Why Work?


Read Marx, he precisely do not wanted everyone to work

Isn't peak Communism literally just a post-work society? Also, more anons on this board should read Srnicek and Williams' Inventing the Future.

Nice useless theory that doesn't work IRL.

go back to work wagecuck

Oh look, its the faggot who still thinks that classcuck the post is an argument.

Is the author's book any good?

The real question is; why live?

for communism

And that's how communist countries starve themselves to death - by willfully enforcing laziness.

No More Work!

is it true that in a socialist society where people dont work meme jobs and no resources go to waste, we would be working only 15 hours every week?



and yes, work ethic is cancer, but still refer to pic related.

To survive you dumb nigger.

We will need full automisation first fam. Until then we need to work, and the best way to put pressure on porky is by removing the reserve labour army by giving everyone jobs

read a book nigger.


Less work and fair recompense for the work that is still done is what the left wing wants to begin with. There is no greater lie in modern economics than the notion that capitalism is efficient.

That ideology is called Anarchism…or Socialism and Communism before material scarcity in the 19th and early 20th centuries forced them to change from seeking the abolishment of work and instead seek 100% employment. I think that socs, comms, and syndicalists that idolize workers and proles need to stop. Don't view the worker as more virtuous, view him as an unfortunate soul that we must liberate.

Srnicek and Williams are tech industry shills. Metamute, jehu, and Land all make spot-on criticisms of them.

Wow, second time I have to post this paragraph today! The illiterates uncommunized are out in force today!
t. Dauve & Martin, "Eclipse & Reemergence Of The Communist Movement"

Read The Conquest of Bread my dudes.

Oh, and for all those saying that "communism requires full automation", read this: