Labor Shortage Leaves $13 Million in Crops to Rot in Fields

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They just need to pay decent wages

🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧labor shortage🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
Nobody should take those jobs, the wages must be raised and the labor must be automated to the fullest possible extent.

Haha MAGA am I right guys?

Did he even kick anyone out? More than Obama was doing, anyway.

I don't think this is the result of a "labor shortage" at all. Wasn't there another article recently where a farmer explained that he was letting corn rot in silos because the corn prices were too low?

Ok, glancing at the article cap, this appears to be different. But I'll concur with others - there's not a labor shortage, there's wage stagnation. There's a surplus of capable labor, but they'd rather let food rot than give their workers enough money to feed themselves on today's dollar.

Here's the article:
I was literally about to make a comment making the same points. Never underestimate the perfidiousness of the American farmer, and the kulak class in general, they are genetically programmed to lie, cheat and steal.

They throw temper-tantrums whenever they can't starve the masses for profit and/or get their slave-labor tendies.


Land owning farmers are fucking garbage.

Except labor scarcity–that's not natural!

The entire point of foodstamps is to prevent this situation, because it happened in during the Depression, despite plenty of food in areas without the drought that caused the Dust Bowl, farmers couldn't get the loans to pay the field workers(coupled with the crash of food prices), so food just rotted in the field. Foodstamps were started to pay for workers when nobody else would, of course reactionaries are retarded and are incapable of thinking past their nose.

Wasn't there articles about farmers giving good pay but people wouldn't stay? I don't blame them, I rather my shitty factory job over frying out in a field all day.

Define "good pay"

More then minimum wage, some are even giving benefits, it's better then some other jobs. Not saying it's the bees knees. Like i said, people don't want to do physically demanding jobs out in the sun all day and farmers can't afford to pay them 30$/hr, I may be wrong but profit margins aren't all that great to begin with. You can shit on farmers all day for being bourgeoisie but it's a lot of hard work.

I thought the whole point of capitalism is supply and demand. So if some job is in high demand but low supply you're supposed to raise wages and include benefits to make that job more enticing, not just import third world slave labor.

That's a lot of weed.

Because it is bad. Remember what Zizek said about foreign aid? We know how it destroys native industries because how the fuck can foreign farmers compete with free?

social programs and foreign aid aren't the same thing, have your opinions on welfare, but foodstamps aren't destroying american farmers' livelihoods.

Anything better then the bare legal minimum wage is hyped by some faction of the US bourgeoisie as generous. See Bill Maher hyping retail when it typically pays just slightly above minimum-wage depending on the company:

$20 dollars an hour would be enough, economists nowadays hold that American workers aren't just cut out for slaughter-house work but back when they were the overwhelming majority of slaughterhouse workers they got paid something like 20 dollars an hour inflation adjusted. The working class isn't afraid to get dirty, hot, exhausted, or endure tedium for the right price.

I'm going to keep shitting on them because they use my tax money to prop up their profit-line and lobby the government for "agrarian imperialist" policies that have wreaked havoc on the Third World.

They are so powerful that they even got agricultural workers excluded from minimum wage-laws right from the fucking beginning, they have what few industries in America could dream of attaining–a subminimum wage. But that wasn't enough so they have to import Third World slave-labor illegally that can be threatened with deportation at a moment's notice should they even grumble under their breath.

Now their hoarding grain while billions go hungry and crying poverty to tempt us into feeling sympathy for what's a multi-trillion dollar industry just in the United States alone.

Truth be told, I was actually surprised to find out that Mexican agricultural laborers are actually the minority of agrarian workers though they likely constitute a majority in the Southwest states according to BLS statistics. This is just more sour-grapes on the part of the American kulak class which likely has little to do with the holistic reality of the situation. If they had a labor shortage and couldn't make profit, then prices for food would go up and then the whole food glut-problem would be solved. This is the result of capitalist overproduction and not that of not enough Pedros being brought over the border by Coyotes to make profits for Uncle Sam's favorite group of welfare queens.

Behold the efficiency of the free market!

But muh profits!!

(from a theguardian Article)

does not sound like a lot tbh

This is by far one of the worst aspects of capitalism. Farming is heavily mechanized and subsidized, the SNLT is insanely low compared to what it used to be. Because of this, prices become so low that farmers just leave produce out to rot. The worst part? We can't even get cheap food because all produce gets sold 10 times (most of it without changing hands, it's just people selling off pieces of paper) so that farmers get jackshit, and we still pay too much.



how is giving to poverty struck people in america forgien aid?

Well yeah, that's the issue. Porky would rather waste the crops than increase wages. The wasted crop happens hopefully once, the wage increase is hard to get get rid of.

Porky writes the laws, including economic laws.

i'm pretty sure almost half of all crops in the west are farmed by immigrant day workers. i don't really have a source but i've heard some real horror stories and they're documented. in south italy there's not a single italian farm worker, every landowner gets immigrants from local thugs called "caporali" (corporals) who get a share of what the farmer earns because they have to pick them and drive them to the field. They're all immigrants and they live in fire hazardous shanty towns. There's been cases of rape slaves. The cops do nothing because "hurr the landowners can't do otherwise". It makes my blood boil. These jobs are horrible and the only people who take them are the ones who are forced to. Of course the americans don't want them, it's not like they can be threatened like any immigrant.

There are plenty of americans who would love that job, if it paid a living wage. The US doesn't have a labor shortage, fuck the liberals who insist we should import millions of poor from around the world in some stupid saving the world mentality when there are countrymen down the street who are struggling to pay the bills. Communism isn't happening overnight and it makes no sense to defend bringing people from thousands of miles away to pick food when you have plenty in the community who could do it. Immigration is a liberal feel good band aid that only serves to make porky richer, the immigrants get a shitty job with slave wages and americans are out competed for shitty jobs that they could've bargained a better wage.

Capitalists are both insidious and insidiously stupid

Stalin was right, kill all kulak's.

Lol nope
Profits >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> paying decent wages and/or anything else