Can anyone of you refute this?

Can anyone of you refute this?

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Yeah, because you don't have to be a rich Liberal who has enough money to travel to figure out that being a Nazi is retarded. You just have to read a book.

i believe they made a vid on this on red ice that was almost the same concept
the premise falls apart mainly because its implying almost everyone in a multiracial/ethnic/cultural society will develop racialist views when clearly that is false because in reality about 80% of peoples either dont mind or care

The world of 'nationalism' is multicultural whereas the supposedly 'multicultural' world is uni-cultural.
Your issue isn't with multiculturalism but with the perfidious uniculturalism which results from capitalism's drive to put a dollar sign on everything and turn a profit thus destroying all genuine culture or commercializing it and replacing it with a uniform consumer culture.

The idea that nationalism is necessary to retain multiculturalism is pretty silly and unfounded as well.

It sure is spooked in here.

Yeah, easily.

By virtue of my living in Europe and having traveled to multiple countries. The only place that felt like the scary World-Village nationalist are scared of I know of are New York, Brazil, and some large city neighbourhoods. Outside of those areas most of the world is slightly homogeneous if maybe a few minorities live there. Unless you go to an area specifically known for immigration this world-village meme is pure scare-mongering bullshit.

Care to link to some proofs comrade

i was just giving a rough estimate for base on he people i encounter day to day

the jist of what i was saying is very few people in general think like the man the comic portrays

Prove it

It is precisely capitalism which destroys culture by requiring businesses to import loads of immigrants to keep profit rates up. In societies where production is for use and the means of productions have been able to develop without restrictions there wouldn't be much incentive for groups of people to leave their own homes. The added free time would also mean culture would be able to flourish, as it did in pre-capitalist societies.

The same cannot be said for nationalism, as it still operates behind the same capitalist framework. The same laws that eventually require businesses to hire cheap labor cannot be halted just because you want it to happen. The country would be rife with crises and would eventually collapse. The only way out is abolishing production for exchange.

Why would i refute that capitalism causes fascism OP?

Seeing brown people isn't an excuse for fascism, sorry. Racists already have these preconceived notions. Diversity causing someone to become a fascist is one of the great victimhood narratives of the alt-right. Not to mention that their whole facade of caring for other cultures is nonsense; fascism is built on ruthless expansionism and subjugation. Even when they talk about "each race having its own homeland" or other such nonsense, it's still just masking a sense of white supremacy and they'll still throw around racial slurs.

Tourism in itself is pretty much an opportunity for the rich to indulge in other cultures while feeling superior and treating foreigners as pets for their amusement. It's voyeurism.

Friendly reminder that "multiculturalism" doesn't even exist. the coexistence of different people in a single area doesn't mean that area isn't largely monocultural. every person has to adapt to where they go, this fantasy that it's the other way around because some brown twat feels sad he's not in the desert exists solely in the mind of xenophobes.



So where did he went? Kuala Lumpur? Singapore? Manilla?
putang ina mo

"Multiculturalism" is basically a meaningless buzzword at this point. You're fucking retarded if you think Muslims in London have erased British, Scottish or Welsh history. If anything caputalism is rapidly degrading organic culture

The Brits did a good job snuffing out Manx heritage though. :^)


Yee, to be honest, OP's comic would work better, if he was playing Dota on different servers.

nationalists break other nations national souvereignity constantly.
nationalism in imperialist nations is chauvinistic in nature to serve the capitalist class as justification for aggressive wars.
look at your "globalist nationalist" trump and syria, and it's the same shit with hitler and all these other class cucks.

nationalists in exploited nations are rarely any better, they are the treacherous bourgeoise living at the expense of the local population by collaborating with imperialist powers.

nationalism = globalism
it is the expansion of one imperialist powers market over the world and thus destroys national cultures for the profit of one imperialist nations capitalist class. only the part of their capitalist class that is being held back by the foreign corporations will potentially join the proletariat, later on the struggle between those classes however continues and intensifies which is why the proletariat needs to be on its guard and continue its struggle.

multiculturalism ≠ globalism
multiculturalism originally means the coexistence of different cultures. with the end of tsarist russia the russian dominance was ended, cultures flourished under socialism.
this can only be achieved through proletarian internationalism that respects the national souvereignity and a peoples right to its own resources and labours harvest.

read ML literature.

The wonderful performance began, unfolding new delights at every turn—ensemble and individual, vocal and orchestral, classic and folk-dancing of amazing originality. Could it be possible that a few years before in 1900—in 1915—these people had been semi-serfs—their cultural expression forbidden, their rich heritage almost lost under tsarist oppression’s heel?

So here one witnessed in the field of the arts—a culture national in form, socialist in content. Here was a people quite comparable to some of the tribal folk of Asia—quite comparable to the proud Yoruba or Basuto of West and East Africa, but now their lives flowering anew within the socialist way of life twenty years matured under the guidance of Lenin and Stalin. And in this whole area of development of national minorities—of their relation to the Great Russians—Stalin had played and was playing a most decisive role.

I was later to travel—to see with my own eyes what could happen to so-called backward peoples. In the West (in England, in Belgium, France, Portugal, Holland)—the Africans, the Indians (East and West), many of the Asian peoples were considered so backward that centuries, perhaps, would have to pass before these so-called ’colonials’ could become a part of modern society.

But in the Soviet Union, Yakuts, Nenetses, Kirgiz, Tadzhiks—had respect and were helped to advance with unbelievable rapidity in this socialist land. No empty promises, such as colored folk continuously hear in the United States, but deeds. For example, the transforming of the desert in Uzbekistan into blooming acres of cotton. And an old friend of mine, Mr. Golden, trained under Carver at Tuskegee, played a prominent role in cotton production. In 1949, I saw his daughter, now grown and in the university—a proud Soviet citizen.

you can't have "multiculture" without multiple cultures

forgot source


Firstly it's insulting to the kind of people who believe in the narrative proposed by the comic, by portraying them as people who are unable to decide for themselves, and driven only by the conditions around them, like an animal or machine; this also makes it unrealistic, as most people have some degree of rationality

Secondly it is totally unrealistic; generally in Western nations those non-white communities cluster together and you'll find areas predominantly with them, in which you can meet them and experience things. The kind of interaction displayed on the left is more like tourist interaction and generally (not always) forms weaker bonds than understanding people as being the same as you.

Thirdly, the separation of people is not a prerequesite for the destruction of prejudice and bigotry, and some truisms and a Twain quote won't change that. It may help, but it's certainly not necessary. Travel usually inspires wonder and admiration, but that stretches as far as the location rather than the people there. His treatment of others as different is ironically a strange kind of insult toward them - he likes them enough to visit them and have a photo of playing football with black kids, but not enough to allow or support fulfillment of their wishes to move to areas of better economic conditions or more hospitable regions.

Let's see if he would still have that shit-eating grin on his face if he told them that he doesn't want them in his own country. He didn't destroy his prejudice, he merely hides it now behind a weird oriental exoticism outlook.

Also worth noting that his opinion doesn't change anything, people still want to move to get to better conditions. It does not solve the problems behind immigration or put any effort towards that. He has not realised why people immigrate, but merely learned how to deal with a world that has long gone. Thus the comic is irrelevant to the modern world, inaccurate, insulting and above all bullshit, in that it has failed to accomplish its own goal of killing his bigotry and narrow-mindedness.

He should learn a language, read books, and learn the conditions that create the world he hates on the right. Also perhaps to learn that his disgust of brown people is irrational.

It's actually a good case study into how xenophobia spreads online. People don't know that Pinoy/Peruvian players are fundamentally different (little kids in public internet booths that don't give a fuck) so it's easy to think they're just unintelligent jerks.

The way the word is used by alttards has made it a buzzword but the word multiculturalism still holds meaning. The main criticism that it is not erasing culture but rather by importing multiple cultures into one area can increase tensions and decrease social cohesion which in turn leads to violence (see the truck attack on the mosque by that white dude and the various bombing/truck attacks by Muslims in the UK). Of course the comic doesn't reach the heart of the issue that capitalism needs to export and import human/social capital for it to exist. Which is why most of the major financial cities are largely multicultural. Capitalism inevitably leads to Globalism and nationalist capitalism is just a fancy word for fascism

you're this close to go full circle and start talking about cultural appropriation

Human beings share culture all the time what the fuck are you trying to imply? Cultural appropriation is a natural thing that happens when two cultures come in contact with each other. Importing other people and cultures for their value as social capital is a material condition that has been made and exacerbated by capitalism.

what is there to refute

I agree with the image macro. Global Capitalism completely homogenizes and destroys all genuine culture and sense of history, just as Adorno and Benjamin once pointed out. I don't see how Nationalism would solve that though, as long as you have Capitalism you'll never have real borders, the endless expansion of Capital will always necessitate Globalism.

Probably one of the most retarded arguments made my nazis ever. At best it would be a critique of globalized capitalism.

It is literally impossible for every place in the world to have the exact same culture. Every place has a very different history and conditions. Even if your view of culture is foolishly appearance based it would still be impossible for every place to be the same.

My problem with red ice is that they're pro-colonialist, they play the victim, and don't have any sense of geo-politics. They've essentially proven that the whole theory of whit/e genocide is a product of a feeble and retarded mind.

The Nationalist world looks better in my opinion, I'd rather visit their countries, and experience their cultures, not have everybody of every race, ethnicity, religion, and creed squeezed into one place. But, as I said, that's just my opinion

the comic implies that having a multi-ethnic society erases culture, history, and identity when in reality all of these things still exist under multiculturalism because the blending of cultures has existed for all of history.
Identity doesn't vanish when new ethnic groups move in, in some cases it grows even stronger. Nazis have a made-up idea of what their "culture" is supposed to look like that will never come to pass so they blame brown people like the retards they are.

Can you prove that a significant amount of people do think that way? The question isn't really falsifiable or provable. But the assumption that people don't care would be more reasonable given that more densely populated, diverse regions in the developed world tend to vote more left wing (That is, a more culturally tolerant capitalism) than in regions that are less populated and racially homogeneous. Not to mention it makes sense considering that we have a tendency accept rather than reject things we see frequently, (See: Mere-Exposure Effect) thus, in a location where one sees people of middle eastern, asian, african, etc. decent, they would be more likely to accept and tolerate their presence.
Like many others have said before, at best the situation described in the image could be a critique of a globalized capitalist society. A society in which people from around the world move to for a "better" life, providing cheap labor and a superficially tolerant worldview. As population density rises and working conditions stagnate while worker alienation rises, some begin to look at society and blame those around them, lusting for a rose-tinted and historically illusive "better past" compelling people towards nationalism and "ethnic purity". The thing is however, is that the ruling class can profit off of this divide as well– a win-win for porky. The conflict is a false one, and the only one getting fucked are the workers no matter which way you look.
All this is to say, is that even if you can dispute the idea that people naturally don't think in the way described by the poster you're replying to (That is, you're establishing that people do think the way the man in the comic does), which you (perhaps falseflagging) want evidence of the opposite of, one cannot say that this mindset is natural as it could be the result of artificial capitalist forces, negating the notion that this could be a result of human nature rather than just our current arrangement of society– toppling therefore a good justification for their supposed nazism.
The discussion all around is pointless, ineffective, and more likely unverifiable, making it hard to dispute, sure, but also a weak justification of white nationalism as well.


Nobody is importing anything. You make it sound like George Soros is swooping in on an IDF helicopter and scooping up Somalis and air dropping them directly into white pussy. Migrations are also natural and have been happening since the dawn of humanity (actually before that since animal migrations also happen).

you have to go back