Convince me to take Anarkiddies seriously and to not view them as naive lil bois

Convince me to take Anarkiddies seriously and to not view them as naive lil bois

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I'd say social anarchism is pretty cool and it's compatible with materialism. Surely we can both agree on issues like dual power and communization.

Invidualist anarchistm of any kind is cancer.

Obviously this is a pointless b8 thread, but could you at least explain what your issues with Anarchism are exactly?

This. I assume OP thinks every Anarchist is a post-left smashie lifestylist.

Fuck, forgot to sage.

I hate that shit so much. Why would you separate anarchism from leftism and abandon values like universalism?

How about you convince me that tankies are not naive faggots?

Image boards are functional anarchic societies!

IMO when you come down to it Kropotkin basically describes Mutual Aid as fundamentally self interested.

Fuck off tankies, how can you not like Christiania?

I really want to go there at least once in my life.

Yeah, arguable all Socialism and Communism is Individualist if you look at it like that, but that's kind of the point of Socialism, at it's core is the acknowledgement that individualism vs. collectivism is a false dichotomy.

That's not what I mean, ofcourse people act in their self interest. But the logical conclusion of self interest is cooperation. Basically what is saying. Invidualist anarchists are misanthropes who reject ideas such as mutual aid.

I've been there and it's your typical hippie yuppie hipster idpol lifestylist anarcho-liberal "freetown"

You mean Liberania??

I don't get along with the hardcore hipster types either, but is there really a reason to be this cynical about Christiania? They have a rather nice thing going on, occupying a piece of Copenhagen instead of a single abandoned house squat.

I swear to god people like you are only satisfied by something like Somalia.

Aren't you forgetting someone?

The key difference is organizational, really. Ancoms advocate for mass organization and individualists for temporary and loose affinity groups. IMO any revolutionary mass politics is authoritarian to a certain degree, meaning the binding authority of the collective decision and individualists' focus on (never ending) consensus building is a pipe-dream (the very least over the regional level).

What do you mean by dual power?

But they have mods

Mods are rulers that enforce law

How can you have anarchy.when you can get banned?

Tbh all anarchist societies would have "laws" and rules that are enforced by either physical coercion or social pressure

weak bait, you haven't even read Anarchist FAQ

I'm not that much of a cynical jackass, but Christiania is kinda dissapointing. It's a place for tourists, stoners and white people with dreads.
Last month I went to "bajesdorp", a pretty neat cultural space. There were a bunch of punks playing jazz, which looked really funny. Many anarchist-ish places suffer from the same problems though, with too many free-love hippie liberals.

I haven't read Stirner, but isn't the idea of a "union of egoists" similar to mutual aid? Where you co-operate in self-interest? If so, I'd say he's cool. My problem lies with post-left smashie shit.

In a time of crisis, build a structure for proletarian self-governing parallel to the capitalist state. The capitalist state will eventually declare war on this organization of the working class, losing all credibility in the process.
I'm pretty damn sure that dual power is part of leninism.

found the wiki article:

Yes, is it so bad to have a place where you can buy weed and not feel like you're about to get arrested?

I went there too and I liked it. Smoked a joint with a guy, drank a beer, commented on the weather.

I mean, what did you expect? A place where you'd have people talking in the tavern about starting a revolution, a militia training ground?

Anarchism is against human nature! The state is a necessary evil and communism means a totalitarian society.