The Right its Molopoly on Aesthetic

''Like an Antifa protester lobbing a tear gas canister back at the police, Donovan is able swiftly to redeploy these reductions to expand his audience. To understand how, consider the sort of people to whom he appeals: men like him, displaced, uncomfortable in the world, first unsure of and then later angry about the absurd rules of civilization, unable to find meaning except by escape into romantic notions of heroism and courage now that the jobs are all gone overseas.

To such men, seeking something mythic, something to make them feel like they have a place in the world, ridicule of their masculinity only further entrenches their sense of alienation. When a critic ridicules his, Donovan need only hold up their insult before his audience, and suddenly his male tribalism doesn’t even need a sales pitch.

Further, Jack Donovan’s deep intelligence is easily missed by critics who are tricked by his aesthetic. On Instagram he stands shirtless, inked, holding a chainsaw; elsewhere he is wearing hunting gear, or grunting in a gym, drilling wood, wearing a baseball cap. He looks rural, the sort of working-class man urban liberals dismiss immediately as smelly, uneducated, and crass.

Here Donovan is able to leverage an inherent prejudice within what passes for the Left in America: its anti-rural, anti-working class sentiment''

What do you guys think about the whole monopoly of the aesthetic that the right upholds with images of a cute traditional girl or a masculine strong man?

It may be without content but aesthetic do present a narritive and can be used effectivly in politics to convey a message or appeal like soviet realism.

Do you guys think the left will ever retake aesthetics from the right?

Donovan is a LARPer, having said that the left does have aesthetics, everything from laborwave to that dumb nazbol stuff has been an experiment into trying to get aesthetics right.

I would say in the end the problem is that leftists are, either too comfortable with the politically correct status quo to really be edgy and break with neoliberal idpol in the process (what if, god forbid, someone gets offended?), or cling to the aesthetics of 20th century Marxism, which only really appeals to teenage tankies who will eventually get bored with it (though here perhaps the same could be said of the right, how many of these #PraiseKek kids will eventually grow up out of it?),

We must think of aesthetics as a revolutionary praxis, as yet another place of class struggle, what form does this take is beyond me at this point, perhaps we could go back to the notion of detournement, everything around us, from popular culture to ancient myths or whatever, could be candidate to be turned into leftist propaganda (and here again, it is nazbols who are into something when they make memes with the "x is nazbol" template) right now the leftist propaganda machine is way too limited, Lenin busts can only appeal to the converted, more is needed.

so what you're saying is that Holla Forums and ironybros will shape the new leftist aesthetics?

I don't know, I do believe leftist aesthetics will be shaped as much by what we do here as what the other side is doing with the ironic right stuff, but everything is up in the air right now , I am merely pointing out what I see as problems with the current western left and its stagnation, how it will be overcome -if it is overcome that is- is a mystery to me.

"The german hard rock band Rammstein are often accused
of flirting and playing with nazi militaristic iconography
But if one observers
closely their show one can see very nicely
what they are doing, exemplarily in one of their best known songs
"Reise reise".
The minimal elements of the nazi ideology enacted by Rammstein
are something like pure elements
of libidinal investment.
Enjoyment has to be as it were condensed
in some minimal ticks, gestures which do not have precise
ideological meaning.
What Rammstein does
is it liberates these elements
from their nazi articulation.
It allows us to enjoy them
in their pre-ideological state.
The way to fight nazism
is to enjoy these elements, ridicoulous as they were here, by suspending
the nazi horizon of meaning.
This way you undermine nazism from within."

Is that Zizek? I recognize Zizek's writing style on the spot.

This is the same argument why he also shills for Laibach.

correct, it is Zizek

God I hope it's not ironybros, they're obnoxious as hell.

specifically It's from the pervert's guide to ideology.


I think we should draw from old leftist aesthetics but expand on the themes.

We can use skeleton imagery based on skeleton from anti-communist propaganda, pirate flags and the black army flag.

We can use black cats based on the BPP logo and IWW wildcat.

We should also expand on the space imagery from the USSR.



I also like the berets and leather jackets of the BPP.

Irony is essential humor by contradiction, and there is alot of irony to expose with the nice ideal that class cucks want to present of capitalism and the actual reality of capitalism.


Aesthetic or presentation in itself is narrative that can work even if it has no rational content at all.

The image you use even if it has on the spot content and commentary pointing out the idiotcy of le right winger memers it still 'presents' it a verry unaesthetic/unappealing way.

What aesthetic is that?

You're awful and pathetic and nobody cares about you besides the people in your ever shrinking cadre of baby faced neckbeards

Look at this FUCKING """"aesthetic""""

Nobody actually cares about you anymore though