How do you feel about civic nationalists fighting against white nationalists...

How do you feel about civic nationalists fighting against white nationalists? I know they are spooked but are they potential allies in driving back the fash?

A white nationalist got asked to leave an event in Texas and when he wouldn't leave a Hispanic 3%er physically removed him. As you can imagine, Holla Forums is extremely angry and has doxed the person in question.
>>>Holla Forums10066148
>>>Holla Forums10066238

HD video here:

Other urls found in this thread:

More video the event here talking about white people and identity politics:

A civic nationalist hears "CSA" being chanted and chants "USA" back. He gets beaten up by the confederates.

Lel, if things continue to go that way, they might all burn out by the next election. The drama is still not as tasty as the one between SJWs though

> >.<
Is this ironicI can't comprehend or has Holla Forums gotten that shit?

It's reddit

Infighting among the enemy is always a good thing.

4/pol/ is mostly r/T_D now.



Is this the only thing the far-right is capable of doing?

Maybe we've overestimated the significance of Holla Forums irl. Nobody thought that stuff was funny or relevant
Also who the fuck makes bane jokes in 2017?
Mildly amusing

..t-these are good memes…

They're not even capable of doing that. You must have missed the lulzy doxing thread they had like a week ago where they "doxed" us by listing out the youtube channels of muke, badmouse, contra, etc.

Then when we laughed at them they showed they were really serious by posting publicly available info posted by them about them going to school. Literally shaking.

Look at this guy's whore mother with his retarded kid.

The same way I feel about Sunnis fighting Shi'ites or neocons fighting trumpists


That was pretty funny. Shitting up Holla Forums when they're acting like faggots by checking the dubs of every single post possible gets good when they start getting angry at it. It's not as effective at trolling them now I assume due to the reddit influx making a lot of users unable to understand who is mocking them and who was there before them.

Just the next "tea party" movement, any movement that isn't strictly anti-zionist will be overtaken by zionists. Will soon be irrelevant

how do they even know from a blurry video

did they just pick a random person and decided it was him

Is Holla Forums retarded? They realize what country they live in, right? You might as well talk shit about the flag in front of a group of vets.

it looks like something from Timeline-191

no, they're also so well-versed in weirdo porn they can match people up to lookalikes in it which is easy to do, friend of mine worked at an adult video store back when those were a thing

which guy, fam?

nice reddit meme

For the record, the choker in question is an illegal immigrant who has public pictures of him wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt. I don't think it's fair to call him a civic nationalist. That being said, most of the others who were against the meme-nazi could be described as such.

A little bit of OC

What does the 3% mean?

Hahah holy shit

All nationalism is shit nationalism and you're a fucking idiot of you use the term

I'm from pol. I never come here bc I assumed it was worse than pol. Well it seems to be. Anyways I sure hope there is a future for white American bc as a mixed race American I would be fucked if I had to go back. America is nice but too many people who can't freedom are fucking it up for everyone.

How are we worse than Holla Forums if you don't mind saying before leaving?


I'm just reading the comments thinking, " wow this is what they think the average pol user is lol"

I always thought this place was commie pol. Am I wrong?

If you were gonna go after anything I said I would have suggested the mixed race - from pol thing. But I guess you wanted these huh
/ /

good, good, just like that!

if you had evidence of that you'd have posted it

I left imageboards in 2010 and came back a year ago because I wanted to see how much of a shitshow an exodus after peak faggotry was and noticed leftypol. There are plenty of people who were too cool for reddit who get sent here in a forced migration, disgruntled socialists who heard about us, annoyed imageboard users that want to get into confrontation with Holla Forums (possibly physically), and people who came here due to being disenfranchised.
My friend, your brain has broke. That or you're very young and think the internet being this much of a cancerous shitshow is normal.

To an extent, yes. While communists of all different flavors post here, we also have our fair share of non-communists here as well such as Nazbols, Nazis and Ancaps. I was a Holla Forumsack for many years and when I came here for the first time I was taken aback by all the different ideologies being talked about. If you truly think this place is shittier than the echo chamber of Holla Forums, I don't know what to say.

Yea my family had all their shit taken by real commies and socialists don't know shit about economics. Yea pols an echo chamber. Still entertaining af tho

See above post. Trust me I think Nazi fags on pol are just as dumb but they have a point about white countries being the best when they keep white interests first.


let me ask you then,
what do you see happening if the alt-right gets there way and removes the browns, where would a self describe mixed race be in that plan?
You say you dont want to "go back" but in order for america to reach its pentacle you'd have to leave or at the least be sterilized. Would you disagree?

Well I have to give you credit for admitting you like echo chambers as not many people would do that.

So Poland is at its best right now?

This thread was posted before the other one.

my fucking sides

No, a mixed race Holla Forumsack is not surprising in the slightest.

Then the tranny furfag should have deleted it.Stop linking to Holla Forums retard.

Meant to say "Retards"

this is why we need communism

3%ers really aren't "Civic" nationalist. It's not explicitly racial in character because guess what most nationalism isn't!

'civic nationalism' doesnt fucking exist

irish republicans?

IRA were originally national liberation Marxists turned nationalists with nothing but struggle binding them afaia

that was no less spooky than any other kind.

I guess I shouldn't say non-racial non-far right nationalism doesnt exist but in America today it basically doesn't.

Fuck no other way round.

Nigga they were reformed because protestants were stopping buses by the side of the road and executing catholics and the government took too long to intervene.

Every fucking time. What is it with the land of the meat patty? Why are they just so fucking retarded?

Black flag, you're practically a fucking American.


Being in a group to defend the Constitution then assaulting and kidnapping someone for expressing memes lel. The reason. no more wars for Israel triggered them. Absolute faggots.

No you're practically an American

Kek I was just skimming and didn't even catch those

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they often do this, whether on purpose or on accident…

Whatever you say, radlib scum.

Didn't they dox the guy from the spencer punching video? how the fuck did they determine who it was? He was masked and appeared for less than a second in a low quality video. Jesus christ at least sjws don't dox randos.

They doxed a dead man, by pure coincidence one was researching scat slave porn for antifa well before the event.

Holla Forums are lying scumbag degenerates.

To be purged off entirely
For bullying