/polk/ here, if you guys hate capitalist so much why don't you also hate jews? Jews own the US federal reserve...

/polk/ here, if you guys hate capitalist so much why don't you also hate jews? Jews own the US federal reserve, the most important bank in the west, they also own every centralized bank in the world which means that of all centralized bankers, 97% of them are jewish. Also jews makes up 44% of the 1% you people despise so greatly and also are the highest earning ethnic group in the US, followed by asians then whites.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why would we despise rich people?

Why would Holla Forums hate their parents and aunts and uncles?

Stop being a faggot and join the nazbol gang

1. Zionistas are only part of the problem

2. Cite some sources for your numbers

3. NazBol will always be more Dank than NS tho I'm sad for u that u got Jammed up with 6 Dillion, etc.


Nice spook but capitalism isn't unique to one ethnicity or religion. The issue is with the capitalist class, not their identity.

The same reason we dont hate whites because muh imperialism, you bizzaro sjw fucktard.



It's common knowledge that the Rothchilds (jew) owns the US federal reserve and the fact that they own 400 trillion in assets assumes they own pretty much every other important central bank in the world, if not them the Rockefellers have the rest.

forgot to take off the shitposting flag

But you can't treat the symptoms (Zionism) without treating the disease (Capitalism)


You do realise most Jews aren't bourgeois, right? Also your statistic is made up anyway. On top of this why would you believe the Jewish lie that Jew is a race? That is just shit they say to push a Zionist agenda.

It would make sweet fuck all difference if they were black or white. The jewish worker is our comrade, the jewish bourg belongs in the morgue.

Also nice unsourced infograph you got there you faggot.

Unless said jewish worker is a cucked zionist who thinks his overlords share his interests because they too are jews.
Just like any other kind of reactionaries.


here is a list of the ten richest people on earth officially at least
all of them are men
8 of them are American
most of them are white (maybe all of them depending on your definition)
2 of them are jews

If that two of them are jews means that we should hate all jews, why should we then not hate all whites, all americans, and all men?
The enemy is not specific groups of people, but the system and all those individuals that seek to defend it. Hate no one but the system, strike down everyone that stand in your way.

Capitalism is inherently flawed, regardless of whatever convoluted abstractions are layered on for the sake of exploitation.


Also, it's actually the Irish.

It's not like feudalism - you can kill all the bourgs you want it won't get rid of capitalism.
And I don't see why I should be any more or less assmad at Jewish bourgs compared to non Jewish ones.

Never let the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Anglo🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧into your head

Imagine thinking that is how banks work.


It's about ethics in journalism

Why don't we eliminate people based on their value as in individual instead of their race.
If 49% of the people involved are jews then idgaf.



How don't you know that quote was actually a lie the Jews made him say to trick you

go away idiot

even if you removed all the jewish capitalists and replaced them with white ones you have to be naive to think they wouldn't fuck over the working class

Why do you people respond? This guy isn't even a lolcow.

Don't you get that their entire ideologie is made by and spread by Jews. Of course they won't rebel against the hand that feeds them. Just leave them, let them keep thinking its the white gentiles that are keeping them down, they love being good goys.

pretty rich coming from zionist neocons LARPing as nazis

I don't like either group tbh. Although the thing that pisses me off about Holla Forums is that they acknowledge the JQ but refuse to acknowledge that capitalism itself is a very Jewish system. Here's some redpills for you m8.

We hate the elite Jewish capitalists just as much as you do. I assume your problem is with the Jewish bankers and media moguls not the guy who owns a falaffel stand. Here is my counter-question for you; if you hate ultra-rich Jewish bankers so much why wouldn't you expand this to a more general hatred of the parasite class ie the owners of industry, natural resources, bankers etc.

Source on this it doesn't really seem accurate. Jews play an integral role in running the US and global financial system, but they have plenty of Goy conspirators. Even if you killed all the Jews the fed and exploitative financial structures would still be in place because they are vital to the operation of global capitalism. I don't really see why it would be so much better for me to be oppressed and ruled over by another anglo-saxon. We want to destroy capitalism and its defenders not shuffle around the races of people at the top, thats more what Holla Forums and SJWs are into.

Literally SJW logic. "Men earn more than Women therefore all men are evil oppressors which is an expression of their toxic masculinity."

That source is bullshit 35% of American billionaires are Jews. Also 75% of Jews arent even millionaires so your effort to paint them as uniformly bourgeois is idiotic.


I hope you shill this stuff on Holla Forums regularly, good shit.

I've got a whole folder full of this stuff specifically for Holla Forums.

dropping more redpills.

I hate jews

are the rothschilds jewish?
pretty sure that's bs


I stand corrected.
But hey, can't blame jews for being bankers when christian monarchs would go out and intentionally hire and fund them to use a loophole to avoid usury

the talmud condones thievery and usury against gentiles and sees them as slaves for the jews, it's the ultimate bourgeois religion

though hinduism is a close number 2 with it's literally fascist caste system

Not everyone here on this board has the same ideology. This should be obvious. Personally I hate jewish culture, but I doubt that there’s any Jewish genes that make them more greedy than other people. Theme being more likely to be rich is probably just culture.