Ok this pissed me off big time. My blood is fucking boiling...


Ok this pissed me off big time. My blood is fucking boiling. How do these people dare to take credit for "muh white ancestors" achievements and use them to antagonize people with darker skin than theirs ? Seriously when is it going to be acceptable to stand up to these people? We need to step up the antifa game & stock up on guns and ammo fam, the shit will hit the fan one day.

Other urls found in this thread:


The Incan Empire never existed. The Aztecs never existed. The rich West African kingdoms never existed. The various Chinese empires never existed. The great architecture and literary works of the East never existed. Christianity having Middle Eastern origins is a Jewish lie. Arabic numerals being superior to shitty, inefficient Roman numerals never happened. The Islamic Golden Age never happened.

None of those matter because a few people hated life in disease ridden, unstable Europe so bad that they built unstable, scurvy ridden, smallpox laden, boats and wandered off. These people were lucky enough to have ten people still alive when they made landfall and establish colonies that went extinct in a few months because they couldn't quite figure out how to prevent disease from murdering everything around them. They, being uneducated, illiterate, peasants, somehow thought they were in India and called the Native tribes "Indians" Once the Spanish had murdered everything, they built their capital on top of the one that they had already been established. Everyone had the same idea and built fire trap cities everywhere. Then, the monarchs were rich. In fact, they were so rich that inflation skyrocketed and devastated the economy, causing even more war and disease which caused more people to flee to the colonies which were basically backwater outposts. Then war spread everywhere because the monarchical system is absolute shit and succession crises occurred.

This nasty bitch in the video is too dumb to realize that her ancestors made the monarchs rich. Those monarchs later became the elite families of today.

Except she is another one of these Northern European fags who try and piggy back off the accomplishments of the Southern civilizations. The only major thing that Northern Europe did was invade and cause the collapse of the Romans. Then they invaded again as the Vikings. Then they invaded again as the Protestant Reformation began. Then they invaded again as the Prussians. Then they invaded again as the Nazis. Then they forced everyone to capitulate to their decrees via the EU.

These people…are so fucking dumb that I can't even begin to argue with them. I, as the descendent of Irish and Italian immigrants who fled poverty to come to America, hope Ethiopia invades and murders everyone affiliated with the Aut-Right with spears.

I'm honestly sick of this fascism in disguise of "European Identity". MUH EVROPA. MUH 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧JEWS🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧.

and nothing of value was lost

White people are the master race you only exist at our mercy deal with it.

thanks for the females craka!

aren't they the ones who believe in flat earth theory

Jesus the propaganda in that video is nothing but blatant white supremacy.
I keep getting amazed at just how bad you Americans have it.

lmao you are going to get COINTELPROED the second shit hits the fan, and the rightists will side with the state and the cops to get rid of you. Good riddance though in all honesty, antifa is fucking cancer.

I agree. The Roman Empire had pretty much accomplished all it could when it died. But these people (The Aut-Right) fetishize it even though their ancestors are the ones who caused its violent end.

White nationalism is a codeword for mixed-race genocide. Pass it on.



yeah i'm with you i just hate rome and rome fetishists



Funny thing is, the Inca Empire was a centrally planned economy, and the only successful one in history to boot.

Thank you for bring up clearly the most important issue of our time. What some fat material says. So important.

why the racial slurs? This isn't Holla Forums for fuck's sake


It's really fucked up, I agree. They can't even take credit either as slaves did all the work. And that of course only happened cause these terrorist (lets call them what they were) had previously killed off the indigenous.

Because we all know slaves created the industrial revolution.

Yeah they did fuckwad. Who do you think gathered the resource to build the factories. Also whose land do you think was you fucking neetsoc.

Hired workers built factories. Yes, wages does involve exploitation, but it isn’t slavery. Also the industrial revolution started in England.

We have to stop making these crops in these aspects ratios. Resize your window and cry to get a more squarish image, far more pleasant to read.

And spilt into the US which basically perfected it. Also i'm not European so i dont care what you people do over there but those factories wouldn't have been built anywhere if it was railroads and infrastructure and agriculture worked by slaves. And yes you dumb neet soc there was slaves in europe and the US too.

Oh shit, I need to check something.

Begorrah. We're the micks now.

Oh this thread reminds me of this bullshit they pull:

The northern united states(the most industrialized part of it) banned slavery before the industrial revolution started. Also the South (the part that had slaves) had little industry until AFTER the banned slaves.

Racism is codeword for mixed-race genocide.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for mixed-race children.
The ancestors of mixed-race people build the ENTIRE world, not just one country, and thus the ENTIRE world is our heritage. Mixed-race people inherit the best of all races.
Forced segregation is mixed-race genocide. We are the future. The planet is ours.

The banning of slavery in society always happens BEFORE industrialization. This is why the part of the US I live in (New England) was the first to industrialize and the first to ban slavery. Also we banned slavery BEFORE the railroad even existed.

Wow okay, this bitch is anti-American as fuck which is a code word for deeply triggering and problematic. We have the most populous White population in the world and just because we don't know the countries in Europe means we are deeply triggering and problematic? This kikess whore can fuck right off with her divide and conquer shit.

Do genetics not exist in your world? I thought the "LOL SCIENCE" crowd subscribes heavily to the left. Guess not.

Yeah it was banned before the industrial rev cause like I said the infrastructure and work had already been put it in for the most part.
Also I like how you conveniently ignore when I said agriculture and railroads. That was mostly southern. And no it wasn't only the south that had slaves. Jesus fucking christ…

I understand most parts of Europe were early abolitionist but this thread started in the context of the US which I was addressing. In any event the industrial revolution possibly could have never happened with out slavery. If not a lot slower.

Science says that mixed-race children are genetically healthier, due to lower risk of suffering from genetic disease.


yes, it is. You think linking to pastebin disproves the science?

That not true in the least. Mixed race children suffer higher rates of mental retardation than even unmixed africans, and that's quite an accomplishment.

Read the fucking pastebin you massive retard.


Read the fucking science you nazi

No, the industrial revolution largely happened because of the banning of slavery. Former slave owners needed a new way to cut costs, and so auromatiom was born.

Jesus Christ that was bad.


The rail wasn’t built by slaves. It was built by proles. Also the North banned slaves before industrialization.


Youre absolutely right. All these fascist apologist deserve the wall too. Fascist have killed and tortured millions of our comrades.

Fascist is a fascist but traitor of communism even worse.

Okay but where would they have gotten the capital and resources to just start a new.

So, what you're telling me the Chinese that built the railroad in america had appropriate working conditions. At least next to those white Americans would have.

BTW, my other point still stands. This was all done on stolen land.

that vid gave me cancer. Basically her argument was white people built america into a modern society. OK granted, but what about all the other groups? The black slaves who worked, or the chinese who built the railroads? What about all the jewish scientists and such? You can't act like white people are the only ones who built anything and everyone else just sat around leeching off of it. This is ayn rand ideology except applied to race instead of individual


Anglo whites did basically nothing to build America. Most workers were black, Irish, asian (chinese), and of course indigenous/latino.

Get control of your emotions you estrogen laden faggot.

Actually nearly none were black, and Asians were used for very specific work. Europeans actually built nearly all of the infrastructure you see, as well as constructed the philosophical ideals our society is based on. The Irish did tenfold more than both the Chinese and black combined, but that's not even taking into consideration the Polish, Italians, Germans etc. There's a reason why the white North was industrious while the South was fairly poor come the civil war. One's economy was heavily dependent on black slave labor, while the other was entirely dependent on European labor. You can see which is more productive. Also those black slaves were relegated to a tiny, specific part of the economy, and it certainly wasn't constructing infrastructure and roads and whatnot. Europeans were the farmers, the bulk of the miners, the architects, carpenters etc. throughout this countries history. The only reason Mexicans and the like are taking over the fields now is because they accept drastically lower pay, and often they're illegal, and thus have zero negotiating power. Plus corporate farms put self-owned white family farms out of business by playing the political game. Even to this day in a modern shit-hole diverse city, most of those in the skilled trades are white men. Most architects are white men. Most plumbers and electricians are white men. Especially in unions, as their standards are higher and they require you be trained for a certain number of years. Then you've got truckers who are the life blood of the country. They're mostly white. Stop trying to rewrite history with your baseless bullshit. Every city in this country was constructed by white men. Every town was.

Yeah ok so fucking what? What's the conclusion here? That whites are genetically superior? That the US should deport all nonwhites? This is the shit that makes no sense to me in your ideology. I don't give a shit what your ancestors did. Give me good reasons to support your retarded ethnostate idea in the present, and I will give it the time of day. As of right now, I have no reason to believe that an all-white nation would fare any better than a ethnically diverse one given that everyone had equal starting ground. The fact that your great great great great grandaddy was a construction worker doesn't mean shit.

You are wrong.
Most down syndrome, low functioning autist and aspergers syndrome children are monoracial.

Just everything about this post.

I really hate it when we have these threads were Holla Forums has a momentary stroke and thinks its /pol. I mean for fuck sake what do you naz bols and nazis think slaves were doing in the fields? Scratching they're asses and playing pokemon go or something?

Yes. I don't need to give you a reason, nor convince you of anything. I don't give a shit about getting the support of some emotional estrogen filled faggot on the internet.

Well they were doing a lot less than the European family farms and factory workers up north, as seen by the direct comparison of their productive capacity come the civil war.

Dude, come on drugs are bad.

You don't fucking say.

you did a great job


Nazbol truly is the worst flag

Nothing more than traitors to our cause aren't they?

this is the good shit

Before they went full on Evropa Identity, yes, they frequently aired things on UFOs, Flat Earth, etc. Probably still do.

To be fair, Red Ice was started by two Scandis, IIRC.


You seem to think that the entire economy was cotton plantations and nothing else. Also if slavery is the prerequisite to industrialization then why didn't the Arabs industrialize first? the Arab slave trade from Africa started in the 8th century and never really ended.

You didn't source any science.

When you have been taught that you are guilty for the transgressions of anyone who shares your skin color, direct ancestors or not, and then rebel against that guilt that rebellion often takes the form of an opposite extreme.


Don't bother everyone in this thread will just claim you're image only relates to MUH white ancestors. REEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Fuck this thread.

Still doesn't explain how treating human beings as property is a prerequisite to industrialization.