Moderator drama that will divide the board

oh goody those always end well right guys ?

Other urls found in this thread:

BO could end this right now by admitting that she was wrong. Then we can go back to usual sectarian fighting and discussion without hanging the ban hammer over one group.

The Iron Womyn would never do such a thing.

the mentally unstable should not be in positions of authority
that is all

Do we really have a female BO or is it just a tranny? Genuinely curious.

tranny i believe. obviously a good choice


I don't give a fuck about the board owner being trans, I just want them to admit they fucked up, that they're sorry, and that they should step down. If nothing else, let someone else have the job so the current BO can deal with other stuff in their life.



she was wrong with that ban

the banned faggot is wrong with his faggot reaction

i now fully support BO and request him to purge you YPG filth entirely off this board until you learn how to make a ban appeal like sane people

go orbit BO more, fag

not sure if our BO is really a trans but that wasn't related to it, just not used to adressing anyone as females on chans

the irony. how many more crybaby threads will you start today?

We are against a new rule not against a ban, learn to read.

rules lead to bans, sophist


you might as well be, i really just don't give a fuck to distinguish between single bits of one huge dumb of shit



Me no huge dumb of shit, you big huge dumb of a shit!!!


yes. you can.
i did. shitposting for example was announced not to be a banreason only a few months ago.


way to expose yourself as a Holla Forumsshitter, idiot

Just because the rule is not enforced currently doesnt make the BO an idiot that enforces her personal opinion on the board.

way to expose yourself, Holla Forums cuck

her doing dumb shit doesn't make the faggots dumb shit any less of dumb shit that warrants an all around banning now. getting really tired of your dumb shit and it took the last bit of sympathy i may have had if you weren't a giant faggot and a dumb piece of shit.

Shut up faggot. There hasn't been a Stalintash poster here for weeks you dumb Holla Forumsluter.

i went lenin hat around the beginning of the year and just went back to it the last recent days.
which explains why you're irritated by it, Holla Forums fag


actually made me chuckle, that was cute

BO reasons for "the fuck is going on?!" people:

Counter-arguments to the idealistic coup proposals (still waiting for counter-arguments):

Why so triggered?

You missed the most important one:


So basically BO continues to make decisions about the Syria general based off hearsay.

What did I miss?

Who needs actual knowledge when you anti imperialist theory???

Jim Watkins is replacing/influencing all the bos/mods to neuter all real radical discussion because he's in ZOG Occupied Government's pocket. He wants to turn this site into an edgey "politically incorrect" news sharing site for baby boomers.

Same thing happened with Holla Forums

BO is mad that YPG purportedly got support from the US, starts banning anyone who talks about imperialism in a way she doesn't like.

None of my business, I never partook in those threads

I think we can all agree that whether or not the BOs decision was justified, Anarkiddies, Ultraleftfaggots and Trots had it coming big time and totally deserved it.


No. This sectarianism comes from all sides and tankies openly calling for bans on people are the most harmful side here.

For once, I agree with a Nazi. What a world.

I disagree.


No, I just sit back and enjoy your tears because you have been behaving like brats and faggot and this is the first time you got some backlash.

Imagine my shock

You just cant stop being a controlling faggot. I am neither of these three ideologies but I value the anarchists here, they make up one third of the board and are way less retarded than tankies.

I'm not arguing for a permanent rule to ban dissenting opinions, but sometimes you need to purge a bunch of people to make a point.


No you dont, sometimes you should stop being a sectarian though.

So if an African poster says something, I can respond with "OOGA BOOGA MUH DICK"?

It was merely a means to have people admitting that imperialism exists, and that it is pretty shitty. The constant denial was grinding my gears before.


Why not? Afroplasm for example is a total tard and its a good way to insult him.



She got into twitter tankie circles or got spooked by news from Syria that she doesnt understand and unleashed her personal opinions on the board.

That was before the US had an actual base in Rojava, had soldiers dressing up at YPG milita, has CIA working together with the SDF and claiming non-Kurdish territory for their own. And pics like this started to float arround.

I guess that is just where she drew the line.


If it happens you have tons of Anarkiddies telling you to go back to Holla Forums. There is definetly some unqueal bias against different forms of racism.

I would like that the anti-imperialist here stop shitting up every thread where someone is not pure enough for them

How is that bad? DemConFed is a revolutionary ideology and the SDF is a multiethnic group, just because you love Assad doesnt make support for a socialist group bad suddenly.

Yes its literally that.

Wait…are you people only now starting to realize all of those "based white foreign volunteers praise communism xD" were embedded delta force/cia sad?


You haven't been following the drama

I've been saying the for some time now and no one cared. Is it official now or something? Can you provide proof their claiming non-Kurdish territory as their own? It wouldn't surprise me seeing how the Kurds were loyal puppets of the US in Iraq.

Their not even communists fam their basically SJWs with communal councils. They've said their not gonna abolish private property.

holy shit why do people take you seriously?

most of the economy in Rojava has already been collectivized jesus christ.


Socialism is a movement you faggot, but it isnt your movement to support Assad.

You sure this was taken in Syria? The guy on the right is wearing a 101st Airborne DUI on the left side which indicates your active unit. The 101st aren't deployed in Syria.

Student and youth activists both local and from around the world joined forces with environmentalists and trade unions who were united in their anger over the WTO's free trade policies and the increasing power of multinational corporations. The majority of participants were peaceful, but this was also the first large-scale appearance of the black bloc in the US. Whether you think that the quote unquote violent demonstrators were angry young activists or federal agents sent to disrupt the protests is beyond the scope of this video to determine, but it's fun to watch anyway, right?

One thing that's more of an annoyance is a plot thread in the mall where you have to help Wild Willy, the owner of the Pro-Tech gun shop, to retrieve his ancient sword from the Mall Rats and return it to him in exchange for his supplying weapons, and then protect him from the corporation reprisals. Now I'm even more confused, is Freedom against private property or aren't they? The game makes it clear that most of the game's businesses are owned by the corporation, but not all of them, so are they part of the 'we just need TRUE capitalism, not crony corporatism' crowd?

One mission that's kinda nice is rescuing kidnapped women from the corporation, where they're used as sex slaves for the executives, and blast the suited pigs while you're at it. With over 150 to complete over the 4 levels, some of the missions start to feel a little repetitive, but there are fun ones that stand out, and as you progress in each level, the security situation deteriorates as both the enemies and you aquire more formidable hardware.
The corporation start to use submachine guns and then full assault rifles, but even the Mall Rats get in on the action, and you finish them off by defeating their leader who's inexplicably carrying a minigun. I thought they were just a bunch of juvenile delinquents, Jesus.
I stopped playing as Libra after a while, but we'll see more of her next level. Apparently, one of the writers wasn't talking to the other, because one of your next tasks is to destroy the Pro-Tech gun shop that you protected earlier for distributing weapons to the corporate-aligned gangs, with no mention of Wild Willy, so much for supporting private property. It finally starts to feel like the real revolution simulator it was originally intended to be as the Mall descends into complete chaos, and the corporation sends death squads to exterminate all opposition. With their credibility in tatters, it's finally time to use heavy weapons to obliterate the corporation forces as well as their stores and offices. This section makes the drudgery of the GTA-style errands earlier feel more justified, and it's nice to see the original politics come back as you're told the sins of the various corporation businesses, from child labour to evolved plants. I just wish that the fun of this segment had been distributed a bit more evenly over the rest of Revolution mode.
Finally, you destroy the heart of the corporate presence in the mall, and complete your first level. Next time, we'll be taking to the streets. Obviously, this has taken a while for me to cover, and I won't spend so much time on each other of the others, but I wanted to clue you in on how the game worked in general. Each level works quite similarly and there's a lot of filler missions, but I'll cover the ones I found interesting as we go.
That's not my editing, by the way, the game itself cuts off each victory cutscene about a half second before the narrator is finished speaking, and something about it drives me crazy. Regardless, our real reward is the aforementioned Spanky.
[spanky intro]
[chinatown intro]
Spanky is well-placed to liberate Chinatown, because much of your work here involves the two gangs which populate the area, who can basically just be explained as the asian Jade Hill Gang, and the black 3rd Street Killaz, who all wear basketball team uniforms. Of course. Much like GTA, each gang in the game is racially segregated, and usually have only two character models, with the Jade Hill Triad including the game's only female enemies.
Our first mission is to… defend a small business owner from a protection racket, the hell? In fairness, the rationale given kind of makes sense, that you need to get the support of the local population, but it's another reason to question Freedom's ideology.

Probably nervously eating ice cream and crying while she's sitting on the toilet and totally hating her self for what she's doing
