Is it possible to radicalize them in the manner as we have done with Jimmy Dore and therefore their audience...

Is it possible to radicalize them in the manner as we have done with Jimmy Dore and therefore their audience? Both have left-leaning positions.

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No, they are liberals. Dore was always a progressive so it was possible to radicalize him. You can't radicalize libs though.

I wouldn't say Sam "first strike nuclear war and torture is good" Harris has any left leaning positions. However, someone should feed Joe Rogan obscene amounts of LSD and redpill him on marxism

Haris has too much of a hate boner for religion and Islam especially. Never watched much of Joe Rogan

Rogan can be redpilled, he needs someone with an actual sense of humor though. Harris is a zionist shill and porky incarnate, even if he wasn't a dishonest piece of shit it's against his class interest. That's to say nothing of how spooked he is on race/islam.

Sam Harris is to gripped in ideology, when a person says George Bush wanted Iraq to be like Nebraska they're beyond hopeless. He also has monetary reasons to stay uninformed at this point.

Rogan might be more amenable but he also might further cave into his "moderate" meme if pressure is applied.

OP here, I know Sam has committed some terrible intellectual sins but he even went on Rogan's podcast and started straight up pitching the prospect of UBI. Which is fairly radical for a Liberal. I think Sam's positions are starting to get a bit shaken up, and he's realizing that what he kind of envisioned about his own ideological stances weren't entirely complete. The Trumpkins bashing on him every video his criticizes Trump are starting to have an effect on him.

As for Rogan he always had some leftist radical positions. He was extremely redpilled on the war on drugs, and this created a huge schism between him and Steven Crowder the last time they talked.

Honestly the biggest problem with both of them is they're both rich douchenozzles. But they have more perspective than your typical right wing rich dicks. It's possible they would see how Marxism actually leads to the intellectual liberation of their own class.

I wouldn't even suggest it but Rogan's audience is gigantic, and Sam's isn't small either. They're who we really want to shift to the left, and lots of them already are, since they are starting to galvanize against the Trump movement and the stupidity of huskters like Alex Jones.

Sam is a lost cause.
If Noam Chomsky couldn't move him left, no one can.

I wouldn't want sam harris in my ideological vicinity anyways.

and then $ 0.50 were deposited on his account

Feed Rogan drugs and ancom lit or talk about automation. Don't do anything to harris because the dude is creepy and works better for us as an enemy.

Harris is an imperialistic warmongering racist cunt. He can fuck off.

UBI was first proposed by Milton Friedman it's hardly radical.
And Sam Harris can still be a reactionary while calling for welfare programs, what do you think fascists are?

I hope you have plans to campaign for comrade zuckerberg in the 2020 election cycle

America can't even agree to raise the minimum wage, fuck all chance of ubi anytime soon

Joe Rogan seems to be totally within the sphere of "leftists" like Sargon of Akkad. He talks so much about SJWs, it seems like Joe legitimately thinks they are a big problem. Still, Joe readily admits that he is a dumbass, so he could be open to education on some of his misconceptions.

Harris is practically a neocon. Even worse than Joe though, he is an intellectual. There is virtually no chance we could convince him to change his views.

When u put it like that…I'm game. What would this require? Is there a radicalization strategy already in place?

This is honestly hard to read, cringeworthy as fuck. Sam Harris is a smug pedant who just rants at Chomsky for disrespecting the 9/11

Joe Rogan doesn't like SJWs but he literally used to be one. There was a podcast where he went on a rant about how feminism's existence proved there wasn't inequality or some BS like that, and basically was shitting on all guys who didn't support feminism as insecure pussies.

The thing about Rogan is his views change. Often quite rapidly. And he has a tendency towards radical conclusions. I think his mind is quite ripe for Marxist doctrines, but so far nobody has gotten on his show to feed it to him yet.

In order to get Sam Harris to convert, he needs to be broken first. Hopefully the Trumptards will do that for us.

Yeah…y'know, someone like Dr. Wolff who presents Socialism chiefly as worker coops and radical workplace democracy would be great for that. Should we start a "Get Wolff on Rogan" push?

I still think this is the most embarrassing thing Harris has done.

I also love how Chomsky ends it:

fuckin chomped his ass

He basically called Sam Harris a sick fucking pervert.

say what you will about noam "the chomp" chompsky but he's pretty good at shredding libs

I love how sam published this thinking that he won the argument when it just makes him look like the fool he is

First we need to start the "get Wolff on Dore's show" push

feed him lsd and hand him out to Nepalese soldiers again?



holy shit how can this be real. What a loser. To think that my friend listen to this piece of shit sam "dude murrigah knows what they do we dem good bois" harris makes me want to cut my balls and eat them

My point is that supporting UBI doesn't make you a comrade. Pretty simple stuff

Literally none of this is anything you wouldn't find on /r/socialism. He's just a liberal who thinks star trek would be cool eventually

I don't think Joe Rogan has any opinions of his own besides "drugs and weighlifting are good". He just agrees with whoever happens to be on his show.

He's definitely a lolbert, one of the ones that thinks they've transcended the left-right dichotomy by not being a republican or a democrat


I neither know nor care what Salon did or didn't say about him. Imperialist bootlickers get the wall no matter how much they promise that THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH(tm) will lead the world to a glorious socdem paradise

Seriously, this shit with Chomsky is just silly, Sam Harris just keep repeating how rational he is while spouting stupid arguments. It truly shows you how congitive dissonance and Dunning-Kruger effect work.

I doubt this.

Harris is literally a sociopath who will be first against the wall and Rogan seems to have had his ability to logically process thought stolen by Alien Machine Elves.