Xexizy is currently having a debate with Evalion (Now a Strasserist)


Are we nazbol now?

Other urls found in this thread:


Is Evalion a brit? Could tell from the teeth
Also take this to /leftytrash/

She is a lost cause. Tried to be a nazi, then went nazbol only to be ousted by both groups. I do think that her case is the basis of for my beliefs why women should not hold political views, or express them.

Wrong flag, fam

Fuck off.
Just Look at Rosa and how she fucked the German revolution up. If a man had lead that revolution it might have ended up slightly better. Another case and point, Japanese red army faction.

I like her tits.

Is she a jew? Never got confirmation on this.

I think she's trying to impress muke

t. social-fascist.

I mean the latter part of your statement is either garbage or a bad troll effort but holy shit even the Nazbolgang didn't take her? She might as well stop trying at this point.

Trying to distract him more like. Fuggin womz

Muke is a sexy fucker.

She always sounds like she's pretending to be retarded. Isn't she beneath muke? I know he's not the greatest theoretician of the 21st century but come on…

I don't know how to feel about this.

A man was also leading that revolution, Karl Liebknecht, who co-lead the Spartacist League with Rosa.

Read a fucking book succdem.

Join the club

If Rosa had no power at all revolution would have succeeded.
There is a reason why WOMAN attempted to assassinate Lenin and not a man.

So far this is just Muke talking a lot and mostly making sense and the jew girl blankly staring.



I think she's married now

t.socialfascist who enabled nazis, and likes to lick capitalist boots


That wouldn't stop me.

You totally convinced me that every women in Rojava should stop fighting ISIS and become housewives with these hot opinions, nerd.


Is muke going to fall for her???

Better to be a housewife than a pawn for US imperialism.

Spirit what?

Call me surprised



Is this /fringe/?

spirit box. Ghost hunters use them to tune into random radio stations and say its ghosts talking to them.

They are crypto-fascists with their nationalism anyways. At least ISIS is post-nationalist and Pan-Islamic and not supported by imperialist USA.

No, his boipussy belongs to Lenin.



She trying to slide the Holohoax in here?


what is this shitshow

CIA and Pentagon are literally arming Rojava.

I think the opposite happened.

Would you?

He was right until the whole spirit thing.

I'm starting to suspect that this girl is just a moron.

yeah i'm puzzled about this as well. It was a debate earlier but she just said "teehee you've given me a lot to think about! I'll have to reflect on all this!"



Man dat bitch so crazy I wouldn't even hit it one ya heard me

Her face is a spooky spirit. It's a no from me

Did all her previous videos fail to convince you?

Don't stick your dick in crazy.

2white4me lads.

Too distracted by tits. Couldn't think.

Long Live Nazbol Gang


you would dick this

I would dick a lot of things including this.


Dude, I would do it easy.

her glorious tits make up for the face

You can always turn off the lights.

I like to fuck with the lights on, and I've fucked uglier.

she has a cute face imo

They have to fight. Non-whites don't just conquer, they rape and torture the women, so if these women don't fight, and the men alone lose, their future is rape, torture, and possibly death. Hardly a choice in the situation.

We got a chance lads

Isn't she like 16 years old and pregnant?

Everything about her is below par and ugly. Up your standards you lowbrow faggot.

She has nice tits tbh

I wish she was impregnated tbh.

When are they gonna fug?

it doesn't matter how much you guys want her, she only has eyes for muke. tbqh they should be the otp of Holla Forums


Once the revolution comes and the united Holla Forums red army comes around…

This is not really that awkward for a first date

Who knows how many STDs this desperate whore has. Her political views are geared toward appealing to men, that's it. She went to the Right and got ousted, all the while upholding the most surface level, stereotypical ideals, then did a complete 180 and went to the Left immediately after. She probably slept with a dozen men by the age of 15. This girl's sole imperative is to attract dick by any means possible. Oh, and money.

She is a above average unless you like fat chicks.

Both of those things sound good to me.

We need to meme this into reality.

Tits aside, did she just use an anti-idpol argument to justify idpol? The absolute madwoman!

Must live in a negroid or beaner ghetto to think that. She's hideous. She's what you'd use as an example in an argument to show how ugly British women are (even though she's not British). That big ass forehead, shit hairline, bad teeth etc. On top of that she's mentally deranged.

LOL supporting Isis over Rojava, Stalin was right socialdemocray is truly soft facism

I'm trying my best with this choice OC

i would love to euthanize both of those eceleb's memes

Don't be so hard on Muke :-( he's not so bad


I'm in America. Like half the women are fatties here(not the thicc kind).

Does such a thing exist? You've either got tribe dependent kikes who get a boost in the business world from well placed and helpful fellow tribal kikes, or you've got the leeches who who suckle off the welfare teat and have half a dozen children. Is there such a thing as a working class Jew?

She definitely wants summa dat Muke Meat, but idk if he feels the same way.

he is adorable but he tries to hard to be popular and loved

Well when talking about beauty it's fairly typical to use a scale, not speak in regards to general populations. Sure, considering the average woman is fat, then yeah, maybe she's very slightly above average in that regard, but nonetheless she's like a 4 out of 10, and when I say average, and thus how I understand it, that's about 5 or 6. So she's below that to me.

Muke is cute though
As is she

He used to be our village idiot, but now he routinely makes Sargon et al. look like retards on twitter, thus giving is legitimacy and delegitimizing them.

okay nerd


Okay, loser.

There's a lot of orthodox jews in New Jersey who just have kids and draw welfare

You don't know about the orthadox jews who abuse the fuck out of the welfare system? They're like the Amish, minus work ethic and an independent spirit. So they basically sit on their ass all day breeding babies, spouting religious nonsense, and suckling that sweet tax payer money.

I am cringing so hard at this vid tbh, she keeps saying some seriously euphoric shit and Muke is trying not be offensive and it's just really… Awkward? Am I the only one experiencing this?

Can't tell if Evalion is an act or she's going full Marxist-Leninist

Just mute it so you can stare at her tits and Muke's beautiful face in peace.

At least we god boobs.

It is hilarious that a crazy dead ideology that we memed up as a joke is being taken seriously by angry internet people, because the tiniest hint of economic theory embedded in it is eye-opening to people who have never before even considered how economics affects the world.

It's an act.
She's attention whoring.

Oh right, those fuckers

Hey Holla Forums,

She's all yours. Do not return to sender.

The circle is complete


She was a self-proclaimed Not Socialist only a few months ago. What do you think?

We accept everyone.
They then leave on their own.

Can't really remember. But yeah she's an attention whore.


Wonder what Holla Forums thinks of this?

most girls in Canada look like this so it doesn't even matter


I don't really fault her since she's still fairly young and I went through like 3 of 4 different ideologies (though I didn't publically broadcast it and it as never as bad as nazism/asserism) before I found critiques of capitalism.

You're surprised.


go back to your cartoons
bet if she spoke to you, you would have jizzed in your pants in milliseconds

I would exchange my landwhale of a wife for this sexy piece of boob any time of the day


Top kek

Find a sport for both of you to play together. And change the diet.
I don't get why people tolerate fat partners.

your wife used to be hot to you, right? she can be made again with some lifestyle change and positve encouragement

How fucking socially retarded are you?

This has been my experience too comrade


she is not a dog you retard
also I was only joking, I'm okay with my chubby wife, I like it big

how thickheaded are you to take my phrase literally?

More like "tens of thousands worth of plastic surgery, a forced exercise regimen and an eating disorder."

She talks like a retarded child

That's right fellow tankies. Bow to your new queen (an e-celeb attention whore with mental problems)

It is funny how quickly our tastes and inclinations change to make us feel better about how shitty things really are.


you've just discovered the underlying logic of base superstructure analysis.

Shes pretty dumb, I dont trust her.

Nice tits but butterface. I'd fuck her but she's not gf tier.

Already taken

If there's no ring it doesn't matter.

With a girl like her, even with a ring and a kid, she's still open. She's psychologically damaged and is willing to embarrass herself online for the attention of men. A woman like that has fucked more men than the average escort.

really, if they're a few years deep into a marriage they can be even more likely to cheat


Not sure if bait

i hope so
or maybe he is expanding the network of those people, and of a lunatic, like the nazbol girl

So she is pregnant. I wonder who is the father…

All socdem posts are bait posts.

Not the "FUCKIN ROSA" guy making out with NazBol earlier in the thread, but I'm here and posting nonironically.

Holy shit, is that real?

Yep. Its her voice. And at the end you see that the guy who filmed it is white. It could be that that is the guy she married later. Yep she is married with an actual cuckhold. Its so rediculus how many racists have this fetish. I wonder how Holla Forums will react when they stumble upon this.

I dunno, those teeth don't look yellow enough. But you don't see them for very long so maybe.

Her teeth looked more fucked up in the video but who knows maybe she got work done

The porno moans were ridiculous. Being forced to fuck a black guy for her racist bf probably turned her nazbol in the end.

Can someone do a side by side with the faces? They legit don't look anything alike to me and I'm wondering if I'm just crazy

kill all socdems

I don't even believe in objective morality of any sort and I despise seeing white women fucking black men. I just find it absolutely repulsive on a primal level. It makes me quite angry as well. I absolutely can't stand the thought of it, and going with my gut I can't possibly support it, however this also conflicts with the beliefs I've reached through logical thought instead of base emotional reaction.
Cuckoldry also makes me sick.

Not even a virgin, I have a long term gf and everything. Maybe Holla Forums did it to me, maybe its just hooman nature.

Holy fucking shit my sides what is wrong with people lmao

you fucking autist…
she wants fug

I'm going to say it's probably not legit based on two reasons.

1. The girl in the video's teeth are too crooked and not yellow enough.
2. Her nose is way to small. You could see Evalion's Jewish monster-hook from a mile off.

She's married dumbfuck

Maybe it's because I'm new to the board and several of the social media personalities as a result, but why does he have two different names? I thought he was called Xexizy?

Abuse should evoke that reaciton, so.
Dunno the fucks wrong with you in regards to blacks, though.

his name is luke, his irc handle or w/e is muke, his youtube channel is xexizy


So this is the intellectual capacity of brainlets, huh?

he could cuck a nazbol and continue the strong tradition of cucking nationalist socialist

those incisors pointing inwards are very rare tho, so i bet she actually is the one of the video.

The eyebrows look different to me as well. The thought of a nazi being a cuckold and filming his gf getting fucked by a black guy is great though.

Damn that was hot up until I realized that some white loser (presumaly her bf) was filming it. IR cuckolding is disgusting.

Straight from the article
This stuff about cucking seems to have been added on or made but hey that's what you get when you use wikipedia as a source

I'm not sure what you mean but THAT FUCKING NOSE though. There is no mistaking it.

I like the idea of fucking a Nazi but she is too unintelligent and ugly.

that's basically describing all anarchists though


Both the right/left can agree that women are terrible motherfucking leaders.

Only a man can lead competently, period
Remember, It wasn't a women who lead Red October.

Yeah I don't usually fuck other anarchists. My current partner is a qt white supremacist trap, but not a socialist :(

It's fucking her are you kidding? Look at her face when it pans in front towards the beginning.

lol I mean the October revolution >.


The nose is totally different. I know all white people look kind of alike but that is a pretty obvious difference.

How about…around the rose, fascism grows?

The nose is different.

A lot of people look alike but you can find really distinguishing features on both of them that are clearly different like the nose.

I thought this was funny at first but now I'm starting to find it sad. She's wants to be radical but is too dumb, wants to be a slut but is too ugly, believes in ghosts, has an ugly cuckold for a husband, and is probably autistic (like 97% probability). Poor girl.

I'll help her with the slut thing.

Yep, you have to have horrible self esteem problems to be sexually aroused by another man fucking your wife no less. It literally makes me throw up vomit seeing this.

On a side note:
I thank god everyday of my life for being born Brazilian and having a thick cock

How thick are brazillians? 6" white here and most girls are surprised at it

About that… Is Brazil really full of thick women with huge round asses or this is just a porn stereotype?

Poetic but lacks charm



yes, colombia and brazil do indeed live up to their reputation

Around the rose, liberalism grows.


The Holla Forums team:

- a stuttering twink called Muke

- former Nazi cum dumpster Evalion

- some virgin in his forties Jason "DPRK" Caden

- the mentally ill borderline insane jewess Chaya Bat-Tzvi


Don't forget
- the only maoist in the emerald empire

Are there people in this thread who actually believe that some weirdo dork girl who used to be a Nazi until five minutes ago is worse than our expert in Hegelian mushroom physics A.W. or our "Christian" and "Socialist" and "Monarchist" and "Keynesian" and now apparently also "woman" Rebel Absurdity? After these two guys, e-celeb quality can only go up here.

And this.



Has Greaves ever posted here?

Wait, is A.W. not really a master dialectician?

It's the same nose, just a different angle. In the first picture you can see he other eye.

Don't bully rebel for being trans bully her for being an abrasive shithead

Literally don't believe in nation-states.

Impossible to tell with all the shitposting people do impersonating him. hbomberguy and badmouse have.

this is what i meant
her incisors make an angle, this is extremely rare.

Being trans and being an abrasive shithead tend to go hand in hand. really makes you think.

that's because she's moaning like a bitch and making faces.

Not really my girlfriend is incredibly sweet and my other trans friends are great
One is a bit introverted and a bit more abrasive but I chalk that up to her using 4chan more then her being trans

Her bf must really enjoy watching it. That's the only explanation for the moans with such an average dick. She wanted to make sure that he could fap to the recording later. Cuckolds needs to be literally executed honestly. It's an anti-social fetish.

How's the shitposting going?

Hbomb posted here?

why is leftypol so fucking infested with traps and fags?
how are we supposed to attract the working class if half our militants are so weird?
no offence tho

Not officially, it did sound like him when someone was posting in one of his threads though. He was just arguing with some reddit tier pop psychologist who thought he was a sociopath because he bullies morons and is smug as fuck, which are actually my favourite features of him.

He types like he talks which is what made people suspect it. Badmouse is dyslexic so he stands out a mile too.

I think normie posters need to realize that Holla Forums is just for bantz and is never going to be a useful vehicle of revolution. You're time would be better served volunteering for Labour or making your local DSA chapter more appealing to average people.

Fuck dude, I wish I could volunteer for Labour, and for Corbyn, but I'm a burger, so I can only do so much. Still, we still have the DSA, which is better than nothing.

Literally who?


Do Tru-Dank, Bat'ko, DemocraticSocialist01, etc not post here too?

With standards like these I don't think you'll ever get to fuck a Nazi.

I want to see Muke do a debate with her, as it degenerates into her ranting about Salafism, Jim Jones, Kabala, and why Pol Pot dindu nuffin'.

It could be, but I get bothered by it, too, but the reason why I get bothered is because I've come to be very cynical with White Female/Black Male relationships where I always make a knee-jerk assumption that the woman doesn't like the man for himself (i.e. he's a genuinely good man, etc.), but because his entire self is fetishized because of shit that literally has its roots in genuine racism


I fucked a hot, intelligent, white supremacist one time. like 15 times actually

Less of a Nazi though and more just an American style racist with quasi-monarchist tendencies.

The only Holla Forums celeb that matters is zizek tbh

Did someone say my name?

I know SJWs have made the term meaningless, but this is actual internalized racism.

Yeah ditto on that, plus she was great in the sack
then she found out I wasn't actually white

Are you a Jew?

One of these is not like the others.

Nah, very white passing arab

Highly intelligent in terms of processing speed, scope of knowledge, and verbal reasoning.
Practically retarded in terms of cognitive empathy, and intellectual persistence.

Combine this with living in the south and being absurdly wealthy and it makes sense how someone could come to these conclusions.

also had massive daddy issues

how did this thread turn into analyzing cuckold porn

I'm not.
This bitch is still a retard. Would bully her non-stop if she was in my classroom.

But blackflag-kun, you aren't cunning enough to bully a hamster.

I'm pretty normal tbh in fact was working a regular blue collar job before I got laid off in May
I dress like a normal guy and I talk about normal stuff with people. I just happen to love someone who is trans.

Fuck this artist

I really hate cuck porn because 9 times out of 10 it's about this essentialized black savage/thug stealing a woman from a white guy. There is no connection between anyone involved it's basically all an abstracted transaction where by the Black guy basically plays an ape hungry for the white wimminz and in order to satisfy the dangerous savage the weak impotent white guy offers his property (the woman)
Truly Cucking is capitalist as fuck

I have always been a popular kid. I would have this bitch crying & rejected.

Anyway Xexizy game against Natonalism is weak. He still got the point across but how the fuck can you deliver such a mild half-assed argument.
Nationalist arguments are easy to rip to shreds, they're on the same level as Religion pretty much. If anyone has Xexizy somewhere: Discord, Skype, etc help him practice debating, challenge him. He looked slow, smarter than that hamster thot but slow… smh

with the ladies in the eroge

Man, she's a dumb, ignorant opportunist, but she's qt and I'd do her in a heartbeat. Of course, there's not much you can expect from her, what with her once being Holla Forums's, but I'm glad we cucked them anyway.


Fucking gave me cancer

Are all nationalist leftists just Holla Forumstards incapable or unwilling to leave their retardation behind?

I'd have hot interracial sex with her while chanting zieg heil.

Two people happen to look somewhat like one another
Well done leftypol, what immaculate logic.

Isn't that exactly what Holla Forums did with the antifa chick with dreads?

Two sides of the same coin. You're all raving spastics.

Except that actually was her.

Much more likely yeah. A leftist in this day and age is a confirmed hedonist 'body positive' type. The reactionary right believe in traditional values like modesty. Although that can sometimes spill over into a kind of self-fulfilling, self-imposed forbidden-fruit-that-must-be-eaten type mentality, in most it actually expresses itself in a genuine observance of traditional morality.

Inceldom does not count as traditional morality.

Like even I do that. I'm racist by any definition, I can't see myself every marrying a non-white girl, but I really get off on non-white girls, maybe from a 'mejorar la raza' type mentality but probably just because I know it's what i've told myself not to do.

The main reason most of you are leftists is because that's the mainstream, you're far-left because that gives you 'edge' but still allows you to swim in the mainstream. You're feminists because you think that will make women like you. It takes quite a lot of guts at least to be a rightist in this day and age, which is way off mainstream and carries a significant risk of making one a pariah.

Oh shit, that girl has the exact same eye color, it's fucking her. Hazel eyes are pretty rare, and along with her weird teeth and general similar appearance there's no doubt.

Her being so anti-porn just makes it even hotter.

Donald Trump is president of the United States of America.

There's only Leftists and liberals, and Leftists are not mainstream. Most people here do not identity as feminists and usually are opposed to it. Being a Rightist is ultimately just being a good goy for Capital, which requires no courage at all.

he's still shit at debate tho.
Xexizy need to control his spaghetti.
he need to socialize more

You're more often than not very effeminate by today's standard, where even the most masculine of men would be considered somewhat effete by historical standards. Low-T is the undercurrent of the left-wing. Whilst many on the right may be incel due to ostracism, many of you are incel due to being undesirable as mates. Western women reject us for our beliefs, you for your lack of manhood and thus must turn to non-westerners who are both masculine and don't engage in wrongthink.

Yes, voted in by the great middle America and despised before he'd even entered office like no other president ever has been.

Naming that one parasitc race at the helm of the capital does require courage, whilst you call name them vaguely as capitalists, or the 'bourgeois' and we term them, correctly, as Jews, we are the ones displaying courage.

Leave him alone.
He was shy because he was speaking to a girl

How very leftpol of a comment, you all understand his pain because none of you are able to speak with women.

How very aut-light a comment.

Most Jews aren't Capitalists, and most Capitalists aren't Jews. Try again.
There's nothing vague about class, while race is an identity that's constantly argued over. All Holla Forums needs as evidence of Jewishness is having a German last name.
Yes, the frightened bourgeoisie is so concerned about internet denizens pointing out ethnic imbalances in their class. Surely that will tear down the foundations of Capitalism.

bitch, Before Abe Lincoln had taken office 7 states seceded from America.

Despite winning the election.


Haha, you zealots are all the same, be you right, left or religious.

Elected by the proletariat, despised by the bourgeois jewish media.


Biggest difference between Holla Forums and Holla Forums is how little they care about you, and how much you care about them. It's sad really, like a bullied kid all grown up, fantasizing about revenge against his bully. He one day sees the bully, but he bully can't even remember who he was.

Now that's Irony!

Genuinely not sure who the bully is supposed to be be.

leftypol has become popular by being your boogeyman, retard.



Remember the last time online face recognition was tried; it turned out Holla Forums just likes to watch cuckold scat porn.
With a new online face recognition campaign leading to a video of interracial cuckold porn and the suspects look little alike; I wonder what this could mean?

titfuck the fash

Jason hates leftypol, says we have too much porn and fun

It's a love hate relationship, merely friendly banter.

then of course there was the exchange of polemics with bunkermag recently, where he just called our guy a trot and other vague accusations.

People are talking about Evalion’s nudes, but the real question is does anyone have Muke’s nudes.

Please stop you make social democrats look bad

Straserism, radio wave ghost hunting, spaghetti recipes.
Their channel really has it all.

shes a mouse

She made a video describing what she's looking for in a man. Fits Muke 99 %, except he has no beard.

"A leftist in this day and age is a confirmed hedonist 'body positive' type.” Remember theres a difference between the liberal “left” and the socialist left. Stalin was a social conservative.

That’s because social democrats are bad.

It's not her.
Look at Evalions beautiful nostrils, you can fit a fist in there. That porn girl also has stupid protruding eyes like frog, not like Evalion who has embedded them deeply in the skull for maximum protection.
The skull shape is also completely different, Evalion has a glorious Eurasian skull shape, porn girl has more of an mix of Anglo and African skull shape.

is she a next step in the human evolution?

Eurasia is going to happen. NATO and the EU are already falling apart.

Phrenology expert here. I can also confirm they have totally different skull shapes.

What brain worms does this retard have?

She want’s a masculin man. Muke is a bottom.

Muke is a cutie and girls can like both.

the dude she married converted her apparently

There isn't a word I can think of that accurately describes him.

She isn't a stable human being, we should feel sorry for her and hope she gets medical treatment not want to tit fuck her

Why not both?



maybe? The room looks like it might be hers

Yeah, I think Muke can cuck this guy easy.


People's faces and skull look differently when they're on their hands and knees as opposed to them standing up. Her teeth are the same, her faces looks very similar, and most of all, her fucking eyes are the exact same color. Light green is not a common color.

Her moles also change places. The one on her cheek disappering could be the low video quality, but the new one on her nose? It's 99% not her.

Quality is to bad to tell. Probably not her.

But her room has white walls?


She denyed it beeing her. made some points that seems semi-valid points. Could be that I was wrong.

they are married


