Is there a gender wage gap? I know that question will be rather useless in a communist society...

Is there a gender wage gap? I know that question will be rather useless in a communist society, but what about its effect and purpose in the current capitalist system?

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None, there is no intrinsic benefit to capitalism to have women making less than men. Capitalism doesn't care about race or gender it wants us all to be interchangeable cogs in the machine, but the reason women have lower wages is because the jobs women usually have (with the exception of nurses, etc.) such as teacher, secretary, tend to have lower wages than male jobs such as engineer, etc. have higher wages. I'm sure a feminist could talk about the reasons why thats the case (do some googling) but those reasons are largely orthogonal to the operation of capitalism. Women are naturally more heuristic oriented meaning they look at the whole picture which is why they are more leftist than men on average, a philosophy like dialectics is more feminine type thinking. On the other hand men tend to be more reductionist in their thinking, breaking things down to their components, which is why men are more into things like engineering and math.

No. Only in upper middle class and they don't count.
Workers get paid the same. And it's never enough.

IIRC the american gap is due to differences in career choice and case by case there is no gap. anyways there's obviously jobs that suit one gender over the other and theres nothing wrong with that

That's not how reality works and burger culture being shit doesn't mean it's men's nature to become engineers.

Sexism, racism, etc. is just a good excuse to pay your workers less.

Only exists in the mind of your typical lobotomised burger.

The effect is that people lose their shit over a possible $0.08 per hour extra that some other poor sucker is making while every worker is being robbed blind all at the same time.

Agreed. Guys, do not fall for the pomo meme.


the gender wage gap only exists because women on average are more likely to work less hours then men and are more represented in certain lower paying jobs.
The obvious question that you should ask now is "why are people who work these jobs so dehumanized and exploited" but liberals ignore that question and just demand that both genders be exploited equally.

Men make more than women because the latter has to be absent to have children, and still is the expected home maker, so she ends up getting fewer bonuses for veterancy and chances for promotion, as well as being less available to work overnight and extra hours, which pay more. Once you control for this factor, the gap pretty much vanishes.

So yeah, there is a wage gap, but incredibly, this isn't Porky's fault for once.

the fact that society is structured so that women have to choose between raising children and having a successful career is still Porky's fault.

women should have kids though???? is that in question

lol wut

If you want to survive under capitalism you have to sell your labor to porky.
This means you have less time to raise children.
I thought that would be obvious.

Shhh. The adults are talking.

Well… Men can take care of the children too…

Right but the maternity leave is because a woman has to haul a massive parasite around in their belly for 9 months.

Not really. Women were and are the expected, or most of the times even forced, gender to be the home maker in all human history. Heritage of pre-Sapiens life, I suppose.

I honestly can't tell if you're being facetious.

There is a earnings gap.

It's caused largely by subconscious sexism in the workplace that block women from being able to move into higher positions, along with just views that males do better work etc.

For example, in my job, the best workers are all female, yet the entire management team is male and because the top of the company is such a boys club with a really male dominated culture and as we all know, moving up in a company is like 10% work 90% nepotism, my female co-workers have 0% chance of ever moving up without quotas, there is no fucking way in hell they have any future in that career beyond being a low level wage slave.

This has been the case with pretty much nearly all jobs I've been in. it was only with the Government, who have gender quotas, have I actually seen women represented higher up.

There have been blind tests as well that show this bias. Women tend to be chosen as better workers in blind tests, but when the tests aren't blind, men are chosen as the better workers.

It's just subconscious sexism.

different porkys have been around for quite a long time.

Der Ewige Schweine.

The wage gap completely disappears if you compensate for all the factors that cause it, user.

Honestly, I think this is a matter of human nature (inb4 REEEEEE), as it goes way back before civilization or even sentience. Which doesn't mean we have to obey this drive, of course. Home workload can and should be equal now.

Explain, why is stem nawt master rayce

Overpromotion>too many students>too much labor supply>not enough jobs>depressed wages and working conditions>science and especially blue sky research are at their lowest funding levels as a share of GDP since the 1930s, both overall and individually in the corporate, academic, and government sectors

It doesn't have any purpose, it's just an artifact of past culture. If you look at people who start working now, there is no wage gap, it's only there if you look at it over the course of a career for older workers who came up in a more overtly sexist society.


You have to make a living somehow. If you are paid below what's necessary to make a living, that doesn't imply that you die or go into debt, as your parents or partner might give you some money. If women are more likely to get that help from their family and friends than men, the minimum the employer has to pay them to get by is lower. Another issue is pregnancy. That's an additional risk for the employer, and having more female CEOs won't change that, but a big program with $$$ from the government covering that shit would.

Either there isn't, or it's caused by choices. In Europe, sexism is a very small percentage.

There is a gender difference between the types of jobs chosen and the fulltime-parttime balance.
This manifests itself in a wage gap, if one is to look only at the avarage wage across society as a whole. It doesnt control for all the variables.
This ultimately is due to capitalisms treatment of labour as a commodity, rather than the value producer it is.

The wage gap is a myth created to drive down average wages in the name of "equality"

There is a class wage gap.

As already said, the differences in pay between genders are because of different career choices - not just what job to do, but how many overtime hours you do, etc. Now as you may know different jobs yield different wages. Here's the wage gap.

I honestly can't believe this myth survived this long and shows no signs of dying. I mean it literally baffles my mind that there could be people believing that in present day western countries it could be legal to pay any cathegory of citizens less than another for the same job. Like wtf? Why would men even be employed at all if that were the case?

And it kind of bothers me that when more and more people became aware of this, suddenly the narrative changed and the problem wasn't the wages anymore, but the toys little girls play with.

Right up there with the rest of ideology trash can.

Dunno man, I think from a Jungian association type of thing, men are unitary (even the number 1 is phallic) and single-minded, and women are binary and more nuanced.

This is more possible than it has any right to be.

That isn't a wage gap between men and women. The reason that "male" jobs are paid more is due to the more dangerous and intense nature of manual blue-collar labor and the tradition of unionism in those professions. Women, except for public-sector workers like teachers, tend to be very non-union and work in non-unionized sectors of the economy.

Also, women aren't necessarily more "leftist". In fact, I would say that men are far more economically leftist than women, considering that more of them are full-time proletarians. Women tend to be more consumerist/part-time, and thus have little anger towards capitalism as a whole. (Not to mention that capitalism is what's providing the whole women's liberation concept to begin with. Businesses love the cheap female labor who aren't unionized.)

The reason that more women vote for "leftist" parties nowadays is that "leftist" parties are just socially liberal. Hell, women were traditionally considered the biggest Christfag/conservative voters, especially in Catholic countries. (Many socialists wanted to prevent women's suffrage to prevent conservatives from being elected back then.) You can even see this today with many women voting for Clinton over Sanders or women being somewhat more religious than men on average.

This all goes back into breaking the whole concept of "Left vs Right" politics and seeing things from a more interest group perspective. There is no perfect "Left" or perfect "Right", and often what is considered fashionably "Left" nowadays contradicts itself. (Same for "Right")

Instead of trying to be perfect "leftists" or "rightists" and fulfilling your autistic ideology checklist, how about you folks actually think of ideologies from the perspective of improving society or the standing of an interest group.(Workers, for example.) Basically, ideology must flow from the material conditions, not be some narrative to squeeze everything into.

There shouldn't be huge ass wage gaps anywhere in a socialist society. period.

There shouldn't be wage labour in a socialist society at all.

You are still as fucked if you have studied STEM.

t. Chemfag