What brought you to communism? At what moment did you realise "Yeah, this is my thing"?

What brought you to communism? At what moment did you realise "Yeah, this is my thing"?

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Killing idiots.

When I found out that communisn reflects values I've held almost my entire life. People who swing from one ideology to the other strike me as immature, or at least unsure of what is truly important to them.

Specifically, when I was in high school, I guess. I basically called myself a liberal because I didn't know better, but I always thought they were pussyfooted cowards who never went far enough. I have definitely become more radical since I found Holla Forums.
Stirner's works also spoke to long, deeply held beliefs that I never told anyone about.


Took me a lot more reading to go full Holla Forums about it, but that's what started to open my eyes.

Good enough

I think I was attracted to the idea of being a left-wing radical before I had any idea of what Communism really is, because although I had been kind of left-of-center for years, someone had just sold me on the whole "good cop, bad cop" logic and the idea that reforms are only feasible when there's a threat against the system as a whole organizing itself in society. So I became an anti-capitalist because I felt that's the only way to pressure them into at least giving us social-democracy.

When I actually became a Communist was through reading Lenin's and Marx's writings attacks their left-wing rivals, which wasn't one particular moment but a gradual process that took years because I'm lazy.

Was a socdem poster for a few years, even though i acknowledged capitalism is unreform-able. Am not full communist (yet) but for now, capitalism has to go.

I wasnt happy with what I believed, so I was looking for something right. Communism was it. I started to read and my opinions got stronger.
But Reddit got me first and I was an idpol smashie/tankie for a bit. I hate Reddit and it's stupid moralizers.

ML ever since

people switching their ideology like a fashon never really had an understanding of any of those ideas and just try to belong somewhere. i do however feel a bit of distain for your claim that you "always shared those ideas". i can understand that they spoke to you and matched your experiences and so on but nobody is a ready made communist who just needs to do some reflection and studying to realize it. this isn't your gender identity or sexual orientation.


shitpost flag?

Real thing.
I'd also like you to keep in mind that you just admitted to learning from memes and engels and ta-da so fuck off frogposter.

I asked because that read like you'd swapped from narcho to socialist, and people seem to often forget to leave their ancap, anfem, annil, porky or whatever flag they were using
and what's wrong with engels?

I mean I said it's good enough, good enough doesn't mean any of the theories to get there using hierarchy and trying to preserve aspects of the old world work.
It's not engels I was jabbing at. It's the "memes, engels, then ta-da I'm done" thing.

Since a child my favorite color has been red and I'm left handed

When I realized Holla Forums blaming everything on the jews and communism wasnt a sufficient reason for me.

This. Being victim of abuse at job and realising no matter how many workers laws are passed, abuses will keep happening and almost always go unpunished as long as capitalism exists

lmao, the ta-da was intended faggotry, and the memes I don't really browse anymore because some are quite repetitive
I'm reading up on some of engels' and marx's texts before taking on capital
I don't really want to read state and revolution because I've read quite a lot of people criticizing lenin and I'm wary it'd be laced with ideology
and don't worry, I'm not a hardcore idiot ideologue, I'll make sure to also read anarchists and even hayek's criticisms of socialism

"Always" is a bad term, I'll admit, but I really have bought into the whole "sharing is caring and people in power are fucking gay" thing for as long as I've been able to form relationships with people in a public setting. That sentiment just turned more and more into political thought as I grew older, but at the end of the day with all the fancy academic terminology I've learned put aside, that's still what I believe.

tl;dr: hurf durf go fuck yourself faggot

I read Animal Farm and decided that as long as animals insisted on a horizontal organizational structure, Communism could work. That the problem was letting the pigs be in charge, and that if the population was consciousness enough they wouldn't let that happen.

I was about to go
but then I realized

Probably when someone said, "Socialism is roads", and I realized that without roads, I wouldn't be able to drive to my gasoline vehicle to my job to sell my labor. Ever since then I've believed in Marxism and been again Late Capitalism, which as I understand is why videogames are bad now and why sometimes people are rude on the train.

When I realized it is socialism or barbarism.

I was always a bleeding heart lib but constant disappointment with democrats and progressives kept pushing me further and further to the left.
Also there was this one Ukrainian immigrant kid i went to school with who pissed me off so i started defending the USSR ironically just to fuck with him.

I feel there is only one autistic annil poster who's on here 24/7. you should take a break man, this is not healthy

studying philosophy

stupid as it may sound, after following the western philosophical tradition up to hegel i don't believe there is a philosophically (or even scientifically) tenable position in these times that isn't communist.

Becoming obsessed with Nick Land's black mad future to the point were revolutionary communism became the only way to maintain my sanity

I'm sorry, but the failure of the USSR aside, you have to read Lenin. The man was one of the driving forces behind the October Revolution, THE communist Event of the 20th century. Despite his utter loss, he remains a hero of the Left, and should be treated as such.

The environment and the unsustainable nature of capitalism.

of course I'll read lenin, in due time, I'd like to study marx and engels first

ey, user, do you know if there are any somewhat socialist currents in asian philosophy?
if so, was mao influenced by any of them?

Not that user, but Mohism was probably the closest thing to that in Asian thinking and I'm not sure if Mao was influenced by it.

There is some anarchist tendencies in Daoism, but it can also be interpreted towards the opposite extreme.


I read Stirner

Somebody called me a communist so I googled it.

Pretty much this. I always thought society should be collective and that the state is shit, I was just taught that communism is bad and is not an option without actually knowing much about it. All it took was to learn the truth.

Googled bookchin.

Grew up worshiping RFK. I feel like I've just been trimming the fat

i'm actually a religious studies major at my university, so i feel that i have a uniquely appropriate opinion here (this isn't to say that all asian philosophy is somehow 'religious,' however when most westerners reference 'asian philosophy' theyre typically referring to either hinduism, zen, or buddhism). basically, don't let liberal interpretations of these religions fool you, the majority of 'eastern' philosophico-religious thought is deeply conservative, for example the bhagavad-gita is a borderline fascistic argument in favor of military participation. for a more modern take, kojin karatani is a fantastic communist thinker today.


I always had a propensity toward socialism, from pretty much as soon as I was old enough to know what socialism was. It aligned almost perfectly with my preexisting world view. I stayed away from it for a while because of all the anti-commie propaganda in the west, but I finally got pushed all the way into it when I got a job doing hard labour, and I saw all my coworkers getting completely fucked.

My work experience. I went from hard-line Fascist to AnCom pretty quick.

Living with chronic illness.


Grew up in a family of leftists - one grandpa supported the communists, the other was a socdem politician. Became a smug socdem, found some libertarian ideas intriguing but then mostly forgot about politics when I studied and started working, too busy with other stuff.

Fast forward a few years and my girlfriend is laid off with almost no warning in the middle of our career. At the same time, our landlord pulls a bait and switch on us and offers us to either buy the apartment we're renting or be forced to move when somebody else buys it… Two months after moving in. We kindly tell him to bugger off.

Three years, another moving, about 250 applications and 36 job interviews later and my girlfriend still had no job. The anger had to go somewhere and it went into finding out what the hell was happening, what other workers had to cope with, why we were getting treated like this. Turns out that communism delivers pretty complete answers to this. Learning more about it felt like finally putting names on things that had been under my eyes all my life.

Republicans wanting to get rid of the postal service. I was like we still need USPS even if it isn't profitable…then it just snowballed from there.

Whole family are communist who lived in the DDR, started reading books I found in my house out of curiosity as they did not like to talk politics in front of me when I was younger, because they did not want to influence me.
But still was nearly unavoidable

This but with anarchism.

So yeah.

I was always open to socialist policies, but I was too spooked to think there was another way besides capitalism and kept trying to come up with ways to rationalize a flawed system. "It's not capitalism, it's X" over and over until I realized that it'd be much easier and effective to just get rid of the whole fucking system.

Of course we would

That's because it is just one guy.

The memes.

Was pretty active during gamergate and this whole "cultural Marxism" shit that got bandied about too much was so obviously propaganda that I decided to finally read up on actual Marxism.

Read Carly Marcs but also read some Bakunin and Malatesta stuff :>

Basically I was a leftist that knew that capitalism is fucked but also knew that the Soviet Union was shit. So I looked for more libertarian alternatives and found Rojava, read Bookchin and for the most part I allready had his opinions but he just molded them into a complete whole that made sense. Read some anarchist theory, and some Marxist stuff but mostly stuck with Communalism.


tl;dr I was a political atheist libertarian who became an An-Com after discovering leftypol via Reddit… and I am also a weeb

I think I've been pretty consistent in just refined the best way to build a prosperous society. I've yet to google Bookchin but from what little I've read I'm not too impressed tbh.

My wife is a refugee from a country who's country was destroyed by oil-based wars. Before I met her I was just kinda a socialist but she kinda convinced me to go ll out.


I think this is the ultimate redpill. I'd been open about wanting to make films and my family and school councilors said study business user. It became clear that it was just prep to be a corporate stooge, surprisingly small businesses were rarely mentioned despite the cult around them. Anyways going through this I ended up reading Marx for a report and it was like I finally had words for everything that bothered me about the world. Went through and read a lot of other writers and here I am.



These years don't add up. How old are you?

I just couldn't help get turned on when my GF was taken by a real man with a thick cock, I always knew deep down that I would never pleasure a woman


Libertarians stress about their free market ideas and forming conclusions based on logic, reason and evidence, so I gave it a shot.

Apparently they don't care to practice what they preach.

I am an autist and like numbers so when i found the stats on how many people starve under capitalism i just calculated how many people died under soviet socialism, even though i believed every lie ever told about communism i still saw it as preferable.
TL:DR Show autists stats to convince them.

evalion posting anti-capitalist memes on her twitter
im a simple man


This is the most retarded post on this board right now
literally feelz>reelz

The best system is the one that works the best, not the one that you "like"

have you even understood yet that Marx and Engels make it clear how BS market socialism is and that the economy must be planned? come around to stalin yet?

oh geez, that sure is an unexpected turn of events

yeah, it's clear you haven't read a lot yet


Was always a libertarian because I disliked the state, hated cops, and wanted "unlimited freedom on my own property" whatever the fuck that meant basically dude weed and guns plus gay sex lmao I hated all the liberals in my university so I became somewhat race realist/reactionary to spite them (even though they equally reactionary just wanted more a more inclusive capitalism). I also fell for the basic economics meme because studying business in college is makes it seem capitalism is really cool and complex but it basically boils down to just neoliberal capitalism is good because it's human nature and iphones. I always liked reading critiques of capitalism and have always thought that the labor movement and unions are important, thanks to them we at least have a weekend but there is more work to be done. I went to both left and right wing protests in my area and talked to a variety of people on both sides but in the end I became disenchanted especially by idpolers and right wingers who are fucking retarded. They both honestly need to read Marx. Started reading more theory and Bookchin, Kropotkin and Proudhon so that gave me a better view into communism then my teachers or some retarded screaming Karltural Marxism. I used to hate communism but reading into it trying to debunk it I started agreeing a lot with left wing economics and found that right wing ideology provides no answer to state oppression and so now I'm here and other imageboards arguing for worker's to own their own means of production

pretty much this, but much later and with wierd reading habits all over the place inbetween


since then i've joined a marxist reading group and am waiting for a glorious queer communist revolution

Looking at the effects of Capitalism on society and morality.

I grew up working class. That's all that drove me to leftism.

I've always held disdain for greed, warmongering, class snobbery, selfishness and the way religion is used to stunt development. I hate seeing poverty and having to deal with the horrible vagaries of capitalist life, such as unemployment/cunt bosses/tax dodging/underfunded public services etc. Eventually I started reading Marxist and anarchist works out of curiosity, and it just seemed to click with me. Heard plenty of crap in school about how Stalin and Mao killed 200 trillion people but I've come to realise that is nonsense. I've always been interested in history of political movements so I guess that helped draw me to communism, as well as being from a working class background.

I worked possibly the worst or second worst position at Walmart for a measly 20 cents over US minimum wage.

I might have been a suicidal schizo before I was 15, but at least I had real opinions then. Now I hardly have any interesting ideas. How do I get back to that?

Read theory

i was born in murrica but my parents are palestinians who have homes in jordan ever since they were kicked out of palestine after zionists invaded their shit. as a younger guy i would go visit family in jordan and i got some cousins who are in the pflp party and i would argue with them about how communinsm is wrong but liberalism capitalism and democratic socialism works best (cause of the crazy amounts of anti communist propoganda i got in school which was all about how in communist countries everyone starves to death because the government picks everyones jobs when they are born (so doctors become janitors) and how everyone regardless of profession gets paid 5 dollars a year or some stupid bullshit)
and then one day trying to get info on why the right were so retarded i watched a bunch of richard wolff videos and read lenin and marx and now i can see clearly where my commie muslim family members are coming from when they were talking about how imperialism is a form of capitalism and all this other shit

tldr: ultimately it was the effects of zionism turned me into a full communist

user all teenagers have a FUCK YOU DAD/MOM YOU CAN'T CONTROL ME phase

As soon as I got a job

i got a job