America is now a dictatorship and you are its dictator. What kind of new rules can we expect?

America is now a dictatorship and you are its dictator. What kind of new rules can we expect?

All top secret information would be made public (including vital military encryption keys, codes, etc.) Also I would order the nuclear obliteration of DC, NYC, and SF without warning. After which I would fake my own death and go into hiding with a bunch of stolen money and let the rest of the world feast on the corpse of America.


nuclear strikes on the heartland and militias to kill the survivors who flee

Loli will be the law, and 3DPD will be wiped off the face of the planet. Loli is justice.

I would immediately kill all billionaires on international televisions, corporate executives, liberal/conservative talk show hosts and journalists.
I would release all classified information, abolish the NSA, FBI, CIA, TSA and department of Homeland Security.
I would nuke the Saudi Royal Family, kill Erdogan/Putin, bomb Starbucks on behalf of Zizek. I would also kill all monarchies.
Then kill all congressmen/woman/representatives that have taken corporate money and/or defend Porky.

I would also immediately protect Assange and other whistleblowers. I would brutally torture and kill the CIA/FBI directors and employees that are responsible for harming Assange and other whistleblowers.
I would kill Justin Trudeau, Jean Chretien, Paul Martin, all former American Presidents and any American politician responsible for any crimes.

I would have Henry Kissinger killed by a firing squad, along with the Clintons, Bushes, Rockerfellers, Rothschilds and other crime economic/political families.

I would have single payer healthcare, free tuition, ban corporate subsidies.
I would also send the military to scare the CEO of my old company, have him killed on television along with the executives. Have the military jail my old bosses.

This is just a fraction of what I would accomplish.

You'd have to carefully manage your keys to power (i.e. people in high administrative positions) so that you don't get coup'd. So I'd probably start with a massive program to fund cooperative enterprise which would function under a state subsidized and regulated corporatist style economic system without the bourgeois element and instead replacing traditional management with meritocratic workers councils. I'd slowly choke out non-collectivized industry with excessive taxes and regulations meant to prop up the cooperatives and give them a market advantage. The end goal would be full nationalization of any privately owned business making over 10 million per year.

I'd also restructure the country on a regional as opposed to a state basis. You'd have the deep south. Appalachia, the northeast, the southwest, the west coast and the upper heartland. These regions would have their own policing power and border controls. I'd also bring about anti-miscegenation laws and strict border controls and I'd also begin removing U.S. forces from around the world.
I'd fund classical art projects, as well as other cultural projects.

I'd take influences from people like Peron, Asser, Sorel, Tito as well as others.

Nuke it

I'd run it the exact same way it is now. None of you are performing a coup so it's good enough for me to leech off of. Don't just expect people you've never even met to be thinking of your interests.

Fascism Communist or pan-europeanism

Fascist pan-Europeanism with communist characteristics. :^)

Fuck off authorifag.

Are you a libertarian?
Ancap? Tankie?
And why would you keep things as the status quo?
Then what makes you think you could maintain a dictatorship if you can't trust anyone?

I go full accelerationism and invest massively in both education (stealth redpills and promote cooperation) and fund private public partnership to make modes of production evolve (trust me Pork… dear friends, it will increase profit).
When it comes to society i promote the most conservative, no fun allowed laws that ever comes to pas so even the NEETSOC will have a reason to hate me. Let contradictions between my authoritarian regime and the growing fundations of postcapitalistic system accumulate until implosion and revolution (and hope i die of old age before the revolutionnaries come for my bucko ass)

America cannot be redeemed in its current form. The goal should be destroy it and allow the world to become multipolar once again. That way communism can reemerge.

I would implement this

This thread is shit, but this if anything.

bring back the draft, put people to work

Jokes aside:

Destroy the patriot act, legalize barbiturates and all painless drug methods of suicide, make every state a union state, pardon whistleblowers, arrest government war criminals (ie most of the current and former political elites) and ship them to Gitmo, make politicians who support the prison industry into prison slaves an abolish private prisons and prison slavery otherwise, enforce a death penalty for Federal and police agencies who engage in unwarranted civilian surveillance, ban drug advertisement and fine to death any and all drug companies who advertise their products in any way, legalize most illegal drugs in general and do away with imprisoning addicts in favor of a rehabilitation system, scale back parental rights, lower the working age and give minors over 14 something close to legal autonomy, bust monopolies, jail corrupt bankers, renew Glass-Steagall, do away with foreign intervention, focus military resources on rehabilitation and mainland defense, scale back the death penalty once we finished off the war criminals so that national executions of non-suicidal prisoners average roughly 2 per year, suicidal prisoners get to choose peaceful deaths instead of life sentences, lower national drinking age to 16 or 18 in the interest of allowing young adults more labor opportunities, reduce congressional salaries dramatically, increase infrastructure, high quality single-payer option which rapidly becomes preferable to private insurance, increase and encourage community agricultural projects and urban farming, unfuck the housing market (possibly by destroying it altogether in favor of housing redistribution), abolish PACs and unlimited campaign finance, create decent & cheap public transit, legalize prostitution, bunch of other shit.

And maybe UBI, but I know ya'll hate shit like that.

Fully automated post-keynesian accelerationism baby

I guess I'd make some speeches and enact some education about socialism/communism. I'd try to get the people to understand the issues and change themselves. If that didn't work after a year or so, I'd take things into my own hands, and start slowly enforcing socialism.


I'd abolish or sabotage everything because I'm not a class traitor unlike anyone who wouldn't do that.

State socialism is idealism

Direct the proletariat towards abolishing capital.

Fire all bosses and give the companies to the workers, they can stay on if they contribute a managerial role and the workers want them. Establish regional city cantons and regional soviets with recallable delegates to act as intermediaries between local councils. Replace the prisoners with the dnc and gop and pump their assets into rehab,education and social housing. Make the change to 100% renewable energy and create a ministry of automation responsible for researching specifically how to abolish drudge work. Declare war on Saudi Arabia and Israel

The anti-blanda laws were Talmud based and Derp. Just pay Same race couples to have more kids. Rest of your proposal is good.

Anarchy. Nuke country. Change name and run away.

De urbanization, extreme political indoctrination, establishment of Christian corporations, abolish senate create Grand Council of Fascism, withdrawn all soldiers and abolish all abroad US military bases

nationalize ben and jerry's and expand to make it a cornerstone of the economy ; two scoops for everyone!

I'd also natonalize all banks and then reprivatize them as mutualist investment banks.
I'd also make gun training a part of elementary school curriculum.

Irish and Yiddish are replacing English as the official language.

Nuclear alien revolution tbh fam.

Nationalization of all industry
Total state control of the economy
Vast funds going towards agitating for communism around the world
Brutally sanction any country that refuses to adopt the socialist platform
Destruction of every bourg institution to start afresh and prevent capitalist restoration
Immediate execution of all political opponents

Make squats mandatory for women
Kill reactionaries
Institute a number of reforms aimed at giving the proletariat time to organize and weakening the capitalist defenses
Leave and let the proletariat establish communism

There is no official language in America.

That ought to do it.

Make it so nationalization doesn’t require composition. Nationalize all utilities, banks, infrastructure, and the military industrial complex. Massive increase in funding for science. Nuclear Fusion alone will get 50 Billion extra per year. Turn all other companies into cooperatives. Free higher education. Deportation of illegals. Redistribution of land so big corporate farms are given to small farmers. Removal of intellectual property. Nuke Saudi Arabia and Isreall. Ban fast food restaurants and give subsidies to people who cook there own food. Massive de-comercializing of culture. Single Payer healthcare. Funding to cure lime disease. Proportional representation for congress and state legislatures. Election of cabinet members through ranked choice voting. And replace the current alphabet with a modified Cyrillic alphabet for english.

Abolish the age of consent


This tbh
Age of consent is basically imperialism

No offense m8, but you have a meme tier understanding of socialism. It is not social democracy where we kill a bunch of people. It involves abolishing Capitalist private property arrangements and phasing out the market.

You cannot build socialism if the capitalist class has not been disrupted in some major way. Some degree of mass violence, even if it is only against property, will be required if the revolution is to succeed.

Deport all Americans, depopulate the North American and South American continents of all non-native types. Once population has been reduced to

Single payer healthcare, a federal $9/hr minimum wage, higher taxes on the top 20% of earned income, an 8% reduction to the capital gains tax, a 5% pay raise across the board for public servants in pay grades GS-4 to GS-15 and a 3% raise for public servants in pay grades GS-1 to GS-3, an end to volunteer enlistment in the armed forces and the introduction of mandatory 2-year national service conscription for fit males from 18-25 born in or after 1999 who are neither public servants nor documented conscientious objectors, 13% pay raises for officers in pay grades from O-3 to O-11 and a 10% pay raise for officers in pay grades O-1 and O-2, reclassification of cannabis from Schedule I to Schedule II of the Controlled Substances Act, a 5-year moratorium on the issuance of any new H-1B visas after a grace period of 120 days and with the possibility of extension by up to two additional periods of five years each through a referendum put to all citizens, privatization of Amtrak, comprehensive public education reform, an end to government vouchers for private schools, modification of high school graduation requirements to include calculus, comparative politics, and a survey of western philosophy, indefinite placement of the District of Columbia under martial law, expanded tax credits for green businesses, strengthened penalties for mishandling classified information, expansion of government surveillance programs and guaranteed immunity from prosecution for any laws violated by telecommunications corporations in the course of complying with these programs, reduction of the legal age for alcohol consumption to 18, mandatory minimum custodial sentences of 6 months for DUI convictions, and another war. Probably in Burma, or Thailand, or something.

I'd lower the age of consent to 14, round up all the fuckwit Redditors who disagree and put them up against the wall. Then I'd build a time machine so I can go back in time and do the same thing years earlier. So fucking tired of trying to make willfully uninformed retards understand logic.


I'd keep congress around in something of a ceremonial role so that they can relay their constituents' concerns to me, but I'd probably also establish a privy council of the upper upper bourgeoisie to advise me on public policy.

Being this sucdem

forced nudity

Boy do you have low expectations, comrade.

It's not like I could really risk going hard neocon unless my bourgeois privy council told me to.