Indigenous communities have to lead before Ottawa hands over funding, says Justin Trudeau

But Trudeau is a dreamboat, right?

so indigenous communities are getting shittier federal funding instead of more generous provincial funding?


I refuse to believe trudeau is a real human being and not a CGI simulacrum algorithmically derived from billions of reddit posts

Neoliberals figureheads all seem very fake and non-human. I wouldn't be surprised if everything they said wasn't prescripted by various advisers ahead of time.

From what i can tell he is literally the white canadian Obama

At least his dad had the decency to screw women who weren't his wife and make smartass comments to reporters.

I'm sure if he had the resources he'd have the same exact foreign policy.

They groom themselves that way. They know if they appear a certain way and say certain things, the liberals will love them because they're "hot" and "woke". Meanwhile, Canada has been committing institutional genocide on the indigenous people for the past 150 years.

How is Justin Trudeau able to get away with this shit without triggering the social justice warriors?

Where is all the "Justin Trudeau is a racist bigot!" shit coming from the Canadian SJWs?

I'm actually in shock that the Liberal Party is able to take the Natives for granted like this. I always thought the Natives were sacred cow protected untouchables. Like Blacks, Muslims, Jews and Women.

Yeah, Justin certainly isn't Fidel.

i see that you aren't canadian then. no one gives a fuck about the natives

The same reason they let Hillary get away with everything despite being a racist who stole all the money Haiti was supposed to get or all those billionaires or millionaire celebrities that give them virtue signaling lip service despite not practicing what they preach. But Trudeau is dead in Canadian polls. Nobody likes him.

I am a Canadian. I guess I'm just not well-informed? I always thought it was a big no-no to not suck up to the natives and give them money.

Justin Trudeau's policy decisions will literally cost lives in the Native communities.

But god forbid some white guy like me wants a qt Native/Metis girl to dress up like Pocahontas and get fucked while I grunt about how I want to colonize her pussy with my big white cock. Then that is totally triggering for the SJWs.

I mean like holy shit didn't Justin Trudeau just pull a
in there?! HOLY FUCK. How is this not getting him branded a racist bigot by the Canadian SJWs?

I'm a Canadian and I'm shocked

Obama did the same thing to blacks and they never abandoned him. Bourgeois politics are a joke.

really? you don't get that impression from abroad. Justin's PR machine portrays him as some sort of Stalinist demigod universally beloved by the peasantry. How are things going in Canada? are people actually shifting left or are we gonna see a Trump like reactionary backlash?

That's because the ones you encounter are liberals. They don't give a shit about things like gentrification or genocidal Trudeau. They are only doing it to look good. It's a circle jerk. The song "Love me, I'm a Liberal" by Phil Ochs is about that kind of person.

I don't really want to out myself as being anyway involved in SJ, but a new breed is starting up who are critical of capitalism, imperialism, etc. They call themselves leftist, but tbh they're just anticapitalist because they have no foundation of theory. My friends all sort of migrated towards this brand and I've been trying to get them to read to theory or watch a video about Marxism or anarchism or whatever since they claim to be leftist. I'd really like them to think from a class perspective.

SJWs only give a shit about cultural stuff they can get shity with people on twitter about so they can feel better. those fucking idiots don't actually care about real world proble.s such as the horrifying poverty on the reserves or native women getting killed at a far higher rate then other women in canada.

NDP did really really well. I think they're shifting that way.

the problem with the NDP is that nicki ashton is the best of a bad bunch. she seems to understand that thrid wayism is a dead end for the canadian left but she's pretty into idpol. bring back tommy imo

I wish we could have a few of those weeks where decades happen. I know of no other leftists, and I am too paranoid to actually meet anybody new for fear of being Project Souvenir'd. To say that Mounties are filth would be an unforgivable insult to the idea of filth.

This pic describes how I feel, in that I can not laugh, and have no vodka with which to distract me from my non-laughter.

Obama is half-black and a Democrat, he can say whatever the fuck he wants. Justin Trudeau is a FUCKING WHITE MALE. How is this even allowed? lol

As a white male, I basically have to walk through eggshells every time the topic of race comes up (and I'm not a racist, I'm bi-curious and guy-wise I only like black guys. And I like women of colour). Yet here is Justin Trudeau getting away with it. lol.

Correction: Can't laugh due to crapsack circumstances, only vodka would help, absence of vodka leads to greater suffering. Also polite sage.

Well that stock photo the Tories just picked certainly won't be winning any elections. The only thing that can stop Trudeau now is if the NDP picks a decent leader, but they don't seem to have anybody truly noteworthy.

What's even the point of a gold reserve when your currency isn't backed by a gold standard?

he's a conventionally attractive liberal who self-identifies as a feminist so questioning his actions makes you a bigot or something.

You're very naive if you don't believe that is exactly how every last politician function.

Yeah I've heard about native women being kidnapped and murdered and shit. What the flying fuck?

There was a Metis prostitute on backpage a couple months ago or so. And I wanted to go see her because I've always wanted to add an aboriginal girl to the bucket list. I like seeing hookers because I'm autistic and this allows me to fuck girls above my level without much effort. But then she took down her ad after one day. My friend (who is 1/4 Native) thinks that she might have been kidnapped and murdered. I thought she was kidding. But I never saw her post an ad again. And I hear that lots of native prostitutes do end up murdered.

Why are native women (especially native prostitutes) specifically targeted for murder? It just doesn't make sense. I understand that racial hatred is a thing. But what did native women ever do to us? lol.

I can understand an insecure Holla Forumsack killing a black man because he hates seeing black men have sex with white women. I can understand a Holla Forumsack targeting a Muslim. Natives?

Trudeau is a literal bourgeois brat. Did you really expect better from him? He's a massive attention whore and virtue signaler. He's just a typical bourgeois who cares about his own ego and image but not real issues like how Canadian industry is effectively dead because of him and that's why the polls rape him.

natives usually have very high poverty rates so it makes sense they would be disproportionately targeted with violence.

In my experience, a lot of Canadians I've met regard identitarian issues as integral to of the national identity. How do we get an entire country of SJW's to realize that neoliberalism is not as diverse as it claims to be? Can we make Canada NazBol, and what might that look like?

People need to keep mentioning that if he was actually a feminist, the Saudi arms deal would have never gone down, and would be openly supporting the YPG instead of slobbering all over Erdogan and Barzani's junk.

They are probably targeted because they are vulnerable. The cops don't even bother investigating half the time when a native prostitute goes missing.

I think that's just because police don't care to waste their time on criminals like how police in the US don't bother investigating dead gang members.

double whamy of high poverty and already marginalized in canadian society. native women are far more likely to engage in high risk jobs like prostitution to make ends meet and the police often don't seriously investigate disappearences if the victem is native.

Forgot to mention that the police themselves used to be responsible for quite a few disappearences. Police in western canada used to do what were called starlight tours. They would drop you off outside of town, take your coat and boots and tell you to walk home in the middle of winter.

Probably, because you were unfortunately absorbing the attitude from genuine racists who thought that even screwing over the natives was better than the natives deserved.

So you can lose them and trigger gold bug lolbertarians

I mean, 7 generations of "merely" a fifth of people passing on the belief that natives are literally subhuman still leaves you with 50 people in Alberta for example that believe natives are literally subhuman. I legitimately doubt it was that few.

Based Trudeau shits on idpol shills.

daddy trudeau was the liberalest liberal who ever liberaled. fuck him


Tommy Douglas, son

I cry always

there is no god but J.S. Woodsworth and his Prophet is Tommy (PBUH)

At least he didn't shill for the monarchy tbh.

he did however end in the tanks to find 7 jackasses who killed the british amabassador and fucked the west with the NEP

send in*

A comr8 here perfectly described him as a human Buzzfeed listicle.

Québécois nationalism is cancerous, they deserved it tbh.

Why is everything here so terrible

I watched a documentary on Netflix Canada recently called "Highway of Tears" that talks about all these missing predominately aboriginal women on Highway 16 who have been abducted in murdered.

There's another Canadian Netflix documentary entitled "Who Cares?" that talks about prostitutes in Edmonton, Alberta who have been abducted and murdered. There's a special task force in Edmonton with the RCMP (our national police force) called Project KARE which keeps a database of all the female prostitutes in Edmonton. Including DNA samples. So that they can identify the body every time a prostitute in Edmonton gets murdered.

This is some hardcore shit.

I'm a john. I've seen like 11 prostitutes. I do it because I have autism and not very good at dating. And I only see prostitutes because I'm horny and lonely. I don't understand what goes through the mind of all these guys who want to murder prostitutes.

Porn is also getting extremely violent these days. I wonder if this contributes to the problem. However we've seen missing/murdered aboriginal girls for decades. This isn't something new.


Where can I go to learn about Canada's society, history, and economy from a leftist perspective? I'm Canadian, but I somehow know more about America than my own country.

Each and every political decision at national level costs lives.

You were already taught about it in school if you're young enough, just remove all the liberal bullshit and replace it with leftist bullshit.
Canada has always had a current of near socialism ever since about 1920 or so. I don't think Canada could ever become like the USSR, but it could probably become a lot more socialist with just a small push and an appeal to compassion and kindness.

He is a strange man. It's amazing the canadians voted him in.

Huh, everyone I know is pretty goddamn liberal. It's all about business, business investment, small business, etc. I've literally never once heard anyone give a shit about working people.

Plus, we're a heavily capitalist economy with a smaller welfare state than even most neoliberal EU states. We had (and continue to have) a decline in union membership, falling wages, and rising inequality. We're also due for some hard economic times, given that our private debt to GDP ratio is at insane levels. Once BoC raises interest rates we'll see some fucked up shit I bet.

I dunno, I just have never seen that "socialist" strain you're talking about. Maybe when compared to the US, but I don't know how much that really counts.

The obsessive culture of business and entrepreneurship where I live in Canada combined with the total absence of any left organizations or left rhetoric is isolating and depressing. Because jobs, low-paying and degrading as they are, exist in fairly sufficient quantities, you do not see the same kind of despair that leads to radicalization as in the US. There are also practicallyno major Canadian thinkers or even politicians advocating for socialism or true leftist principles or at least they are pushed so far outside the mainstream that they are unable to get noticed. Canada is hell