Guys what has been happening lately? There was never soa much secterianism then ever before...

Guys what has been happening lately? There was never soa much secterianism then ever before. I mean I know its hard there are still many ideological differences and Its even hard to have a trotskyist unity, but still come on guys try not doing that much secterianism, please.

Other urls found in this thread:,

Leftcoms, they are only ones actively telling people not to do anything

Has anyone ever gone so far as even to need more to do look more like?

No, it's good. Weak ideologies must fear the strong. Without sound revolutionary theory, there is no revolution.

So you're advocating ideological darwinism?
Nothing wrong with having a bit of discussion, but outright hate and promises of gulag and executions are not helpful.
Just as focussing on individuals instead of collectives of people is wrong, it is also wrong to say "here's a bunch of ideologies, may the best one win (and only the best one"
Truth is, while competition can help individual advancement, cooperation will help us all advance. It is like this in people and it is like this in politics.

Its because we dont have much discussion about communism itself anymore. Only about tactics and strategies. And a few groups of peopel fairly well read flinging shit at each other. Also all attempts at finding common ground are shat on by orthodox ideologues.

We should promote more common projects rather than abstract theories. I like the talks about starting leftyfit and leftyvidya, and even the pixelcanvas since it brings different factions together. Without that people are roleplaying like the year's 1936 or 1917


Really, we should all calm down a little bit

There's not much to talk about now that the dust has mostly settled and everybody has figured out what to believe in.

Yeah we all need to rethink our behaviour. But honestly though I wouldn't be surprised if some of the sectarian shitflinging threads are cointelpro by Holla Forumsfags, just look at the massively stupid anti bookchin and anti DSA threads up right now

There have been several severely retarded anti leftcom threads too

Yeah agree

I agree. Chest thumping, infographics, and "read-a-book" must fall to glorious dialectics and NAZBOL GANG

Oh god, those nazbols. The ironic ones are getting repetitive and the unironic ones are increasing.

group focus is by definition ideology. i would rather affirm individualism and focus on systemic change

Eh, I think it's just a phase or something like that. Or maybe it's because summer started? Did something stupid happen on /r/socialism again, since I've seen the IP counter rising?

Are you that tankie that has been sperging out in every thread about left communism? Is it really just because you misunderstood the criticism of activism? Gosh.

Read, for a introduction, just to not base our criticism of one another on memes.

It's the leftcoms acting all superiors and repeating the same nauseatingly fly pretentious bollocks in every thread no matter the subject + that ancom flag who had taken it upon himself to systematically bully anyone he disagrees with.

Basically arrogant redditards need to fuck off

And the fact that the literally don't have discussions, instead they dump entire texts in every single thread instead of explaining what they believe and then tell you it's down to your own ignorance not their lack of understanding of their own ideology

Holla Forumsacks are usually pretty easy to spot since they bash something on the left but obviously haven't read the most basic communist literature. Some of those threads definitely fit that though.

I don't doubt they they swarm when they smell blood in the water, but IMO much of this tension has come from our recent additions. Leftists of this or that stripe come here with their preconceived notions and bring their sectarianism with them. Being right is more important to them than building Socialism. There's ribbing and banter, which have always been part of leftypol, but straight up sectarianism is bullshit and imo has no place here.

If I were a leftcom and my explanations were just being dismissed or disparaged like that black flag was doing in another thread I'd act smug and dismissive too. He had people calmly and politely answering his questions and giving him information, but because they weren't giving it to him how he wanted it he acted like an autismal fuckwit. Yeah we should try to educate one another but acting like a bratty little shit that's entitled to someone's time isn't acceptable.

Idk what thread you are talking about but it's the leftcoms who are bratty and dismissive imo. They act like you've said something deeply insulting if you ask basic questions, then dump a whole test in leu of an answer, then say something along the lines of you are dumb because you haven't read it and it's not their job to educate you etc. But this board is for education and discussion so it just throws a spanner into everything when every thread devolves into

Like we didn't already know that

Yeh I would agree with that, I mean look at this thread (anchored why?)

I can see why it would be frustrating when two of them can't even agree on what they believe and yet shit on everything else.

Also in the Black Flag thread yeh he sperging autistically but he wasn't wrong, and the fact that they actually said "i dont have to debate you, this board isn't for debate" is kind of indicative of being clueless and intellectually dishonest imo its a Tumblr radfem tier answer in reality

It's not anchored? And yeah, I saw him say 'I don't have to debate you, this isn't debate club', and he's right on both counts IMO. If you demand answers, get them, act like a prick anyway, then demand that they debate you, you shouldn't be surprised when they want to peace out, especially when you act like a hostile dickhead from the very beginning.

I was talking about the other thread I linked, which I have personally posted in and it didn't bump so I can only assume it anchored.

One leftcom describes communization theory and then the other says its narcho bollocks. So if leftcoms don't know what communization is how are us non-theory plebs supposed to know?

As far as I'm concerned he didn't get an answer that was satisfactory but I suppose thats a subjective judgement, you may feel he did, but as somebody who doesn't know really about left communism I don't feel like I now know due to those explanations.

And if you are going to enter into a debate you can't turn around and say "this isn't a debate club" when you get asked a question you can't answer. It really is SJW tier. You should be very happy to teach people your beliefs, not act like they are some kind of sekret property for a sekret leet club that only theory level 9000 can enter.

and if you are going to do that, you should probably be 100% on your theory which clearly they are not, because like I said they can't even agree amongst themselves.

Ah, my bad.

Someone reported it for sectarianism and considering that it was about reddit and its hysterical tone I agreed, so I made the decision to anchor it.

didn't know you could get anchored for sectarianism, fair enough I suppose. I'd like my question answered though if possible. I still don't understand what communization is, cos I thought it was what that one leftcom says but then the other said it was narcho BS so idk

I'm not a leftcom so I couldn't really tell you.

If it were just a thread criticizing leftcoms or their theory or lack of it or whatever I probably would have let it go. But taking the content of the OP and the fact that it was reported into account I decided to anchor it.

But then again it might have just been a buttmad leftcom reporting a thread that hurt their feelings, I dunno.

I understand your concerns. Mind you, not all leftcoms are into communization theory and there is also an anarchist wing. Maybe you should try reading the original material instead of asking people for their personal interpretations or opinions. Here is a short explanation by Gilles Dauve himself (the main guy) :
In a nutshell

I mean ostensibly I agree with all of this, but It doesn't have that part where you actually talk about how this is done. Seems like you are just describing pure communism but not describing how to get there.

I see over and over again what they reject, I never really see what they don't reject. There also seems to be a grey area as to which parts they reject and don't. Just all seems very vague and wishy washy to me. Like a professor in a study who never actually did anything practical

This is more important than you think. Most revolutions didn't go far enough in changing social relations, they ended up compromising with the bourgeois state or foreign powers in order to survive for the sake of surviving
This was obviously not everything about communization. IIRC Dauve advocates for proletarian organisations or parties forming spontaneously when an insurrection arises.
This is not a new thing. Marx himself didn't pay much attention to how socialism/communism will be achieved. I'm not saying we should restict ourselves to criticizing, but it's the first step to formulating a proper revolutionary theory.