Hello fellow leftists, I'm your new Board Owner...

Hello fellow leftists, I'm your new Board Owner. I promise I will gulag all first worldist anarcho-bordigist KKKurdish fascists and make Holla Forums great again. (also fuck free speech)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why are you defending imperialism, OP?

Criticizing the mods? You better believe that's a ding dong bannu.

If only you guys had a fucking clue what a laughing stock you are right now.

Why did you kill Rosa?

This board is a fucking joke. Y'all should apply yourself to the latest gulag,

To defend Germany form imperialist puppets of 2nd internationale.

Good. Go back to reddit now, you caused enough damage.

niBBa u in the wrong board

Tankies are a fucking joke for defending an actual reactionary and instead try to force their opinion on everyone.

leftypol has been shit the last few days, you'd be a fool not to get in on the shitposting potential that BO has given us.


WE must groly Hassad al Bashimi!!!!!!!!!!!

That was not at all what was said. BO said it is totally okay to have a different opinion about Rojava but this shouldn't be used as an excuse to literally say imperialism is totally an okay thing and US interventions are not a problem at all. The fact that most of you guys react super emotional about not being able to say that you want daddy Trump to bomb the shit out of brown people on a leftist board speaks for itself.

Using a Holla Forums meme from 2013, great job you insufferable asshole

Nobody was saying that though, the main nuisance were tankies being spergs and bringing up imperialism every half a dozen posts, ruining the Syria thread.

No she said that she would ban anyone that would support YPG overthrowing Assad with the help of the USA. The fact that you are to retarded to read and think its good to implement such a rule without actually reading what BOs opinion is, and not overthinking the longterm consequences makes it clear that you are a sectarian tankie trying to enforce his opinions because you dont can convince people. Go to reddit if you want an echo chamber.

Also BO took our cyclical away for bogus reasons exposed now.

Banning opinions made in good faith is not freedom. It's authoritarian and deserves the noose. BO is guilty of tyranny and needs to go, or we will go.

bomb de NIGGURZ lel

NiggUERZ are teh FAulttTy race of Dis borld..Thety steal yor money lik irishme and jewmane,Theyy alSOO steal yor childrin , we must sercur eexistential for hwite wiminz and choldronz, oKKKK????


nazbol gag OUT

Except for the fact that Bo banned at least 40 people over it already. Including people who said they think the kurds accepting aid isnt imperialism.

Read faggot. BO is clearly reactionary.

BO literally said that only open apologism and euphemisms about imperialism are getting banned, so it doesn't matter if anybody said that because that was the entire issue.

There is literally no reason to sperg out over 650 posts about that unless you really do have a problem for not spouting neocon talking points on a leftist board, period.

The line has to be drawn somewhere. To say you want the US to overthrow Assad is a pretty shitty opinion for a leftist. BO said that arguing along the lines of having the Kurds overthrow Assad which may or may not include help from the US was okay, what is not okay is stuff like: "Trump is /ourguy/, just nuke Damaskus, lmao, all hail Rojava".

Dude, Anarkiddies and Leftcoms can be absolutely insufferable and infantile, I'd also argue none of them is over the age of 23 at least. If you derail the entire board for your spastic episode of the 650 replies than yes, don't cry if you are getting the banhammer. Don't be a faggot and you are fine.

Fuck you. I am not an anarchist. You are the cancer of this board. I've been here since the first months.

So mod is just banning people because he doesn't like their opinions. And no, we actually don't have to draw a line. We can also just be smart and not buy into bullshit instead of banning it, how about that?

No I linked her comment, read idiot:

And that's all it is, an opinion. We can argue about the merits of that opinion, or we can become an echo chamber. On sheer principle, we should not ban opinions made in good faith. In fact that's what has made leftypol strong, that we do not even ban Nazis when they come to argue the points, or at least that was the case. Once you start down this road, you can only end up where reddit is now. Scientific socialism requires that all positions be open to question. Of you cannot accept this, then you are a hindrance.

But on Holla Forums anons get banned and threads get deleted left and right if they even just slightly deviate from your echo chamber of a political line. You faggots don't even pretend your board has freedom of speech, no dissenting opinion is allowed. Is Holla Forums the true commies?

According to the New rules you can get banned for saying the US should support the ypg

Yeah exactly. I unironically love this board for tolerating nazis, since it shows that we have some maturity and know that watching bullshit expressed doesn't mean shit.

Srsly if leftypol becomes another example of thought-policing of the left I'm gonna fuck right off and be depressed about our inability to tolerate different opinions. Wtf is this autism.


go read the posts that BO was banning for
they weren't "Trump is /ourguy/, just nuke Damaskus, lmao, all hail Rojava".(nice strawman btw) but more "I want rojava to succeed, if US assistance helps them progress socialism then i'm ok with it"

Dude, especially on a website we share with Holla Forums and some pedophiles you eventually have to take a stance to fence of at least the most blatant apologism for imperialism.

Are you fucking kidding me? Lenin wasn't helping German imperialism to carve up Russia, and specifically made sure Russia wouldn't be taken by Germany if there was a revolution.

Piss-poor ad hominem, Anarchist theory is a fucking joke and Leftcom drivel is entirely wrong in its analysis. Why don't you throw yourself in front of a truck?

I refuse that everybody who is beating himself off to some Kurds is arguing in good faith. There is a reason people pretending to be SJWs get banned, because those are entrypoints for subversion.

Bullshit. Don't play dumb, you know exactly what is bannable unless you really are stupid as fuck.

"US weapons to Rojava are necessary" = fine

"I specifically want the US to support Rojava" = problem

yes, norks would be better off as an American colony than under the Kims

This was a post that got banned. Its a legitimate stance considering that there is real human suffering in North Korea not present in american colonies.

The whole thread was full of faggots and I'm fully in agreement that sometimes you just have a shot a bunch of people to make a point

point taken, now we can all move on

I'm okay with this.

kys fuckwit. Truly all Maoists are sectarian cancer.

It's 1:1 neocon talk, also what liberals usually say. Why the fuck would you even say something like that on a leftist forum? "Muh human suffering" you got that from a Mr Dapperton video?

No, they usually get told to fuck off or theu get banned because they are Holla Forums in disguise, aka not in good faith. If you cannot tolerate dissenting opinions, it's because you don't inderstand the real reasons for your convictions. The solution is introspection and questioning of your own opinions, not the banning of others.

Class struggle is per defintion anti-imperialist you fuckwit

At least for once pick up a book assclown


Nothing new here. Maoists advocate for class collaborationism and nationalism.

I believe if you seriously arguing in good faith about Rojava getting US support that is fine, but to specifically have a hard on for US interventionism or completely disregard that imperialism exists and is an issue in the modern world is different.

I don't want to happen to us what happened to Trotskysts in the McCarthy era, where they became literal neocons out of pure contrarianism to the USSR

Imperialism is a historical necessity. Capitalism would never collapse in time without it.

Then so did Lenin. What is the NEP? What is the self-determination of nations?

Again, you understand nothing, you are utterly and literally dumb and useless

fuck you

worse than leftcoms

Pick up a history book retard, also DemConFed in Syria would carve nothing up

So you want to ban people for predicting the future differently than you?

So, what you're really saying is that if someone accepts assistance from the US government, whether direct or indirect, they are imperialist scum unworthy of existence, got it, cool.

Neighbor has an asshole dog who keeps shitting on my yard, neighbor also happens to be an asshole with an unhealthy interest in young boys. FBI arrests him and his dog no longer shits in my yard. I am become Imperialism, destroyer of class struggle.

LEAVE seriously fucking leave, this is not a place for your sectarian ass cancer.

So basically your 'argument' is that liking Free Speech is retared without backing that up, and then you give some arbitratry proposition that you don't back up about how we can't tolerate apologism here.

Thing is though, if it's a shitty opinion we'll just laugh about it. If people actually consider it is a good opinion, banning them for it just shows that you're scared of difference and considering other points of view that contradict your own little echo chamber.

To interrogate other views, they have to be able to be held. Otherwise, yours will never be improved or strengthened. A shitty view just does not have to be banned since we're not idiots: banning it then just says more about your own insecurities.

Now THIS should be banned. Imperialism is literally a vehicle for perpetuation of capitalism since it inhibits revoltion in the First World. You don't understand basic dialectics, do you?

Even if someone had that opinion, they will never be convinced by a ban. Only through doscource can someone be left with no option but to acknowledge the truth. Again, no opinion should be left as sacred or unquestionable, even one that says imperialism is bad. This goes agains the science part of scientific socialism.

You don't know what the words you are using actually mean. You are also an utopian. Fall into your sword.

This is what happens when the leftcoms leave and dont squash the idiot marxists anymore.

Is this what you want? Ban everyone you dont like? Go to /marx/ if you want a marxist echo chamber.

And capitalism has to come before socialism. So obviously the industrialization of the worl has tk happen this way. When capital runs out of room, then it will begin to die.

Retarded, Germany taking Russia in 1917 is highly unlikely

USA taking over Syria is very likely

literally retarded

Wow babbies first understanding of dialectical materialism.

Wow, no argument.

Well I mean Lenin wrote that imperialism is the natural and inevitable result of fully developed capitalism, meaning that in order for society to mature to the stage where it is ready for socialism it has to first move through a phase of imperialist capitalism.

I'm not even a Leninist and I know this.

I didn't say utoptians should be banned?

Because USA was so succesful in Afghanistan and Iraq. Just admit that you either lost the argument or literally want to ban everyone with different opinions and analysis than you.

You didn't make one either.

Then why bring it up? If utopian analysis doenst follow your analysis you want to ban them, which essentially means banning everyone not following your analysis, which is probable for everyone not buying into your ideology. Seriously anti imperialism is not some magic basis of socialism just because your ideology says so.

Yeah wow that was totally not what the other dude was implying. Out of that assumption we can not deduct that we should literally endorse imperialism the same way we should endorse the French Revolution as a historical necessity.

The downfall of capitalism can not happen as long as imperialism exists, because of said contradictions.

Yes I did. You acknowledged it as such with your reply. You just failed to make an argument. Now you're just projecting your lack of argument in the hope that I won't call you out on it. You're just that stupid.

It doesn't matter if they were succesful from their point of you, it is a matter of fact that they ruined these countries. That's the whole fucking point man, giving people the right to self-determination.

How do you know? Can you read minds?

Thats like your opinion dude, no need to ban people over it.


Literal liberalism. But in any case, I didn't advocate to ban people like that.

Now you've just got it ass backwards. Capitalism necessitates imperialism, so fighting it is meaningless without atyacking capitalism directly. Imoerialism, however will eventually run out of steam. You cannot limit the spread of capitalism this way, especially since capitalism is also historical necessity.

You advocated banning people who think that SDF taking US help to institute socialism is Syria is ok.

Read a fucking book retard.


Wrong. Read Mao


Have you given up your position that banning people for not following you analysis is wrong or not?

Not people who think that, but people who decidedly wanting the USA to take a bigger role.

Utilitarianism: okay

Actually pushing for USA intervention for its own merit: faggotry

Don't be a vulgar relativist. Can we at least not boil it down to the fact that imperialism is bad and this should be a tenet of Holla Forums?

It's hilarious how you all act like you don't know whats a bannable offense and what is not. It's clear to me.

But thats not what BO bans now, BO bans thinking that USA wont be able to "take"(whatever that means) Syria after they helped SDF to topple a capitalist dictator. USA played a valuable role and enabled the largest modern socialist movement to get breathing space because of strategic incompetence. There is nothing wrong with exploiting this to the maximum and trusting the PYD to deliver this.

Mao was shit and advocated nationalism in the guise of anti-imperialism. This is why turd worldists are also stupid faggots.

Read : This is not about about supporting US imperialism this is about BO being triggered by people being willing to take US help to topple her daddy Assad. YPG is arguable socialist, and its ok if socialists use the strategic incompetence of the USA to achieve their goals.

The US was right to intervene in Afghanistan. Nad they would be right to fight China in the south China sea. They would also be right to fight Russia in Ukraine. Fight me, bitch.

BO is an autist so she (?) wasn't able to phrase it well, and she maybe was also drunk. Well since I totally understood what she meant, I phrased it out for you.

Being dumb and proud again, billy?

Out of arguments again, faggot?

This post pretty much proves BO had a point.

oh i see, he's never read marx

Then BO should publically state what she fucking wanted, until yet she hasnt shown any sign of accepting her error.

No, the existence of an opinion does not justify its repression, no matyer how much it chaps your candy ass.

Claiming retarded shit based on memes counts as argument now?

It only proves that you are a faggot who cant argue with such a position because you are unable to imagine why a leftist might come to such a conclusion. Maybe read more theory instead of worshipping 3rd world shitholes?

I was actually trying to say historical materialism, but whatever.


Hi Christopher Hitchens

Why are you talking to yourself, retard?

I wasn't aware that calling someone Christopher Hitchens was an argument either. Also you are misrepresenting what I said.

Not everything has to be debated. I refuse to debate Nazis on wether or not you should gas people based on their race. I want to live in a society where we don't have to argue wether rape is good or bad.

You are advocating for enslavement of the people living in Afghanistan through Mujahedin and warlords, you are also advocating to make a neoliberal puppet out of the Ukraine to stir up shit against Russia. These opinions shouldn't be platformed on a radical leftist board. There a plenty of other boards where you can make fun of mudslimes.

Every time.

and the people were astonished by his doctrine

You wrote

Wow totally insightful argument, that's totally what Mao said, wtf I love anarkiddies now

Then don't debate, but don't stop others from doing so. Why is this so difficult? Nobody is forcing you to debate.

You are taking on a stance the alt-right/alt-light has - bringing up absolute shit and claiming you deserve a platform or that this issue needs to be debated.

It's not fetishization of free speach, it's abusing it. Read Zizek

The idea that first world workers are not real workers is just a covert form of nationalism and a way to get workers to further divide themselves instead of standing united. According to Mao, none of us are real proles or socialists. Maybe think instead of just swallowing everything you read.

We dont

I am not that one user and I am not of his opinion but you are showing yourselve to be worthy of reddit right now. Muh no platform on a fucking image board, how low can you sink? You are engaging in horrible strawmen.

Also your position on Ukraine brandmarks you as a total faggot still sucking Putin cock and trying to make ambivalent geopolitical situations into purity tests.

Just because Mao intended one thing doesnt mean that the real movement in effect takes that position.

You are from reddit arent you? Thats ok, but lurk before shitting up everything.

What stance are you talking about, that we should have the freedom to discuss any topic without repression? I don't think that's right wing thought. Or is it the odea that imperialism is historical necessity? Because that is also an idea held by other leftists.

Uh-huh. Looks like the memes are working.

I'm going to say what I've said before: If you are a marxist, most conclusions of Maoism come naturally.

Someone post that aids skrillex meme

No, you are a retard.

Why is this a problem? I want Rojava to survive, because it's struggle - even if you don't see the importance of it - is relevant for every socialist that eventually wishes to abolish capitalism. I don't want US imperialists interests to be served, I want Rojava to survive. Regardless of where that help comes from. Whether it's Russia, Iran, the government, Hezbollah - it doesn't matter. What matters is what Rojava is doing, and what is doing with that help.

Rojava is flawed. I won't deny that. There are still landowners, not every enterprise has been communalized, there is still commodity production, capital accumulation, wage labor. All typical capitalist features.
But some parts of it are distinctly socialist, just as in the early Soviet Union. And as Marx wrote, communism is the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. Rojava might not be socialist, but as a movement it evidently is and wants to move in that direction.

When they communalized tools and farming equipment, when they encouraged workers to self organize into councils/communes/cooperatives, when they shared the harvest among the people and refused to sell of Syria's national resources to the highest bidder: That was all helping abolish the present state of things.

Instead of only trying to tear it down, let's look at it as an experiment just as the Soviet Union was. There will be mistakes, some approaches will be flawed, but it provides valuable insights as to what it takes to implement socialism and where the roadblocks are.

I think you're heavily projecting. I'm not the one advocating for rulecuckery and banning opinions I don't like. That's reddit territory. What's next, banning for not being a feminist? I've been on *chans since 08, and the whole time my stance has been the same. When ideas are open to discussion and real inspection, we can arrive at correct conclusions. Now, we both agree on about 98% of things regarding socialism, but you would have me banned if I say that the US is better than an alternative such as the DPRK or the Taliban. Instead of discussing the merits of those opinions, you'd ratjer be protected from even seeing those arguments. Are you positively sure you really understand imageboard culture and aren't mistaking it for facebook or reddit?

Alright it just shows a lot of you are just converted alt-right types. Because that is literally their reductionist strain of argument.

Nobody wants to limit discussion. But we don't need to argue wether or not imperialism is a good thing. We really don't.

just because you don't, doesn't mean the option to discuss it should be totally banned

Or that's just what Mao meant when he claimed that first world proles were bought off with third world exploitation and had no revolutionary potential.

nice one, porky

friendship ended with Holla Forums now bunkerchan is my best board

What you wrote is absolutely fine, but the problem is that the types who are usually arguing what you quoted from me refuse to even acknowledge imperialism even exists or is a problem. It's hilarious actually, considering we constantly get made fun of for uncritical support of Stalin but Anarchists are just as guilty of that, as they are completely uncritical towards their stance on Rojava. Guess what, you can still like and support Rojava and be very critical of US imperialism and acknowledge that contradiction, but putting your hands in front of your face and pretend all the stuff doesn't happen is just infantile.

You must be new, once to many polyp threads are up some get bumplocked or deleted based on their quality but these positions actually get debated. As you seem to not know that I again suggest that you lurk more.

Are you sure you responded to the right user? I am against banning any position, the only moderation I want is one that keeps specific maybe reactionary topics from taking over the whole board and containing them in specified thread. Like having only one race realism thread at a time instead of 5.

That is not the same as denying that First World proletariat is in fact proletariat. It's literally just a materialist analysis.

What about banning people that uncritical support Stalin? Or Assad? Or the DPRK? Do you want that?

Hypothetically, if 100 Holla Forumsyps were raiding the board, posting infographs and Holocaust denial and demanding from you to debate all of that, would you just let them do that?

obviously not, because there's a clearcut difference between a raid and trying to civilly discuss something, retard

Hypothetically do you know how this board has handled this before?

I never said banning people who are uncritical, I was merely making an assesment, it's only shitty when you openly shill for imperialism. If somebody says "dude Stalin got trucks from the USA, the USA should totally bomb the shit out of other countries than Germany as well so Stalin can march into them" I would be just as apprehensive.


By saying that we don't argue about x, you are limiting the scope of the argument. This is a readily apparent fact. You keep accusing me of being converted alt-right or whatever, but I am now and have always been a socialist. My parents were factory workers in Mexico and I saw that workers united is the only way forward. I attended University in Monterrey, and came to America and I am still a socialist, but America is not the devil and unless you are willing to take a straight loom and a nuanced look at every argument you will always be ignorant of the truth. Scientific socialism requires all things to be open to question. The ideas must stand on their own with no special protections. This is a place of discussion, so let us discuss. I will now stop posting because Germany is about to play Mexico.

I wasn't denying that. The point is you draw the line yourself somewhere. So obviously we are in agreement that there is a line, we merely hold different opinions as to where.

So stop pretending you have the moral highground you spastic.

So you agree that BOs new rule is shit? Why are we discussing then?


Scientific method would actually conclude that not all opinions hold the same value. Again, that's stupid angloshit.

Stop pretending that everything is the same

No, I think she was right about making a point. She just didn't get it across very well.

Nothing is going to happen anyway. Your crying is like lolberts and their "AM I BEING DETAINED?"

Start working out and stop nerding out about some unwritten board rule

Whining about imperialism is retarded. Every nation-state is imperialist at its core. It is in every nation interest to expand and get a bigger control over world resources. The thing is that they don't want to get nuked into oblivion since WWII, so most of them don't expand anymore.
Of course, US imperialism is terrible and a big reason why the world is getting more insane and shitty everyday, and why random European civilians get killed by ISIS every few months, but it wouldn't be better if Putin or Assad would be in charge of the most powerful state in the world instead. They would shit on the world in a different matter, that's all.
The only people who should be banned are shitposters who are arguing in bad faith. If we can't debate muh imperialism anymore, then what ? We will have to unironically praise Stalin and Mao in every of our posts ?

holy shit what

Then she should rescing her statements. But this a trend, she took away the Rojava cyclical for similar reasons before because she was worried about muh USA. This happend exactly when all the twitter Assadists threw a hissyfit because of some inconsequential bullshit happening in Syria. She is enforcing her personal opion on this board and thats not good for anyone.

But that's empirically untrue. Imperialism is a net extraction of wealth. Not all countries do that. You may argue that every country wants to do that, because of the nature of capitalism, but that's isn't the same as when it actually happens.

But if they want to do that some will allways do it, and defeating one hegemon wont change anything about the nature of capitalism.

You accused me of being from reddit. Maybe you quoted the wrong person.

But that is a distinction without a difference. If I say x workers will not support socialism because they are bribed, then obviously they are the enemy. Again this is just a way to get one group of workers to hate another. I bet you think Settlers is also valid theory.

Yes, but thay is afer formal enquiry. We do not simply decide that you can't question x or that you are banned from science if you don't buy into x. Of course, you must present coherent argumentation and empirical evidence.

Now all of you stop replying I'm missing the game!

Syria as it exists now would stop to exist. Also, you are implying that a collapse of the Syrian government would naturally come with the SDF taking over. This isn't guaranteed at all.

Also, what's so wrong about having two threads about Syria? It's a containment strategy to not have constant shitflinging between tankies and anarkiddies in the Rojava thread.

But it actually does weaken global capitalism, a nations right to self-determination will strip of the imperialist supply for the empire, opening up a genuine chance for revolution in the First World.

What's incorrect about that?

Only edgy retards think that like the Roo.


Support anti-imperialism and cheer for Mexico. They're losing by two and it juat started. ;_;

Also games are fun, faggot. Enjoy yourself.

"national self determination" just creates a national bourgeoisie who will eventually try and reenter the global capitalist economy for their own benefit.

Yeah I did sorry.

No she did delete the old thread because she got spooked by /sg/ loosing their shit. Its ok we made a new non cyclical thread but it shows how she operates.

Revolution is possible in the hearts of the "empire", if nations manage to free themselves thats fine but I wont oppose genuine socialist movements because of anti imperialism and I dont consider decolonisation a necessary part to enable revolution. And especially I wont devide the left movement over conflicts between different imperialist powers even if one is stronger than the other. A multipolar world has no inherent advantages for a socialist movement.

And that is bad why? A new better Syria would arise, also gov loosing is implied in the highly unlikely total win for the SDF. In any case my support will lie with the SDF in any potential gov-SDF conflict, and I see no reason to change that.

I like my games not sponsored by Coca-Cola who literally has thugs beating union workers in Africa to a pulp

That, or there is a revolution, the way it went down in China. Either way imperialism is the primary contradiction.

And now China is doing imperialism in Africa with full support from many of the "liberated" governments there.

Not an argument tbh

Its not.

Every platform for free speech faggot

Correct, but you are not following Maoist reasoning at all. Because there is exploitation through imperialism, revolution in the First World can not happen. Only when you strip away the access to wealth extraction the domestic contradictions of capitalism become big enough for it to invoke class struggle beyond Social Democratic reforms (which are social imperialism).

Now I'm not a radical MTW who says it is entirely impossible for a revolution to happen in the First World, nor that every communist party should direct it's resources to foreign issues - but it's a material conclusion that sort of comes naturally when you are a marxist.

I fundamentally disagree. Compare the strength of leftist movements before and after the fall of the USSR.

No ethical consumption under capitalism. Also, I didn't pay for it. You better start cheering for Mexico or you are as bad as the German Empire. ;_;

But that's not the point (even though I'd object that Chinese imperialism is by far less damaging than western one since it is infrastrucurally based). the point is wether or not a socialist revolution occurs. You'd have to argue that the revolution in China wasn't a genuine movement, good luck with that.

Just for you