When is the modern first world going to finally accept the Ephebephilia...

When is the modern first world going to finally accept the Ephebephilia, Hebephilia and even Pedophila (to a certain extent) is perfectly normal and there's absolutely no reason for laws prohibiting certain behaviours or acts involving """minors""" and """adults""" and it's just wasting taxpayer money.

Granted, child prostitution rings are a different thing entirely and are a blatant sex slave trade – I'm not talking about that and this distinction should be made in your head before you react emotionally to this topic.

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Found the ancap


But what if I groom the child and they consent?

Sir this is an Olive Garden.

haha cool and epic trole =?

It already does for most of the world. It's not evven a paraphilic disorder. It's like bibliophilia
It already does in a couple countries for the older range of it. Various psychologists are against the term hebephilia because of wide range of variety of how people go through puberty.
Not gonna happen.
Ephebephilia is normal. Hebephilia is a useless classification. Pedophilia is a mental illness.

Fuck I forgot to sage

go back to ancapistan

Oh. … Well, after 18 you're supposed to be an adult and after 16 it's ok with parental consent in most of the world.

The below that it's being a pedo, and you go to asylum

pls bumplock

Pedophilia is attraction to prepubecent chilren. You must be extremely sheltered if you think 15 year olds havent hit puberty years ago.


I don't think there's anything wrong with Ephebophilia. However the definition is "primary attraction to 15-19 year olds." I'm not primarily attracted to 15-19 year olds so I guess that doesn't make me an ephebophile anyways. Some women in their forties are hot as hell. I don't discriminate based on age. So as long as they are ripe, play ball. My former boss is 47 and she can't have kids anymore and I'd still give her the dick. There are lots of hot 15-17 year old girls.

I don't know how old this chick is exactly. I just found her while googling jailbait. But if you wouldn't wanna fuck this, there is something wrong with you brah. Not that this girl would consent to having sex with me. But if an attractive 15-19 year old consented to having sex with me, I don't think it should be illegal.

actually on second thought, a girl like that would might be willing to have sex with me if I gave her money. She looks like a total slut, she probably would be down for that. It is very illegal to have sex with a prostitute under 18. If that girl happens to be 15 and she consents to giving me head and sex in exchange for money, what's so wrong with that? She's old enough to make her own decisions and she needs money to go to a Chainsmokers concert. And I want to fuck her and want her body more than I want my $80. What's wrong with that?

This is why we need gulags.

fucking ancaps get out of here

Back to Reddit.

In all seriousness OP, the only way these shrieking retards are ever going to accept it is when someone forces them to. They can't be reasoned with.


>Knowing all of this, choose to defend your condition instead of getting help. Don't neck yourself


Do you have a single fact to back that up?