How do you know which behavior is cultural and which is genetic?

How do you know which behavior is cultural and which is genetic?

Culture as defined as the non-genetic transmission of behavioral styles to a next generation

I'd say breathing is genetic but I'm not sure

Someone post that science of the human race webm that explins that only 70 or so genes are related to race out of a million or something. And those are mainly related to regional illnesses.

Otherwise look it up on YouTube.

So if behaviors that are necessary in order to survive long enough to pass on your genes can safely be called genetic. That would mean that rape is genetic too

how is rape necessary for survival you fucking retard

We actually know a bit from people who are born with disabilities. Blind babies do smile, so this isn't learned behavior. Women born deaf tend to have rather low voices, so there is some learned gender performance in the typical female voice. I faintly recall some online conversation between some people and a guy with a deaf wife. Somehow the question came up what a deaf woman sounds like during sex. Well, the good news is that there is less fake bullshit going on, the not-so-good news is that she sounds like a zombie horse.

Necessary to pass on your genes

Biology influences culture which in turn influences biology. If a certain cultural behavior increases the likelihood of reproduction then that behavior is being selected for.

what the fuck is wrong with you

But does the behavior that increases the likelihood of reproduction eventually become genetic or is it just that some people possess a set of traits that makes them better at this sort of behavior than others? They realize that it works, it makes people like them so they keep doing it. Basically does the behavior ever become genetic or is it just the traits that makes some people good at it that becomes genetic?

How is a legal concept genetic? there is no distinction between consent/non-consent in nature.

Only if you're a permavirgin basement dweller.

Billions managed to pass on their genes without raping. Are you really this stupid?

there is no division. Even the most basic bodilly functions such as breathing and digesting food can be altered by cultural influence. And the other way around.

rape is culture related, it's more of a dominance thing due to hierarchy. it would be a loooong stretch to claim that hierarchy is genetic. maybe egoism is.

It's impossible to know so it shouldn't matter

Without devolving the argument toward justification, I'm going to give an explanation. A lot of animals rape females, consent is a luxury of humanity in a modern age, in the past, rape was a constant, just as it is for the rest of nature. There's a real disparity with modern neuroscience, psychiartry/psychology, sociology, evolutionary biology, and society as a whole. Old ideas, opinions based on feelings and ideology, and actual science are butting heads to the point where we are ignoring real science for what we want to believe to be true. Again, I'm not pushing a narrative here or justifying anything, I'm simply saying that there's too many people that want to pretend that somehow humans are different enough from the rest of nature where our bodies evolved yet our brains and its functions did not. I'm hoping that science is going to actually get through all the horseshit ideologies and decode the function of the brain so we can put to rest these old arguments once and for all and move onto actual solutions to humanity's problems.


The legal concept does not precede the act, it exists because of the act.

There is no hard distinction. Culture can even overcome natural instincts. Theres been people all over the world who voluntarily mummify themselves by starvation.

The mechanisms that govern dominance hierarchies in animals are millions of years old. It is no stretch.