What differentiates Zizek from all those clows analyzing pop culture like Harry Potter?

What differentiates Zizek from all those clows analyzing pop culture like Harry Potter?

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Almost became a president of Slovenia

He's almost always right.

He analyses movies and points out ideology.
They just say "guy i don't like is like bad guy from movie"

I unironically think Zizek in control of a country will go FullStalinist (Not saying this will be necessarely bad)

he's kinda cute, like a grandparent figure or a friendly baker

Harry Potter isn't a real person, user.
He is a character from a book.

Also, just read this, its a good commentary on socialism. Nice, short read.
The socialists kill themselves to avoid living under socialism in the end.

Which is all a Holla Forumsyp can manage

He analyses it with a funny accent and a sniff

I can, and do, manage pretty thick tomes.
I don't think that attempt at an insult was necessary.

Wow youre a fag

becayse zizek just uses pop culture refrences to explain our perception of society. The shitty kind of pop culture analysis is the one that attempts to find some "deep" message in shitty childrens fiction.

Then maybe you shouldn't post such an uber-bait, you ridiculous moron

You think I got Lem's message wrong?
I thought it was obviously about life in the Soviet Bloc. Share your views.

Is "tome" a Holla Forumsyp codeword for big black cock?

No, its a colloquial term for book.

You meant to say "edgemaster term", no?

How uncultured are you, if you've never seen "tome" used to refer to a book?
I thought you were pretending to be retarded at first, but since you replied a second timeā€¦

wingardium leviosa

He has said as much himself, In one talk he said "if I were in power I would be a Stalinist" and has unironically defended bureaucratic socialism on numerous occasions ("I don't want to debate where water comes from, I want water to be there" as in, I want a bureaucracy that takes care of shit so I can watch muh Hitchcock movies at peace)


He has also denied being a "leninist", and I'm pretty sure he was joking about the stalinist thing. He did advocate "bureaucratic socialism" though, but I'm pretty sure that was just him expressing his disdain for utopian "participatory" schemes like parecon, which would have everyone be constantly be in meetings debating trivial shit (and ironically be much more bureaucratic than any kind of "bureaucratic socialism").

I went to see him at a talk and he simply said "I'm a leninist"

He's better at it.

He still makes sense after I get high.

Source?? Because with a quick search you find he indeed calls himself a leninist.


He's a neo-leninist of sorts: marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/ot/zizek1.htm

Essentially this I think, combined with some level of originality. Any idiot can compare Harry Potter to basic politics because it's clearly designed with that comparison in mind. Zizek generally does it in ways not done before with different media and with more complex thoughts.

I thought I heard him say something to that effect in a recent interview, but it's entirely possible I misheard him. I'm pretty certain he has condemned stalin at the very least.