted their use of "helicopter ride" memes might be ironic for some but it's really not helping that most of them praise a crypto-fascist such as Hoppe.

So what are the genuine libertarian ideologies on the right-wing spectrum that actually stand for those principles, because at this rate I feel like I'm seeing things through the lenses of an antifa

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Regular conservative libertarians, such as those that listen to Alex Jones or some of those redneck podcasts probably hate fascism and Hitler for "being too left wing".

Meme kids on the alt-right with helicopter memes and who praise Hitler are all a bunch of nerds and weirdos that no old-school conservative wants to associate with.

Fascism is a fairly meaningless term at this point tbh, and cryptofascist is even more useless. That being said a lot of Libertarians are moving towards fascism as a reaction to a growing left, which they perceive to be an existential threat to their ideology.

Yes. The "libertarian" right will gladly use force to kill off anyone who doesn't suck lord markets cock hard enough. To them the only freedom that matters is freedom for the property owners, anything else is incidental and anything that conflicts will be removed.

I've found that close to 0% of libertarians actually believe in the autistic bowtie theory underpinning the ideology. Most of them are Howard Stern uncles who were born too late to be anime nazis.

No. Liberals aren't fascist for instance.

Those "Libertarians" were never really truly libertarian to begin with, moving to fascism because you are afraid the left poses a threat to your libertarian ideology is like killing yourself because you are afraid of death.

They are crypto-fascists.

That's stupid as fuck. How are liberals crypto-fascist?

Fuck off, Holla Forums. Self-defense is not murder. Don't you have a holocaust to defend?


A Wall Street investor that barely makes six figures is a bigger leech on society than a self-made millionaire.

M8, in Marxist terminology class isn't determined by how much money someone makes but HOW they made it. Someone who gets wealthy through their own labour is still considered part of the proletariat, while someone who receives a portion of the value from other people's work is considered part of the bourgeoisie. I know you guys were enjoying it when a bunch of trust fund kiddies got BTFO at Fyre Festival a few weeks ago, why do you defend the system that allows people like them to leech off of other people's work?

If you want to kill somone for being a leftist. You are a fascist.

Anyone who is against or acts against the proletariat from organizing is fascist. That why I think liberals but not right wingers or pol can be turned to our side. They really can't imagine an alternative to capitalism but earnestly believe capitalism is not working and and be reformed to being ethical. Right wingers implicitly or explicitly want to subjugate others period.

I guess the average GOP Republican or "muh cuckservative" is alright. I hate them along with the Dems too.

Apologize for capitalism and would rather have fascists rather than communists.

literally no such thing

Wouldn't winning the lottery count?

You didn't make that. It's the contribution of many other people and it isn't even entirely all yours because the lottery company keeps a lot of the tickets price.

No one actually understands what real fascism is, not even fascists.
Ive seen like 1000 different definitions.
Trump is a nationalist for sure but he isn't a fascist, if a real fascist was in power you would be dead or SENT TO ZE CAMPSSSSS.

Like, i know you nerds read about capitalism and communism, you ever read about fascism? Spanish fascism and Italian fascism, and Japanese fascism, and German fascism, they were all different, some people dont even consider francos spain to be true fascists and in fact the real fascists were cucked and made pretty much irrelevant by franco.

Oh, an my favorite is when some leftist fucker calls like some basic bitch center right neocon fox news guy a fascist. Fascists fucking despise neocons.

Its mostly an internet thing tbh. Most general conservatives and liberals you talk to outside aren't really into the whole internet culture war shtick and politics is mostly a subject thats addressed when it happens to come around. Even your average CATO libertarian in the states isn't really on board with the whole helicopter meme thing and mostly runs the "Fiscally conservative, socially liberal XD lol" line. For how they got that way, I think it might have something to do with the right being mostly associated with small government capitalism in the states but strict traditional values and the "left" (liberals so still technically right) being associated with large government and social freedom so your average libertarian thinks "Gays and weed are cool, and I don't want the government telling people what to do" and doesn't really go off from there. Pro-immigrant ones aren't too rare either

I don't think so, at least not initially. But if someone's relying on the internet for a substantial amount of their politics it's inevitable they'll migrate in that direction, in much the same way that people on the left could eventually drift towards the left; or towards typical mainstream liberalism.

But in my experience, in what I have seen, read, and heard, the influence of strong right-wing personalities seems to be born out of content algorithms on Facebook and YouTube and the like. If you like, comment, watch, or otherwise interact with any piece of content it'll be included as a variable to determine what future content you'll like to see, and content that doesn't conform to that is removed. So at a certain point (one video, two video, or more) the type of information brought to you is all tailored to what you started with and before long you're on about helicopter memes and donating to Victims of Communism or whatever.

Shit, there's one guy on another site I use that's all into right-libertarianism and whenever he gets into a debate all he posts are YouTube videos from the right. So it's not hard to believe everything he sees ever is tailored to fit that as if it's actual reality.


And you think about the mainstream GOP, even in the establishment there are factions, trump won but the alt right isnt a GOP faction, the closest to what the alt right is are the paleocons.
The GOP is made up of libertarians, evangelicals, paleocons, neocons.

The GOP actually has a better system of political freedom.

You look at the democrats, they created that super delegate system to keep out non neoliberals, What are the factions of the democratic party? Its 90% neoliberals and 10% soc dems who have only broken out of their shell recently thanks to bernie

We talk about different fascists all the time, Mosely and the Iron Guard get thrown around a lot. Leftists oppose fascism for a variety of reasons but for the most part its due to its usual defense of capital, its continued exploitation of the prole while insisting they are part of something "superior", the release and justification of the untamed id, and imperialism as well as many other criticisms other leftist writers have addressed.

Yes, this, the world is being taken over by capitalist authoritarians (putin, trump, duerte, china,), if you ever see Francis fuckayama throw a rock at his head and yell "hey end of history huh francis huh?!"


From what i have gathered reading about it over the years fascism is basically the last stand of the plutocracy who convince the petit bourgeoisie to fight for them.
Communism is when the petit bourgeoisie commit suicide as a class.

Different user, I'm a little confused by this. Is this saying if you invest, period, your capitalistic or that is you own a means of production and then invest your capitalistic. Because if its the first, that immediately propels a lot of people to the station of being a bourgeoise.

What its saying is, if you have enough money, it will eventually propel you into the power law/income from capital statistical distribution. Unless you throw your money under the bed like a gremlin, you have to invest it. put it in a bank? you earn interest and then the bank lends your money out to other people i.e. it enters a circuit of capital. Start a business? Invest in equities(stock market)? saving is investment, and basically once you reach a certain amount of money you become a capitalist because you have enough that your income from capital is enough to live off of.

go on 4chns Holla Forums now. they have implimented a flag feature like here. you will notice the people shilling for nazism and fascism and all the most bullshit right wing ethnonationalist reactionary bs are the ones with ancap flags

t. benito

Hoppeanists aren't fascists though. Not only do they have nothing to do with, say, traditional Italian fascism and fascist philosophy, but they generally advocate for the removal of the state/only a minarchist state after their "undesirables" are removed. They are paleolibertarians, very far right and less authoritarian than center.
It's just minarchy or ancapism with extra steps as a reaction to the changing political climate, and to flirt with the "Alt-Right" a little.
I've even made this handy guide just for you.


The problem with this is that what happens after 'the undersirables are removed' is the last and least important feature of fascist movements. The seizure of power and removal of the undesirables is the whole point of fascist social movements; the actual government formed is left to the personal whims of the strongman.

OP here, obviously I did not mean "fascist" in a statist sense such as Italy, I guess this user's reply might clarify it a little
Hoppeanists certainly do show signs of authoritarianism, "physical removal" of people and restrictions on free speech and such, it always seems to me that right-libertarians value economic freedom so much that they're willing to restrict personal freedoms over it, which kind of goes against their "individualism" obsession (not that I think the collectivism/individualism dichotomy is true but most right-wingers, even academics such as Friendman and Mises used a lot this talking point).

Tl dr; I'm looking for a right-wing ideology that, does promote private property and some libertarian economic theory (be it austrian or chicago school) all the while not taking it to the vulgar extremes of "fuck the poor" and "liberty means whatever is good for the economy"

Just like Russia post USSR breakup

That doesn't make them fascists, they're missing the ultranationalism and militarism.

Libertarians are as dangerous as fascists if not moreso, and just as willing to use political violence against their class enemies, but there are significant ideological differences between the two.


does that answer your question OP?
that libertarians are retarded. yes.

circlejerk around libertarian beliefs the thread

Honestly can't blame yourself for that at this point, as I feel the same way. The reason why it feels this way is that, due to the whole explosion with SJWs/Anti-SJWs that have developed in the big social media outlets, one huge move among right-wing ideologues and talking heads were coming together in a coalition of sorts a la "enemy of my enemy …" mindset. In other words: the reason why libertarians/ancaps seem to either have a huge amount of overlap with fascists or outright be crypto-fascists is because, in many cases, they really are. Pic related.

It's not libertarian but religious distributism is considered right wing i think.
They aren't necessarely authoritarian and they don't have the "fuck the poor" mentality

I'm sorry, I thought you might not understand that image. As such, I've devised the world's first greatest and universally encompassing political spectrum chart ever, that will be more Holla Forums's speed. This blows the 4 squares or horseshoe theory out of the water with it's scope and succinctness: I present to you the Political Gondola.

This is actually true tbh. Doctrine of Fascism is actually an interesting read, and if you compare it to Mein Kampf, you can really see the differences between Fascism, Nazism, and Fallangism.

Save it, people on this board don't read things that they're scared they might not agree with.

Am I to expect that you have read anything beyond Stefan Molymeme'e Wikipedia page then?

Ah, thank you. It is perfectly clear now!

Absolutely ideological post, OP.
Consult with the mana potions under your sink.

It's not that conservatives and Lolberts are Fascist it's that they are permissive of fascism. You're typical Ancap will argue against Fascism and Authoritarianism right up until they see a legitimate left wing challenge/movement against their ideology. Then they freely hand over the reigns to Fascists and statists using lesser evil logic.

i went to college for critical theory dude. it was gay

Nigga he grew up in Argentina during the 40s no shit he was gonna be racist

So explain Libertarian Fascism.

my nigga

Try doing a simple google search, buddy.

Agorism are usually ancaps who aren't social darwinist reactionaries. Some of them even consider themselves left market anarchists. Ron Paul type libertarians are usually people who genuinely believe "the free market will fix it" when it comes to societal problems like poverty, poor working and living conditions, low wages, etc., and are the type of people to point to the government every time you mention something bad about Capitalism, in contrast to more reactionary ancaps who think those things are features, not bugs.