The state of Holla Forums

not deleted & banned on sight
not deleted & banned on sight
You can't ban people of that, that's idpol lol!
>Maybe Assad isn't the best, and that Russia is terrible too?

Fuck you BO, fuck you for ruining the only somewhat decent Leftist place with a size this big

Other urls found in this thread:

On one hand I agree with you. On the other this is kind of a shit thread and I could see justification in deleting the thread and banning you.

90% of the shit posting is anarkiddies who have only read Wikipedia summaries of Bookchin and are butthurt about not being able to praise glorious US imperialism anymore.


I agree and BO fucked up but can we please stop doing this threads??

making sit threads and harming the quality of Holla Forums is all we can do to compell BO to leave or change their policy.
Reminder 90% of people do not support the policy and 90% of people want BO gone.

Its up to regular users to bump quality threads and let shitposting threads die.

Rumor has it Ember's Ghost Squad threads are being deleted on sight, but BO will blatantly allow man-splaining. Fuck this sight.


The problem isn't with banning imperialism specifically, it's more about there are more ban-worthy things that our dear leader BO should be concerned about

Have you even noticed the gradual drop in quality the past months? Nothing was being done about it and BO certainly gave zero fucks, but when topics about imperialism emerge, BO won't have any of it and you'll be forced to respect her opinion irrespective of discourse quality

This has allowed true faggots like OP to come out in droves and show thier true colors. Maybe /r/socialism is more your pace ;^)




So why can you get banned for not supporting Russia or Syria or even fucking NK?

The ban is only unfair if your edge is showing.

Because BO is being dumb?
But that's no reason to start banhammering everything, this is not leddit.

you can't no one gets banned for making fun of Putler or Ass-ad

The worst threads we get are by far the shitty falseflag threads by Holla Forumsacks, we get atleast 5 a day. You know, the "hey fellow leftists, hail hillary!" threads.

Stop saving thumbnails.

If you want to do that just go join your local socdem or neoliberal party and leave us alone.

go look in the ban list. you can see plenty of people banned for "trivializing imperialism" (making fun of Assad and BO) "minimizing imperialism" (we should consider imperialism and also other ethical concerns) and "imperialist propaganda" (le barrel bombs)

Stop using liberal memes and come up with your own then. There are ways to criticise Assad without using western propaganda.

There have only been two bans today for shitposting so what are you even talking about

So we can only argue so long as it doesnt offend the BO? Fuck that. If I wanted to put up with that shit I'd go to reddit or revleft.

And yet, despite all these shit threads my report queue is empty.


Everybody left for Twitter

It's funnier (I don't care if you disagree), it actually targets famous bougie people, you don't neccisarily have to reveal your identity, and SA goons they may be; it's still better than here and more organized at crushing content that doesn't fit our own agenda. Our agenda, being mocking the aut right.

There's more direct influence to be had humiliating these people there, but generally you can't get into these communities very easily.

What I'm saying is, everyone left for a more effective place, and we aren't using this place to its full potential as an anonymous board. It's not as funny and it's more divisive. So why should people come back

I've been on imageboards only since 2007. That may make me new but I ain't leaving.

Do you have a single fact to back that up that isn't a link to strawpoll

What the fuck are you even attempting to state with that post? It's basically just "WAAHH DONT TRIVIALIZE MY DISLIKE OF PEOPLE USING BAD WORDS I DONT LIKE >:("

Would you like moderation to wipe your fucking ass for you, and dress you in the morning while you're at it? Look I can link to other boards too user >>>/facebook/

go mingle with those who share your childish ideology

that sucks
that also sucks
fuck you, political incorrectness is necessary for uninhibited discussion of relevant topics, and is in this board's name at the banner on top of this thread.
that sucks also

tankie logic.

This faggot bullshit happened when the bo wanted to move to bunkerchan. Autistic faggots were screaming about how 90% of the board wanted to stay, hated bo, etc, but the strawpoll from the thread was a 50 50 split with over a thousand people voting in it, and those same autistic retards cried about how it was an illegitimate poll.

So yeah, fuck strawpoll. BO might be an idiot, but this level of fucking freaking out is just the most buttmad retarded crap.

The number of leftists actually wanting to move to Bunkerchan in the strawpoll was inflated because, well, our neighbour Holla Forums isn't particularly fond of us

If Holla Forums was brigading, wouldn't they support banning criticism of Assad?

Holla Forums doesn't know or care about our views. Most of their trolls think we're Hillary supporters.

alright guys, lets show what Holla Forums really supports, this new poll cannot be brigaded.


They should employ you to be a thinking boffin guy.

Not deleted & banned on sight.

Sorry friend it's just a straw poll and probably brigaded polls don't real unless I like what the results are

You shouldn't be doing all this genius thinking for free. Of course it makes sense that a strawpoll Holla Forums made a thread about which has more people signing it that the leftypol userbase does real, when the one they haven't noticed don't real. You should BO, you big brainbox.

Says the edgy socdem with a fetish for dead states and third world dictators.

I don't like this new wave of tankie posting. Bring back the Bookchin shills and leftcom argument threads.