Why can't women fight?

Why can't women fight?
What is so complicated about punching someone in the orbital bone? Is there something I'm not understanding about following a left with a right that makes having a vagina impossible?

In an effort to politics, you should also post up your dankest ball memes.

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It's not complicated. Women have slower reaction time and inferior hand-eye coordination in addition to just being physically weaker than men.

Lots of people can't fight. You have to learn to fight. Women don't learn to fight because its "not girly" and they never have to defend themselves because "you cant hit a girl"

basically this.
I did all the other "boyish" stuff like fishing and biking and exploring the wilderness. I would have been so happy if someone taught me how to fight when I was little. I'd be all for that shit.

Can you explain the instinct for pulling hair and scratching?

Can you explain the instinct AGAINST throwing a punches?

I may be tired.

Pulling hair is a perfectly valid fighting strategy. Have you never been in a fight? You basically have an easy handle with which you can throw people around and disorient them and get them to submit.

edgy as fuck, my man


Because that requires me to face him up front where he can throw punches at me, while also defending himself. If I am in a fight, its because he provoked it and I am trying to get out somehow, I am not trying to punch someone into the hospital.
You a slav or something? Most european men have hair long enough to grab on to.

I'm not them but I'll take a shot at guessing why. Women would generally fight other women who are likely to have long hair. This means it's an easy and effective target. They also have longer nails making scratching a better strategy. I'd say blokes do this less firstly because it would be less effective but also because we are often taught that you have to fight honorably. Partially due to tradition but mostly just the fact that you'll get shit-talked by others for it. If there was a fight at my school and someone started scratching I doubt anyone would respect that person.

Women are the nigger of gender, Anonymous.


That ball is retarded. Pacifism only makes sense because you defend yourself. Self-defence doesn't count as violence.

"Honourable fighting". Fucking retarded, there is no such thing as honourable fighting. Fighting is a means to an end, to get someone to fuck off or face the same pain again.

Pussies are so fucking weird…

The first point brings up that you can hurt your hand if you punch someone, while ignoring the fact that afterwards your hand numbs up and is basically a club that you can use to cause even more damage with the things you hit with it afterwards…

I don't TRY to internet tough-guy, but my knuckles have a few teeth scars on them.

It may be stupid but it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist and doesn't effect what people do.

It is stupid and only stupid people with stupid cultures have it.
You don't get into fights with people you respect.
The only matter is winning and letting them know that they should stop fucking with you, or else.

I've seen males doing these too. It's just envious people shaming others who are satisfied with themselves,

They're not ignoring anything, they simply explained that your hand is not able to withstand anywhere near as much trauma as people wrongfully assume.

It's sad what you faggots have done to the world.

People don't even know the joy of watching the hope drain from a very injured person you don't like.

Women aren't meant to fight, they are meant to fuck the guys who are good at fighting and raise their offspring.

Slav ghetto mentality. They talk all the time about honor but are all and every one of them pathetic little bitches that backstab their peers on daily basis.


I've never heard schizophrenic. Do you have a quick link?

Apology by Plato, claimed he heard a voice that told him what to do

The weak must fear the strong

Your can't "hear" a voice that isn't there. like, an hallucination can't produce sound. The "voice" is merely your own consciousness


thanks dr

This diatribe is pretty obviously applicable to anyone with a sense of envy.

Virgins just want to inject gender dichotomies into everything because they can't stop thinking of women.


MGTOW please go


I found some white knights! Oh good, the nigger-gender will be so relieved to know that you'll defend them right up until the divorce.

With our current point and click interface killing machines, it really doesn't matter as much as it used to.

So what is it this time? Couldn't get a gf? Rejected? Broken home? Mommy issues?

they enjoy degradation

You sound like a burger that thinks his nation is embroiled in a Nazi masturbation fantasy.

This fucking board.

Socrates was a war veteran. He mentions his own participation in battle during his Trial.

Nazi masturbation fantasy? Care to elaborate?

easy target, since statistically women have longer hair, doesn't work against women with shorter hair.

easily utilised since women statistically keep their nails Doesn't work, if you are a short-nailed girl.

Ever noticed how clunky it is when women actually do it?
It's a surefire sign that they never have done that and don't know the theory of punchlanding and effective arm movement. There is absolutely no flow, because they never fought, or if they did they fought low MMR shitters where it is effective, because they never fought either, and since it worked there is no incentive to improve it, but they clearly never expected to get in an intense fight even once in their life.
The feminist in me screams this is taught so intentionally because a girl must always depend on a man her entire life.

everyone can aim and pull the trigger

Test doesn't make you aggressive. That's a myth. Test makes you more stress-tolerant and more able to respond to danger with fight than flight.



For the most part, but don't act like all of the differences are physical. That would be dishonest.


There is a reason the soviets kept female divisions back