Why do right wingers LARP as alpha males?

why do right wingers LARP as alpha males?

pic related: literally a Holla Forums meet up

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its a lot whiter than I expected

compensating for what they're not. they're on the internet, they can pretend anything they want.
Nazis have always been weird fucks, they're "that dude" the one who got bullied all middle and high school.

Holla Forums doesn't, they're perfectly aware that they aren't alpha-males.

don't underestimate weird fucks. Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Joseph Goebbels
, Hitler himself… they were so dangerous exactly because being weird fucks allowed them to supersede common sense

I could fight every body in this room. Apart from the guy in the hideous Green checked short sleeve shirt at the front. Although only if he is actually strong and not strongfat. Also why are there so many of these hideous shirts in this photo?

So much for the alpha male right, these are the guys who are gonna be the new brownshirts? srs, how long would these fuckers even last in the hood? half an hour?

They're weak, pathetic, beta-faggots that wouldn't hold in a fight.. and yet they're also extremely dangerous nazi's that need to be crushed at every opportunity to stop them from committing a second holocaust..

flag related

what's with the random balding 40yo slightly to the left of the middle of the pic?

hey Holla Forums why not read some theory and uncuck yourself?

Holla Forums & /fit/ here, stop projecting commtards.


Yeah bro we get it you guys are all super manly

Powerlifting, not Bodybuilding.

TDEE: 3000kcal
Squat 1RM: 140kg
Bench 1RM: 100kg
DL 1RM: 180kg

had [email protected]/* */ above the knee allready but my form got spaghetti and was afraid to force lockout, this was 2 months ago and I just leanbulked all the way up, so I wager my uncontested 1RM should be 200kg now, but unless I lifted it I wont claim it (because that would be pathetic)

pretty okay for a novice if you are relatively new to the sport, but it looks like a curlbro arm.
If that is you, your Bicepsheads are unequally trained and you should stop using machines (no beginner should use machines at all imo) to get a clean form and CNS activation amped

Those are some low fucking numbers from someone talking such a big game. For that to be "impressive" you must be one hell of a manlet.

I've read some theory that Holla Forums recommend to me about the psycho-pathological nature of anti-semitism. It notes that to anti-semites, jews are both dirty and clean, wickedly intelligent and functionally retarded, pathetically weak and almighty. They are an enemy that isn't so much tangible as an ideological necessity.

I've noticed that the exact same applies to Holla Forums's obsession with Holla Forums and fascism in general. It's not an observation of Holla Forums but a production of the own political identity.

something like Gavin is not what we consider our comrade and will be hanged high from the tallest oak tree, don't worry.

But it is easy to discard hence everything that doesn't cater to your psychological and cognitive shortcommings is "hitlery a nazi!!!"

I am 20 and weighed 75kg at that time. Considering my age and my shitty leverages for the Deadlift and Bench I am pretty okay with my lifts especially with my free testosterone levels being just slightly above average (despite intermittent fasting, high essential fat cycling 4 dat dere natural Steroid-hormonal cycle synthesized in the liver)

probs more of an DHT type than simple T, which has it's own perks after being a hairy fuck. Wanted to get my HGH and IGF-1 levels tested but in Germanistan this is so fucking expensive.

care to share your pics & stats?

Because "alpha male" is literally a myth. It's something based on a flawed study of wolves in captivity that weren't related to each other at all. The scientist that actually came up with it has completely denounced it.


Non of this matters. Any beta can do weights. Post the last nudes you collected, no nudes, not alpha. That simple. I'm happy to do so to show you. My stats in the gym aren't as high as yours granted, I deadlift only 140. But I've only been doing it for 3 months. Alpha is a state of mind not body however, I dominate females with my intuition. That is why they send me nude photographs regularly, that's why I am alpha. My ancestors smile down on me, can you say the same? All power to the folkmote you degenerate fucking feudal Slav

What I never understand about Holla Forums is that they are like 99% fucking skinny, weak nerdlords.. who worship neomasculinity and cry about men being "emasculated" by feminists despite being skinny, hideous nerds, but then, have massive fucking whinges about how women are shallow sluts because they only date "Chad"… who is an alpha male and don't want to date deep nerds like themselves.

It's completely contradictory.

leftypol is mainly opposed to capitalism, not some unemployed autistic neckbeard who thinks its edgy to say the word nigger anonymously on an imageboard. People call out pol b/c they are fucking annoying plus they are shills for porky since their ideology is essentially capitalism + fuck minorities. They have no problems dropping to their knees and sucking the ruling class off as long as they are the same race. srs though, read that article i linked, and get back to us.



It's not contradictory they want Chad to assfuck them. Hence all the bootlicking

"nature is an patriarchal oppressive construct because it doesn't cater to my insecurities, here are 10 peer reviewed studies by dr. Greger that tell me I am right!"

or you could have just asked for it

am 1.78m, which is quite remarkable considering my mothers heritage and the fact I started lifting with 16 (weighed 110kg at that time, thankfully I found Holla Forums)

I agree, any beta can mindlessly curl arround bitchweights to impress void cunts.
Lifting for someone else than yourself is the definition of pathetic, because these are the guys that get their noobgains and immediatly quit after they caught some whore.

Impressing girls is no big feat, especially when the girls you lefties aim for are whores that sleep with practically anyone.

pic related is one of the girls of your political spectrum that is fond of me, but I have a fiance
and wouldn't share nudes anyways.

Yes, being alpha is a state of mind I completly agree with you here. Many Roidheads have those popped 3D-Delts, the J O K E D traps, the Dimensions of a Lats like Kai Greene with which they could conquer the skies, flying like a bat using their lats as wings but deep down they are very insecure of themselves and in essence beta.

they are unable to generate their self value and thusly need to have it proven by others (void cunts in your case). A strong body is the natural consequence of being alpha, not the other way arround.

if you aren't e-statting and lift 140kg after only 3 months, I deeply congratulate you on your lifts. When I was new to lifting I also gave much of an opinion of what people thought of me, hence I started as an morbidly obese fatfuck

all this projecting but yet not a single selfie by the leftside was to be found

pathetic to the core, bet most people in this thread are handhovering virgins aswell

oh fuck, forgot her pic sry



Looks like you got lost on the way to tumblr or reddit, now please find your way back there





why do you feel the need to share unsolicited pics of female strangers that allegedly have a crush on you on a political imageboard

like what is your fucking problem, are you really that insecure?

i wasnt aware this was a cringe thread

it's autism, just let him express himself and we'll all be entertained

bait of the month

Why do hot wingers taste so good

used to play a stupid moba game called LoL with her, she had a boyfriend at that time but it was weird like usually with you lefties. I used to be up very late all the time and she still is (she is depressive and gets gibsmedats from the state). Watched the US election with her deep in the night, she fell asleep midway through (because it wasn't enough identity politics I assume).

Overall a nice and somewhat shy girl, helped her with some things when she got herself a cat from a petshelter but smokes too much weed and gives up to soon in many cases that regard her life. Makes me a tad sad thinking about it.

Excuses like expected of a leftist.
Because antifa hasn't doxxed anyone anytime, also why wouldn't you use 7 proxxies?

shit taste tbh

Wow what underground and refined tastes you have. Tell us more about your obscure gaming preferences



Dammwild in Sommerdecke, zwar nur aus dem Gatter aber gibt es etwas besseres?

stay buttmad that fascism remains the main competitor for marxist nonsense to this day

leaving the thread soon, last questions or at least a single selfie?

or will it remain with insecure namecalling?

That's not a leftypol meetup, that's a local department of Revolutionär Kommunistisk Ungdom (RKU), the youth federation of Kommunistiska Partiet (Kp) in Sweden

Ok are you really this autistic or is this just a bit?

Almost everyone LARPs on the internet
If this is news to you kys

"B-B-But it's naawhd reaaahl Gommunism! My Snowflake brand of Zizek anarcho buttcuckerism has never been tried!!"

all the memes seem to be true, kek

No you retard, it wasn't a statement about the ideology it's about the fact that they're not even close to the Holla Forums demo. How smooth is your brain?


what, you've never played "poke the autist"?


Nah if most of the western world wasn't chronically malnourished and/or obese way more people would be passable

this tbh

they wouldnt be obese if the elites werent making the poor eat cheap shit artificial crap you wouldnt feed to livestock


well, it was my pleasure humiliating you and putting your little circlejerk back in place. Even if you don't admit to it one can feel the insecurity oozing in your texts.

If you ever need a Father for your wifes' child, hit me up fam :^)

jokes aside I wouldn't want to mate with your woman hoped for a more serious discussion, maybe going a bit further into fitness but you see me as your clear enemy, which just further reinstates how serious you guys must take me.

even if you are leftist politically I don't see an issue in being brothers in iron. So if you are obese or scrawny, just visit us on /fit/, read the sticky and you can make a change in your life.

h-hehe triggered you guys!



Is this a legit Holla Forums meetup or are you just pushing something like this

You can brag this shit to other insecure Elliot Rodger types who will acclaim you an 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Aryan Warrior 14/88🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 status for it.

I think the entire purpose of this thread is to simply let you know that most guys who share your edgy views are not "alphas" in any real sense, and maybe if you want them to get /fit/ you should focus on setting them towards a self-improval path instead of arguing "hey Holla Forums which eceleb is most white, non jewish and redpilled" or whatever you are otherwise doing.


Yeah there are people on Holla Forums right now who pay 40 bucks a month to watch this shit


Yeah on Holla Forums they all try to impress each but off Holla Forums they're on every alt-lite retard's stream or channel shilling for the board.

All sounds like stupid bullshit to me.

You're either Pro-White and a National SociaIist or that you're not. That simple.

Who cares, the people watching gavin talk about Holla Forums frequently. The two demographics intersect. This is like how they all deny that TD reddit-fags have infested their board too. What they call themselves is of no concern to me

Yeah they do. They're our fan girls and they look up to us because we're funny and interesting. A lot like your girlfriend.

Doesn't make them us though. Who do you honestly think is leading who here?

How do you keep your back free of bacne?
I'm clear everywhere else but it's all over my shoulders.

Reminder that the "alpha-beta" hierarchy only shows up in wolves kept in captivity.

Holla Forums wants to be put into a cage.

Almost all of them have black or brown hair and not blue eyes. By their own standards, they would be considered mongrels.

Nah, the autistic teens are bragging about their new "secret club" that's slowly turning into a young republicans club despite your best efforts. There really was no other way it could go when you invited TD but you guys did it anyway. But you guys keep up the edgy rhetoric to delude yourself into thinking you're not just bowtie dweebs that say "nigger" and "kike" now.

Fuck me daddy

You shower. And stop reading pseuds like Kropotkin and Goldman.

The 'classcuck' meme is admittedly a good one from leftypol. Though while there are maybe a lot of 'classcucks' on 4/pol/, there aren't that many on 8/pol/ that I have seen.

If that's what you think, bucko.

Because most of them are flabby faggots. If this doesn't push you faggots into getting fit I don't know what will.

Stop being homophobic.

Suck my dick.

Make me.

Besides an "alpha" human would be the rich.

Only if you get fit and read the Ego and it's Own.

You can pretend to be anything you want on the internet, OP.

I had no idea Marx was this fucking based


Good god.

It's actually some Linux faggotry, but lets be honest by the looks of them they're probably right shitters anyway.


You don't get it.
Being a retard is all they have.
It's their last defense mechanism.
Take that away, and what are they?

Half of being a right winger is pretending to be tough whilst simultaneously being shit your pants scared at everything going on in the world.

They also talk a big game about violence but cry every time it happens. So much for the alpha male right.

Free software is incompatible with right-wing ideology though

The whole concept of being "alpha" is born out of an insecurity developed from a belief in fundamental inequality.

If you believe in inequality as an organizing principle then oftentimes you become obsessed that you're at the bottom

Now I see

Is it really that hard to admit that there are fit, charismatic guys who are highly attractive to women?

Talk about insecurity.

Please tell me you weren't stupid enough to get that tattoo. Then again you are Holla Forums.

Everybody can be fit, and charisma is trainable.

t. Used to be an insecure uncharismatic potato, now just a potato (still working on that)

Holla Forums disagrees.

Does that make it harder to admit that the term alpha applies to a sort of person that does exist?

The whole distinction implies a fundamental difference. There isnt one.

Is it so hard to admit we leftists are the source of all good in the world?

All boards on Holla Forums are a Holla Forums proxy, we are the sole exception.

At best they just want to put the "good" bourgeoisie in charge

I can confirm this. 4/pol/ is filled to brim with threads where they cry about >tfw nogf shit, about how their family teases them for supporting Trump, and I have even seen threads where they are shit scared about ANTIFA and want them declared as terrorist organization.

ANTIFA is a bunch of larping retards too, but it's funny again how people who claim to be master race and above the "degenerate larping antifa druggie commies" can't bother themselves to shut them down and run crying to their daddy Trump to do the job for them (Trump obviously doesn't give a fuck, ANTIFA is such a small threat and they only ever hurt retards who show up in specific places and shout "Hitler did nothing wrong"-tier BS)

what is "at best" supposed to mean? this is the very essence of class cuckoldry, the believe in "good capitalists"

They literally think that white capitalists care about them.

yes. which makes them class cucks. just like those who think there need to be more women or colored or gay etc. capitalists.

left and right idpol is class cuckoldry, and none of them is any better than the other.

Of course it sounds obvious from our perspective. The key is to try to understand why it isn't obvious to them: they are particularists.

hierarchy and subjugation of those deemed inferior is part of the cornerstone of rightist beliefs

I've seen plenty of cringy looking leftypol meetups, both sides will often be a mixture of ugly looking or just odd looking people.

We've never had a meetup.

i appreciate the amount of work that went into making that webm.

Then let me rephrase it, leftists and rightists entirely not just pol or leftypol.

He means that there are people even more classcucked who think all bourgeoisie are inherently good and deserve superiority over lesser classes. Worshipping the best of "your race" is mildly less class-cucked than literally worshipping the concept of an upper class you don't belong to.

Not by much though

Imagine being so lazy you can't even scroll up a few posts before posting the same exact image again


I don't just save a bunch of pictures of leftypol meet ups, also not the same guy. It was just me putting my point across. You're saying all this shit as if being a fat ass loser is exclusively a right wing thing but it's not.

The difference is that leftism in no based in superiority of anyone over anyonone, whilst Holla Forums think they are some sort of master race, the mayority of them are not even white .


The difference is leftypol does not believe on some race superiority or shit.

I know you're not the same guy, but it just illustrates you guys all circlejerk in threads with the exact same picture spammed over and over again of some random european high school commie club

literally who? random kids in their bathrooms are Holla Forums now?

I'm not saying that every white person is a demi-god. But I'm thankful that I'm white. I could be black and have a low Autism Level. or be a jew with schizophrenia.

Faces of leftypol thread

There are plenty more pictures but I will admit I probably should have actually found one, would've given more substance. I get what you lot mean though thanks to
still confuses as to why you'd even larp this shit in the first place, what is the actual fucking point?

Sounds legit

that's the correct way to do it, what's your problem?

first one is a fun guy purposefully clowning around in that video. he's very much self aware about his looks.

second guy is just some nice nerd. notice the clean skin and well kept hair. honestly no idea why you'd post him as an example against Holla Forums. he just looks like a nice friendly dude.

third is cute looking even. moar of her?

fourth looks a bit young and not too fit, no idea why he'd share a pic like that, but really it's just "meh".

now go on and tell me something nice about these specimens of the superior race.

Reminder that this is not /leftypol, it's a communist youth federation in Sweden

His deformed potato shaped skull
Either you're mentally ill, or haven't had your dick touched in forever an are really desperate and ready to fuck anything.
Those look like redditors, and the people in OP's post are from halfchan.

A lot of these guys look fine. One of those posts is literally about how the clothing they buy isn't expensive enough, wtf.
Nevermind, post redeemed.

So Holla Forums then?

Nothing at all.

oops, my shitposting symbol

Hey friend, welcome to the board. It looks like you meant to post this in the right-wing cringe general. Don't worry, new boards can be confusing, and we've all made mistakes before! You can find the thread in the catalog, I'm sure they'll love your pic!

This is just sad

Yeah, stupid Holla Forums

Is that a JoJo reference?

Hold up. Does her first name begin with C?

If so I think I've already been there.