
Hey I saw this graph on Krautchan and I wanted to know if it's true or bullshit

that's regards,
nod an andisemite :DDDDD

Other urls found in this thread:

I like how jewishness is proportional to the "evil-ness" of each institution. Very scientific.

ok but is it true

No, just check out those """sources"" lmfao

what specifically is wrong with them? also why the sage? I am merely asking for a refutation of a popular criticism of gommunism

Someone had a more reliable source a while back that broke down the ethnic background of the Bolsheviks, including how that compared proportionally to the population of the then Soviet territory. Jews were over-represented, but only by a few percent; Baltic-origin comparatively saw far greater representation compared to population.

I'm sure someone will probably post it if the thread doesn't get nuked.

why would the thread get nuked? surely the moderation team is not so inimical to serious discussion?

jew shit is rife for shitposting in general and usually doesn't result in good discussion

Understandable but these discussions are at times necessary considering how enduring this perception of the USSR as a Jew-dominated polity–whether it is true or not–seems to be.

I remember that graph and it showed Ukrainians as the most underrepresented
But I don't have it

Summer 2016 here. Someone can explain me the kc tier meme pls?

Find copies of the books in the sources, pick out the parts that these figures are from and decide for yourself, or if you can't show others.

I've seen this stupid jpg on Holla Forums a million times. Everything is wrong with those "sources"

[1] Stalin's Jews - Sever Plocker is literally an obscure internet article by a zionist and there's not a single shed of evidence or source in it to support those claims.

[2] Timothy Snyder - Bloodlands. It's funny this cites Bloodlines, which says explicitly that the Jewish Bolshevik myth is a canard invented by Nazi's, but they left that part out. I guess the academia is only infiltrated by jews when it's used against Holla Forums's arguments.

[3] Robert Wilton "as reported in the London Times in Russia" The original claim states that there were 384 commissars in the Soviet Union, most of whom were jewish. First off there was no such body or institution with "384 commissars", and the actual newspaper table is also never shown. Wilton, was, by the way, a well known anticommunist and antisemite who made other ridiculous claims. Secondly, there were 15 commissars in the Sovnarkom in 1917, of which only one, Trotsky, was jewish.

[4] A Nazi propaganda publication against Bolshevism, approved by Goebbels, written by a SS member and published in Germany in the 1930s. Need I say more?

[5] That's from the Overman Committee, an anti-communist panel from the United States that was "denounced as a propaganda apparatus to stoke anti-German and anti-Soviet fears, feeding the Red Scare and spreading misinformation about Soviet Russia."

Now for the actual facts:
"Three of the fifteen members of the Bolshevik Central Committee of 1907 were Jews: Zinovyev, Goldenberg, Taratuta. At the Prague Conference two of the six members of the centre were Jews: Zinovyev and Shvartsman. In the period between the February and October Revolutions in 1917, the percentage of Jews in the Bolshevik Party leadership rose, mainly as a result of the adhesion of the 'inter-regional' group led by Lev Trotsky. In April 1917, three of the nine members of the Central Committee were Jews: Kamenev, Zinovyev and Sverdlov. In August of that year, six of the twenty-one members of the Central Committee were Jews: Kamenev, Sokolnikov, Sverdlov, Zinovyev, Trotsky and Uritsky."

"If we take all three sectors of the administration, it emerges that of the 417 people who constituted the ruling elite of the Soviet Union in the mid 1920s (the members of the Central Executive Committee, the Party Central Committee, the Presidium of the Executive of the Soviets of the USSR and the Russian Republic, the governments of the Soviet Union and the Russian Republic, the Ministers, and the Chairman of the Executive Committee), twenty-seven (that is 6%) were Jews."

Source: The Jews of the Soviet Union: The History of a National Minority, Benjamin Pinkus, Cambridge University Press, 1990

There. Historians spend their entire lives researching and providing comprehensive overviews of topics like the Russian revolution and Jewish bolsheviks myths, but it's so much easier to read a couple of jpgs than to actually do the hard work and find out if it's true or not.

thank you for taking the time to write this. very good post

Of course it's true!

No problemo


Can someone make an infograph of the OP image, a screencap of and the image from for future posting?

Also going to post this

They classify someone as a jew, just became his grand-grand-grand-father had Jewish heritage, and that for some reason determins all their behavior, despite them totally opposing religion and everything.

that post is really great, thanks for the share.

The eternal Balt strikes again

When will kikes stop WE WUZN'T when it comes to communism? It's pathetic.

Communism is always thoroughly Jewish no matter the time or place.

More blacks are in the democratic party because the whole party is actually a black run conspiracy

Yes the Democrats are basically becoming the ANC glad you've noticed


Well at least you signaled how retarded you are early on



Get a load of this oven dodger and his guilty conscience frantically googling every commie who happened to not be a chosenite lmao

so almost all of them? :^)

frantically googling mao

y'all retards

Good stuff

Another thing that gets said a lot by anticommunists and antisemites is how supposedly the Bolsheviks didn't close Synagogues and only attacked Christianity.

False; not only did they close them, but in much higher proportion than they did Mosques or Churches

If you look at the posters from the Bezbozhnik, you'll see they held disdain for Judaism just as much as Christianity or Islam.

why does the jew have one eye and why does God have glasses?

will be making some graphics for these

Found this.

Shit russians were jews the entire time.

the eternal latvian strikes again

why were ukrainians so resilient to communism?

That's a shit infograph, it doesn't even specify what year is being used as a reference.

"Ukrainian" is a fake nationality invented by the bourgeoisie to divide the working class so only classcucks fell for it.