Hungarian Revolution

Red-pill me on the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. Was it really anti-communist/socialist or just anti-soviet?

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Anarcho-Syndicalist revolution against tankies. in fact it's where the name 'tanky' is from.

Second one

It was a council communist insurrection against the Russian imperialists.

t. Hungarian

Only the west can be imperialist, they were fascists who should have asked Assad for permission.


Most of the hungarian revolutionaries had ties to fascist organizations, and sometimes even CIA. That worker councils participated is not an argument, the Falange in Spain also had worker councils.

You got the timeline mixed up, many of them turned to the far right AFTER they were tortured for months following the revolution.

Anti-Soviet. Almost everyone of relevance involved was a committed communist (including people like Imre Nagy who had actually fought in the Russian Revolution as part of the Red Army). That's not to say there weren't opportunistic elements of the Hungarian Revolution that had intent to capitalize on the uprising, but they were in the minority by far.

You forgot to include how they were Troskyists, kulaks, Titoists, Whites, and anarchists. Did I miss any of the usual Soviet accusations in regards to left-wing opposition?

You missed revisionists and idealists.

if one is to believe tankies there cannot be opposition to Marxist Leninist regimes without CIA plotting

Mostly anticommunist TBH, of course there were also some communists in the revolution who wanted a different aproach to communism , but the resoult will have been.
a pro NATO capitalist country at best, and a pseudofscist NATO supported state at worst

It was a fascist pogrom.

The anti-Soviet protests of the 50s and 60s we're people protesting authoritarian state capitalism, and trying to build from it actual socialism.

What the fuck was their problem?

Because the Societs were afraid that allowing actual dissent might lead to the Czechs pulling a Hungary and leaving the Warsaw Pact.

At the time (Cold War) I guess it wasn't exactly that unreasonable of a move from the Soviet perspective.

The thing about most rebellions after WW2 is that they weren't primarly ideological btu nationalistic, it is just that either USA or the soviets would sponsor said rebellion which meant that they had to adhere to the their ideology


The only source that said they were fascists was Pravda who called them "Hitlerites" like they were trying to insult them on the playground.

Said it once, and I'll say it again. The Hungarian "revolution" was an openly fascist insurgency with CIA backing. The only good thing the revisionist Khrushchev has done in his entire reign was crush those Nazi insects.

That "council communist uprising" meme should die (de most komolyan, szerinted a felkelők közül mennyien akarhattak kommunizmust ha sorra verték le a vörös csillagokat az épületekről?)
But seriously, why would the USA and fascist Spain support a communist revolution?

Imre Nagy was an opportunist, if you look at his decisions you can see he had no idea what he does, he just tried to be in favor of the "revolutionaries", even if it was against Communism

Something like this, except that it was not so openly fascist. I agree that crushing it was one of the few good things Khrushchev did

t. Hungarian

Because it was anti-Soviet. The USA has a long history of supporting groups that serve their short term interests even if they become enemies in the long term.

See: Soviet lend lease, Viet Minh, Mujahideen

A vörös csillag szovjet jelkép.

To use as a geopolitically cudgel and then discard when they're no longer useful?