
is it possible to have a serious conversation about the privelege?

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no because we aren't fucking bourgy liberals

it's about empathy

Tell them that class is the only real muh privilege, and the reason you see predominantly brown people in lower classes is due to material conditions like redlining and exploitation.

Of course, the people you're talking to are likely libs, so they'll just give you a weird look and pretend you just spoke Greek to them.

Sure, I´ll talk to you about muh privilege.

I have never heard the concept of muh privilege brought up in a context where it was helpful. I have only ever heard it used to enforce the right to narrate, and to shut down conversation. That said, I do believe that muh privilege exists, and I am open to talking about as long as it is a productive conversation and not a ¨you can talk about this because you don understand¨ kind of conversation.

What do you think about muh privilege user?

but there's a difference between POC poverty and white poverty. a historical difference and a moral difference. POC and queers are discriminated within every class. even hollywood actors are paid less because of their gender/race

Yes, let's talk about bourgeois muh privilege.

I wouldn't post any unsaged posts here until this thread gets on a good track.
There is no conversation to be had. Skin color is only an issue in our society because of Capitalism. Don't be dumb. I'd love to hear someone explain how Capitalism is great and it's just mean old whitey doing eveything.

won't somebody please think of the hollywood actors

but white supremacy is a thing, racism is a thing, it's not just capitalism. sometimes it is neccesary to admit there are some things you can't understand and that you will never understand. why is it so hard to do so? leftypol will never aknowledge there is white supremacy that is morally and historically different from class based divisions

capitalism has become so entrenched in modern life that any historic systems of racism have now become just another part of the capitalist system.
And to paraphrase Gnome Chomsky: capitalism in the long term will ultimately be anti-racist because capitalism turns people into interchangeable machines.

but that hasn't happened yet. seriously have you even spoken to any POC?

Lol, of course white supremacy exists. So does black supremacy, any retarded group can decide all other groups are inferior. No shit. So what?
You'll never understand true class struggle, so you aren't allowed to talk anymore and will be gulag'd. This is how you sound.
Now, what's your point? You don't seem to have one. What should be done? What can be done? Other than abolishing the material, capitalist conditions which allow supremacists to wedge their stupid policies? Oh wait, nothing, because all your politics are stupid

How about I give you the privelege of sucking my dick, Tumblr. Now fuck off.

the crimes of white european colonialism laid the foundation for capitalism. black supremacy is just a powerless reaction to the all pervading system of white supremacy.

oops forgot my flag

What about it?

It's also spooky idpol that should be rejected.
The nation of Islam was an anti-Semitic cult black supremacist cult. Am i supposed to excuse that because they were black?

Yeah, a hugely irrelevant, blown out of proportion thing.
And it affects everyone, not just minorities.

"Privilege" is a load of academic codswallop thrown around mostly by people who've never known deprivation or real hardship in their lives.

I went to trade school because my family couldn't afford to send me to college, I didn't want to join the military, scholarships for poor white kids are few and far between, and I didn't see the value in going into ruinous debt for a degree that might (maybe) let me get a better than average job.

I've been on foodstamps, eaten government cheese, and been harassed by the cops on a nearly daily basis.Where is this fucking white muh privilege people keep throwing in my face, because I wouldn't mind having some at this point.
Fuck you and the horse you rode up on.

muh reverse raycism!!


Doesn't make it any less true.

Not till SJWs are no longer the ones initiating the conversations bout that shit. They do a really shit job of explaining for example white muh privilege without coming across batshit crazy or making people who benefit from it look like total WASPs (private school attending, trust fund having, V-neck sweater wearing, "my dad is a lawyer" threatening motherfuckers) which most whites ain't. I guess what I'm tryna say is that muh privilege *does* exist, but the people who talk bout it have gotta be as level headed as possible and can't blow it outta proportion to guilt trip certain people like the eternal Cis-white male.

I see a man calling out bullshit for what it is. Racism, sexism, intersectionality and gender theory and privelege bullshit is idpol.

That second image is so so fucking disingenuous painting that situation as race related "Muh oppressed women of color vs Duh oppressor", when in reality it should be viewed as ruling vs proletariat, but liberals are such fucking cowards.

You are really a sad, sad stupid person. Capitalism did not come from Colonialism, and is not intrinsically white.
That sure sounds racist to me? Idiot.

but imagining how it would have been if you were POC, even if your circumstances being equal in every other aspect , it would have certainly been worse

that's not my flag. >:(

So we should just forget that the Rwanda genocide happened? You implying blacks are incapable of doing wrong cuz muh colonialism. Newsflash: black people can be porkies and corrupt statesmen as well.

It is now :^)

t. Journalist from Buzzfeed

Can we all recognize you are a racist trying to normalize your shitty opinions of 'POC'.

the myth of tutsi supremacy was used as a divide and conquer strategy by whites.

Fuck off cunt.

Privilege is a poor framework to actually under how inequality and oppression operate.

From the Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy:

Further reading:

Now you've made me mad, you stinky an-nil. You may have made me feel bad for you once, but my heart is hardened to your tricks. [|>:(


People are willing to do terrible, exploitative things in the name of profit?! I'll get this to the top minds of Holla Forums, stat!

It does exist but again it's a problem of class.
anyone that denies that reality is dumb.

in any society. thats the problem with oligarchies, thats why they must be removed.

Nice trump card. It would be a shame if you overused that.

So you're shifting the blame on white people because Africans killed eachother because they were spooked by idpol.

him being treated like shit doesn't negate the fact he would have been treated even worse if he were not white. also do you want me to ignore that part about 'muh scholarships for whites'? that's blatantly racist imo

Wrong. The conflict between Tutsis and Hutu is actually rooted in the class structure of Rwandan society prior to the invasion of that country by European imperialism. The country actually had a functioning monarchy and the Tutsis belonged to the aristocracy whereas the Hutus where perceived as being simple peasants.

African researchers, some of them persecuted and blacklisted by the Kagame regime, have disputed the notion that "Hutu" and "Tutsi" are ethnic divisions and have argued persuasively that they really are old-class divisions, as archaic as they may seem now.

So once again we see that notions of "race" are determined by class almost as if the Marxist notion that class is the determinative element of the ideological superstructure and the dominant contradiction is essentially accurate.

By your logic, a gulag is better than a concentration camp.

I'm empathetic when a black man gets shot by police. trust me. hardcore as fuck.
probably just like them or even more than them I really want those pigs responsible dead because I'm able to see that situation calls for that. You're in a state if the state is not serving you & just wants a slave then that state is useful for nothing.

Now on the issue of the Middle-East and how women are treated like trophies there I feel ya the thing is I can't fix the world. I only got so much might, thats away from my reach. Rojava is working on that how it can through, as far as I know.
Also it's not about empathy I would say the right word is maturity. Realizing the world is not "Humans(whites) vs Orcs(the rest)" like Holla Forumstards is a huge step in growing the fuck up. People that still are not able to see humans of other race/ethnicties without merit are spooked as fuck.

Put up or shut up, dumbass. Cite something credible.

Nah, the Tutsis literally got a fucktonne of gibs me dats when Rwanda was under colonial rule which left the Hutu with fuck all. You can see why the genocide wouldn't have happened under any other circumstances.

Damn…where'd you read all that? I wanna learn more so post a source or 2 if you've got any.

Wtf I love the Rwandan Genocide now

Pick up Enduring Lies: The Rwandan Genocide in the Propaganda System, 20 Years Later by Edward Herman and David Peterson. It's free if you have kindle unlimited unfortunately I don't have a link to a free pdf/epub to give you.

One Rwandan-born scholar based in Alabama was jailed and threatened with deportation because of his work claiming that the Hutu-Tutsi conflict was based in class and not ethnicity. Not sure how it turned out, he was a threat to the Clintons, but Trump hasn't met an oppressive pro-west regime that he hasn't loved yet.

No, the blatant racism happened when my HS guidance councilor straight up told me to my face that I basically couldn't get a scholarship because I wasn't black.

That actually happened.
And yes, it was a life changing event.

That said, I have never once felt any resentment towards any black person because of it.
But I irrevocably changed my life, and I will never pretend it didn't happen.
And it happened because we live in a capitalist society that arbitrarily places more value on some people than others because of the circumstances of their birth.
Education should be free to everyone.

According to Herman the term "Hutu" has literally been translated as "without power" whereas the term "Tutsi" has been translated as "with power".

Sometimes names tell you everything you need to know much like the Russian term "Kulak" but that is another story…

Colonial powers exacerbating preexisting caste distinctions to their advantage in countries they conquered is a given in imperialist politics. White Belgian colonial authorities are partly to blame for what eventually happened in Rwanda because they played Tutsis and Hutus against each other on purpose, knowing very well what inflaming ethnic tensions could lead to. Plus, let's not forget that the French government directly provided Hutu Power militias with weapons and training.

But keep telling yourself "blacks were just spooked by idpol", I'm sure that will become true if you wish for it to be hard enough.

Well, shit. Here I was thinking the Tutsi and Hutu didn't even belong to the same language family, let alone the same-ish ethnicity.

They still look different as fuck though. Maybe whatever caste-like system they had going on went on for so long that it created distinct genetic characteristics…

Yep. The true reason Yurope wants black male refugees, to create a scapegoat now that Hitler has killed the Jews. No more welfare state for you Scandies!

Yeah, this is true too. Even Gandhi was against the caste system cuz he knew the British reinforced it's role in Hindu society to keep Indians from uniting and giving The Eternal Anglo the boot.

The whole concept of "white muh privilege" is something that actually came out of an offshoot of the Communist Party around the '60s or '70s. The idea was that bosses tell white people they're better than other races so they don't realize how they're being exploited all the same. It was never intended to divide people and stifle discourse like it does now, it was supposed to get white people to understand they're being tricked and want to collaborate and show solidarity with other races.

"Defensive racism" and "punching upwards" fails yet again. You failed to note that Kagame and his forces were armed and trained by the United States. You also failed to note that he was essentially invading Rwanda from a foreign government and that violence increased as his forces swept through Rwanda rather then decreasing as the myth that he "put an end to the genocide" so often claims. You've also failed to acknowledge that his paramilitaries have been accused of starting and perpetrating an even greater genocide in the DRC that has so far-killed about 8 million people according to bourgeois sources making it the bloodiest violent conflict since world war II.

Why did you assume that me using the term "Hutu power" meant that I automatically supported the other side of the conflict? Are you one of those one-dimensional idiots who instantly believe people disagreeing with one party means they must agree with their opponents?

Even the French Jacobins criticized the founding fathers of the United States for doing away with aristocracy and monarchy but keeping "an aristocracy of the epidermis"

You're more or less right, despite the fact that its an older idea then most people tend to think, it was never intended to be the wedge issue that it's made into now. It was supposed to aid the class struggle of the most progressive portion of the bourgeoisie and later that of the proletariat, not replace class struggle with race-struggle.

if it was a race muh privilege

then a black doctor that had his education paid for by his parents would be less muh privileged

then a "hick" thats parents were involved with meth and didn't give a fuck about their children

racial discrimination can only be approached with a clear class perspective and the recognition that skin color is associated with poverty and everything negative that comes with that because of colonial, imperialist history and media propaganda. it is artificially created to justify racial division of the working class and continue harsher exploitation of the colored working class.

the solution will not come with making the bourgeois more diverse but only by abolishing their class alltogether.

race muh privilege is class muh privilege

The problem with the second OP image is that it implies that you could possibly measure this. Telling anyone, regardless of background, that they have it easy is generally incredibly insulting.
Even porkys that live in luxury with billions of dollars - its quite possible they genuinely went through hell to get to that point. No, this doesn't change their position now, but to suggest that they have always had it easy is not doing your argument any favours. No point in being bitter about how others have it "easier" - fucking do something about it

Random thought - why do people care?
Not like "we ignore idpol because muh Holla Forums" but rather, people - both liberal and conservative - seem to take it quite personal when it's implied that they are wrong about social issues. "You don't care about African American issues, so you're objectively a bad human being". Who gives a fuck if you're a "bad person". There is no fucking objective standard, why would anyone care what someone they disagree with says about them?

This is about a video game but referencing real life statistics - debunking "race muh privilege".
It is class and class association only.

I'm sorry but the mainstream account of the conflict is bullshit. In reality, few people "support" the Kagame regime because most people don't know enough about the country. But the misinformation about the nature of the conflict still weighs heavy on the global imagination–that must be combated.

'Muh France' is something that Anglos and the fascists in power in Rwanda have been using as an excuse for their role in what happened for a long time. The country is a totalitarian dictatorship and its own account (which is the mainstream account) of what happened during the Civil War can be trusted just about as much as say imperial Japan's rulings on their own actions in China.


But at least you can agree with me that groups like KKK should be removed & yes by force by individuals like us. Since the state doesn't wants & won't do it.

The KKK is statist, bootlicker, pro-hierarchy, hell some of those that work as enforcers are the same that burn crosses like the song says, this isn't a mystery. I just used the KKK as an example btw I know there are way more groups like that & more powerful too. Groups like that only serve the master, not those that are down, the ones that want to realize their freedom.

The problem with "privilege-theory" is that it fundamentally takes away individuality from the individual and makes them just a number in the statistics, it's literally the exact same thinking as racism. It's saying "you're not an individual with your own different, unique experiences and obstacles and blessings, you are entirely your skin color, and judging by your skin color I will automatically say you've had a harder or easier life than someone else and therefor your opinion is more or less valid". Even if we were to assume *privilege does exist, there's only two ways to deal with it: either how it is now with socjus and all that, or by destroying statism/capitalism, if you go the socjus path then the best case scenario is that all proles are now treated equally terrible.

Focusing on *privilege to begin with is just blatant slave mentality anyway. You're spending all of this time and energy on bitching that some slaves aren't treated as terrible as others and that you want everyone to be treated equal by being oppressed equally.

ah yes, privelege, the thing that means I'm chosen last for work or school because I don't fill a quota and get to watch retards fuck up things at the jobs they have and I don't that if our situations were reversed I'd be fired for

I'd love to hear what account you base your understanding of the Rwandan genocide on.

The French government provided genocidal militias with weapons and training, that's a fact. I don't see how that is somehow invalidated by the involvement of other neo-colonial powers in the conflict.

okay fam

I never liked the term muh privilege even during my time as a liberal. It's misleading. The government and the establishment don't give a crap about white people. they just hate black people.


so it was a case of competing white powers that caused the conflict?

no, but you have to understand were they were coming from. you have to understand the context. Seriously, I used to be an edgy racist suburban white guy too, but I've grown as a person and learnt the value of empathy.


I might as well understand where white nationalists are coming from. Realizing the world is shit for the overwhelming majority of people doesn't require me to make excuses for those who make it worse.

It really is socialism or barbarism, and nationalists aren't socialists.

Hahahaha, what? There is nothing to empathize with. Nation of Islam was, is, and always will be, a violent cult that assassinated and tormented their own members when they tried to leave. There's a reason why anyone noteworthy assosciated with them left them, like Malcom X. Hell, I'd go as far to say the only good thing NoI has done was spawn such hilarities as Black Hitler and the dumb niggers who genuinely believe that blacks were space astronauts.

the black doctor is more likely to be shot by cops than the hick, though.

the whole system was created to benefit white men, when small in the last instance insufficient measures are taken to correct it you start screaming reverse racism




Yes. In fact, there are plenty of places like tumblr, reddit, and your local university campus where muh privilege is absolutely all they ever want to discuss.

It's a bullshit concept. If it does exist, there's nothing we can do about it in the current system because it will only reinforce existing bourg class structure.

It can only be eliminated with socialism, by which then the problem will go away entirely. So let's stop focusing on the problem, and start focusing on the solution, yeah?

Go back to >>>/tumblr/

Wrong again, tumbltard

You have that exactly backwards. The demands of primitive accumulation under early capitalism led to european colonialism.
What, do you actually think that europeans would engage in an extensive, costly project of dominating and subjugating the underdeveloped world, owing to fuzzy ideas about inherent superiority, without any material incentive among those in power to do so? Better look at the Ming dynasty, where chinese exceptionalism produced the opposite outcome -a strongly isolationist power - because the class relations, material conditions and induced government form were not suited to this large-scale systematic profiting off the resources and peoples of other lands.

It's doing a shit job in his case tbh
What exactly do you mean, "benefit white men"? Benefit all white men, equally, on the sole or even primary basis of their whiteness and maleness? Because poor whites get a rougher deal in the applications process and scholarships than poor blacks, both of whom are vastly disadvantaged in comparison to people of any color rich enough to not need to take loans. Black students get accepted with lower grades and test scores than other demographics, ostensibly because of poorer educational resources and never minding that taking a less rigorous class necessarily means grading is made less rigorous by the same amount, or that the SAT is a basic reasoning skills test one cannot "study" for, but what consideration is there for kids, black or white, who had to work 16 hours a week through high school and literally did not have the same opportunities to work on their education and coursework?
This isn't even true, strictly speaking.
The whole system was created because it was in the rational self-interest of the capitalists involved in its advent, and as such incidentally benefited white men through institutionally dividing the proles against each other and thus stably expanding the scope of an overall exploitative system.
Beyond that, what a system was created to do bears no relation to what it currently does, except that provided for by how real, observable historical forces have shaped and continue to shape its development going forward. A previously racist institution can quite seamlessly become non-racist when this benefits sufficient influential sections of the bourgeoisie, and that's what AA attests to. The "small in the last instance insufficient measures … to correct it" were taken because they were in the best interests of enough porkies, weighted according to their relative influence over policy, not because of any gains of the proletariat. You can't dodge the question of what material forces shaped and shape the system as it stands, and what actionable measures may be taken to overthrow it, by pointing out "oh, the system was racist when it was created!" and insinuating the same unmeasurable, unfalsifiable "white domination pathology" is by default responsible for everything which happens, except for that which we arbitrarily define as counter to it - which is of course caused by opposition to this domination pathology

this is the only conversation we need to have about privelege

Not when you start the OP with such retarded id-pol images.